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Page 1 of 12 - 3/05/2017
In this unit students examine evidence for evolution of life forms over time. Students explore
hypotheses that explain how changes to species have come about. In addition to observable
similarities and differences between organisms, students explore the universality of DNA, and
conversation of genes as evidence for ancestral lines of life that have given rise to the present
biodiversity of our planet.
This includes investigations of molecular genetics and the genome, transmittion of genes for
generation to generation, and the interrelationships between biological, cultural and
technological evolution.
Areas of Study
1. Heredity
This area of study focuses on molecular genetics and the investigation not only of individual
units of inheritance, but also of the genomes of individuals and species. Students investigate
inheritance in asexually reproducing organisms and the mechanisms and patterns of
transmission of heritable traits in sexually reproducing organisms.
Students will examine the process of meiosis and investigate the techniques and technologies
that are used in association with genetic manipulation.
2. Changes over Time
This area of study focuses on change to genetic material that occurs over time and the changing
nature and reliability of evidence that supports the concept of evolution of life forms. Students
investigate changes to species and examine the process of natural selection as a mechanism for
Students will examine how evolutionary biology has been based upon changes in evidence and
consider how the interaction between human, cultural and technological evolution.
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Classroom Journal
Due Date:
Friday 4 November 2011
To satisfactorily complete this task, students must maintain a classroom journal of all activities.
These will include chapter summaries, review questions, worksheet activities and practical
activities as listed and other tasks as negotiated between the teacher and students.
Chapter Summaries and Review Questions
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Molecular Genetics
Molecular Tools and Techniques
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Cell Reproduction
Variation: alleles and mutations
Genotype, Phenotype and Crosses
Linked genes, sex-linked and
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Evidence of evolution from the past
Evidence of evolution from anatomy and
Change in populations
Patterns of evolution
Human evolution and intervention
Worksheets and Practical Activities
26 Counting characteristics
27 Genetic Dictionary
28 Genetic Tools and
29 PCR
30 Cell reproduction
31 Meiosis
32 Karyotypes, alleles and
33 Counting on karyotypes
35 Mendel’s principles
36 Linkage and pedigrees
37 Puzzling Pedigrees
39 Snapshots in Time
40 Evidence of Evolution
41 Homologous hands
42 Population change
43 Superbugs
44 The truth of the matter
45 Adaptive radiation
46 Human evolution
47 Flourofish
48 Homo hobbit
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Activity 8 Extracting DNA
NoB 11.1 Structure and role of DNA
NoB 12.1 Restriction Enzymes
NoB 12.2 Finding a Gene
NoB 14.1 Variations – no two the same
NoB 14.2 Measuring Genetic variation in
NoB 9.3 What chance of Being Rhesus
NoB 9.4 Two genes at a time
NoB 9.5 Family Potraits
Activity 7 Genetic Roulette
NoB 15.1 Transitional fossils
NoB 15.3 Analysing and inferring
evolutionary relationships
Population Experiment
Activity 10 Desirable disadvantages
NoB 16.2 What can skulls tell us?
School Assessment Coursework Task 1. Betting on Barley – Summary Report
Due Date: Friday 5 August 2011
A report on an activity to analyse the evidence fir the molecular basis of heredity and patterns
of inheritance.
School Assessment Coursework Task 2. Bacterial Transofrmation – Summary Report
Due Date: Friday 19 August 2011
A report on an activity to analyse the evidence for the molecular basis of heredity and pattens
of inheritance.
School Assessment Coursework Task 3. Anteater Antics – divergent and convergent evolution
Due Date: Friday 9 September 2011
A report on an activity to analyse and evaluate evidence for evolutionary relationships, and
describe mechanisms for change including the effect of human intervention.
School Assessment Coursework Task 4. New Improved Menu – Genetically Modified Foods
Due Date: Friday 23 September 2011
A report on an activity to analyse and evaluate evidence for evolutionary relationships, and
describe mechanisms for change including the effect of human intervention.
Page 4 of 12 - 3/05/2017
Adaptation, Analogous structure, Anticodon, Artificial selection, Biogeography, Bipedalism.
Bottleneck effect, Centromere, Chromatid, Chromosome, Cline, Co-dominance, Codon,
Convergent evolution, Crossing over, Deletion, Deoxyribonucleic Acid, Dihybrid Cross, Divergent
evolution, DNA hybridisation, DNA ligase, Dominant allele, Duplication, Embryology,
Endonucleease, Exon, Founder Effect, Gamete, Gene Flow, Gene Pool, Gene probe, Genetic
drift, Genome, Geographic isolation, Homologous chromosomes, Homologous structures,
Hybrid, Intron, Inversion, Karyotype, Law of independent assortment, Law of segregation,
Linked genes, Linkage map, Meiosis, Messenger RNA, Mitosis, Monohybrid cross, Mutagen,
Natural selection, Nucleotide, Parallel evolution, Phylogeny, Plasmid, Point mutation, Polygenic
inheritance, Polyermase Chain Reaction, Polypeptide, Polyploidy, Radioactive dating,
Radiocarbon dating, Reverese transcriptase, Ribonucleic Acid, Selection pressure, Sex-linked
genese, Species, Testcross, Transfer RNA, Translocation, Variation, Vestigial organ, Zygote
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20/06/2011 – 1/07/2011
Chapter 10 – Molecular Genetics
ClickView - Discovering DNA (23 minutes)
ClickView – How Genes Work (24 minutes)
Activity 8 - Extracting DNA
Worksheets 26 & 27
Nature of Biology Act 11.1 - structure and role of DNA
Chapter 11 – Molecular Tools and Techniques
ClickView - Gene Technology (30 minutes)
Nature of Biology Activities 12.1 & 12.2
Worksheets 28 & 29
Diagnostic Test on Heredity - Chapters 10 and 11
25/07/2011 – 5/08/2011
8/08/2011 – 19/08/2011
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Chapter 12 Cell reproduction
Set up SAC 1 – Barley p124
ClickView – Genetics and Reproduction (21 minutes)
Worksheets 30 & 31
Chapter 13 Variation: alleles and mutations
NoB 14.1 Variations – no two the same
NoB 14.2 Measuring Genetic variation in populations
ClickView – Mutations: Changing the Code (24 minutes)
Worksheets 32 & 33
SAC 1 Betting on Barley Due Friday 5 August 2011
Chapter 14 Genotype, phenotype and crosses
ClickView – Family Patterns (28 minutes)
NoB 9.3 What chance of Being Rhesus positive?
NoB 9.4 Two genes at a time
NoB 9.5 Family Potraits
Worksheet 35
Chapter 15 Linked Genes, sex linkage and pedigrees
ClickView – Genes and Inheritance (32 minutes)
Activities 7 & 8
Worksheets 36 & 37
Area of Study 1 Diagnostic Test
Excursion to CSIRO Friday 19 August 2011
SAC 2 Bacterial Transformation Due Friday 19 August 2011
29/08/2011 – 9/09/2011
12/09/2011 – 23/09/2011
10/10/2011 – 26/10/2011
Friday 4 November 2011
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Chapter 16 Evidence of evolution from the past
Activity 9 Matching Marsupials
NoB Activity 15.`1
Worksheets 39 & 40
ClickView – Understanding Evolution (30 minutes)
ClickView – Mechanisms of Evolution (30 minutes)
Chapter 17 Evidence of evolution from anatomy and molecules
NoB Activity 15.3
Worksheet 41
Video – In Search of Human Origins Part 1 (50 minutes) pd 3
Thursday 8/9/11
SAC 3 Anteater Antics Due Friday 9 September 2011
Chapter 18 Change in populations
NoB 15.4 Darwin’s Finches
Worksheets 42 & 43
Chapter 19 Patterns of Evolution
Activity 10 pDesirable Disadvantage
Worksheets 44 & 45
Chapter 20 Human evolution and intervention
NoB Activity 16.2
Worksheets 46 – 48
ClickView – Genetcs and Reproduction (21 minutes)
Video – In Search of Human Origins Part 2 (50 minutes) pd 3
Thursday 15/9/11
Video – In Search of Human Origins Part 3 (50 minutes) pd 3
Thursday 22/9/11
Area of Study 2 Diagnostic Test
SAC 4 New Improved Menu – Genetically Modified Foods
Revision Period
Area of Study 1 Lecture and Study Notes Tuesday 11/10/2011
Area of Study 2 Lecture and Study Notes Thursday 13/10/2011
Study Session Friday 14/10/2011
Past Exams
VCAA 2006 Sunday 16/10/2011
VCAA2007 Monday 17/10/2011 & Tuesday 18/10/2011
VCAA 2008 Sunday 23/10/2011
VCAA 2009 Thursday 20/10/2011 & Tuesday 25/10/2011
VCAA 2010 Sunday 30/10/2011
Examination: 9.00am – 10.45am
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Year 12 Biology Unit 4 2011
SAC 1: Topic: Betting on Barley – Summary Report
Outcome 1: Analyse evidence for the molecular basis of heredity and patterns of inheritance.
Assessment task 1: A summary report of a practical activity related to a genetic cross using first-hand data.
Assessment descriptors
Very High
Below Average
Knowledge and
application of
experimental method in
conducting the
comprehensive knowledge
of methodology and
conducts investigation
Demonstrates thorough
knowledge of
methodology and
conducts investigation
Demonstrates satisfactory
knowledge of methodology
and conducts investigation
Demonstrates limited
knowledge of methodology;
lacks skill in conducting
Demonstrates minimal
knowledge of methodology;
minimal degree of skill in
conducting investigation
Evaluation of
experimental procedures
and understanding of
controls, variables and
understanding of sound
experimental procedure
and clearly identifies
controls, variables and
Thorough understanding
of sound experimental
procedure and identifies
controls, variables and
Medium level understanding
of sound experimental
procedure; able to identify
some controls, variables and
Limited understanding of
sound experimental
procedure; not able to
identify all controls, variables
and limitations
Minimum degree of
understanding of sound
experimental procedure;
difficulty in identifying even some
controls, variables and limitations
Collection and
presentation of
experimental results
Detailed and accurate
record of experimental
data, including clear,
labeled diagrams
Thorough record of
experimental data;
diagrams clearly labeled
Satisfactory record of
experimental data; clear
Record of experimental data
lacking detail and clarity;
diagrams may lack detail
and/or labeling
Record of experimental data
lacking detail; diagrams unclear
and may lack detail and/or
Interpretation and
analysis of experimental
Interpretation and analysis
experimental data is
detailed and accurate
Interpretation and analysis
experimental data is
detailed and accurate
Medium degree of
interpretation and analysis of
experimental data with some
detail and accuracy
Interpretation and analysis of
experimental data is limited;
detail and accuracy limited
Interpretation and analysis of
experimental data is unclear;
lacking in detail and accuracy
Knowledge and
application of terms,
concepts and
relationships involved in
the transmission of
heritable characteristics.
Comprehensive knowledge
and application of terms,
concepts and relationships
involved in the
transmission of heritable
Thorough knowledge and
application of terms,
concepts and relationships
involved in the
transmission of heritable
Satisfactory knowledge and
application of terms, concepts
and relationships involved in
the transmission of heritable
Limited knowledge and
application of terms,
concepts and relationships
involved transmission of
heritable characteristics
Demonstrates minimal degree of
knowledge and application of
terms, concepts and relationships
involved in transmission of
heritable characteristics
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Not Shown
Year 12 Biology Unit 4 2011
SAC 2: Topic: CSIRO Genetic Engineering Excursion
Outcome 1: Analyse evidence for the molecular basis of heredity and patterns of inheritance.
Assessment task 1: A summary report of a practical activity on a DNA manipulation technique.
Very High
Below Average
knowledge and the
application of
Analyse, interpret and
evaluate the results of
the investigation.
Complex understanding of
the aims and methodology of
the investigation.
Thorough understanding of
the aims and methodology of
the investigation.
Clear understanding of the
aims and methodology of the
Some relevant discussion of
the aims and methodology of
the investigation.
Some description of the aims
and methodology of the
Comprehensive and detailed
analysis, evaluation and
interpretation of the results.
Thorough analysis,
evaluation and interpretation
of the results.
Mostly accurate analysis,
evaluation and interpretation
of the results.
Collection and presentation
of the results may be
inaccurate although some
knowledge and
understanding is indicated.
Brief discussion of the results.
Analyse, interpret and
evaluate the
procedures of the
Comprehensive evaluation of
the procedures of the
practical investigation.
A well developed evaluation
of the procedures of the
practical investigation.
Identification and some
evaluation of the procedures of
the practical investigation.
Identification and some
discussion of the procedures
of the practical investigation.
Brief discussion of the
procedures of the practical
knowledge and the
application of tools
and techniques used
to study DNA at the
molecular level.
Demonstrate and
apply knowledge of
terms, concepts and
understandings of the
structure of DNA and
how to manipulate
this structure.
Complex understanding of
the tools and techniques
used to study DNA at the
molecular level.
Thorough understanding of
the tools and techniques
used to study DNA at the
molecular level.
Mostly accurate understanding
of the tools and techniques
used to study DNA at the
molecular level.
Some relevant discussion of
the tools and techniques
used to study DNA at the
molecular level.
Brief reference to, but little or
no discussion of, the tools and
techniques used to study DNA
at the molecular level.
Comprehensive and detailed
knowledge of terms,
concepts and understanding
of the structure of DNA and
how to manipulate this
structure for specified
Detailed knowledge of
terms, concepts and
understanding of the
structure of DNA and how to
manipulate this structure for
specified purposes.
Mostly accurate knowledge of
terms, concepts and
understanding of the structure
of DNA and how to manipulate
this structure for specified
Some knowledge of terms,
concepts and understanding
of the structure of DNA and
how to manipulate this
structure for specified
Knowledge of terms, concepts
and understanding of the
structure of DNA and how to
manipulate this structure for
specified purposes is unclear.
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Not shown
Year 12 Biology Unit 4 2011
SAC 3: Topic:
Outcome 2: Analyse and evaluate evidence for evolutionary change and evolutionary relationships, and describe mechanisms for change including the effect of human intervention on evolutionary
Assessment task 1: An oral or written report that demonstrates evolutionary relationships using first or second hand data.
Very High
Below Average
understanding of the
theory of Natural
Complex understanding of
the theory of Natural
Thorough understanding of
the theory of Natural
Mostly accurate understanding
of the theory of Natural
Some understanding of the
theory of Natural Selection.
Some reference to the theory of
Natural Selection.
understanding of the
aims and
methodology of the
Complex and detailed
understanding of the aims
and methodology of the
Thorough and detailed
understanding of the aims
and methodology of the
Mostly accurate explanation of
the aims and methodology of
the investigation.
Some relevant discussion of
the aims and methodology of
the investigation.
Some reference to the aims and
methodology of the
Analyse, interpret and
evaluate the results of
the investigation.
Comprehensive and detailed
analysis, evaluation and
interpretation of the data.
Detailed analysis, evaluation
and interpretation of the
Some detailed analysis,
evaluation and interpretation
of the data.
Some knowledge and
understanding of the data.
Knowledge and understanding
of the data is unclear.
Evaluate the
procedures of the
Comprehensive evaluation of
the procedures of the
practical investigation.
A well developed evaluation
of the procedures of the
practical investigation.
Identification and some
evaluation of the procedures of
the practical investigation.
Identification and some
discussion of the procedures
of the practical investigation.
Identification and some
description of the procedures of
the practical investigation.
knowledge of the
terms, concepts and
understanding of
Comprehensive and detailed
knowledge of terms,
concepts and understanding
of evolutionary relationships.
Detailed knowledge of
terms, concepts and
understanding of
evolutionary relationships.
Mostly accurate knowledge of
terms, concepts and
understanding of evolutionary
Some knowledge of terms,
concepts and understanding
of evolutionary relationships.
Uses some terms, concepts and
refers to evolutionary
relationships, but limited
understanding demonstrated.
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Not shown
Year 12 Biology Unit 4 2011
SAC 4: Topic:
Outcome 2: Analyse and evaluate evidence for evolutionary change and evolutionary relationships, and describe mechanisms for change including the effect of human
intervention on evolutionary processes.
Assessment task 2: A response to an issue related to an application of gene technologies.
Very High
Below Average
detailed knowledge of
the evolutionary
Comprehensive and detailed
knowledge of the
evolutionary process.
Thorough knowledge of the
evolutionary process.
General knowledge of the
evolutionary process.
Some knowledge of the
evolutionary process.
Limited knowledge of the
evolutionary process.
Evaluates the impact
of humans on the
evolutionary process.
Critical evaluation of the
impact on evolution by
humans and of the reasons
for human intervention in the
evolutionary process.
Detailed evaluation of the
impact on evolution by
humans and of the reasons
for human intervention in
the evolutionary process.
Some evaluation of the impact
on evolution by humans and of
the reasons for human
intervention in the
evolutionary process.
Some evaluation of the
impact on evolution by
Some evaluation of the reasons
for human intervention in the
evolutionary process.
understanding of the
between biological,
cultural and
Evaluates the
reliability of the
information and
opinions expressed.
appropriate use of
scientific terminology
and conventions.
understanding of the issue
and the interrelationships
between biological, cultural
and technological evolution.
Thorough understanding of
the issue and the
interrelationships between
biological, cultural and
technological evolution.
Mostly detailed understanding
of the issue and the
interrelationships between
biological, cultural and
technological evolution.
Some understanding of the
issue and the
interrelationships between
biological, cultural and
technological evolution.
Limited understanding of the
issue and the interrelationships
between biological, cultural and
technological evolution.
Critical evaluation of the
reliability of the information
and the opinions expressed.
Thorough evaluation of the
reliability of the information
and the opinions expressed.
Some evaluation of the
reliability of the information
and the opinions expressed.
Limited discussion of the
reliability of the information
and the opinions expressed.
Little discussion of the reliability
of the information and the
opinions expressed.
Comprehensive and relevant
application of the appropriate
scientific terminology and
Detailed and relevant
application of the
appropriate scientific
terminology and
Mostly relevant application of
the appropriate scientific
terminology and conventions.
Some relevant application of
the appropriate scientific
terminology and
Limited applications of the
appropriate scientific
terminology and conventions.
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Not shown