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Chapter 1: A Physics Toolkit
Big Idea: Physicists use scientific methods to investigate energy and matter
Chapter 2: Representing Motion
Big Idea: You can use displacement and velocity to describe an object’s motion.
Chapter 3: Accelerated Motion
Big Idea: Acceleration is the rate of change in an object’s velocity
Chapter 4: Force in One Dimension
Big Idea: Net forces cause changes in motion
Chapter 5: Displacement and Force in Two Dimensions
Big Idea: Forces in two dimensions can be described using vector addition and vector resolution
Chapter 6: Motion in Two Dimensions
Big Idea: You can use vectors and Newton’s laws to describe projectile motion and circular
Chapter 7: Gravitation
Big Idea: Gravity is an attractive field force that acts between objects with mass.
Chapter 9: Momentum and Its Conservation
Big Idea: If the net force on a closed system is zero, the total momentum of that system is
Chapter 10: Work, Energy, and Machines
Big Idea: Doing work on a system changes the system’s energy.
Chapter 11: Energy and Its Conservation
Big Idea: Within a closed, isolated system, energy can change form, but the total energy is
Chapter 12: Thermal Energy
Big Idea: Thermal energy is related to the motion of an object’s particles and can be transferred
and transformed.
Chapter 14: Vibrations and Waves
Big Idea: Waves and simple harmonic motion are examples of periodic motion.
Chapter 15: Sound
Big Idea: Sound waves are pressure variations, and many can be detected by the human ear.
Chapter 16: Fundamentals of Light
Big Idea: Light behaves like a wave and can be detected by the human eye.
Chapter 17: Reflection and Mirrors
Big Idea: All surfaces reflect light, but smooth surfaces can produce images.
Chapter 18: Refraction and Lenses
Big Idea: Lenses refract light and create images.
Chapter 20: Static Electricity
Big Idea: Separated positive and negative charges exert forces on one another.
Chapter 22: Electric Current
Big Idea: Electric currents carry electrical energy that can be transformed into other forms of
§1.1 Methods of Science
Define the vocabulary words {physics, scientific methods, hypothesis, model, scientific theory, scientific
What is physics?
What are the characteristics of scientific methods?
What is the difference between a scientific theory and a scientific law?
What are the limitations of science?
§1.2 Mathematics and Physics
SI Base Units.
SI prefixes (nano, micro, milli, centi, kilo, mega, giga)
Why do scientists use the metric system?
How can dimensional analysis help evaluate answers?
§1.3 Measurement
Define the vocabulary words {measurement, precision, accuracy}
Why are the results of measurements often reported with an uncertainty?
What is the difference between precision and accuracy?
What is a common source of error when making a measurement?
§1.4 Graphing Data
What are the key components of plotting a line graph?
What is a linear relationship?
Why use a particle model instead of the actual object?
Define {origin, position, distance, magnitude, scalar, time interval, displacement}
How does the chosen coordinate system affect the sign of object’s position?
How are motion diagrams helpful in answering questions about an object’s position or displacement?
What does a quadratic and inverse (nonlinear) relationship look like?
Define {instantaneous position}
What information do position-time graphs provide?
If you have multiple objects on a position-time graph, what does it correspond to in reality, when the
lines intersect on the graph?
Define {average velocity, average speed, instantaneous speed}
What is velocity?
What is the difference between speed and velocity?
How can you determine velocity from a position-time graph?
Ch 3 Accelerated Motion
§3.1 Acceleration
Define {acceleration, velocity-time graph, average acceleration, instantaneous acceleration}
Explain how acceleration is different from velocity.
Describe what type of information can be learned from velocity-time graphs (specifically what the slope
and y-intercept mean)
§3.2 Motion with Constant Acceleration
Sketch a position-time and velocity-time graph for motion with a constant acceleration.
What does the area under the graph of velocity-time represent?
What are the relationships between position, velocity, and acceleration (there are three equations).
§3.3 Free Fall
Define {freefall, freefall acceleration}
How can you tell if an object is undergoing constant acceleration? (think graph)
Sketch the position-time graph for an object that is thrown into the air.
If a ball is thrown straight up into the air, what is the velocity and acceleration at the highest point?
Define {force, system, free-body diagram, net force, 2nd Law, 1st Law, inertia, equilibrium}
Describe how are forces different?
Sketch a free-body diagram for a man pushing a shopping cart.
Describe what is the relationship between force and acceleration?
Describe how does motion change when the net force is zero?
Define {weight, gravitation field, apparent weight, weightlessness, drag force, terminal velocity}
Explain how the weight and mass of an object are related. How is this related it g?
Describe when and how actual weight and apparent weight can differ?
Describe what effect air has on falling objects?
Define {interaction pair, 3rd law, tension, normal force}
Explain what Newton’s third law states.
Describe how to find the normal force, and calculate the normal force you exert on the ground when
just standing.
Define: {kinetic friction, static friction, coefficient of friction}
What causes the force of friction?
When does static friction apply vs. kinetic friction?
How do you calculate the amount of friction on something?
What are realistic values for μ?
How does the amount of static friction you get in a situation compare to the amount of kinetic friction
you get?
Define: {projectile, trajectory}
What causes an object to be in freefall?
How are the vertical and horizontal motions of a projectile related? – Why does a dropped object have
the same vertical velocity as a horizontally launched one?
What are the relationships between a projectile’s height, time in the air, initial velocity, and range?
Where is an projectiles vertical velocity greatest? Where is it least?
6.2 Circular Motion
Define: {Uniform circular motion, centripetal acceleration, centripetal force}
Think back: What is an acceleration?
Why is an object moving in a circle at a constant speed considered accelerating?
How does centripetal acceleration depend upon an object’s speed and the radius of acceleration?
How is the speed an object is travelling in centripetal motion, relate to the period?
What causes centripetal acceleration?
What is the explanation for the centrifugal force? They say it’s not real, so what causes it?
Missing 7
§9.1 Impulse and Momentum
What is impulse?
How is it related to a force vs time graph?
What is momentum? What are the units?
Define impulse-momentum theorem.
How do airbags save lives?
§9.2 Conservation of Momentum
How does Newton’s third law relate to conservation of momentum?
Define: {closed system, isolated system, law of conservation of momentum}
Under which conditions is momentum conserved?
How does the law of conservation of momentum help explain the motion of objects?
Chapter 10: Work, Energy and Machines
§10.2 Machines
Define: {machine, effort force, resistance force, mechanical advantage}
What is a machine? Give the common examples of simple machines (next page)
What is the relationship between the work/energy you put into a machine vs what you can get out?
Why are pulleys useful?
What is a compound machine? Give an example.
§10.1 Work and Energy
Define: {work, energy, joule, kinetic energy, power, watt}
What is the equation for work and what are the units?
How does the scientific definition of work differ from the common definition (think what direction the
force must be applied in)?
What happens if there is more than one force acting on a system?
What is the work-energy theorem?
What is the equation for kinetic energy and what are the units?
What is the equation for power and what are the units?
Chapter 11: Within a closed system, energy can change form, but the total energy is constant.
What are the two most important conservation ideas in physics?
§11.1The Many Forms of Energy
How is work and changes in the energy state of a system related?
How is a system’s motion related to its kinetic energy?
How does rotation affect a system’s energy?
How is work and gravitational potential related?
Describe how energy is transformed during the flight of a ball tossed in the air.
What did Einstein contribute to the idea of stored up energy?
List other basic types of energy that energy can transform from and to.
§11.2 Conservation of Energy
In simple terms what does the law of conservation of energy say about the total energy of a system?
What is the name for the type of energy represented by kinetic and potential energy?
When is mechanics energy conserved? More importantly when is it not?
In the real world, why do systems lose energy?
- Does this truly violate conservation of energy? What happens to the energy?
Look at example #2. How fast is that tree branch falling when it hits the roof? You should be able to
Calculate the speed of something falling some distance Δh using conservation of energy.
Missing heat ch 12
§14.1 Periodic Motion
Main Idea: Periodic motion repeats in regular cycles.
Define: {periodic motion, period, amplitude, SHM, simple pendulum, resonance}
What is simple harmonic motion? Give an example not in the book.
Describe Hooke’s Law
Quantify How much energy is stored in a spring?
Describe How does the total mechanical energy of a spring system vary throughout the oscillation (fig 3)
Summarize What affects a pendulum’s period?
§14.2 Wave Properties
Main Idea:
Define: {wave, wave pulse, transverse wave, periodic wave, longitudinal wave, surface wave}
Define What is a mechanical wave?
Describe What are waves?
Contrast How do transverse and longitudinal waves compare?
Explain What is the relationship between wave speed, wavelength, and frequency?
Describe How frequency is related to the period.
Review Example problem 3
Do Practice Problems 15, 16, 17, 19, 20
Reflect If you create a transverse wave on a rope by shaking your hand side to side, if you don’t change
the distance your hand moves, but shake faster, what happens to the amplitude, wavelength,
frequency, period, and velocity of the wave?
Sound: Sound waves are pressure vibrations, and many can be detected by the human ear.
Main Idea:
Recall What is a wave?
Define {sound wave, pitch, loudness, sound level, decibel, Doppler Effect}
Explain What causes the air molecules to become compressed to cause sound?
Define What is the speed of sound?
Infer Table 1 In what types of media does sound travel the fastest?
Compare What properties do sound waves share with other waves?
Describe How does the brain “hear” sound?
State What natural property of sound waves does the human perceive as “pitch” and
How sensitive is the human ear to pressure vibrations?
Infer Figure 4 Is the decibel scale a linear scale?
Explain What is the Doppler effect? What is a common example of it?
Graph The eardrum moves back and forth in response to the pressure variations of a
sound wave. Sketch a graph of the displacement of the eardrum versus time for two
cycles of a 1.0-kHz tone and for two cycles of a 2.0-kHz tone.
Conclude Why can you put your ear on a railroad track and detect a far-off approaching train?
Chapter 16: Fundamentals of Light
Big Idea:
§16.1 Illumination
Main Idea:
Define: {luminous source, opaque, translucent, transparent, luminous flux, illuminance, speed of light}
Describe What is the ray model of light? How can you show light that bounces off a surface?
Explain Why can we see glass even though it’s transparent?
Infer How does the amount of light the sun produces differ from the amount of light we see on Earth?
Recall What property of sound also follows an inverse-square law?
State What are the units for luminous flux, illuminance, and luminous intensity?
Explain Why was Ole Roemer a talented man?
Describe What did Michelson do to make him the first American with a Nobel Prize in science?
Infer Why would someone need to measure an amount of light?
§16.2 The Wave Nature of Light
Main Idea:
Explain What is the diffraction of light? How did it show that light is a wave?
Contrast How are the primary colors of light different from the secondary colors?
Describe How is a dye different from a pigment?
Describe What is polarization?
Connect Why are polarizing sunglasses useful?
Infer Why is the Doppler effect important (in astronomy)?
Reflections and Mirrors
Big Idea: All surfaces reflect light, but smooth surfaces can produce images.
§17.1 Plane Mirrors
Main Idea:
Define: {object, image, virtual image}
What is the law of reflection?
What is the difference between a specular and diffuse reflection?
How can the images formed by a plane mirror be located? (draw figure 7)
§17.2 Curved Mirrors
Main Idea:
Define: {concave mirror, focal point, focal length, real image, spherical aberration, convex mirror)
What are some properties and uses of spherical concave mirrors?
How are ray diagrams used to describe images produced by curved mirrors?
How are convex mirrors and combinations of mirrors used?
How can you calculate properties of images produced by curved mirrors?
Chapter 20: Static Electricity
Big Idea: Separated positive and negative charges exert forces on one another.
§20.1 Electric Charge
Main Idea: Like electric charges repel, and unlike electric charges attract.
What is the different between conductors and insulators?
What is static electricity?
§20.2 Electrostatic Force
Main Idea: Forces between charged particles are mathematically related to charge and distance.
How does the electrostatic force depend on the distance between charges?
What is Coulomb’s law, and how is it used?
What is a Coulomb?
What is the fundamental charge?
Chapter 21: Electric Fields
Big Idea: Electric charges are surrounded by electric fields that exert a force on other charged objects.
§21.1 Measuring Electric Fields
Main Idea: An electric field is a property of that space around a charged object that exerts forces on
other charged objects.
What is an electric field?
How are charge, electric field, and forces on charged objects related?
How can electric fields be visualized?
§21.2 Applications of Electric Fields
Main Idea: Electric potential (voltage) is electric potential energy per unit charge.
What is an electric potential difference?