Download Writing a paragraph to describe and support a particle model

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Writing a paragraph to describe and support a particle model
Need a topic sentence – tell s the main idea of the paragraph. This your claim – what are you trying to prove?
Describe the spacing of the particles in a gas and then in a liquid and solid.
The particles in a gas are far apart and the particles in a liquid and solid are
as close as they can get.
Detail Sentences – provide the evidence to support your claim. Describe
the observations and connect them to your claim.
Evidence – what happened when you compressed the gas?
Connection to your claim – how does your observation of the decrease of volume show that
the particles are far about?
Evidence – what happened when you tried to compress the liquid and solid?
Connection to your claim – how does your observation of the constant volume (or no change
in volume) show that the particles are far about?
Need a concluding sentence to wrap it up. Summarize the main point and bring the paragraph to a close.
Particle spacing distinguishes gases from liquids and solids, but not liquids and solids from each other.
The freedom of movement of the particles account for the difference between solids and liquids.
Note: This concluding sentence summarizes the paragraph and leads us to the
next paragraph about freedom of movement.
Writing a paragraph to describe and support the particle model
Need a topic sentence – tell s the main idea of the paragraph. This your claim – what are you trying to prove?
Describe the particles’ freedom of movement in a liquid and a gas and then in a solid.
Detail Sentences – provide the evidence to support your claim. Describe
the observations and connect them to your claim.
Evidence – what happens when you put a liquid or gas into a new container with a different
Connection to your claim – how does your observation of the liquid and gas taking the shape
of the container show that particles are free to move?
Evidence – what happens to the shape of solid placed into a new container?
Connection to your claim – how does your observation that a solid keeps it shape show that
the particles of the solid are not free to move?
Need a concluding sentence to wrap it up. Summarize the main point and bring the paragraph to a close.
Particles are free to move to new locations in both a ______________ and _______________. But the
particles in the gas are _______________ and the particles in the liquid are ______________________.
In a solid, the particles are in _____________________ and ___________________________.