Download 10.1 Beliefs Onesheet p. 270 - 272 Name Essential Question: What

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Beliefs Onesheet p. 270 - 272
Essential Question: What makes the Greek’s culture unique?
Myths - ________________________________________________________________________
Part 1: Gods and Goddesses
1. _______ king of the god ; god of sky, rain, lightning
2. _______ god of the underworld
3. _______ god of the sea and earthquakes
4. _______ married to Zeus; queen of the gods, goddess of marriage
5. _______ goddess of the home
6. _______ goddess of the hunt and wild animals; twin sister of Apollo
7. _______ god of light, sun and poetry; twin brother of Artemis
8. _______ goddess of wisdom, crafts, and war; protector of cities
9. _______ god of travel (god of merchants and travelers) ; god of the market
10. ______ god of war
11. ______ goddess of love and beauty
12. ______ god of metalworking (metallurgy)
a. Ares
b. Hestia
c. Aphrodite
d. Poseidon
e. Artemis
f. Hermes
g. Hera
h. Hades
i. Zeus
j. Apollo
k. Hephaestus
l. Athena
Each city-state chose a god or goddess as its ______________________.
 Which god or goddess did Athens choose as its protector?
 Which god or goddess did Sparta choose as its protector?
The ancient Greeks believed the gods and goddesses controlled _________________.
 How do modern people explain nature?
 Why do you think the ancient Greeks believed that gods and goddesses controlled nature?
Part 2: Rituals
To win the favor of their god, they performed __________________ - acts such as singing, dancing, praying, and
sacrificing as part of a _______________ ceremony. They worshipped in ___________ and at _______. These rituals
were performed in hopes that the god would ______________ them.
Festivals included scheduled ____________ ______________ and ___________________.
Every _____years in the city of ____________, Greek athletes competed “for the glory of ________.” These games
were called _____ ___________________ ______________. They believed their god would be pleased if people
showed skill in the ________, in athletic games, or in _______________.
 Events in the Ancient Olympic Games: 1) running, ______________, boxing, ___________ ________, and the
pentathlon which is _________________________________________________________________________
Part 3: Oracles
Prophesy - _____________________________________
Oracle – Sacred shrine/temple where a __________ or priestess __________ for a ___________.
Oracle at the Temple of _____________ at ______________ was the most famous.
 The oracle ______________ was deep inside the ______________
 The room had an opening in the floor where _____________ ___________ hissed from a crack in the earth
 The priestess sat on a stool and listened to questions. The priests ________________ her answers.
 State leaders in the military and government or their messengers traveled to Delphi to ask advice from the
Oracle of Apollo.
What is unique about the Greek beliefs?
Why did the Greeks have festivals and rituals for their gods?
Why did the ancient Greeks seek advice from oracles?