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: T0604-Pengantar Teknologi Informasi
: 2008
: 2.0/0.0
Pertemuan 14
Komunikasi, Jaringan, &
Pengamanannya (Lanjutan)
Chapter 6. Communications,
Networks, & Safeguards, p.309
Williams, B.K, Stacy C. Sawyer (2007).
Using Information Technology: A
Practical Introduction to Computers &
Communications. Seventh Edition,
McGraw-Hill, New York. ISBN-13: 978-007-110768-6
Learning Outcomes
Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa
akan mampu :
• menjelaskan kegunaan dan jenis-jenis
media komunikasi nirkabel, ancaman dan
pengamanan jaringan, serta teknologi
komunikasi di masa depan (C2)
Outline Materi
• Wireless Communications Media
• Cyberthreats, Hackers, & Safeguards
• The Future of Communications
Wireless Communications Media
• Electromagnetic spectrum of radiation is the basis of all
telecommunications signals
– Includes the longest radio waves (9 kHz) and audio waves (sound),
up through gamma rays that come from nuclear decay (thousands of
– Radio-frequency spectrum is the part of the electromagnetic
spectrum that we use for radio communication
Wireless Communications Media
• Narrowband (or Voiceband)
– Used for regular telephone communications
– Transmission rate < 100 kilobits per second
• Medium Band
– Used for long-distance data transmission or to connect
mainframe and midrange computers
– Transmission rate 100 kb to 1 megabit per second
• Broadband
– For high-speed data and high-quality audio and video
– Transmission rate 1 megabit per second to 100 megabits
per second
• US households get 4 – 5 MB while Japanese get 100
MB per second
Wireless Communications
• Infrared Transmission
– Sends signals using infrared light
– Frequencies are too low to see (1-4 Mbits per
• Broadcast Radio
– AM/FM, CB, ham, cellphones, police radio
– Sends data over long distances using a transmitter
and a receiver
• Microwave Radio
– Superhigh frequency radio waves (1 gigahertz)
– Requires line-of-sight transmitters and receivers
• Communications Satellites
Communications Media
• Communications Satellites
– These are microwave relay stations in orbit around the earth
- Uplinking: transmitting a signal from ground station to a satellite
– Cover broad service area
– Cost $300 million to $700 million each + launch costs
– Can be placed at different heights: GEO, MEO, LEO
• GEO – geostationary earth orbit
– 22,300 miles up above earth
– Always above equator
• MEO – medium-earth orbit
– 5,000 – 10,000 miles up
• LEO – low-earth orbit
– 200 – 1,000 miles up
– Has less signal delay than GEO, MEO satellites
Wireless Communications Media
• Global Positioning System
– 24 earth-orbiting satellites continuously transmitting
timed radio signals
– Each satellite circles earth twice each day at 11,000
miles up
– GPS receivers pick up transmissions from up to 4
satellites and pinpoint the receiver’s location
– Accurate within 3 – 50 feet, with a norm of 10 feet
– GPS receivers contain map files that are displayed
based on the GPS position to guide users
– Many GPS receivers have speech chips, too
Wireless Communications Media
One-way Pagers
• One-way pagers are radio receivers that receive
data sent from a special radio transmitter
– Radio transmitter sends out signals over the special
– Pagers are tuned to that frequency
– When a particular pager hears its own code, it
receives and displays the message
Discussion Question: Why do airplane rules require you to turn off pagers and
cellphones during flight?
Answer: Pilots use radar and radio to determine their position and
communicate with ground control. Pager and cellphone signals use radio, too,
and competing signals can interfere with each other
Wireless Communications Media
Long-Distance Wireless
• Two-way pagers: Blackberry and Treo
• 1G: First Generation Cellular
– Analog cellphones
– Designed for voice communication using a system of
hexagonal ground-area cells around transmitterreceiver cell towers
– Good for voice – less effective for data due to
handing off
• 2G: Second Generation Cellular
– Use same network of cell towers to send voice and
data in digital form over the airwaves
– Required digital receivers on original analog
Wireless Communications Media
2G Wireless
• There are two competing, incompatible
– CDMA – Code Division Multiple Access
• Transmission rates 14.4 kilobits per second
• Used by Verizon and Sprint
– GSM – Global System for Mobile Communications
• Transmission rates of 9.6 kilobits per second
• Used by Cingular and T-Mobile, as well as Western Europe,
Middle East and Asia
• US GSM and European GSM use different frequencies
Wireless Communications Media
2.5G Wireless
• Data speeds of 300–100 kilobits per
– GPRS – General Packet Radio Service
• An upgrade to 2.5G
• Speeds of 30 – 50 kilobits per second
– EDGE is Enhanced Data for Global Evolution
• A different 2.5G upgrade
• Speeds of up to 236 kilobits per second
Wireless Communications Media
3G Wireless
• Third generation wireless
– High speed data: 144 kilobits per second up to 2
megabits per second
– Accept e-mail with attachments
Question: If your
cellphone can
– Display color video and still pictures
download and
– Play music
play music, do
you still need an
– Two important upgrades:
• EV-DO – Evolution Data Only
– Average speeds of 400 – 700 kilobits per second, peaks of 2
megabits per second
• UMTS – Universal Mobile Telecommunications System
– Average speed of 220 – 320 kilobits per second
Wireless Communications Media
Short-range Wireless
• Local Area Networks
– Range 50 – 150 feet
– Include Wi-Fi (802.11) type networks
• Personal Area Networks
– Range 30 – 32 feet
– Use Bluetooth, Ultra wideband, and wireless
• Home Automation networks
– Range 100 – 250 feet
– Use Insteon, Zigbee, and Z-Wave standards
Wireless Communications Media
Short-range Wireless
• Wi-Fi (802.11) networks
Wi-Fi b, a, and g correspond to 802.11b, 802.11a, and 802.11g
802.11 is an IEEE wireless technical specification
802.11b is older, transmits 11 megabits per second
802.11a is faster than b but with weaker security than g
802.11g is 54 megabits per second and transmits 50 ft
Wi-Fi n with MIMO extends range of Wi-Fi using multiple
transmitting and receiving antennas – 200 megabits per second
for up to 150 ft
• Warning! Security is disabled by default on Wi-Fi
Wireless Communications Media
Short-range Wireless
• Wi-Fi Security
– Why is it disabled by default?
• So non-technical users can get Wi-Fi working more easily
– Why should this bother me?
• A person with a $50 antenna can eavesdrop on everything
your computer sends over wireless from a block or two away
• This is called “wardriving”
– To read more about this problem, follow these links
Wireless Communications Media
Personal Area Wireless
• Bluetooth
– Short-range wireless standard to link cellphones,
PDAs, computers, and peripherals at distances up to
30 ft
– Named after King Harald Bluetooth, the Viking who
unified Denmark and Norway
– Transmits 720 kilobits per second
– When Bluetooth devices come into range of each
other, they negotiate. If they have information to
exchange, they form a temporary wireless network
– Bluetooth can also be used to eavesdrop on networks
– Turn it off on your cellphone unless you need it at that
Wireless Communications Media
Personal Area Wireless
• Ultra Wideband (UWB)
– Developed for military radar systems
– Operates in 480 megabit per second range up to 30 ft
– Uses a low power source to send out millions of
bursts of radio waves each second
– 100 times as fast as Bluetooth
• Wireless USB
– USB is the most used interface on PCs
– The wireless version could be a hit
– Range of 32 ft and maximum data rate of > 480
megabits per second
Wireless Communications Media
Short-Range Wireless for Home
• Insteon
– Combines electronic powerline and wireless technology
– Can send data at 13.1 kilobits per second with 150 ft range
– Replaces X10
• ZigBee
– Entirely wireless very power-efficient technology
– Can send data at 128 kilobits per second with 250 ft range
• Z-Wave
– Entirely wireless power-efficient technology
– Can send data at 127 kilobits per second to range of 100 ft
– Allows you to remotely program your house!
Cyberthreats, Hackers, &
• Problem: internet was begun to foster
collaboration among universities and scientists.
They trusted each other. No security was built into
the internet.
• Problem: the internet is open-access and is used
by some people who are not trustworthy, who take
advantage of the lack of built-in safeguards.
• Problem: Most people connect to the internet and
use their computers in LANs. All it takes is one
computer on a LAN that has been compromised
for all computers on it to be vulnerable.
Cyberthreats, Hackers, &
• Denial of Service Attacks
– Consist of making repeated requests of a computer or
network device, thereby overloading it and causing
legitimate requests to be ignored
– Used to target particular companies or individuals
• Worms
– A program that copies itself repeatedly into a
computer’s memory or disk drive
– May copy itself so much it crashes the infected
– Famous worms include: Code Red, SQL Slammer,
Nimda, MyDoom, Sasser
– Primarily target PCs running Microsoft Windows
Cyberthreats, Hackers, &
• Viruses
– A deviant program that hides on a floppy, hard
drive, CD, or e-mail that causes unexpected side
effects such as destroying or corrupting data
– Viruses self-replicate and try to secretly distribute
themselves to other systems
– Famous viruses include the “I Love You” virus
– Viruses are published at the rate of about one per
– To see what the latest ones are, go to
Cyberthreats, Hackers, &
• Trojan Horses
– Programs that pretend to be a useful program
such as a free game or screensaver.
– Carry viruses or malicious instructions that
damage your computer or install a backdoor
or spyware
– Backdoors and spyware allow others to
access your computer without your
Cyberthreats, Hackers, &
• How they spread
Via e-mail attachments
By infected floppies or CDs
By clicking on infiltrated websites
By downloading from infected files from websites
Through infiltrated Wi-Fi hotspots
From one infected PC on a LAN to another
• What can you do about it?
– Install anti-virus software and subscribe to the
automatic anti-virus update service
Cyberthreats, Hackers, &
• Hackers are either
– Computer enthusiasts, people who enjoy learning about
programming and computers (good)
– People who gain unauthorized access to computers or
networks, often for fun or to see if they can (not good)
• Crackers
– Malicious hackers who break into computers for
malicious purposes
• Script kiddies are technically unsophisticated teenagers who
use downloadable software for perform break-ins
• Hacktivists are hacker activists who break into systems for a
political purpose
• Black-hat hackers are those who break into computers to
steal or destroy information or to use it for illegal profit
• Cyberterrorists attack computer systems so as to bring
physical or financial harm to groups, companies, or nations
Cyberthreats, Hackers, &
• Safeguards
– Use antivirus software, and keep it current
– Install a firewall to monitor network traffic and filter out
undesirable types of traffic and undesirable sites
– Use robust passwords –
• Minimum 8 characters with letters, numbers, characters
• 4cats is not a good password, but f0UrK@tTz is
– Install antispyware software
– Encrypt financial and personal records so only you
can read them
– Back up your data, so if your PC is attacked and must
be reformatted, you can restore your data
– Never download from a website you don’t trust
– Consider Biometric authentication
Cyberthreats, Hackers, &
• Encryption
– The process of altering readable data into unreadable
form to prevent unauthorized access
• Uses powerful mathematical ciphers to create coded
messages that are difficult to break
– Two forms:
• Private Key encryption means the same secret key is used
by both the sender and receiver to encrypt and decrypt a
• Public Key encryption means that two keys are used
– The public key of the recipient is published and is used by the
sender to encrypt the message
– The private key of the recipient is secret and is the only way to
decrypt the message
Future of Communications
• This is a big area of development
• There is a lot of money to be made from faster
and more secure broadband communications
• Areas of development include
– Global high-speed low—orbital satellite networks for
rural internet and voice connectivity
– 4G wireless technology
– Photonics to speed up fiber-optic lines
– Software-defined radio
– Grid computing