* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
LOCATION – WHERE IS IT? Every place on Earth has a location. There are two types of location: absolute location and relative location. Absolute location is the exact spot on Earth where something is found. Lines of latitude and longitude are used to measure a global address of a particular place. Example: Paris, the capital of France, is located at 49 N 2 E. A street address is also an example of absolute location. Example: 12 Scott Circle, Hanscom AFB, MA 01731 Relative location is the position of a place in relation to other places. It explains the approximate location of a place. Example: HMS is located next to the Youth Center and across the street from the Base Pool. Example: Hanscom AFB is located west of Boston off Routes 2A and 128 and borders Lincoln, Bedford, Concord and Lexington. PLACE – WHAT PHYSICAL OR HUMAN CHARACTERISTICS SET ONE PLACE APART FROM ANOTHER PLACE? Every place on Earth has special physical and human characteristics or features that make it different from every other place on Earth. Physical Characteristics or Features include climate, vegetation, landforms, bodies of water, and wildlife. Human Characteristics or Features include language, religion, culture and customs, politics and government, skin tone, facial features, music, food, architecture and landmarks. REGION – WHAT COMMON PHYSICAL AND HUMAN FEATURES UNIFY A GROUP OF PLACES? A region is a group of places that share a common physical or human characteristic or feature. Regions may be large areas of land united by a common land feature such as the Rocky Mountain region of the United States. Other regions may be much smaller in size, such as Chinatown in NYC which is united by a common human characteristic – culture. The same physical and human characteristics or features used to describe place are also used to identify region. The same place may be found in more than one region. For example, Hawaii is in the political region of the US, but it is also located in a tropical climatic region. HUMAN-ENVIRONMENT INTERACTION – HOW DO PEOPLE ADAPT/CHANGE/DEPEND ON THE ENVIRONMENT? Human-Environment Interaction focuses upon the relationship between people and their environment. Environment affects how people live, work, dress, travel, eat and communicate. People adapt to their environment by wearing light weight clothing during hot summer months. People change their environment by cutting down trees to build roads. People depend upon their environment by using water from lakes and rivers to irrigate their farms. Interdependence is the dependence of countries on goods and resources from other parts of the world. MOVEMENT – HOW AND WHY DO PEOPLE, GOODS AND IDEAS MOVE FROM PLACE TO PLACE? Movement helps to trace the movement of people, goods, and ideas from one location to the next. Migration, commuting to work and school, and traveling on vacation are examples of human movement. Trade which involves the exporting and importing of products, food, and raw materials are examples of movement of goods. Cell phones, internet, newspaper, books, television, fax and radio are some examples of how ideas are “moved” or communicated around the world.