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December 5-6, 2016 • LONDON
AI nfluence
State that would
stop or slow
down the AI
revolution would
put its
at risk.
E Julien
Co-founder & CEO,
Embracing automation
will force companies
to adapt and evolve toward
more flexible and always
moving structures.
October 6, 2016
But we should consider it
as a generous and positive
evolution of the individual.
We will never let AI replace
humans and act alone in jobs
or position where responsible
actions need to be taken; we
can handle human mistakes
but not the machine’s. How
would you react to a plane
crash if the pilot was a robot?
The unprecedented rise of artificial intelligence
and automation is challenging the competitiveness of every industry across the world,
offering to all the leaders the opportunity to
make their existing processes and businesses
more efficient! Even more, we can now be
able to predict that the next decade is going
to be mark by an endless wave of disruptions,
giving to the AI’s companies the potential to
become tomorrow’s leaders. In order to explore
the unlimited potential of AI market and
understand how companies are implementing
AI in their businesses, the editorial team of AI
Europe has been thrilled to interview a major
leader of this cognitive industry: Julien Hobeika,
Co-founder & CEO of JULIE DESK
What is your vision and
analyze of the AI market’s
maturity today? Which
perspectives of evolution
in the next decade?
It’s a fast-developing market
with an incremental potential!
Most of people fear AI;
we often hear that it will
destroy job and the model
of society in which we live.
Machines can learn tons
of things and process data
faster than any human would
ever do, and its capabilities
will increase exponentially
in the next decades. But the
emotions driving our decisions,
our motivations, our willingness to grow and surpass
ourselves define our humanity.
That’s what differentiate us.
AI should assist human
in what they do, without
being an entirely autonomous
system, to free us from repetitive and methodic tasks
and help us develop
our « human capital ».
Who are the AI’s early
adopter? Which industries
and why?
Today, we see AI in several
domain of expertise, from
finance, to legal services
or medicine. Powerful algorithms simplify and improve
the decision process as we
can analyze more and more
data (faster and faster).
At Julie Desk, in our early
adopters we have some who
are techno friendly and kind
to test new things, like an AI
personal assistant. But others
are not « geeks », but they
have identified a pain point,
like scheduling meetings,
and agree with AI’s promise:
save time and ease life!
How do you think that AI is
going to impact and disrupt
the economy?
AI will definitely disrupt
our society and economy:
the way we learn, we work
and live will be impacted.
Embracing automation will
force companies (and their
employees) to adapt and
evolve toward more flexible
and always moving structures.
Public actors, State, have
the responsibility to prepare
this (rapid and ongoing)
transition, and accept it:
a State that would stop
or slow down the innovation
would put its country at risk.
Can you establish for
the AI Europe community,
a picture of how, nowadays,
companies are implementing the AI technology
in their businesses?
There are 2 kinds of applications:
• Processing a huge amount
of data, in short time, to
help in the decision making
process. For instance,
a competitive analysis
or benchmark in finance.
• Handle time-consuming
and repetitive tasks
to simplify our daily life
and work, like Julie Desk!
There is no replacement
of human: just systems that
allow human to go faster
and spend time on things
that really matter and where
they can bring value.
How AI technologies are
going to impact the companies’ business models?
Which opportunities
for the executives?
Companies will evolve
towards flexible structures.
Monopoly situations won’t
exist anymore. And employees will have to keep
learning and developing
their competencies as
they’ll become obsolete.
AI is the opportunity
to release ourselves from
repetitive and boring tasks
to focus on interesting
and rewarding jobs.
The technology should adapt to us,
not the opposite and that’s exactly what AI
and conversational technologies do.
Are all industries concerned
by this cognitive revolution?
What will happen if they do
not invest on AI?
Yes, it definitely concerns all
industries. Imagine a company
that wouldn’t want to use
a spreadsheet and keep doing
all its calculation manually:
everyone would agree it’s
stupid and counterproductive!
That’s exactly the same here
with AI. We have to see
it as a positive evolution
that can’t be ignore.
Which governance around
AI in the organization?
Is it going to be the Chief
Data Officer responsibility?
Can we expect the creation
of a Chief AI Officer?
AI impact all industries,
companies and departments.
It can’t be handle by just one
person. The way we work
and define our jobs evolves:
look at the job offers Google
posts every week and you’ll
notice that new jobs appear
all the time! Everyone will
create his own job based on
his abilities. AI has to be seen
globally as a way to improve
work condition, employee’s
life and productivity.
People won’t only be recruited alone as they will start
to bring their « own intelligent
agent » into their organization:
an agent to schedule their
meetings, another to manage
their budget, to generate reporting … AI agent will be part
of the « Bring your own
technology » policy.
and can’t be messed up.
That’s why we have a fully
supervised artificial intelligence.
It reassures our users and avoid
any risk of misunderstandings;
humans can take over Julie.
Can you present to the AI
Europe Community your
company and solution?
How much time do you
spend a week scheduling
meetings? Julie Desk is
an AI-based virtual assistant
who schedules all your meetings. Julie schedules, cancels,
postpones, sends invites
and creates events in your
calendar. She can also book
restaurants for your business
lunches. There is nothing
to download or install, you
just need to send an email
to Julie and she will converse
in natural language with
your contacts, and handle
all the back-and-forth emails
until they find a date that
suits everyone. Meanwhile
you can focus on things
that really matter!
Julie knows and adapts to
your preferences and habits
regarding meetings, in order
to book them exactly how
you would have done it.
She is 24/7 supervised by
human operators to guarantee a high level services.
Julie’s employers save about
one hour per day! What about
you? What would you do
with one more hour a day?
What are your main clients’
expectations about AI?
Our clients have a pain
point they want to resolve
(here meeting scheduling).
They except AI to be simple:
using an application, a software
requires to learn a new interface
and adapt the way we work.
The technology should adapt
to us, not the opposite
and that’s exactly what AI
and conversational technologies do.
But they don’t completely
trust machines, and they are
right: machines can make
mistakes and as we’ve seen
we better accept human than
machine’s mistakes. Business
calendars are important
Which advices would you
give to a company that wish
to launch its first AI project?
Don’t invest in AI to invest
in AI. First, identify a problem
you’d like to solve. Once you’ve
your problem you’d be able
to test different solutions
and AI may be one of them.
Why do you think AI Europe
is a good opportunity
for companies?
AI is not just another technical
subject; it will directly impact
the model of our society
and redefine the way we work
and how all companies are
organized. In that sense,
it’s essential that the technical
and business world meet
to discuss together opportunities that AI brings us. An event
like AI Europe makes it happen!
And it makes sense that such
events are organized in Europe,
and not only on the other side
of the ocean, as we see that
Europe is becoming a key
leader in AI.
AI EUROPE 2016 is the premier European conference & exhibition that
will highlight the tremendous business opportunities AI is bringing.
Within two days of high-level, practical discussions and network with 1000+
leading business strategists, decision-makers, practitioners, IT providers,
and visionary start-ups,
This trendsetter event will expose you to a world of endless opportunities!
Get ready for the new revolution and book your spot at the European AI