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Chapter 26
Heritage of the Middle East
Section 1 World of Islam
Section 2 Centuries of Turmoil
Section 3 Patterns of Life
Section 4 Imperialism and Nationalism
Before Islam
Arabs were nomadic Herders
Desert was a crossroads for trade
Constant flow of pilgrims to Kaaba –
sacred shrine
Black stone – “meteorite from Heaven”
Practiced polytheism
Muhammad the Prophet
Born in Mecca 570
Encouraged by wife Khadija to pray and fast
Resisted by Arabs initially
Forced out of Mecca
Later changed to Medina “city of the prophet”
Koran holy book of Islam
1/5 of the world are Muslims
Migration of Muhammad from Mecca to
Expanded Islam
Year of hejira was first year in the
Muslim calendar
Returned to Mecca with an Army
Controlled almost all of Arabian
Teachings of Islam
Islam – submission
5 Pillars
Proclaim belief in one God
Accept God revealed his message to
Honor other prophets
Five times a day
Face Holy city of Mecca
5 Pillars cont.
Charity to poor
Fasting during Ramadan –nothing from
dawn to sunset
Hajj –pilgrimage to Mecca must be made
once in their lifetime
6th? Jihad – struggle both inner, and
defense of Islam
Believed to contain the exact word of
God as revealed to Muhammad
For religion, politics, law, economy,
Arabic became universal language
Not allowed to translate the Koran from
Heavily influenced by
Must honor Mother and Father
Honesty, kindness,
All are equal???
First 100 years vastly expanded
Soldiers were united
Muslim Arabs conquered from Indus to the
Go to heaven if killed in battle
Lure of riches
Sometimes welcomed
Nonbeliever tax
Caliph –successor to prophet
Sunni v. Shiites
Ali – Muhammad's cousin/ son-in/law
Ali’s son challenged rule of Umayyad Dynasty
(those who took over)
Was murdered
Followers of Ali Shiites broke away
Could descents of someone other than Ali be
a caliph?
Arab Empire
Umayyad Dynasty 661-750
Damascus, Syria Capital
Not inclusive to non Arabs
What was more important, being Arab or being Muslim?
Abbassid dynasty 750-1258
Bagdad New Capital
Built mosques, irrigation, libraries, hospitals, public baths,
More inclusive
Kingdoms split away, but kept religion and many cultures
Golden Age of Muslim Civilization
Trade and conquest help empire spread
Blended Greek, Persian, Indian
Wealth came from trade
China, Scandinavia, Russia, Africa
Improvements in trade practices
Credit opposed to coins
Keeping records/receipts
Golden Age cont.
Increase in learning
Ibn Sina
Ancient works were translated
House of Wisdom Bagdad
Algebra, philosophy, medicine, poetry
Contributions to foreign languages as
Section 2 Centuries of Turmoil
Waves of nomads from Central Asia began
to overrun the Middle East (1000)
Wanted fertile lands
1055 seized Baghdad
Captured part of Byzantine Empire as well,
alarming Christian in Europe
1200’s took parts of Russia, and Central Asia
1258 Hulagu captured Bagdad
Looted and destroyed city
Places, mosques, libraries
Killed Abbassid caliph
Spurred international trade
Eventually absorbed into the Middle East
Byzantine Empire threatened by Muslims and
asked for help
Pope Urban II 1095 called for a crusade –
holy war
Goal was to capture Palestine
Battled fro centuries
Taking Jerusalem, but eventually losing it
Europe was not as advanced at this point
Saladin 1187 Muslim general
Ottoman Empire
Early 1300’s
Converted to Islam
Central Europe across Middle East and North Africa
Captured Constantinople in 1453
Brought down Byzantine Empire
Istanbul became the Capital
Suleiman ruler 1520 to 1566
Ottoman Govt.
Lasted 500 years
Sultan – head of government
Men of the pen
Lawyers, judges, poets
Men of the sword
Converted to Islam to be free
Some were trained in palace
Could go into politics
Some became cadets in Janizary corps
Military units guarded his palace
Non-Muslim communities
Ruled by their own religious leaders
Had to answer to Sultan
Safavid Empire
1500’s (Iran)
Fought with Ottomans over Mesopotamia
Shiite vs. Sunnis
Abbas the Great ruled 1587 to 1629
Shahs –king
Helped by Europeans
Isfahan (Capital)
Important trade esp. with China
Declined after his death
Section 3 Patterns of Life
Village Life
Most people lived in small farming villages
Sheep, goats, olives
Women's room
Camels, goats
Follow the rains
People of the tent
Highland Nomads
Nomads cont.
Seen as violent (many were)
Flocks grazed on settled farm land
Hard to collect taxes from them
Required a tax to cross through their lands
Trading center on a caravan route
Cairo, Bagdad, Mecca
Beirut –seaport
Protected by high walls
Mosque center of life
Capital of Israel
Served as meeting paces, inns
Suq –marketplace
Family Life
Marriages were arranged
Muslim woman couldn’t marry a nonMuslim
As many as four wives
Must treat them equal
Expected to be modest/secluded
Some rights improved under Islam
No gendercide
Customs were not always followed
Section 4 Imperialism and
November 1869 Suez Canal Opens
Ottoman Empire
Faced Russia and Austria Hungary seeking
their lands
Groups wanted independence
Ethnic divisions wanting self-rule
“Sick man of Europe”
Ottoman cont.
Reforms to help modernize
Est. secular schools
Taught science/technology
Change didn’t go well
Turkish Nationalism
Young Turks
Revolutionary Group
Wanted to end western influence
1908 overthrew sultan
Not tolerant
Persecuted non Muslims
Massacred hundreds of thousands Armenians
Didn’t treat Arab Muslims well
World War 1
Allies with Germany
1919 Treaty of Versailles
Ended empire
Stripped Country of its Arab Provinces
Mandate – territory administered not
owned by another country from League
of Nations
Republic of Turkey
Greece attacks Turkey
Mustafa Kemal Turkish General resist
Overthrows Sultan
Establish Turkey as a republic
Beomes Kemal Ataturk
“father of the Turks”
Ataturk cont.
Separation of religion and government
Invested in industries
Women could vote
Public schooling
Became westernized
Modern Egypt
Invaded in 1798 by Napoleon
Not successful, but left French influence
Muhammad Ali – Albanian soldier governor of Egypt
(part of Ottoman)
New farming methods, reformed military, promoted cash
Came into debt from borrowing from Europeans
France and Britain able to control Egypt
Economy/Suez Canal
Copts resisted British rule in 1882
Egypt independent in 1922
Would get canal until 1956
Heavily influenced/dependent on
European economy
1925 Reza Khan est. Pahlavi dynasty
Wanted to create a modern industrial state
Roads, factories, army
Continued westernization
Arab Nationalism
Saudi Arabia gained independence
shortly after WW1
Iraq 1932
Lebanon 1943
Syria 1946
Conflict between Jewish and Arabs
Zionism –sought to reestablish a Jewish State
in Palestine (had been Persecuted)
Anti-Semitism –hatred of Jews
Many killings of Jews
1897 Theodor Herzl organized movement to
Balfour Declaration set up by British
Establish an area for Jews
Arabs felt pushed off their land