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Darwin and Evolution online game!
Student note sheet
1. Open up the website:
or click the link from Moodle “Darwin and evolution online game”
2. Click on the link “Learn about Natural Selection”
3. Complete the following notes on Natural Selection
Part 1: Every _______________ exhibits __________________.
Darwin says: “Not all members within a ____________________ are exactly the _________. Individuals
frequently exhibit ____________________ in color, size, strength, etc. Some variation are subtle, others can
be more _________________.”
Part 2: Many _____________ are passed from parents to their _________________.
Darwin says: “You can see how this happens just by looking in the __________________. You may have
inherited your mother’s eye ______________, or your father’s _________________.”
Part 3: Life in the wild is ______________________, and organisms with the most beneficial traits will
prosper. This is commonly known as “____________________________________________________”
Darwin says: “If an organisms is born with _________________ that help it _______________ or attract
mates, it will likely produce more offspring than rivals without those _________________. Eventually,
beneficial _______________ can spread throughout a ____________________.”
4. Now click on the link to play the game, “ Who wants to live a million years?”
5. Did your species survive a million years? _______ yes or ________ no
6. Now let’s look at Charles Darwin’s Bio. Please click on the link next to quiz button that says
“Darwin’s BIO”…Lets take some notes
Charles Darwin was born in _________________ of _________ in Shrewsbury, England. He studied
__________________ at the University of Edinburgh in 1825 and later enrolled in ______________________
University in 1827 to study ___________________. From 1831 – 1836, Darwin journeyed aboard the HMS
________________ on a science expedition around the world and served as a __________________ on board.
In South America, he discovered many ________________ of extinct animals that were _________________ to
modern species.
Origin of Species
In _____________, the Beagle surveyed the __________________ ______________. It was here that Darwin
found many __________________ in plants and animals that eventually led to the formation of his
________________. In 1859, Darwin published “_____________________________________”, the book that
introduced the world to his theory of _______________________ selection. He died in _________.
Now lets test your knowledge and take the quiz. Please click on the quiz button
In the first part of the explanation for Darwin’s theory of natural selection, every species exhibits
a. The same traits
b. variations
c. colors
d. none of the above
2. What was the name of the ship that Darwin served as naturalist aboard from 1831 to 1836?
a. Indefatigable
b. Bugle
c. Sloop John B
d. Beagle
3. Natural selection is only one of the processes of evolution. What is one other process that can cause
change in a species over time?
a. Reproduction
b. disease
c. mutation
d. all of the above
4. A species of organism has survived in a mild environment for thousands of years. Suddenly, the
climate becomes much colder. Which of the following traits might help the species survive?
a. Thick fur
b. small size
c. short neck
d. all of the above
5. In 1835, Darwin studied variations in plants and animals on the Galapagos Islands. The islands are
located off the coast of what major continent?
a. North America
c. south America
c. Central America
6. Which of the following traits might be passed from parent to offspring but not necessarily be beneficial
to the survival of the species?
a. Eye color
b. long legs
c. large size
d. heightened senses
7. Part 3 of Darwin’s theory of natural selection states that life in the wild is competitive, and organisms
with the most beneficial traits will prosper. What is this commonly known as?
a. Survival of the strongest
c. survival of the fittest
b. Survival of the fattest
d. outwit. Outplay. Outlast
8. In what book did Darwin publish his main theories on evolutionary selection?
a. Descent of man
C. On Proper Selection
b. The DaVinci Code
d. Origin of Species
9. How do you get to Carnegie Hall?
a. Take the A train
b. Get on the bus, Gus
c. A slow boat to China
d. Practice
10. In the survival game, how long are you trying to keep your theoretical species alive and prospering?
a. 100,000 years
c. Three generations
b. Until it says stop
d. 1,000,000 years
Good Job!!! What was your score? ______________