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Multicultural Counseling
Assistant Professor Michele Mallett
Fellowship of Christian Counselors
February 9, 2007
Define multiculturalism
Theory related to multicultural counseling
Multicultural counseling as a professional
Cultural competence
Tasks of the multicultural counselor
Barriers to multicultural counseling
Defining Multiculturalism
Multiculturalism—the professional disposition
to acknowledge and appreciate cultural
People vary by gender, race, ethnicity, religion, ability,
sexual orientation, social class, age, national origin,
and unique experiences over the course of life.
Putting Culture in Context
Encompasses a collective reality of a group of
people that results in attitudes, behaviors, and
Counseling has traditionally be a professional
discipline representative of European and European
American culture.
Culture as Ethnicity
Dynamics considered in culturally responsive counseling
Relationship between ethnic identity and
Degree of acculturation
Strong sense of ethnic identity/high degree of
Weak sense of ethnic identity/high degree of acculturation
Strong sense of ethnic identity/low degree of
Weak sense of ethnic identity/low degree of acculturation
Culture as Ethnicity
• Language
• Mastery of language implies mastery of culture
• Kinship influences
• Immediate and extended family, friends, or
community cultural resources
• Sex role socialization
• Awareness of how gender based differences
play into decision making and problem
Culture as Ethnicity
• Religious/spiritual influence
• Immigration experience
• Forced separation from homeland and family;
stress to conform to the dominant culture
• Historical hostility
• Long term pattern of exploitation and
oppression; can manifest in hostility to helper
and helping process
Theory related to
multicultural counseling
Cultural Identity Development
Members of a particular
cultural group go through
different stages or
statuses marked by
different attitudes toward
their own and other
cultural groups
Attitudes and behaviors
are the result of a
cognitive and emotional
process surrounding
relationship to their own
cultural group
The relationship one has
with those in their own
cultural group determines
their relationship to other
cultural groups
Racial identity is a group
collective identity based
on common heritage with
that group
Adapting to Dominant Culture
Individuals choose to deal with living in the
dominant culture that is different from their own
Moving toward
Moving against
Moving away
Adapting to Dominant Culture
Lack of identification with the dominant culture
may result in:
• Isolation
• Passivity
• Increased stress
• Anxiety
• Depression
Constructivism vs. Social
Constructivism—understanding of another
must access the meaning associated with a
particular action and the meaning being
understood within context.
Counselor must interpret within context within culture
in which client functions
Social construction focus is on mutually-agreed
upon meaning of a particular group and their
role in shaping individual constructions.
Constructivism vs. Social
Access the meaning clients give to experiences within
their culture
There are multiple truths, meanings, and constructions
and one story is not considered truth over another.
Counseling is an effort to construct meanings that can
provide for more cultural harmony.
Constructivism vs. Social
Social construction
• Society has constructed the concept of race, has
created a finite number of racial categories based on
certain physical characteristics, and has agreed that
these socially constructed categories are biologically
rather than culturally determined.
Social differences may change over time because
they are socially constructed and inaccurate therefore
subject to change.
Meaning and values given to physical attributes of skin
Multicultural Counseling as a
Professional Discipline
Traditional counseling theory enriched by
notion that cultural differences are real and
must be actively considered in mental health
International perspective on counseling as a
force in human development
Multicultural Counseling as a
Professional Discipline
Social responsibility of counselors and the
need to consider negative effects of
oppression on culturally diverse groups.
• Problems may lie in intolerant or restrictive
Counselors are called upon to be agents of
systemic change
Multicultural Counseling as a
Professional Discipline
Emergence of a new type of counselor. One
who has the awareness, knowledge, and skill
to intervene successfully in diverse clients
• Considers the client’s experiences as well as
his/her own personal experiences.
Multicultural Counseling as a
Professional Discipline
Multiculturalism can contribute to counseling
by clarifying
How culture shapes the behavior of all human beings
How cultural norms, values, and expectations
contribute to the problems for which people seek
How each culture develops institutions and
mechanisms to help individuals deal with such
How special problems arise in a multicultural society
How these problems can be addressed
Cultural Competence—Self
How do you define
What is your style of
problem solving?
Which characteristics
do you view as
strengths and which
as weaknesses?
Attitudes and beliefs about
others values and
Spirituality and the role
religion plays in your life
Value place on
individualism, family, and
Comfort with certain topics
How is respect
demonstrated and who and
what is entitled to respect?
Own internalized social
Cultural Competence
Understanding cultural differences
• Learning more about the reality of client’s lives
• Understand that values vary among individuals
and variations may be influenced by a person’s
identity or membership in a group experience.
• Becoming knowledgeable about different groups
Cultural Competence
Don’t assume that ethnic identity tells you anything
about the person
Question what you “know” about a client from a
different culture and test it with each person
Sensitivity to the intracultural experience as opposed
to intercultural overcomes the danger of
Questioning competence in working with culturally
diverse clients
Focusing on cultural dissimilarities may accentuate
human differences and have the potential for
fostering renewed forms of intolerance.
Assumptions that all people from a specific cultural
group are the same and one approach is applicable
in all situations
Lack of ethical guidelines in working with culturally
diverse clients.
Being unaware of cultural dynamics and their impact
on psychosocial development.
Counseling profession not highly valued or seen as a
valid helping resource among certain groups of
Moving beyond awareness and knowledge to actual
Perception of counseling as a tool of oppression and
social control (forced rather than a voluntary
Tasks of the multicultural
Build a Relationship
Why Build a Relationship?
To discover the issues related to the person’s area of
diversity and how they deal with those issues.
To increase awareness of their own prejudice,
stereotypes and bias.
Build a Relationship
Achieving a Balanced Relationship
Factors that affect the process
Preconceived perceptions of roles
Values and beliefs concerning power and status
The ability of both parties to identify and appreciate
each other’s strengths
The ability of both parties to accept and respect
Build a Relationship
Achieving a Balanced Relationship
Factors that affect the process (cont’d)
The ability to overcome judgmental interpretations
regarding weaknesses perceived in each other.
The ability to demonstrate an understanding of the
dynamics of powerlessness and its consequences.
Counseling Relationships
Gather information from a variety of sources to gain
an understanding about the culture
Teach how to cope effectively with feeling isolated in
mainstream America or rejected by their own culture
Support by providing an avenue to express feelings
and handle emotional responses to assimilating to
new culture
Counseling Relationships
Build a trusting relationship
Facilitate mentoring relationship particularly
with children
Group counseling may be effective because of
sense of community
Family counseling may be effective due to
family being a major part of psychosocial
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Das, Ajit K. Rethinking Multicultural Counseling: Implication for
Counselor Education. Journal of Counseling and Development,
07489633, Sept/Oct 95, Vol. 74 Issue 1 retrieved from
Academic Search Premier June 29, 2005.
Lee, C.C. (1997). Multicultural Issues in Counseling: New
Approaches to Diversity. 2nd ed. Alexandria. Va. American
Counseling Association.
Sciarra, Daniel T. (1999). Multiculturalism in Counseling.
Itasaca, Illinois. F. E. Peacock Publishers, Inc.