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Pre-Test Outcome 8: Astronomy
Base your answer to the question on the diagram below, which represents eight positions of the
Moon in its orbit around Earth. The table below above times of ocean tides on March 4 for a city
on the Atlantic coast of the United States.
1. Determine the time when the next low tide occurred. Include a.m. or p.m. in your answer, if
2. Explain why the Moon’s gravity has a greater effect on Earth’s ocean tides than the Sun’s
3. Using the terms rotation and revolution, explain why the same side of the Moon always faces Earth.
4. On the diagram above, circle the position of the Moon where a solar eclipse is possible.
Base your answer to the question 5-9 on the side-view model of the solar system below and on
your knowledge of Earth science. The planets are shown in their relative order of distance from
the Sun. Letter A indicates one of the planets.
5. Identify the process that occurs within the Sun that converts mass into large amounts of
6. Calculate how many times larger the equatorial diameter of the Sun is than the equatorial diameter of
7. How many million years ago did Earth and the solar system form?
8. State the period of rotation at the equator of planet A. Label your answer with the correct units.
9. The center of the asteroid belt is approximately 503 million kilometers from the Sun. On the diagram
above, draw an X on the model between two planets to indicate the center of the asteroid belt.
Base your answer to question 10 on the diagram below and on your knowledge of Earth science.
The diagram represents the Moon at different positions, labeled A, B, C, and D, in its orbit
around Earth.
10. At which two Moon positions would an observer
on Earth most likely experience the highest high tides
and the lowest low tides?
(1) A and B
(2) B and C
(3) C and A
(4) D and B
11. Which star is more massive than our Sun, but has
a lower surface temperature?
(1) 40 Eridani B
(2) Sirius
(3) Aldebaran
(4) Barnard’s Star
12. Which evidence best supports the theory that the universe was created by an explosion called
the Big Bang?
(1) impact craters found on Earth
(2) cosmic background radiation
(3) the different compositions of terrestrial and Jovian planets
(4) the blue shift of light from distant galaxies
Base your answer to question 13 on the flowchart below and on your knowledge of Earth
science. The flowchart shows the evolution of stars.
13. Describe how the diameter and luminosity of a main sequence star change as the star
becomes either a giant or a supergiant.
14. Identify the force responsible for the contraction of a nebula (a gas cloud of molecules) to
form a protostar.
15. Explain how we know that the universe is expanding.
16. Predictable changes in the direction of swing of a Foucault pendulum provide evidence that
(1)Earth is tilted on its axis
(2) Earth rotates on its axis
(3) Earth’s orbit is slightly elliptical
(4) Earth’s magnetic poles reverse over time
17. Which motion causes some constellations to be visible in New York State only during winter
nights and other constellations to be visible only during summer nights?
(1) Stars in constellations revolve around Earth.
(2) Stars in constellations revolve around the Sun.
(3) Earth revolves around the Sun.
(4) Earth rotates on its axis
18. The terrestrial planets differ from the Jovian planets because the terrestrial planets are
(1) less dense and larger
(2) less dense and smaller
(3) more dense and larger
(4) more dense and smaller
19. This object orbits Earth in both the Earth-centered (geocentric) and Sun-centered
(heliocentric) models of our solar system?
(1) the Moon
(2) Venus
(3) the Sun
(4) Polaris
Base your answer to question 20 on the diagram below and on your knowledge of Earth science.
The diagram represents eight numbered positions of the Moon in its orbit around Earth.
20. Which phase of the Moon will be observed in New York State when the Moon is at position 8?