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Cardiovascular Research (2013) 99, 375–377
And the beat goes on . . . the beat goes on:
organization and quasi-periodicity in ventricular
José Jalife*
Center for Arrhythmia Research, University of Michigan, 2800 Plymouth Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA
This editorial refers to ‘KATP channel opening accelerates and
stabilizes rotors in a swine heart model of ventricular fibrillation’ by J.G. Quintanilla et al., pp. 576 –585, this issue.
Ventricular fibrillation (VF) is a remarkably complex and seemingly disorganized cardiac excitation, in which propagating electrical waves fail
dismally to activate the ventricles synchronously, with the consequent
loss of contractile function. Despite its declining incidence, VF is still a
major cause of sudden cardiac death in industrialized nations, which
accounts for nearly 300 000 annual fatalities in the USA alone.1,2 Clinically, VF can be observed on the electrocardiogram (ECG) as the sudden
transition from the highly ordered and rhythmic pattern generated by
sinuatrial activation into an irregular and aperiodic pattern, with undulating and variable morphology of the QRS complex.
Traditionally, the highly aperiodic and irregular ECG traces associated
with VF have been thought to be the result of a totally random excitation
of the ventricles.3,4 However, over the last 20 years,5 numerous
advances in high-resolution spatiotemporal imaging, computer simulations, molecular, and genetic techniques have led to the gradual emergence of a new concept of VF, which turns out to be much more
organized than the ECG would first suggest.6,7 Such new advances
have allowed investigation into the dynamics of fibrillatory behaviour
and, just as important, the mechanisms underlying such dynamics in
the structurally normal heart. Our technology has progressed to the
point where we can now integrate multiple levels of organization,
from the molecule to the organ level, as an aid to generate a cohesive
understanding of the mechanisms that underlie the generation and maintenance of VF even in the structurally abnormal, diseased heart. With
such efforts, we might be able to improve patient outcomes through
the development of better designed and targeted treatments, as well
as preventative measures for VF, in the foreseeable future.
The article by Quintanilla et al.8 published in this issue of Cardiovascular
Research provides yet another piece of evidence for the remarkable
degree of organization that can be demonstrated in the fibrillating
heart of a large mammalian species. It reports very significant new information about the manner in which pharmacological activation of inward
rectifier potassium channels, particularly IKATP channels, modify the
dynamics of rotors controlling VF. Understanding such dynamics is obviously important. In addition, establishing whether the arrhythmia is
maintained by a dominant ‘leading rotor’, or by multiple wavelets, or
even multiple coexisting rotors might provide further insight into
therapy. The authors have carried out high-resolution optical mapping
and an extensive analysis of some properties of rotors in the structurally
normal swine ventricle, in the presence of cromakalim, a K-ATP channel
opener.9 They started by addressing the question of whether pharmacological activation of IKATP increased the frequency of VF by generating
one or more leading rotors and then if the acceleration of VF was accompanied by the unveiling of a high degree of organization that depended on
specific rotor dynamics.
During VF, the behaviour of rotors can vary over a wide spectrum.5,6,10
They may be very unstable and short lived, they may meander within
limited expanses, or they may be remarkably stable, long lasting and
result in a high degree of spatial and temporal organization in their immediate surroundings, depending on the ionic and molecular substrate in
which they ensue. Previous studies in small mammals and in computer
simulations have demonstrated that inward rectifier channels, particularly Kir2.1 channels, can strongly regulate rotor behaviour.10,11 For
example, in the guinea pig heart, the density of IK1 is significantly larger
in myocytes obtained from the left ventricle (LV) than the right ventricle
(RV), which results in a substantial gradient of action potential duration
(APD) and the stabilization of a single, long-lasting ‘mother rotor’ in
the LV during VF.10 The spiral wave activity generated by such a highly
stable rotor causes turbulence and fibrillatory conduction in its periphery. Consequently, in the guinea pig heart, the frequency of fibrillatory activity of the LV is substantially higher than the RV.10 Subsequent
incorporation of the IK1 gradient between LV and RV into a computerbased ionic model of the cardiac ventricular myocytes reproduced a
stable rotor with a spinning frequency of 35 Hz in the region with
larger IK1.10 Fibrillatory conduction characterized the region of the
model with right ventricular IK1. Further experimentation showed that
perfusion with Ba2+ at a relatively low concentration that selectively
blocked IK1 resulted in a dose-dependent decrease in the frequency of
the rotor, slightly higher Ba2+ concentrations terminated VF.12
More recently, it was shown that cardiac specific up-regulation of IK1 in
the heart of a transgenic mouse overexpressing Kir2.1 channels
The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those of the Editors of Cardiovascular Research or of the European Society of Cardiology.
* Corresponding author. Tel: +1 734 998 7500, Fax: +1 734 998 7511. Email: [email protected]
Published on behalf of the European Society of Cardiology. All rights reserved. & The Author 2013. For permissions please email: [email protected].
accelerated the final phase of action potential repolarization, which significantly shortened the APD and the QT interval.11,13 During VF, this
translated into faster and more stable rotors because of shortening of
wavelength and relative membrane hyperpolarization, both of which
contributed to greater Na+ channel availability during the excitable
gap and thus to increased excitability ahead of the rotating wave
front.11 In addition, IK1 overexpression augmented the voltage gradient
established between resting cells in the centre of rotation and the active
cells in its immediate surroundings. These effects helped to enhance the
electrotonic currents that flowed continuously between resting and
active cells, which further contributed not only to hasten the repolarization of the active cells, but also to reduce the propagation velocity very
near the core. The end result was a steeper rise in the local CV as a function of the distance from the core and a faster, more stable rotor in transgenic, compared with the wild-type hearts.11,14 Further, during re-entry
in the IK1 overexpressing hearts, the unexcited cells at the very centre of
the core provided a larger than normal outwards conductance which
decreased the likelihood of being excited by the depolarizing influence
of their immediate, actively depolarized neighbours (sink-to-source mismatch), helping to reduce core size and meandering and to stabilize the
Recent studies,15 – 17 suggest that even in large hearts such as that of
the pig or the human, the dynamics of wave propagation during VF are
not as complex as might occur if the mechanism were spiral breakup,
or as random as would be expected from the multiple wavelet hypothesis. In fact, Rogers et al.15 were unable to rule out the possibility that
mother rotors located in unmapped regions in their swine heart experiments maintained the fibrillatory activity. Additionally, it has been proposed that the mother rotor and the multiple wavelets are both
mechanisms of VF in the human heart.17,18 Yet another study, in which
the epicardium of the human LV was mapped concluded that there is significant organization of human VF and that such organization requires
the presence of rotors.17
In the study of Quintanilla et al.8 cromakalim-induced opening of
another inward rectifier channel (in this case K-ATP) in the much
larger swine heart promoted the formation and stabilization of rotors
whose cores were remarkably smaller than in control, which contributed to their stabilization and to make the rotors undergo hundreds to
thousands of rotations. The basis for such rotor acceleration is likely
to be qualitatively similar to that demonstrated for IK1 up-regulation in
the mouse heart.11 As expected greatly accelerated rotors were surrounded by areas of very rapid activation, with domains of high spectral
organization surrounded by very poorly organized areas, most likely the
result of wavebreaks and fibrillatory conduction. The spectral domains
of highest organization coincided with the location of persistent, longlasting rotors that generated beautiful spiral waves with one or more
full windings. In addition, in some VF episodes, Quintanilla et al.8 demonstrate that several persistent rotors (up to 4) may concur in a small
region, activate at the same frequency and complete hundreds of rotations side by side, but without seemingly interacting with each other.
Such a remarkable behaviour is likely the result of the fact that, by significantly augmenting the potassium current density in the outsized pig ventricles, K-ATP-channel opening considerably increased the ratio
between the tissue size and the core size. This, together with the
IK,ATP induced reduction of refractoriness, enabled more ‘elbow room’
for multiple rotors to coexist and mutually synchronize at a high frequency and with a high degree of organization.
Another interesting observation reported by Quintanilla et al.8 in the
setting of IKATP channel opening is that rotors that do not remain rigidly
rotating may appear repetitively in rapid succession at specific locations,
drift rapidly through the ventricles and then disappear, giving rise to an
interesting quasi-periodic waxing and waning, which they describe as a
‘beat phenomenon’ in the optical action potential amplitude. Beat phenomena are well known in many other physical oscillatory systems when
two frequencies are close together. For example, in acoustics, a beat
occurs when there is interference between two pure tones with slightly
different frequencies. The superposition of the two results in an amplitude modulation of the superposed wave. It is perceived as periodic variations in sound volume whose rate is determined by the difference
between the two frequencies. In the context of accelerated VF, Quintanilla et al.8 explain it as the ‘consecutive approaches and withdrawals of
the cores of successive rotors drifting across the border between two
frequency domains’. They argue convincingly that the only way to
explain the highly deterministic beat phenomenon associated with VF
in their swine heart preparations is on the basis of the Doppler equations
that relate the rotation frequency of the rotor to the speed of its spatial
drift and the wave speed.19
Finally, in an effort to provide additional clinical relevance to their
study, they generated offline pseudo-bipolar electrograms to evaluate
whether transvenous catheters used in the clinical laboratory to
record cardiac electrical activity could help the operator in localizing
high-frequency sources of fibrillation and to determine whether
so-called fractionated electrograms actually correspond to the location
of such sources. They demonstrate persuasively that the pseudoelectrograms recorded at the locus of the rotor are highly organized
and that complex fractionation does not occur near rotor activity.
Altogether, the results of Quintanilla et al.8 have increased our understanding of the manner in which potassium channels, particularly K-ATP
channels, control rotor dynamics. In addition, they provide further
support to the hypothesis that VF is driven by a small number of
rotors. They also represent a good start to focus on mechanistic insights
regarding the role of K-ATP channels in VF, particularly in the context of
global ischaemia, which is confounded by the presence of multiple variables such as high K+, low pH, etc. Moreover, as recently demonstrated
for the guinea pig heart, global ischaemia-induced IKATP activation contributes to LV-RV heterogeneity in anterior subepicardial APD, in part due
to the higher density of IKATP, as well as higher Kir6.1/Kir6.2 mRNA levels
in the LV compared with RV.20 Further, transmural differences in K-ATP
channels might also influence VF dynamics and quasi-periodic rotor behaviour, not only in the ischaemic myocardium,21 but also other substrates such as in Brugada syndrome and the J wave syndrome,22,23
where genetic defects may cause the activation of the K-ATP channels.24
Clearly, the relative importance of IK,ATP gradients between LV and RV
and between the epicardium and the endocardium in determining or
modulating the interesting rotor behaviours reported by Quintanilla
et al.8 requires further systematic investigation. Nevertheless, their demonstration of such a high degree of spatial and temporal organization in
fibrillatory dynamics in a mammalian species whose heart size is similar
to the human heart, under conditions that promote rotor stability and
longevity, is an important new step towards better understanding this
highly lethal and remarkably complex cardiac rhythm alteration that
we call VF.
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