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Francesco Cattafi
Budapestlaan 6
3584CD Utrecht
The Netherlands
H +31 642127924
T +31 302534557
B f.cattafi[at] catta001/
My main research interest is differential geometry and my PhD project is about a unified approach
to the integrability of "almost" geometric structures. I am currently working with G- and Γstructures, Lie groupoids, algebroids and pseudogroups, Pfaffian bundles and groupoids, and Morita
Sept 2015–today 4-years PhD in Mathematics, Universiteit Utrecht, Utrecht (The
Phd project Poisson Geometry Inside Out (supervised by Marius Crainic)
Sept 2013–Jul 2015 2-years MSc in Mathematics, Università degli studi di Torino, Torino
(Italy), 110/110 cum laude et mentione.
Master thesis: Conservation Laws in Variational Sequences (supervised by Marcella Palese)
Sept 2010–Jul 2013 3-years BSc in Mathematics, Università degli studi di Torino, Torino
(Italy), 110/110 cum laude.
Bachelor thesis: Characteristic curves for PDEs: theory and application to Klein-Gordon
equation in metric-affine formalism (supervised by Lorenzo Fatibene)
Sept 2005–Jul 2010 High school diploma, Liceo Scentifico “Amedeo Avogadro”, Biella (Italy),
7 Nov 2016 From PDEs to Pfaffian bundles
Invited by M. Palese (Torino, Italy)
21 Oct 2016 Introduction to DGLAs and examples of deformation problems
Friday Fish seminar (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
21 Dec 2015 From Lie groups to Lie groupoids
Welcome Home workshop (Torino, Italy)
2017 (work in progress) A paper on Pfaffian bundles
2016 F. Cattafi, M. Palese, E. Winterroth, Variational derivatives in locally Lagrangian field theories and Noether–Bessel-Hagen currents, International
Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 13(8), 1650067 (2016),
available also on arXiv:1601.07193
Sept 2015 - today Teaching Assistant, Universiteit Utrecht, Utrecht (The Netherlands).
Each bachelor course lasts one block (about 9 weeks), usually with 4 hours of
lectures (hoorcolleges) and 4 hours of exercise sessions (werkcolleges) per week;
each master course lasts one semester (about 14 weeks), usually with 2 hours of
lectures and 1 hour of exercise session per week.
I supervise and help the students in classroom while they try to solve the exercises
on their own; in addition, I am responsible for the correction and grading of
students’ assignments and the supervision, correction and grading of the final exam,
as well as proofreading the lecture notes.
{ Nov 2016 - Jan 2017: Inleiding Topologie
2nd year-bachelor course on topological spaces, topological properties and algebras of continous
{ Sept 2016 - Dec 2016: Differential Geometry
master course on vector bundles, Lie groups, principal bundles and G-structures
{ Sept 2016 - Nov 2016: Functies en Reeksen
2nd year-bachelor course on real analysis in several variables, series of functions and Fourier
{ Apr 2016 - June 2016: Analyse
1st year-bachelor course on metric spaces, continuity, differentiability and integrability of real
{ Nov 2015 - Jan 2016: Inleiding Topologie
2nd year-bachelor course on topological spaces, topological properties and algebras of continous
{ Sept 2015 - Dec 2015: Differential Geometry
master course on vector bundles, Lie groups, principal bundles and G-structures)
{ Sept 2015 - Nov 2015: Functies en Reeksen
2nd year-bachelor course on real analysis in several variables, series of functions and Fourier
Sept 2013 - Jun 2015 Teaching Assistant, Università degli studi di Torino, Torino (Italy).
Each bachelor course lasts one semester (about 12 weeks) and has two hours of
exercise sessions (tutorati) per week. In addition to solving the exercises at the
blackboard and tutoring the students, among my duties there were the weekly
correction of students’ assignments and the correction of the final exam simulation.
{ Mar 2015 - Jun 2015: Geometria 1
1st year-bachelor course on linear algebra and analytical geometry)
{ Sept 2014 - Jan 2015: Geometria 2
2nd year-bachelor course on general topology, algebraic curves, differentiable curves and surfaces)
{ Sept 2013 - Jan 2014: Analisi Matematica 2
2nd year-bachelor course on series and sequences, real analysis in several variables)
17 Mar 2017 Mini-workshop on Symplectic Geometry
Utrecht (The Netherlands)
15-16 Dec 2016 Higher Geometric Structures on the Lower Rhine VIII
1-2 Dec 2016 Geometry and Quantum Theory Colloquium
Den Dolder (The
30 Sept 2016 Mini-workshop on Symplectic Geometry Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
4-8 Jul 2016 Poisson Geometry Conference 2016
Zürich (Switzerland)
9-10 Jun 2016 Geometry and Quantum Theory Colloquium
Zeist (The Netherlands)
7-8 Apr 2016 Higher Geometric Structures on the Lower Rhine VII
23 Mar
11 Mar
21-22 Dec
29-30 Oct
Benelux Mathematical Congress
Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
Mini-workshop on Symplectic Geometry
Utrecht (The Netherlands)
Fifth Welcome Home Workshop
Torino (Italy)
Geometry and Quantum Theory Colloquium
Zeist (The Netherlands)
24-26 Sept 2015 Higher Geometric Structures on the Lower Rhine VI
De Bilt (The
25-26 Jun 2015 Variational Principles and Conservation Laws in General Relativity Torino
28-30 Nov 2016 Geometry and Quantum Theory Graduate School
Den Dolder (The
19 Jul-2 Aug 2016 XIX Diffiety Summer School on Geometry of PDEs
Lizzano in
Belvedere (Italy)
27 Jun-1 Jul 2016 Poisson Geometry Summer School
Genève (Switzerland)
6-8 Jun 2016 Geometry and Quantum Theory Graduate School
Zeist (The
26-28 Oct 2015 Geometry and Quantum Theory Graduate School
Zeist (The
20 Jul-4 Aug 2015 XVIII Diffiety Summer School on Geometry on PDEs
11-15 Aug 2014 24th Jyväskylä Summer School on Mathematics
Lizzano in
Jyväskylä (Finland)
18-20 May 2012 AlfaClass Update 2nd edition - Mathematics Spring School
6-10 Sept 2011 AlfaClass 3rd edition - Mathematics Summer School
Scholarships and Awards
Jul 2016 Union of Railwaymen scholarship
Scholarship for deserving children of the State Railways’ employees (selected nationwide
according to university final marks)
Jul 2015 CIFI scholarship
Scholarship for deserving children of the State Railways’ employees (selected nationwide
according to university marks)
Jun 2015 Support for excellence projects
Grant to attend national summer school or other excellence projects
Dec 2014 Collegio Einaudi scholarship
Refund of 13/14 fees due to academic achievements
Jul 2014 CIFI scholarship
Scholarship for deserving children of the State Railways’ employees (selected nationwide
according to university marks)
Jun 2014 Support for international mobility
Grant for stays abroad (beyond Erasmus programs) to attend university courses, for summer
school or to prepare master dissertations.
Dec 2012 Collegio Einaudi scholarship
Refund of 11/12 fees due to academic achievements
Oct 2011 Marco Polo scholarship
Scholarship for deserving students enrolled in the 1st year of Piedmont’s universities
(selected according to high school final mark, university exams and knowledge of English)
Jun 2011 CIFI scholarship
Scholarship for deserving children of the State Railways’ employees (selected nationwide
according to high school final mark)
Dec 2009 Piedmont Award of Excellence
Acknowledgement of deserving students during school year 08/09
Other professional activities
Oct 2017 Organiser of a 3-days workshop on Lie pseudogroups in Utrecht
7 Feb 2017 Participation to the orientation workshop “PhD life” for master students
Dec 2016 - today Organiser of the Friday Fish seminars (the weekly seminars of the research
group in Differential Geometry of Utrecht University)
Sept - Dec 2016 Co-supervision (together with M. Crainic) of the visiting bachelor student
Pedro Mendes de Araújo (Universidade de São Paulo)
7 Sept 2016 Participation to the orientation workshop “PhD life” for master students
June 2016 Organiser (together with P. Christou and L. Toussaint) of a minicourse for
master students in preparation to the Poisson summer school in Switzerland.
I gave 5 hours of lectures on the general theory of Lie groupoids and Lie
algebroids, symplectic groupoids and integration of Poisson manifolds
Jan 2016 - today Member of the Collegio Einaudi Alumni Association and mentor for bachelor
and master students of Collegio Einaudi
Sept 2015 - today Member of the GQT (Geometry and Quantum Theory) research cluster of
the NWO (Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek - the
Dutch Organisation for Scientific Research)
(with levels according to the Common European Framework of Reference)
Italian Mother tongue
English Fluent
Frenh Good
Certificate in Advanced English (level C1)
Diplôme d’Études en Langue Française (level B2)
Dutch Intermediate
Last update: April 4, 2017
Babel Certificaat (level B1)