Download Guangzhou Presentation Slide One (Overview) Located in Southern

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Guangzhou Presentation
Slide One (Overview)
Located in Southern China on the Pearl or Canton/Guangdong River
Situated not far from Hong Kong
Location near the mouth of the Pearl River at the South China Sea made the city an
important destination for sea traders
Guangzhou was a busy city during the post-classical period and has continued to grow
o Today the city is a bustling metropolis with 12.8 million people (China’s 6th
Largest City)
Slide Two (History)
Recorded history of the city began after the Qin dynasty conquered the region
Eventually annexed by the Han Dynasty
o Became the governmental seat of the Guang Prefecture (administrative district
within China – Similar to counties)
o Held political significance in the region of Southern China for centuries
City reached its prominence during the Tang Dynasty in the 8th Century
o Arab and Persian merchants began to appear in the city
Continued to a critical port for Chinese traders through the Song Dynasty
o Was not as prominent politically during this time as most of the government was
situated farther to the North (Loyang – Sui Capital, Hangzhou – Southern Song
Slide Three (Arab/Persian Cultural Influence)
Sea faring merchants arrived in the 8th century eager to do business with the prospering
Tang Dynasty
o Their migration altered the culture of the city by making it almost exclusively a
city focused and designed for international sea trade
Multiple Muslim geographers mentioned Guangzhou in their works describing SE Asia
and China
o Al-Masudi
Persian women immigrated to Guangzhou in great numbers from the 10th-14th centuries
o They populated the city’s foreign quarter
o Chinese scholars did not differentiate between Persians and Arabs
Called all women coming from the Persian Gulf region Dashi
Title means master which suggests that Arab and Persian females
possessed a greater amount of influence in Guangzhou than other women
in the traditional Chinese culture did throughout the Empire
Slide Four (Guangzhou Massacre)
By the end of the 9th Century, the Tang Dynasty began to collapse in China
Many Chinese peasants blamed this collapse on the deteriorating economic system in the
o Looked for a scapegoat and found wealthy foreign merchants and traders
o Peasants felt that the foreigners (mainly Arabs/Persians but even Christians and
Jews too) were accumulating their fortunes by stealing from the economic
prosperity of their people
Huang Choa
o Hope to cause chaos within the already deteriorating Tang Dynasty by
slaughtering the foreign merchants in Guangzhou
o Already hated the Tang Dynasty after failing the Imperial Examination several
times and therefore being denied an imperial government position
Massacre occurred in 879 C.E.
o Around 120,000 foreigners were killed (most of the foreign population in the city)
Slide Five (Economic Role)
Major center of trade
o Good location since it was the closest Chinese port to SE Asia (Areas in SE Asia
like Malacca were bustling with sea trade and Guangzhou was close to the
o Located near the end of the Silk Route
Title given to the trade routes from China, through SE Asia, past India
and finally reaching the Middle East
Goods were even sent from Guangzhou by sea to Northern China where
they were shipped across land on the Silk Road
o Exported Chinese silk, spices, and even ceramics
Direct ocean trade routes connected the Middle East to China
o Example of a Chinese POW who was captured in battle and confined in Iraq for
years and was able to returned to China on a ship which went all the way from
the Middle East to Guangzhou
Although the city was located on a river delta, there was not much agricultural interests
in Guangzhou apart from exporting crops from other regions in China
Moroccan traveler Ibn Battuta came to Guangzhou in the 14th century
o Recounted the large industry of manufacturing ships in the city (main industry in
o This industry was ideal for a city which had a large market of sea-faring
merchants who would be in need of ocean going vessels