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All of our functional ingredients are derived from natural sources and careful
consideration has been given to the dosages and combination of ingredients to ensure
consumer safety. Vitamins and plant extracts have been shown to start degrading within
24 hours when exposed to water and sunlight, and Stream™ is proud to be one of
products on the market able to provide a fresh dose of vitamins and nutraceuticals!
Stream™ is not intended to be medicinal product, but rather a fun & healthy lifestyle
drink. Stream™ makes no claim to treatment or cure of any medical conditions. Here's a
compilation of the docs endless research supporting the potential health benefits of our
Stream™ range.
This collection of vitamins perform a different role in the body compared to B-vitamins.
Their action is more in maintaining the health of cellular structures and functioning as
Vitamin A
Vitamin A is an essential fat soluble nutrient needed by the retina of the eye to maintain
healthy vision. Vitamin A is necessary to maintain healthy skin and is frequently used in
the cosmetic industry. Vitamin A is important for a healthy functioning digestive and
immune system.
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)
Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is the most well known vitamin, probably due to the scurvy
sailors who didn’t eat their fresh fruit and veggies, and of course the overabundance of
controversial health claims spread amongst the public. So what is Vitamin C? Vitamin C
is an essential vitamin found in the body and has strong anti-oxidant properties. It is
essential to the activity of many enzymes and synthesis of hormones. Vitamin C is also
needed to form and maintain collagen, a fibrous protein that gives strength to
connective tissues in skin, cartilage, bones, teeth, and joints. Vitamin C is also vital in the
healing of wounds and functioning of the immune system. Vitamin C in food or as
supplement increases iron absorption in the intestine. Smokers and drinkers may have
reduced levels of Vitamin C.
What health claims are actually true?
Research has shown that doses up to 1 gram per day may have small effects on duration
and severity of the common cold, but not on the prevention of its occurrence (Hemila H,
Cochrane review, 2007). Unfortunately research has failed to substantiate the claims of
Vitamin C regarding cardiovascular health and cancer, and conflicting studies leave this
area open to debate.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is the generic term for Tocopherals which are fat soluble antioxidants that
protect cell membranes against free radicals (oxidants). Vitamin E antioxidant
properties are frequently used for skin care (youthful, toned and a clear complexion)
and are found in a range of cosmetic creams and supplements. It may also protect the
skin against UV sun damage.
A High intake of Vitamin E is associated with a reduced risk for coronary heart disease
(New England Journal of Medicine 1993). Vitamin E has also been shown to reduce
blood pressure in mild hypertensives. (Boshtam M. 2002. International journal of
Vitamins) and promote normal blood clotting.
Vitamin E has shown to promote a healthy functioning immune system, particularly in
healthy elderly people (British Medical Journal 1997). In combination with vitamin E,
beta-carotene, and selenium, it is associated with a reduced risk of total cancer
Coenzyme Q10 is a naturally occurring molecule in the body that helps protect cells
from free radicals, whilst increasing oxygenation of cells and maintaining the healthy
functioning of our mitochondria (the powerhouse of each cell). It is found in high
concentration in the heart, kidneys and liver and is essential in the production of ATP
Levels of Co Q10 in the body are gradually reduced with age, and even further decreased
levels are found in people with certain heart conditions, cancer and those taking specific
prescription medications.
A study published in 2003 by J Quiles et al showed a significantly longer life span in
animals who received a diet supplemented with Co-Q10. Even low levels of
supplemented Co-Q10 were found to protect cells from age-related DNA double strand
Co-Q10: good for Cardiovascular health
Co-Q10 is one of the most widely used supplements for high blood pressure and
congestive heart failure, and is increasingly being found to have benefit in heart attacks,
arrhythmias, and cardiomyopathy's. Here Co-Q10 helps the heart muscle cells to
function under periods of stress and protects the cells against potential oxidative
damage. Co-Q10 deficiency has been shown to be an independent predictor of mortality
in heart failure and increased levels favour the long term prognosis in chronic heart
failure. In a recent met-analysis of 12 clinical trials (2007), it was found that Co-Q10 has
the potential to lower systolic blood pressure by 17mm HG and diastolic blood pressure
by 10mm HG in hypertensive patients, without any harmful side effects. Further
cardiovascular benefits include the antioxidant properties of Co-Q10 which favourably
help control LDL cholesterol and build of atherosclerotic plaque.
Further Co-Q10 research
Co-Q10 helps keep Vitamin E molecules in their active form throughout the body.
Deteriorating levels of Co-Q10 may be partly responsible for the age-related
deterioration of the immune system. Other uses of Co-Q10 in the field of complementary
medicine include treatment of periodontal disease, dermatology and respiratory
conditions, rare metabolic diseases and some neurodegenerative conditions.
Co-Q10 Research Summary
In a nut shell, or a sesame seed literally, the metabolic effects of Co-Q10 include clean
production of cellular energy. It also assists with insulin sensitivity, is a potent antioxidant and cholesterol regulator, and promotes weight loss. In terms of other
physiological parameters, Co-Q10 powerfully protects the cardiovascular system and
contributes to anti-ageing.
Resveratrol is a naturally occurring polyphenol and is a powerful antioxidant and
phytonutrient found in red grape skin and high quality red wines. It is responsible for
the notorious and ancient claimed health benefits of good red wine.
Resveratrol has been proven by Harvard University Medical School to extend the lifespan of human cells by approximately 14%-23%, by activating the Sir2 gene, a gene that
prolongs life.
Brain Function:
Resveratrol has been shown to improve cerebral blood flow and its powerful antioxidant properties can be considered neuroprotective. Resveratrol however, does not
directly enhance concentration.
Resveratrol helps prevent blood clotting and clogging of the arteries (atherosclerosis),
and protects the heart from the dangerous effects of free-radicals. It has also been
shown to lower total cholesterol, whilst elevating HDL-cholesterol (good cholesterol)
and reducing LDL-cholesterol (bad cholesterol). One can now understand why moderate
amounts of Red Wine has been considered protective and life-giving since ancient times.
Further research suggests that in acute ischaemic events the anti-oxidant properties
may protect the heart against reperfusion-induced arrhythmias and free radical
production. Resveratrol is also thought to modulate nitric oxide synthesis and improve
blood flow through the vessels through vasodialation.
Of Further Interest
Cancer protecting effects: Resveratrol helps protect against many types of cancers, via
its anti-oxidant effects and by inhibiting NF-kappa B, a protein that activates cancer-
genes. Astounding research has shown Resveratrol's protecting effects in breast, colon,
prostate, skin and thyroid cancers.
L-Carnitine is a nutrient in the body that helps burn fat into energy. It is stored in the
human body in skeletal muscle, heart muscle, and the brain. It is essential for
transportation of fats into the mitochondria (powerhouse of every cell), where they are
used for energy. Here Co-Q10 assists with clean energy production.
Although there is no clear research that proves L-Carnitine enhances sport performance
or weight loss directly, it has been shown to significantly reduce fat mass and increase
muscle mass, whilst hosting a range of other benefits and promising trials for the future.
L-Carnitine and Cardiovascular Health
L-Carnitine has been shown to reduce the symptoms of angina (ischaemic heart pain),
symptoms of cardiac failure, and increasing effort tolerance, i.e. exercise capacity. Lcarnitine research has also suggested that supplementation may reduce cramping of the
legs and improve muscle function in patients with peripheral vascular disease (narrow
blood vessels in lower legs due to smoking or diabetes).
Hoodia Gordonii is a small succulent scrub found in the desert areas of Southern African
and is traditionally used by the indigenous Koi San (Bushmen) to suppress appetite.
They would chew the plant during their long dry hunting expeditions, armed with loin
cloths, bows and arrows, and Hoodia.
Hoodia unfortunately has been aggressively marketed in its capsule form with
exaggerated health claims, impure mixtures, and insufficient research, resulting in
somewhat negative publicity. However, Hoodia in its pure state remains a wonderful
natural herbal extract with no proven drug adverse effects or substantial side effects.
The much quoted research conducted in 2001 by Phytopharm revealed that Hoodia had
significant potential to suppress appetite and reduce total body fat in overweight
individuals. Although Hoodia is considered safe, it is not yet FDA approved, and certain
countries have banned this product due to false claims and marketing abuse, and lack of
Anti-oxidants protect the cells of our body against harmful free radicals caused by
normal cellular process and external stimuli. The average daily anti-oxidant intake
(from different food groups) is recommended to be around 15 000 ORACS, a level
grossly underachieved by the average citizen. Anti-oxidants also assist with protecting
DNA during healthy cellular turnover (replenishment of cells), and helps keep the body
in a healthy homeostasis. In particular, anti-oxidants are thought to help reduce the
degrading effects of a chronic inflammatory process that simmers in the 'heart' of
modern day chronic diseases. The body fails to regulate this subtle inflammatory
process due to abnormal levels of stress and poor eating habits of today's busy life style.
This is why Stream offers to support your nutrition and anti-oxidant requirements,
whilst encouraging you to take care of yourself, eat healthy, and exercise more.
Happiness and longevity is a responsibility, that, at the end of the day, we all intuitively
know how to honour. Stream has chosen to use a variety of naturally occurring antioxidants to ensure a holistic accumulative effect of anti-oxidant protection, through
different pathways and in different organs, and ultimately supporting your growing
Vitality and Longevity.
Green Tea has been used for more than 4000 years and is an acclaimed health
promoting and detoxifying substance. Stream's Green Tea extract is a potent antioxidant protecting against free radical formation and oxidative stress. EGCG is also
neuroprotective and neurorestorative, especially in the limbic system and hippocampus,
areas of the brain responsible for memory & learning. Green tea extract stimulates
metabolism and assists with weight loss, whilst reducing chances of cardiovascular
disease. Further research suggests that EGCG has direct activity against certain cancer
cell lines and the up-regulation of tumour suppressor genes. An interesting field of
research for the future use of high dose EGCG.
Rooibos tea is renowned for its high levels of polyphenol anti-oxidants, low tannin levels
and no caffeine. Rooibos also has anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties.
Rooibos is gaining popularity worldwide and as a rare, healthy, and very pleasant tea.
Oligomeric proanthocyandins (OPC's)
Bioflavanoids/ polyphenols
Stream's Grape seed extract contains a collection of very powerful anti-oxidants and a
high concentration of OPC's. Grape seed significantly reduces the risk of coronary artery
disease and studies suggest a beneficial role in reducing blood pressure, platelet
aggregation and cholesterol. Grape seed has been shown to help protect the skin against
damage from UV radiation. Grape seed extract may have some protection in
neurodegenerative conditions.
Vitamin C
The mythical Baobab tree and its Baobab fruit is now considered one of the new Super
Foods teaming with anti-oxidants and vitamins. The main anti-oxidant property of
Baobab is derived from the high concentration of pure and bio-available 'baobab'
Vitamin C.
Ellagic Acid
Vitamin A, C and E
Cranberry is becoming increasingly popular as a health drink and source of multiple
anti-oxidants. Research has confirmed that Cranberries can prevent the recurrence of
urinary tract infection in females by preventing adhesion of bacteria to the bladder wall.
Cranberries may also reduce oxidation of LDL cholesterol and thereby reduce
atherosclerotic plaque build-up in blood vessels.
Most of the benefits of Red wine are unique to the red Grape Skin content and high antioxidant levels. Resveratrol is one of the most active phytonutrients found in Red Grape
Skin and the extensive health benefits include cardiovascular health, brain function and
longevity. Anthocyanins have been extensively researched for their role in protecting
DNA against oxidative stress and regulation of abnormal cells in the body that have
cancer potential.
Guarana is a climbing plant found in the Amazon basin, and has been used by native
Amazonians for thousands of years to maintain stamina and increase physical
endurance. Gauranine - one of the active ingredients found in Guarana is considered to
be a natural occurring 'caffeine'. However the psychoactive effects and energy
producing effects of Guarana are not related entirely to Guaranine/caffeine. Research
now supports that the correct formula of Gaurana and Ginseng has the capacity to
enhance physical and mental performance, and improve mood.
Example of Research
Journal of Ethnopharmacology 1997
(Mice) Significant increased physical capacity - not reproducible with similar amount of
caffeine or ginseng. Improved memory acquisition. Same average lifespan with low
toxicity of substance.
Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavioural Journal 2004
Gaurana: Only substance over and above placebo to result in an improvement across all
attention tasks and increase speed of attention task performance - dosage 75mg. The
combination of Ginseng and Guarana improve the speed of memory task performance.
Both led to an improvement in cognition. (75mg Guarana contains approximately 9mg
caffeine - which is relatively low - confirming that results are unlikely to be attributable
to the caffeine content).
Journal of Psychopharmacology 2006
Psychoactive effects of Guarana: Improvement across attention tasks and enhanced
speed of memory task performance. Memory alertness and mood were significantly
improved with as low as 40 - 75mg.
Journal of Psychopharmacology 2007
Guarana is more effective in lower doses of 35mg to 75mg Vs 150mg or even 300mg
(which is still a safe dose to consume). The study found, at lower doses, a significant
improvement in memory performance, increased alertness, and 'content mood' ratings.
The study further confirmed that the results could not be attributed to the pure caffeine
Ginseng is a species of plant with a fleshy root that grows in the northern hemisphere in
East Asia and North America. One of their most well known active compounds are called
Ginesoides. There are actually three different plant species commonly called Ginseng:
Asian or Red Korean Ginseng (Panax Ginseng), American Ginseng (Panax quinquefolius),
and Siberian Ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus). The latter herb is actually not
ginseng at all, but its active compound eleutherosides, is believed to function similarly.
Ginseng must be grown for 5 years before it is harvested, and pure top quality ginseng is
a rare and expensive commodity. Stream commits to searching for the best quality of
plant extracts and ensuring purity of mixtures.
All of our functional ingredients are natural and careful consideration has been given to
the dosages and combination of ingredients to ensure consumer safety.
Longevity and Vitality
Ginseng is well known in Chinese medicine as the 'longevity herb' - increasing energy
and strengthening the body, among many other functions. One such trial involving 625
volunteers over a twelve week period included vitamins, minerals, and Ginseng extracts
and resulted in a significant increase in the quality of life index. Already after only a few
weeks, participants who had been taking 200 mg of Ginseng daily reported significant
improvements in mood, well-being, vigor, and psychophysical performance that were
significant when compared to the reports of control participants. Another significant
study revealed that Ginseng gradually improved reaction time in physical activities and
lung function among those 40 to 60 years old. Ginseng is considered a potent adaptogen,
with the ability to both stimulate and balance the body's internal response to stress, and
modify the body's adaptation to external demands.
Focus: Brain Function
Panax Ginseng has been shown to improve blood flow to the brain and the antioxidant
properties of ginesoides are considered to be neuroprotective. In Chinese medicine
Panax Ginseng is said to have the rare capacity to both stimulate and balance, and a
recent systematic review (Cochrane 2010) suggested that it may have beneficial effects
directly on cognition and behaviour. The extensive analysis found that ginseng exerted
improvement on aspects of cognitive function (i.e. learning, concentration, working
memory, reaction time), and on behaviour and quality of life (i.e., social relationships,
general health).
The mechanism however is unclear, and one study published in the Journal of
Neuroscience Research 2001 suggested that certain ginsenosides may increase the
synaptic density (communication between neurons) specifically in the Hippocampus
area of the brain, enhancing spatial learning and memory. This concept was taken one
step further and research published in January 2011 suggested that ginsenosides enable
the hippocampal cells to function for longer periods, thus the potential and explanation
for improving memory
Panax Ginsing: Libido
A quality double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study in 2003 revealed that men
given supplements of Red Korean Ginseng (Panax Ginseng) had significantly higher
scores for erectile traction, sexual desire, and overall intercourse satisfaction than the
control group blinded with placebo. Particular attention was given to erection scores
where a significant improvement was found in both aspects of penetration and
maintenance. (Journal of Family Medicine Practice, Jan 2003). It is now common for
Family Physicians to use Red Korean Ginseng to treat erectile dysfunction in men.
Vitality: Cardiovascular benefits of Ginseng
Ginseng has been shown to improve outcome in cardiovascular patients through
improvement in coronary artery flow, reduction in cholesterol, and appropriate platelet
aggregation. It has also shown improved recovery in patients with an acute heart attack.
Ginseng can stimulate the immune system by improving both function and the total
number of circulating immune cells. It has also been suggested that Ginseng improves
glycaemic control in Diabetics through increased capacity for physical activity and
possible anti-oxidant effects.
Inositol is a tasteless carbohydrate found in certain plant derivatives. It is not classified
as a sugar and contains no calories. Due to its important role in certain cellular
functioning it was previously considered as a B Vitamin.
Brain Function and Cognitive Performance
Inositol is found in the biological membrane of brain cells and its function includes
cellular responses, nerve transmission, and mediation of enzyme activity through
intracellular proteins.
Inositol has been researched for its potential value in degenerative cognitive disorders
such as Alzheimer's disease, and other central nervous system imbalances such as mood
disorders (anxiety and depression).
Our drink does not claim to treat any illness directly, but such studies showed
favourable outcomes and strongly suggest that Inositol plays a positive role in optimal
brain functioning and cognitive performance.
Cardiovascular Health
IP6 (Inositol hexaphosphate-6) is a derivative of Inositol and has been shown to have
beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system most noticeably lowering cholesterol and
reducing pathological platelet activity. IP6 has received much attention in cancer
prevention and control of tumour and metastasises - most likely due to its antioxidant
and immune function properties. This is current and ongoing research and holds much
promise for the future.
The B group vitamins play a vital role in our bodily functions, energy status, and brain
function. Unlike fat-soluble vitamins, water-soluble vitamins are easily lost during
cooking and processing. The body does not store excess quantities of most watersoluble vitamins, so foods bearing them must be consumed frequently. Stream uses a
concoction of fresh and readily available VitB1, VitB2, VitB3, VitB5, VitB6, Vit B9, VitB12,
and Folate. This comprises the entire collection of classified B group Vitamins for human
consumption. Stream drinks is suitable for vegans and our VitB12 is not derived from
any animal products.
Thiamine (Vitamin B1)
Thiamine functions as the coenzyme thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP) in the metabolism
of carbohydrates into pure energy. Vit B1 helps maintain a normal healthy appetite and
is important for the healthy functioning of the brain and peripheral nervous system.
Deficiencies are commonly caused by poor food intake or excessive alcohol
consumption. Deficiency can result in neurological dysfunction and a group of
nutritional disorders known as Beri Beri.
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)
Vitamin B2 is an easily absorbed micronutrient found in a variety of food substances
(such as mushrooms, cheese and almonds). Vitamin B2 is responsible for the conversion
of food (carbohydrates, fats and proteins) into energy. Vitamin B2 is one of the essential
vitamins for growth and to maintain healthy hair, skin and nails. It also has the ability to
turn your urine bright yellow. Vitamin B2 helps the body to convert Vitamin B6, Folate
and Vitamin A into their active forms. Current research suggests that Vitamin B2 has a
beneficial effect on the reduction of migraine attacks.
Nicotinamide (Vitamin B3)
Vitamin B3 exists in two forms, nicotinic acid (Niacin) and nicotinamide. Both are
readily absorbed micronutrients. Nicotinamide is also essential for converting food into
energy. Vitamin B3 has been shown to help with inflammatory skin conditions such as
Acne. Further research has revealed that Vit B3 also promotes DNA repair of
lymphocytes (immune system) exposed to radiation.
Pantothenic acid (Vitamin B5)
Vitamin B5 is derived from the Greek name Phantothen (meaning everywhere), and is
essential for a variety of biological roles. Most importantly, Pantothenic acid plays a role
in the metabolism of fatty acids, glucose and protein for energy production and is
necessary for a healthy nervous system. Its research includes benefits in management of
obesity, cholesterol, wound healing and peripheral neuropathy.
Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6)
Vitamin B6 is another essential B Vitamin that helps convert food into energy. Vitamin
B6 also plays an important role in amino acid metabolism; in the synthesis of
neurotransmitters (such as serotonin); haemoglobin synthesis and certain aspects of
glucose metabolism. Research indicates that Vit B6 may have a benefit in cardiovascular
health through regulation of homocysteine levels and platelet aggregation. Vitamin B6 is
also used to treat peripheral nerve dysfunction that results from the side effects of
certain medication.
Folic Acid (Vitamin B9)
Folic Acid is necessary for healthy cell division and growth and helps with protein
synthesis, DNA synthesis and production of red blood cells. It is also needed for energy
production. Folic Acid, together with Vitamin B12 and Vitamin B6 help maintain
homocysteine levels, explaining its use in complementary medicine for cardiovascular
health. Folic Acid stores are depleted with certain prescription medications.
Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12)
Vitamin B12 is an essential Vitamin that neither plants nor animals can independently
produce. Plants and animals require bacteria to help synthesise Vitamin B12 (such as
the fermentation process). Vitamin B12 is necessary for the correct functioning of every
cell in the body and is important in DNA synthesis and healthy rapid conduction of
electric impulses in the nervous system.
Vitamin B12 supplementation is essential in certain types of anaemia and neurological
disorders, and is commonly used in complementary medicine to 'boost energy' and treat
symptoms of depression. (However the clinical evidence for such an energy boost
remains anecdotal).
A pre-biotic is a term given to a small group of substances that contributes towards a
healthy digestive flora. Prebiotics are not to be confused with Probiotics which are the
actual living bacteria that reside in our intestines and ensure a healthy environment and
functioning mucosa.
Common Prebiotics include inulin, fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS), galactooligosaccharides (GOS), soya-oligosaccharides, xylo-oligosaccharides, pyrodextrins,
isomalto-oligosaccharides and lactulose. Prebiotic research has focused mainly on
inulin, FOS and GOS.
It is believed that our diets are often inadequate in non-digestible carbohydrates that
stimulate lactic acid bacteria (Probiotics). Furthermore there is growing evidence of
how vital these microbes are for human health. Not only do they stimulate and 'feed' the
healthy symbiotic microbes in our gut, but they prevent the unwanted bacteria from
colonizing. Further health benefits that research has shown include:
Help with digestion and improved faecal transit time
Improved response to sugar absorption and utilisation (glycaemic response)
Lowering of daily energy (fat) intake
Lowering of cholesterol
Improvement of bone health and mineral absorption
Further studies have suggested that Prebiotics may help alleviate symptoms of
inflammatory bowel syndrome and infer protection against colon cancer.
Definition: 'A prebiotic is a selectively fermented ingredient that allows specific changes,
both in the composition and/or activity in the gastrointestinal microbiota that confers
benefits upon host wellbeing and health'