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Exercise Science
Section 2: The Skeletal System
An Introduction to Health and Physical
Ted Temertzoglou
Paul Challen
ISBN 1-55077-132-9
Role of the Skeleton
t  Protection
t  Framework
t  Attachments for muscles
t  Storehouse for essential nutrients
t  The body needs calcium for vital operations,
such as controlling muscular contractions, blood
clotting, transmission of nerve impulses and
other utterly essential tasks
t  Blood-cell formation
t  Bone marrow transplants (Stem cells)
©Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc. 2003. All material is copyright protected. It is illegal to copy any of this material.
This material may be used only in a course of study in which Exercise Science: An Introduction to Health and Physical Education (Temertzoglou/Challen) is the required textbook.
©Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc. 2003. All material is copyright protected. It is illegal to copy any of this material.
This material may be used only in a course of study in which Exercise Science: An Introduction to Health and Physical Education (Temertzoglou/Challen) is the
Role of the Skeleton
t  Protection
t  Framework
t  Attachments for muscles
t  Storehouse for essential nutrients
t  The body needs calcium for vital operations,
such as controlling muscular contractions, blood
clotting, transmission of nerve impulses and
other utterly essential tasks
t  Blood-cell formation
t  Bone marrow transplants (Stem cells)
©Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc. 2003. All material is copyright protected. It is illegal to copy any of this material.
This material may be used only in a course of study in which Exercise Science: An Introduction to Health and Physical Education (Temertzoglou/Challen) is the required textbook.
Bone Marrow and Stem Cell Transplant
What Is a Blood and Marrow Stem Cell Transplant?
A blood and marrow stem cell transplant is a procedure that replaces a person's
faulty stem cells with healthy ones.
Stem cells are found in bone marrow, a spongy tissue inside the bones. Stem
cells develop into the three types of blood cells that the body needs:
Red blood cells, which carry oxygen throughout the body
White blood cells, which fight infections
Platelets (PLATE-lets), which help the blood clot
Small numbers of stem cells also are found in the blood and in the umbilical cord
(the cord that connects a fetus to its mother's placenta).
Another type of stem cell, called an embryonic (em-bre-ON-ik) stem cell, can
develop into any type of cell in the body. These cells aren't found in bone marrow.
Doctors use stem cell transplants to treat people who have:
Certain cancers, such as leukemia (lu-KE-me-ah). The high doses of
chemotherapy and radiation used to treat some cancers can severely damage or
destroy bone marrow. A transplant replaces the stem cells that the treatment
©Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc. 2003. All material is copyright protected. It is illegal to copy any of this material.
This material may be used only in a course of study in which Exercise Science: An Introduction to Health and Physical Education (Temertzoglou/Challen) is the required textbook.
Bone Marrow and Stem Cell Transplant
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This material may be used only in a course of study in which Exercise Science: An Introduction to Health and Physical Education (Temertzoglou/Challen) is the required textbook.
Bone Marrow and Stem Cell Transplant
What the Recipient Experiences
Bone marrow transplant is a difficult procedure to
go through. Usually the person receives high
doses of chemotherapy and/or radiation to
eliminate whatever bone marrow he/she has left
and make room for the new marrow transplant.
Once this is done, the new stem cells are put into
the person intravenously, like a blood transfusion.
The stem cells will then find their way to the bone
and start to grow and produce more cells (called
Serious problems can occur during the time that
the bone marrow is gone or very low. Infections
are common, as is anemia, and low platelets in
the blood can cause dangerous bleeding
internally. Recipients often receive blood
transfusions to treat these problems while they are
waiting for the new stem cells to start growing.
©Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc. 2003. All material is copyright protected. It is illegal to copy any of this material.
This material may be used only in a course of study in which Exercise Science: An Introduction to Health and Physical Education (Temertzoglou/Challen) is the required textbook.
About Bone …
t  Composed of 50% water and 50%
organic and inorganic material
Elements include: phosphorous, zinc,
calcium, magnesium, fluorine, iron,
Resists compression and tension
Bound by joints (through ligaments)
Muscles attach to bone (through
tendons) to produce movement
©Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc. 2003. All material is copyright protected. It is illegal to copy any of this material.
This material may be used only in a course of study in which Exercise Science: An Introduction to Health and Physical Education (Temertzoglou/Challen) is the required textbook.
Axial vs. Appendicular Skeleton
t  The axial skeleton consists of 80
v  26 vertebral column
v  1 hyoid
v  22 skull
v  6 auditory
v  24 ribs
t  The appendicular skeleton consists of
126 bones:
v  64 upper extremity
v  62 lower extremity
Axial (80) + Appendicular (126) = 206 bones
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This material may be used only in a course of study in which Exercise Science: An Introduction to Health and Physical Education (Temertzoglou/Challen) is the required textbook.
Five Types of Bones
t  Long
v  Found in arms and legs
t  Short
v  Found in wrists and ankles
t  Flat
v  Bones of the skull
t  Irregular
v  Bones of the vertebrae
t  Sesamoid
v  Wrapped within tendons (patella)
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This material may be used only in a course of study in which Exercise Science: An Introduction to Health and Physical Education (Temertzoglou/Challen) is the required textbook.
Anatomy of a Long Bone
Medullary cavity
Compact bone or
Cortical Bone (cortex)
Cancellous bone
(Spongy Bone)
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This material may be used only in a course of study in which Exercise Science: An Introduction to Health and Physical Education (Temertzoglou/Challen) is the required textbook.
Shin Splints – Medial Tibial stress syndrome
is a common injury that affects
athletes who engage in running
sports or basic activities such as
cross country, football, or hiking. This
condition is characterized by pain in
the lower part of the leg between the
knee and the ankle. MTSS injuries
are caused by repeated trauma to
the connective muscle tissue
surrounding the tibia. Ignoring this
injury may result in more serious
condition such as a stress fracture
©Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc. 2003. All material is copyright protected. It is illegal to copy any of this material.
This material may be used only in a course of study in which Exercise Science: An Introduction to Health and Physical Education (Temertzoglou/Challen) is the required textbook.
Simple Fracture
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Green Stick Fracture
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Compound Fracture
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Comminuted Fracture
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Stress Fracture
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Drum Stick Bone Lab
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This material may be used only in a course of study in which Exercise Science: An Introduction to Health and Physical Education (Temertzoglou/Challen) is the
©Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc. 2003. All material is copyright protected. It is illegal to copy any of this material.
This material may be used only in a course of study in which Exercise Science: An Introduction to Health and Physical Education (Temertzoglou/Challen) is the required textbook.
©Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc. 2003. All material is copyright protected. It is illegal to copy any of this material.
This material may be used only in a course of study in which Exercise Science: An Introduction to Health and Physical Education (Temertzoglou/Challen) is the required textbook.
The Skull – Anterior View
Frontal bone
Parietal bone
Temporal bone
Nasal bone
Zygomatic bone
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This material may be used only in a course of study in which Exercise Science: An Introduction to Health and Physical Education (Temertzoglou/Challen) is the required textbook.
The Skull – Lateral View
Frontal bone
Parietal bone
Temporal bone
Zygomatic bone
Occipital bone
Nuchal line
Mastoid process
External auditory meatus
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This material may be used only in a course of study in which Exercise Science: An Introduction to Health and Physical Education (Temertzoglou/Challen) is the required textbook.
The Vertebral Column – Lateral View
Cervical region
Seventh cervical vertebra
Intervertebral disk
Thoracic region
Twelfth thoracic vertebra
First lumbar vertebra
Lumbar region
Fifth lumbar vertebra
Sacral and coccygeal region
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This material may be used only in a course of study in which Exercise Science: An Introduction to Health and Physical Education (Temertzoglou/Challen) is the required textbook.
Thoracic Cage – Anterior View
First thoracic vertebra
Seven true ribs
Three false ribs
Two floating ribs
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This material may be used only in a course of study in which Exercise Science: An Introduction to Health and Physical Education (Temertzoglou/Challen) is the required text book.
Thoracic Cage – Posterior View
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This material may be used only in a course of study in which Exercise Science: An Introduction to Health and Physical Education (Temertzoglou/Challen) is the required textbook.
Left Scapula – Anterior View
Acromion process
Coracoid process
Glenoid cavity
Subscapular fossa
Lateral border
Medial border
Inferior angle
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This material may be used only in a course of study in which Exercise Science: An Introduction to Health and Physical Education (Temertzoglou/Challen) is the required textbook.
Left Scapula – Lateral View
Coracoid process
Supraglenoid tubercle
Glenoid fossa
Infraglenoid tubercle
Subscapular fossa
Lateral border
Inferior angle
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This material may be used only in a course of study in which Exercise Science: An Introduction to Health and Physical Education (Temertzoglou/Challen) is the required textbook.
Left Scapula – Posterior View
Coracoid process
Scapular notch
Superior angle
Acromion process
Supraspinous fossa
Glenoid cavity
Infraglenoid tubercle
Scapular spine
Infraspinous fossa
Lateral border
Medial border
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This material may be used only in a course of study in which Exercise Science: An Introduction to Health and Physical Education (Temertzoglou/Challen) is the required textbook.
Left Humerus – Anterior View
Greater tubercle
Lesser tubercle
Deltoid tuberosity
Radial fossa
Coronoid fossa
Medial epicondyle
Lateral epicondyle
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This material may be used only in a course of study in which Exercise Science: An Introduction to Health and Physical Education (Temertzoglou/Challen) is the required textbook.
Left Humerus – Posterior View
Deltoid tuberosity
Olecranon fossa
Lateral epicondyle
Medial epicondyle
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This material may be used only in a course of study in which Exercise Science: An Introduction to Health and Physical Education (Temertzoglou/Challen) is the required textbook.
Left Ulna – Anterior View
Olecranon process
Coronoid process
Trochlear (semilunar) notch
Radial notch of ulna
Ulna tuberosity
Styloid process of ulna
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This material may be used only in a course of study in which Exercise Science: An Introduction to Health and Physical Education (Temertzoglou/Challen) is the required textbook.
Left Radius – Anterior View
Radial tuberosity
Styloid process of radius
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This material may be used only in a course of study in which Exercise Science: An Introduction to Health and Physical Education (Temertzoglou/Challen) is the required textbook.
Left Hand – Anterior View
Scaphoid bone
Lunate bone
Triquetrum bone
Pisiform bone
Hamate bone
Capitate bone
Trapezoid bone
Trapezium bone
Sesamoid bone
Proximal phalax
(of thumb)
Distal phalanx (of thumb)
Proximal phalanx (of finger)
Middle phalanx (of finger)
Distal phalanx (of finger)
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This material may be used only in a course of study in which Exercise Science: An Introduction to Health and Physical Education (Temertzoglou/Challen) is the required textbook.
Pelvis (Male) – Anterior View
Crest of ilium
Sacroiliac joint
iliac spine
inferior iliac
Os coxae
Obturator foramen
Superior ramis of pubis
Symphysis pubis
Inferior ramis of pubis
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This material may be used only in a course of study in which Exercise Science: An Introduction to Health and Physical Education (Temertzoglou/Challen) is the required textbook.
Pelvis (Male) – Posterior View
Fifth lumbar
superior iliac
inferior iliac
Ischial spine
Ischial tuberosity
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This material may be used only in a course of study in which Exercise Science: An Introduction to Health and Physical Education (Temertzoglou/Challen) is the required text book.
Right Femur – Anterior View
Greater trochanter
Lesser trochanter
Adductor tubercle
Lateral epicondyle
Patellar groove
Medial epicondyle
Medial condyle
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This material may be used only in a course of study in which Exercise Science: An Introduction to Health and Physical Education (Temertzoglou/Challen) is the required textbook.
Right Femur – Posterior View
Greater trochanter
Intertrochanteric crest
Gluteal tuberosity
Lesser trochanter
Pectineal line
Linea aspera
Adductor tubercle
Medial epicondyle
Intercondylar fossa
Lateral epicondyle
Lateral condyle
Medial condyle
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This material may be used only in a course of study in which Exercise Science: An Introduction to Health and Physical Education (Temertzoglou/Challen) is the required textbook.
Right Fibula and Tibia – Anterior View
Intercondylar eminence
Lateral condyle of tibia
Medial condyle of tibia
Tibial tuberosity
Intercondylar eminence
Lateral condyle
Medial condyle
Anterior crest
Lateral malleolus
Medial malleolus
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This material may be used only in a course of study in which Exercise Science: An Introduction to Health and Physical Education (Temertzoglou/Challen) is the required textbook.
Tibial tuberosity
Right Foot – Superior View
Medial cuneiform
Intermediate cuneiform
Lateral cuneiform
Proximal phalanx
Middle phalanx
Distal phalanx
Proximal phalanx (of great toe)
Distal phalanx (of great toe)
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This material may be used only in a course of study in which Exercise Science: An Introduction to Health and Physical Education (Temertzoglou/Challen) is the required textbook.
Bone Formation and Remodelling
t  Ossification (bone formation ) takes two forms:
v  Compact bone (begins as cartilage):
 Osteoblasts discharge osteoid into which minerals are
deposited to form the hardened material recognized as bone
v  Cancellous bone (begins as fibrous membranes):
 Osteoblasts release osteoid into membrane which forms a
sponge-like bundle of fibres
 Cancellous bone formation develops outward from these
centres in the membrane
t  Bone remodelling has two main phases:
v  Osteoclasts release acids and enzymes to remove old bone
v  Osteoblasts deposit new tissue
©Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc. 2003. All material is copyright protected. It is illegal to copy any of this material.
This material may be used only in a course of study in which Exercise Science: An Introduction to Health and Physical Education (Temertzoglou/Challen) is the required textbook.
Epiphyseal Plates and Lines
t  Epiphyseal plates (growth plates)
v  Occur at various locations at the
epiphyses of long bones
v  Growth possible
t  Epiphyseal lines
v  Occur when epiphyseal plates
have fused or come together
v  Growth not possible
©Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc. 2003. All material is copyright protected. It is illegal to copy any of this material.
This material may be used only in a course of study in which Exercise Science: An Introduction to Health and Physical Education (Temertzoglou/Challen) is the required textbook.
Types of Fractures
t  Stress fracture – most difficult to detect
t  Simple fracture – no separation (hairline fracture)
t  Compound fracture – bone breaks into separate pieces
t  Comminuted fracture – bone shatters into many pieces
©Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc. 2003. All material is copyright protected. It is illegal to copy any of this material.
This material may be used only in a course of study in which Exercise Science: An Introduction to Health and Physical Education (Temertzoglou/Challen) is the required textbook.
Effects of Aging – Skeletal System
t  Remodelling declines from fourth decade onward
v  Process of bone remodelling reverses – resorption occurs
v  Results in a 5–0% loss in bone mass per subsequent decade
v  Affects overall calcium levels in the body
t  Osteoporosis (low bone mass and deterioration of the bone tissue)
may result from resorption
v  Leads to bone fragility
v  Increased susceptibility to bone fractures
t  Preventative measures include:
v  Balanced diet rich in calcium and vitamin D, and a healthy
v  Weight-bearing exercises
v  Bone density testing and medication when appropriate
©Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc. 2003. All material is copyright protected. It is illegal to copy any of this material.
This material may be used only in a course of study in which Exercise Science: An Introduction to Health and Physical Education (Temertzoglou/Challen) is the required textbook.
Jeopardy Skeletal System
t  First person to yell out the answer quickest wins
©Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc. 2003. All material is copyright protected. It is illegal to copy any of this material.
This material may be used only in a course of study in which Exercise Science: An Introduction to Health and Physical Education (Temertzoglou/Challen) is the required textbook.
©Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc. 2003. All material is copyright protected. It is illegal to copy any of this material.
This material may be used only in a course of study in which Exercise Science: An Introduction to Health and Physical Education (Temertzoglou/Challen) is the required textbook.