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Created by: Arlene Barrett, Dennis Bratton, Mariah Gumphery ,Haley Vrazel
Summarize terms related to digestive
Review the digestive system.
Gastrointestinal Tract
Digestive Stystems
A substance or group of substance of
similar chemical structures that aid in
the support if life.
A science that deals with the way an
animal brings in a feed stuff and
utilizes it through various processes
and metabolic activities.
A tube that allows feed stuff to be stored
(middle) digested (middle), absorbed (middle)
and excreted (exit).
A tube with a hollow cavity with a portion in
the middle with cavities that are followed with
an outlet.
Man and pig have a simple stomachs (nonruminants) with an extensive intestinal
Ruminants have a complex stomach with a
simpler intestinal system
Mouth: “Prehension” tool (grasps food)
◦ Salivary glands secrete juices containing enzymes
(digest food)
◦ Chewing food breaks down
Esophagus: muscular tube that connects
mouth to stomach
◦ Peristaltic Movement: sequential contraction of
ringlike muscles
◦ Reverse Peristalsis = vomiting
Both systems will be addressed in
detail in the lesson to follow:
Ruminants (Polygastrics)—have four
stomach compartments
Non-Ruminats (Monogastrics)—have
one stomach compartment
Small Intestine: long coiled tube connecting
stomach to large intestine
◦ rest of the digestion and absorption takes place
◦ surface covered with villi (increase surface area
and absorption)
Large Intestine: Cecum, colon, rectum
◦ absorbs water (makes feces more solid)
◦ some vitamins and minerals absorbed here
Accessory organs:
Pancreas secretes enzymes to break down fat
Liver (largest internal organ) secretes bile,
which digests fats
◦ also stores iron
Summarize terms related to digestive
Review the digestive system.
Students will illustrate the swine and cattle
digestive system.