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This is your Social Studies Study Guide
Starting with p. 28 in your SS text: You should know and understand:
People adapt by fitting their way of life to their physical environment.
1) adapt to climate and weather (know the difference between the two)
2) adapt to landforms
3) adapt to natural resources found in their areas
People modify, or change the physical environment to suite their lifestyles.
1) Panama Canal 1914 – why created, what was the direct result
2) St. Lawrence River 1959 – channels and locks created to help transportation
3) Hoover Dam 1936 one of world’s largest dams, created to provide ample
water for cities, towns, and farms, also to provide electricity.
pg. 36 & 37, 38 & 39, 40
Understand and explain migration – why do people leave one area for another?
Understand difference between immigration (into) and emigration (exit from)
Understand that as people move, their ideas and culture move with them
Understand that technology has helped speed up the movement of ideas
(telegraph, telephone, internet)
pg. 48 & 49, 51 - 58
Understand and be able to explain fully the “Land Bridge Theory”. Be prepared to
use a map to illustrate how humans crossed the Bering Strait on an exposed land
bridge and migrated into North and Central America.
Early Peoples – Be prepared to discuss fully one “tribe” of ancient North
American people. You will use your notes created in class. (Focus on Aztec or
Understand and be able to explain fully what civilization was like in North and
Central America when Europeans first arrived.
Understand what BC and AD mean when talking about history. (Before Christ,
Anno Domini = In the year of our Lord, NOT after Death)
Modern Peoples – Be prepared to discuss fully one “tribe” of modern day North
American people. You will use your notes created in class. (Focus on your tribe,
since you probably know that one best)
Understand what the Iroquois Confederation was. (p. 52)
***We will fill in the cause and effect box chains at the end of this document. Do
not write or draw in them, please. ;)
pg. 60 – 64
 Understand and be prepared to write about Prince Henry the Navigator, his
school, and new technology of the time that sped up the Age of Exploration.
(more accurate maps, compass, astrolabe, chronometer, faster, lighter, and safer
ships called caravels)
 Understand European motivations for exploration – 3G’s – Gold, God, Glory.
What do those mean?
 Understand what is meant by the New World and the Old World.
 Big Idea – Understand that Columbus did not “discover” America. There were
multiple thriving civilizations in North America when he landed.
 Understand who the Conquistadores were and why the large Aztec population
was so easily conquered by Hernándo Cortes. Be prepared to explain 1 causeeffect relationship of this encounter.
 Understand who missionaries were, and why they created missions.
 Understand that other European nations quickly got on board with the
explorations. England, France, Spain, the Dutch, and Portugal were the main
ones. Spain was the biggest “land grabber”
pg. 65 – 71
 Understand that the “mother country” – those European nations that sent
explorers – set up new colonies to exploit the natural resources found in the New
World. Some colonies were successful, some not so much.
 You do not need to know exact dates and names. The big ideas are more
important to a larger understanding of history. You should be familiar with
vocabulary and names of explorers after your study of this unit, but you can
always google a fact if you need exact information.