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Saint Petersburg State University
Faculty of Economics
Module Specification
Basic module information
Module title
Module code
Credit points
Duration (hours)
World Economy
7. Overview and Aims
Overview: The module deals with investigation of national and international regulatory
institutional framework, general trends and main focuses of economic regulation in general,
regulation of international economic cooperation in particular; changing limits and possibilities
of regulation being perceived in historical retrospective as well as in different economic
Aims: - to clarify interrelation between various instruments and components in state regulation
of international economic transactions;
- to analyze limits, costs and benefits of different regulatory instruments and policies;
- to discuss major processes and factors generating transformation of the state as national
economic regulator starting from the end of world war II;
- to review main evolution stages of theoretical approaches towards state regulation of
international economic cooperation.
8. Module Content
Topic 1. State as an institution of regulation
Nature of the state as an economic agent. Alternative approaches towards interpretation of role
and significance the state has as a public institution. The reason making government intervention
into international economic co-operation necessary. National level in macro-economic regulation
of international economic co-operation. Inter- and supra-national sublevels in regulation of
international economic co-operation.
Topic 2. National regulator in a changing environment.
Alternative approaches towards changing limits and possibilities of government regulation.
Factors supporting gradual growth in scale and scope of regulating activities. Regional economic
integration and transformation of government intervention. Economic internationalisation and
globalisation as a factor generating contraction of government regulation. “Information society”
and its impact on scale and scope of regulating activities. Myth of a “powerless state”. Concept
of regulatory dialectics. Long cycles in international economic cooperation.
Topic 3. State regulation of international economic co-operation from different theoretical
Mercantilism as a first theoretical foundation of an active protectionist policy. Young and
mature mercantilism. D.Hume and his criticism of mercantilism. Classical school and
justification of free trade policy. Issue of government regulation of foreign trade in the mainstream post-classical theory (J.-B.Say, F.Bastiat, J.S.Mill). Government regulation in Marxist
theory. Keynesian approach towards government regulation of international economic cooperation. International economic co-operation in neoclassical economics. “New trade theory”.
Possible future developments.
9. Indicative Reading
Basic literature
Г.В.Атаманчук. Теория государственного управления. Курс лекций. Изд.2-е, дополн. М.:
Омега-Л, 2004.
А.М.Бабашкина Государственное регулирование национальной экономики. М., «Финасы
и статистика». 2003
Вехи экономической мысли. Т.6 Международная экономика. М.:ТЕИС 2006.
Сутырин С.Ф. Национальное государство как субъект управления процессом
экономической глобализации//Мировой общественный форум «Диалог
цивилизаций». Вестник. №1 2005.
Сутырин С.Ф.Соотношение регионального и глобального в межцивилизационном
взаимодействии//Вестник Санкт-Петербургского Университета. Серия 5.
Выпуск 1. Март 2006.
Sutyrin, Sergei F. International Trading System – Does it really represent a public good? World
Journal of Management & Economics 2008. Vol. 2. Issue 1
Sutyrin, Sergei F. Global Governance in Search of Sustainability: National State Perspective. In:
Economic Globalization and the Choice of Asia: Transition, Growth and Welfare.
Shanghai Forum 2008. Sub-Forum Economic Transformation for Asia: The
International Environment and Institutional Restructuring. Shanghai Forum
Organizing Committee, Fudan University. 2008.
Global Economic Prospects/ Managing the Next Wave of Globalization. The World Bank. Wash.
World Trade Report 2007. WTO. Geneva. 2007. II-B The Economics and Political Economy of
International Trade Cooperation.
Additional literature
Белл Д., Иноземцев В. Эпоха разобщенности. М. Журнал «Свободная мысль» 2007. Гл.5-7.
Иноземцев В.Л. Современное постиндустриальное общество: природа, противоречия,
перспективы. М. «Логос». 2000.
Кара-Мурза С.Г. Манипуляция сознанием. М. «Алгоритм». 2000.
Нордстрем Кьелл А., Риддерстралле Йонас. Бизнес в стиле фанк. Стокгольмская Школа
Экономики в Санкт-Петербурге. 2000.
Томас Фридман Плоский мир: краткая история ХХI века. М. 2006
Цыцырева А.Ю. Роль государства и международных организаций в глобализирующейся
системе регулирования мировой экономики. В кн.: Современное состояние и
перспективы развития международной торговой системы. Под ред.
В.И.Капусткина. СПб. ОЦиЭМ. 2004.
Эггертссон Трауинн Экономическое поведение и институты. Пер. с англ. М. Дело 2001.
Can Regional Integration Arrangements Enforce Trade Discipline? The Story of the EU
Enlargement. Ed. by Zdenek Drabek. Palgrave MacMillan. 2005. Part 1.
Governance in a Globalizing World. Ed. By Joseph S. Nye Jr., John D. Donahue. Brookings
Institution Press. Washington D.C. 2000.
Mendoza, Ronald U. The Multilateral Trade Regime: A Global Public Good for All? In:
Providing Global Public Goods: Managing Globalization. Ed. by Inge Kaul, Pedro
Conceiçâo, Kattel Le Goulven, Ronald U. Mendoza. Oxford Univ. Press. 2003.
Patterson, Dennis & Afilalo Ari The New Global Trading Order. The Evolving State and the
Future of Trade. Cambridge Univ. Press. 2008.
Stiglitz, Joseph E. Globalization and its discontents. W.W.Norton & Company. London, New
York. 2002.
Trade and Development Report 2006. UNCTAD. Geneva. 2006. Ch.4-6.
Trade and Development Report 2007. UNCTAD. Geneva. 2007. Ch.2-4.
10. Learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding. After studying this module students should be able to:
- know major theoretical approaches to the nature of the state as an institution specializing
on regulation of economic activities in general and external economic activities in particular;
- understand main factors influencing developments in scale and scope of government
- be aware of key trends in developments in scale and scope of government regulation with
respect to different country groups and various historical periods
Skills, qualities and attributes. After studying this module students should be able to:
- execute critical analysis of various existing opinions on necessity and possibility of
government intervention into the process of international economic cooperation;
- provide solid arguments to support various points of view on the issues under
- formulate and defend with solid arguments their own pint of view in oral and written
11. Teaching and learning
Range of modes of direct contact
This indicates the range of direct contact teaching and learning methods used on this module,
e.g. lectures, seminars
group presentations,
in-class discussions,
in-class written assignments
Total contact hours
Range of other learning methods
This indicates the range of other teaching and learning methods used on this module, e.g.
directed reading, research
preparation of presentations,
home written assignments
Total non-contact hours
12. Assessment methods
This indicates the type and weighting of assessment elements of the module
Weighting Type
Essay on one of 10 basic themes from Topic 3.
Participation in discussions, and presentations during classes,
in-class written assignments
Final writing examination both with opened questions
Diagnostic/formative assessment
This indicates if there are any assessments that do not contribute directly to the final module
Further information on assessment
This section provides further information on the module’s assessment where appropriate