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Unit 3 – Islam
Those who follow Islam are called Muslims.
Muslims can be from any nation or race, anywhere in
the world. Islam is an international faith. It is the
second most popular faith in the world with over a thousand million adherents.
Islam is now very strong in Asia, and is growing everywhere else in the world.
There are between 1.5 and 3 million Muslims in Britain, making it the second most
popular faith here too.
Introducing Islam
The words ‘Islam’ and ‘Muslim’ contain the letters ‘slm’. In Arabic, ‘slm’ forms
words that mean either ‘peace’ or ‘submission’. Islam can be translated either as
‘way of peace’ or ‘way of submission’. A Muslim, therefore, is ‘one who finds peace’
or ‘one who submits’. The idea is that a person finds true peace in life by
submitting to the will of God. This can be seen in the first sura (chapter) of the
Muslim holy book, the Qur’an, which is recited when Muslims pray:
In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful,
King of Judgement Day! You alone we worship, and to you
alone we pray for help. Guide us to the straight path,
the path of those whom You have favoured, not of those who
have incurred Your wrath, nor of those who have gone astray.
Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies
World Religions
Unit 3 – Islam
Muslims believe that we have many choices in life, and selfish actions can take us
down the wrong path. If we choose to go down the wrong path it will
cause a great deal of hurt, not only to others, but also
to ourselves. Muslims would add that we could offend
God, too. We are responsible for our own behaviour.
Many times, in everyday life, we have to choose right or
wrong paths. Muslims are in no doubt that their faith helps
them to see which is the right path, the straight path that
leads to peace.
What do Muslims believe?
Muslims believe that there is one God,
They believe that Allah is eternal; he was never born and he will never die.
Allah sees everything and he knows everything. He made everything and cares
about his creation. Allah is all-powerful, human beings, therefore, should worship
him. Everything belongs to God; everything in life should be at the service of
Allah. As a result, Muslims find it hard to accept the distinction that Western
cultures make between a person’s religious
life and the rest of their life. Muslims think
such a distinction is entirely wrong. They
believe that not only individuals, but also the
institutions of society should serve Allah.
Muslims submit to Allah by obeying his
commands, and by living their whole lives in a
way that is pleasing to Allah. Muslims
combine faith and action in everything they
do; they regard belief on its own, or good
deeds on their own, as pointless.
Islam is careful to remind us that it is not a
religion to be paid mere lip service; it is an
all-encompassing way of life that must be
practiced continuously for it to be Islam.
Describe what the word ‘Islam’ actually means?
What does a Muslim have to do to find ‘true peace?’
What do Muslims say about Allah?
What do Muslims do to show their submission to Allah?
Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies
World Religions
Unit 3 – Islam
Muhammad was born in the city of Makkah
(Mecca), in the country that we now call Saudi
Arabia. He was born about the year 570 CE.
His father had died weeks earlier. It was the custom for newborn babies to be
fed by a foster-mother. So, at first, a Bedouin woman cared for Muhammad.
The Life of Muhammad
His mother died when he was only six so he went to live with his grandfather.
Just two years later, his grandfather also died and Muhammad’s uncle who was a
merchant looked after him. A legend says that a Christian monk who met the
young Muhammad was so impressed by him that he declared:
“this young man will be a prophet in the future”.
As a boy, Muhammad looked after sheep in the desert. When he grew up, he was
proud of this work.
‘Allah’, he told people, ‘sent no prophet who was not a shepherd’.
Muhammad went on to become a camel driver and, later,
a trader. He was honest and hard working and was spotted
by a rich widow called Khadijah. Khadijah, who was also
a trader, asked Muhammad to look after her business
affairs. He was a very able businessman.
On his very first trip to Syria, he earned Khadijah
nearly twice the money that she expected.
Soon afterwards, she asked Muhammad to marry her.
Muhammad’s uncle advised him to accept the proposal so,
aged twenty-five; Muhammad married Khadijah, who was much
older than him. It proved to be a happy married and together they
had six children, two boys and four girls.
Makkah was already a religious city.
Pilgrims flocked to see the black stone, which was
kept in the Ka’bah. The tribes thought that this had
come from heaven – a gift from the gods. One year,
heavy rain damaged the walls of the Ka’bah and
repairs were urgently needed. It was agreed that
four tribes would share the work. All went well until
the time came to put the black stone in place.
Then the arguments began. Which tribe should have the honour of doing it?
The quarrels were so bitter that it looked as though a civil war might break out.
Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies
World Religions
Unit 3 – Islam
In the end, an old man had an idea. They would let the gods help.
The first person to walk through the temple gates next day would be
asked to sort it out. The first person happened to be
Muhammad. People had already given him the nickname
Al-Amin, which means ‘the honest one’ or ‘someone who can be
trusted’, so he seemed a good person to solve the dispute.
His solution was very clever. He took a cloak and spread it on
the ground. The black stone was placed on top and leaders
from each tribe took hold of the corners of the cloak.
Holding tight, they lifted the stone into place.
Then, Muhammad slid it into position.
From then onwards, Muhammad spent more time meditating. He was upset by the
way the people of Makkah lived their lives. Muhammad began going to the hills
near Makkah to be alone so that he could think and pray. Each year, during the
month of Ramadan, he went alone to a cave called Hira on Mount Nur, outside the
city. He did this until he was forty years old. That year was his fifth at the cave
- and he had a surprise visitor.
One night, as Muhammad was praying in a cave
Muhammad’s vision
on Mount Hira, he had a vision. An angel
appeared carrying a piece of cloth with writing
on it. The angel told Muhammad to read it but Muhammad
could not read or write.
Three times, Muhammad told the angel that he was
not a reader; three times, the angel squeezed him hard.
Then, the angel taught Muhammad this verse:
“Read in the name of your Lord who created.
Created man from a clot of blood.
Read, your Lord is most Generous.
Who taught by the pen.
Taught man what he did not know”.
Then the angel said ‘Muhammad! You are Allah’s messenger!’ Muhammad was
terrified. He returned home and told Khadijah about it. She reassured him and
told him it was a sign that he had been chosen as a prophet. She knew that his
message had come from Allah. This event is known as The Night of Power.
1. What was Muhammad’s nickname? What does it mean?
2. Why did Muhammad spend so much time in the hills near Makkah?
3. Describe Muhammad’s vision. How did Khadijah react to this event?
Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies
World Religions
Unit 3 – Islam
Months later, Muhammad had another vision of the angel Jibreel (Gabriel).
This really frightened him and he rushed home. Once again, his wife comforted
and reassured him. This time, Muhammad made up his mind. God had chosen him
as a prophet.
O Khadijah, the time of slumber and rest is past.
Gabriel has asked me to warn men and call them to
Allah and to His worship. But whom shall I call?
And who will listen to me?
After this, Muhammad began to preach that there was one God (monotheism).
The first people who listened to him were his wife and a young cousin.
However, Muhammad’s message slowly spread among the people in Makkah.
Very few people took it seriously.
The people of Makkah did not live good lives.
Many of the men fought with each other and were
cruel to their women and children. They drank a
lot and, worst of all, they worshipped idols – great
stone statues in the city. The Ka’bah was used to
house some of these idols and people would
dance around the Ka’bah to worship them.
Muhammad’s message was simple.
He told the people that it was wrong to
pray to these idols.
He asserted that there was only one true God who was the creator of the world.
It was wicked to worship statues.
The merchants of Makkah were very angry; they did
not like being told they were wicked. Pilgrims came
to visit their pagan shrines. It brought business
into the city and they did not want Muhammad
wrecking it. Some accused him of being a liar
while others said he was a madman. Some of his
followers were beaten up or tortured – and the
attacks grew worse.
One day, pilgrims from the city of Madinah
heard Muhammad preach and were impressed.
They invited him to go and live with them, over
300 km away across the Arabian desert.
Muhammad accepted their invitation.
Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies
World Religions
Unit 3 – Islam
Muhammad’s move to Madinah is called the hijrah.
In Arabic, hijrah means ‘departure’. This is a very
important event for Muslims. Even today, the Muslim
system of dating years starts with Muhammad’s journey, so the Islamic calendar
begins in 622 CE (1 AH).
(AH means ‘After Hijrah’).
In Madinah, Muhammad started
the first Muslim community.
The first mosque was built
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there and Muhammad’s house
are needed to see this picture.
was next door. Muhammad
himself even helped to build
the mosque. He taught that
everyone was equal in the eyes
of God. He mended his own
clothes and did his own shopping. He wanted to be a good example to his people.
The hijrah
Muhammad is a key figure in
Islam. The first Pillar of Islam
is the declaration of faith:
There is no God but Allah,
and Muhammad is the messenger of God
Islam teaches that there were other prophets before Muhammad,
but that Muhammad had the last word: he brought the final,
perfect revelation from God to humankind. When Muslims say his
name, they usually bless him with the words, ‘Peace be upon him’.
Muslims regard him as the ideal man, and they try to live up to
his example of faith and goodness.
Most Muslims, out of respect, will not
represent Muhammad in any way.
Pictures that do exist of
Muhammad usually show his
face veiled and a large
flame-shaped light behind his head. This is similar to
the idea of the halo of light, in Christian tradition, to
denote a particularly holy person.
1. Muhammad preached monotheism. What does this mean?
2. Why did Muhammad believe it was wrong to worship idols?
3. Muslims look up to Muhammad. Do you think it is important to have
people to look up to? Give reasons for your answer.
Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies
World Religions
Unit 3 – Islam
Jesus, Christians and Muslims
Muslims honour Jesus Christ as a great prophet.
They believe that God has always sent prophets to
humankind, from Adam onwards. Muslims believe
in the same prophets as Jews and Christians, and
the names of Noah, Abraham, Moses and others
can be found in the Qur’an. Muhammad is seen as
the Last Prophet, or ‘the Seal of the Prophets’,
whose message has been faithfully preserved in
the text of the Qur’an. He closes the line of prophets, as a wax seal used to seal
and close a letter.
In Arabic, in the Qur’an, Jesus is called Isa ibn Mariam al
Masih – ‘Jesus, son of Mary, the Messiah’. Jesus was the
prophet before Muhammad, and a special reverence is
given to him. Muslims believe that he was a perfect
human being who was born from a virgin. Allah performed
a miracle in Mary’s womb as a sign that this boy was to
be a special prophet. The Qur’an teaches that Jesus
worked miracles, healing people. He is also called
‘Messiah’, ‘God’s specially chosen and anointed ‘.
In the Qur’an, Jesus says, ‘I am the servant of Allah. He has given me the Gospel
and ordained me a prophet. His blessing is upon me wherever I go, and He has
commanded me to be steadfast in prayer and to give alms to the poor as long as I
shall live’.
Muslims do not believe that Jesus was divine – Christians say that he was God
living in a man (Incarnation). Muhammad once said, ‘Do not extol me as the
Christians have extolled the Son of Mary. I am only God’s servant. Refer to me as
the servant and messenger of God’.
Most Muslims believe that Jesus was too holy to die on the
cross: they believe another died in his place, or a trick
was played upon the crowd, and he was taken up to
heaven to be with God. Muslims expect Jesus to
return before the Final Judgement. Muhammad once
said, ‘I swear by Him who holds my life between His
hands, the son of Mary will come back down among you
very soon as a just judge’.
Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies
World Religions
Unit 3 – Islam
The sections of the Qur’an that mention Jesus’ fate are slightly obscure, and
some scholars feel that the Arabic can be understood differently. A minority
opinion is that Jesus might have been crucified, but could not be spiritually killed,
and he was taken to heaven.
Muhammad once spoke of a vision of Jesus he had had:
‘Then I noticed a brown-skinned man with smooth hair which was wet;
water was dripping from it onto the ground between his legs.
I asked who it was and was told, “It’s the son of Mary” . . . .’
Whatever exactly happened to Jesus, all Muslims believe that he was taken to be
with God and will one day return. They do not believe in the resurrection but they
do believe in the ascension.
Christians call Jesus ‘the Son of God’.
Muslims disagree for the Qur’an teaches
that Allah has no son. Because of their
staunch belief in the oneness and unity
of Allah, they are unable to accept any
suggestion that God had a son, or that
‘He’ is three persons (Christians speak
of the ‘three persons’ of the ‘Holy
Trinity’ – Father, Son and Holy Spirit).
The Qur’an does say that Jesus had been specially blessed by Allah, born of a
virgin, a worker of miracles, and he is even described as ‘a word
sent from Allah’. The Christian term ‘Son of God’ is often
misunderstood – it is not meant in a physical sense. It is more
poetic, meaning that Jesus was the most holy person
who ever lived, filled with God. (Christians also
call Jesus ‘the Word of God’). There are still
major disagreements between Muslims and
Christians about Jesus, but many try to respect
each other’s beliefs as they share and talk together.
1. How do the prophets of the Bible fit into Muslim beliefs?
2. What does the Qur’an teach about Jesus?
3. Muslims don’t believe in the resurrection but they do believe in the
ascension. What does this mean?
4. Why can’t Muslims refer to Jesus as ‘the Son of God?’
5. How do Muslims interpret the Christian term ‘Son of God?’
Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies
World Religions
Unit 3 – Islam
Islam teaches that there is
only one God. He has no
family or partners. He is
the only one whom people should worship. Every day, a Muslim says several times:
“There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is His messenger”
This is known as the SHAHADAH – the confession
of faith. It is the first Pillar of Faith: belief in
Allah. The most basic Muslim belief about
God is TAWHID. This means the ‘one-ness’,
‘unity’, ‘the absolute’ or ‘the alone’.
It means accepting that God is supreme.
What do Muslims believe about God?
Tawhid means that God alone is the creator, the power
behind the universe and the sole source of its guidance.
He was not created; he is ‘The Eternal’. He knows
everything, sees everything and is able to do anything.
God is TRANSCENDENT, which means that he is outside
and beyond everything that he created.
God is outside time, whereas all created things
are part of time. Things, which are part of time,
have beginnings and ends, but this is not true of
God. When Muslims talk of God as being ‘eternal’
or ‘infinite’, they are admitting that he is beyond
human knowledge and reasoning.
Muslims also believe that God is immanent, which means
that he is closer to each human than their heartbeat and
knows even our unspoken thoughts, fears and hopes.
“It was We who created man, and We know even the secret suggestions his soul
makes to him; for We are nearer to him than [his] jugular vein”.
(Surah 50:16)
We know Allah loves us,
and He always forgives
us if we are sorry
Allah allows us freewill,
but He controls our
Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies
World Religions
Allah does not prefer
any person or nation. He
creates everyone equal.
You cannot think
Allah cannot be
thought of in
human terms
Unit 3 – Islam
Taw hid has some far-reaching implications in Islam.
Muslims should worship Allah alone; no one else and nothing else is worthy.
No other being should be associated with Allah. Idolatry is worshipping an
object less than God, and it is strictly forbidden. This sin of idolatry
is called SHIRK, and is regarded by Muslims as the worst of all sins.
Although Muslims are held responsible for their own sins, they also believe
nothing happens unless it is the will of Allah. They frequently say
‘Insha Allah’, meaning ‘If Allah is willing’, showing their recognition of his
‘power’ and acceptance of his will for them.
A Muslims whole life should be lived for Allah alone. Islam gives rules to
govern all aspects of one’s life.
If there is only one God, these should be only one religion.
Islam is seen as the best religion for the whole world.
Those who believe in the oneness of Allah should be united together in
their religion. Islam emphasises the unity of the UMMAH, the worldwide
Islamic community.
Belief in one creator gives a sense of oneness with all creation. Therefore
Muslims should respect other human beings, animals and natural resources.
Muslims are conscious of Allah looking over them at all times, knowing what
they are thinking and doing. This should make them more likely to do right.
Muslims should be modest because they recognise that there is a far
greater power than that of human beings, and they know that they must
submit to Allah, on whom they depend entirely.
They should be confident, because they trust in Allah and believe that
nothing can happen unless he wills it. Life and death are entirely in
his hands.
What is meant by ‘tawhid?’
Muslims believe that God is ‘transcendent’. What does this mean?
What do Muslims mean when they say that God is ‘eternal’ or ‘infinite?’
God is immanent. What does this mean for humans?
What, according to Muslims, is the worst sin?
Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies
World Religions
Unit 3 – Islam
Muslims believe the Qur’an is the word
of God, exactly as the Angel Jibril
(Gabriel) revealed it to Muhammad.
It was not revealed all at once to Muhammad, but in parts over
twenty-three years. Muhammad is not thought to be the author;
he simply recited accurately the words revealed to him by the angel
who is also said to have told Muhammad the order in which the
passages were to go. As Muhammad could not write, he chose
people to write it down on all sorts of scraps of writing materials or
simply to commit it to memory. They were collected together into
a book immediately after Muhammad’s death, under the direction of
Abu Bakr, his successor.
The Holy Book – The Qur’an
been 23
years now!
After Muhammad’s death, many
Muslims were killed in battle and
there were worries that the Qur’an
might be lost. Eventually, over a period
of time, a standard copy was made and
circulated, based on the original.
Those who had heard it direct from Muhammad himself checked the copies.
All modern copies are the same as this.
Since the Qur’an is believed to be from Allah, every word, every letter, is sacred
to Muslims. It is therefore considered very important to keep the Qur’an in the
language in which it was first spoken, i.e. Arabic. As Islam spread from Arabia, its
language was adopted by a number of Islamic countries. Muslims in these
countries find the Qur’an quite easy to read, even though the style of modern
Arabic has naturally changed since Muhammad’s time.
In other countries, Muslims need to learn enough Arabic to take part in their
worship and to read the Qur’an. You can find translations of the Qur’an for
people who do not know Arabic, or copies for those who do not have Arabic
as their first language; but Muslims do not accept these translations as proper
Qur’ans. They regard them as
interpretations rather than the real
thing. Muslims do not believe it is
possible to translate the Qur’an
perfectly. It is too precious to risk
losing any of its meaning.
In any case, they believe it is a beautiful
book and the beauty becomes lost in any
other language.
Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies
World Religions
Unit 3 – Islam
The Arabic word Qur’an means ‘recitation’. Muhammad was
commanded to ‘recite’ the words given to him by the angel Jibreel
(Gabriel). Muslims recite passages of the Qur’an at their five daily
prayer sessions. Children are taught from a very early age how to recite the
Qur’an. Some Muslims learn the whole Qur’an off by heart, because they believe
it so important. Muslims who have done this are allowed to use the title HAFIZ as
part of their name.
The Qur’an has 114 chapters, which are called
Length and Layout
SURAHS. Muslims tend to know them by their
titles rather than their numbers. There are over
6000 verses in the Qur’an; but the verse divisions are not always identical, and
this can cause problems if you are looking up references.
Because they believe that the Qur’an contains the actual
words of God, Muslims treat it with great respect.
Before reading it, they first wash themselves.
They wrap each copy in a clean piece of cloth, or in a special cloth bag that is
stitched in the shape of an envelope. They keep it on the highest shelf in the
room, to show its superiority, and they would never put anything on top of it.
Girls and women cover their heads with a scarf when reading it,
out of respect. If the reader is sitting on the floor, a folding
bookstand is used when reading the Qur’an, so that the holy
book does not touch the ground. Muslims are not allowed to eat
or drink, smoke or talk in the same room where it is being read,
for they must give it their full attention.
Muslims believe that the Qur’an is a perfect copy of a
heavenly book, and that it is the last revelation of Allah’s
truth to the human world. They believe that it is
therefore the best guide we can have in living our lives as Allah intended, and that
this is the way to salvation.
Although the Qur’an is the Muslims’ holy book, they also
consult books called the Hadith. These are collections of the
words and actions of Muhammad. If Muslims face a problem,
they may well read the Hadith to see if Muhammad ever coped with a similar
problem. Then, they can follow his advice.
The Hadith
Why do Muslims believe the Qur’an is holy?
Why do you think Muslims read it every day?
How do Muslims show their respect for the Qur’an?
Describe the importance of the Qur’an for Muslims.
Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies
World Religions
Unit 3 – Islam
A mosque is a Muslim place of
It is called a MASJID in
Arabic, the language of Islam. This word literally
means ‘place of prostration’ because, strictly
speaking, a mosque is anywhere a Muslim kneels
down to prostrate him or herself in prayer.
A prayer mat laid down at home, or even at the
side of the road, becomes a mosque - a place of
prostration. Muhammad and his followers in
Madinah built the very first mosque. Today there
are thousands of mosques all over the world.
The Mosque
External Features
1. The Dome. This is an important feature of
buildings in hot countries because it allows the
air to circulate. Islam comes from the Middle
East, where the climate is very hot. The dome
is built over the prayer hall as it also helps to
amplify the human voice.
2. The Minaret. This is a tall tower.
In Muslim countries the call to prayer ‘five
times a day’ comes from the top of the minaret.
This call rings out over the roofs of other
buildings. It is like an alarm clock, reminding
people when it is time to pray.
Regular daily prayer is obviously very important
in Islam. Inside the tower is a man known as a
MUEZZIN who sings out the call to prayer. He faces towards the Ka’bah in
Makkah when he makes the call in Arabic:
Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest
Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest
I bear witness that there is no God but Allah
I bear witness that there is no God but Allah
I bear witness that Muhammad is Allah’s messenger
I bear witness that Muhammad is Allah’s messenger
Rush to prayer, rush to prayer,
Rush to success, rush to success,
Allah is the greatest
Allah is the greatest
There is no God but Allah
Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies
World Religions
Unit 3 – Islam
3. The Star and Crescent. Sometimes the dome and minaret of the mosque
have a moon-shaped crescent on top of them, or a star and crescent.
This five-pointed star and crescent is a symbol of Islam, depicted on the flags
and stamps of many Muslim countries.
‫ﺶ‬The five-pointed star symbolises the Five Pillars of
Islam, i.e. the five basic duties of Muslims.
‫ﺶ‬The moon and stars are signs to Muslims of the
greatness of the Creator.
Muhammad and his early followers were desert people.
For them the new moon marked the beginning of each new
month, and the waxing and waning moon told them what time of the month it was.
A new day started, not at midnight but in the evening, with the appearance of the
moon. Islam still uses this lunar calendar.
Desert people who travelled when it was cool
at night and rested in the heat of the day
used the positions of the stars for guidance.
Stars were also used for finding the
direction of Makkah, the holy
city of Islam. Astronomy became an
important Islamic science; with the minaret
as an ideal astronomical observatory.
By the tenth century Muslims had invented
the astrolabe, an instrument with which they
calculated the movements of stars and
planets. They were able to tell the time of
night from this – the forerunner of our clock.
What does the word ‘mosque’ actually mean?
Why is the dome an important feature of the mosque?
What is the main function of the minaret?
Who sings out the call to prayer from the minaret?
What does the five-pointed star symbolise?
Describe the importance of the stars for the desert people.
Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies
World Religions
Unit 3 – Islam
Internal Features
A mosque has three uses: it is a place of worship, an
Islamic school or college, and a community centre.
Its rooms and facilities must meet all these needs.
1.The Prayer Hall. The most important part of a mosque is the prayer hall.
The prayer hall is simply a large space for the men to gather for prayer.
In hot countries this might just
be an open courtyard. The inside
of the mosque is very bare.
There are no seats because the
mosque is a place of prostration
and room is needed to go through
the prayer movements. People
pray on their own mats or, in hot
countries, they can use the cool
floor, though most mosques are
carpeted. They stand in rows,
shoulder to shoulder. It is a way
of showing their brotherhood in their faith. The prayer hall may also be used for
teaching and for funeral services. However, it is not used for weddings, even
when they take place at the mosque.
2. The Women’s Worship Area. Women do not have to attend mosques, and
often their family responsibilities will prevent them from doing so. If they do
attend, they will prepare for worship and stand separately from the men, so that
the two sexes do not distract each other.
During prayers, Muslims are not allowed to
touch someone of the opposite sex. Often
there is a balcony at the back of the prayer
hall for the women. Their worship area will
be smaller than the men’s, since fewer women
attend mosques.
3. Washing Facilities.
People do not want to prostrate themselves on a dirty floor,
so it is important to keep the prayer hall clean. This is also
done out of respect for Allah. Outdoor shoes are removed
before entering and left in the shoe-racks provided.
Muslims going to prayer have to wash thoroughly
beforehand. Facilities must be provided for this. Larger
mosques might have an open- air pool or a fountain; smaller
ones might only offer cloakrooms.
Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies
World Religions
Unit 3 – Islam
4. Carpeting. Some Muslims will use individual prayer
mats, but the hall will be carpeted anyway, so that it
is comfortable to walk on in bare feet, and to sit and
kneel on. The prayer mat usually has an arch design on
it, so that the mat can be laid down in the correct
direction for prayer, pointing towards the Ka’ba in
Makkah, the holy city of Islam. Sometimes mosques
have special carpeting that has been designed to look
like lots of individual prayer mats; and the carpet is
laid so that the arches point towards the Ka’ba.
This direction is called the QIBLAH.
5. The Mihrab. Muslims will know the qiblah as all
mosques have a MIHRAB, which is an alcove in the
wall. If Muslims face it when they pray, they will
be facing in the direction of the Ka’ba. It also
serves the useful purpose of amplifying the voice
of the imam who leads the prayers, facing in the
correct direction, with his back to the rest of the
6. Decoration. Some mosques are beautifully
decorated with intricate patterns; others are plain.
Muslims do not decorate the interior of a mosque
with any human or animal designs and there will be
no pictures or statues, because of the risk of idolatry.
Islam teaches that Allah is too great to be portrayed by
human hands, and therefore forbids any images of him.
Decoration on the walls of the mosques often takes the
form of abstract patterns and calligraphy – decorative
forms of Arabic writing. There may be words as well;
sentences taken from the Qur’an
What are the three main purposes of a mosque?
Why do Muslims prostrate themselves when they pray?
Why are there separate areas for men and women in a mosque?
Why do people remove their shoes before entering a mosque?
What is the ‘qiblah?’
What is the purpose of the alcove in one of the walls?
Why are there no pictures or statues in a mosque?
Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies
World Religions
Unit 3 – Islam
Calligraphy. The first and highest
art form in Islam is calligraphy
because it is used to write out
passages from the Qur’an and to decorate the mosques.
This beautiful writing is done in different styles, but even
in its most elaborate forms, where the Arabic is very
difficult to read, it is a reminder to the faithful of the
importance of Allah’s words.
Islamic Art
2. Architecture. The second most important art form is architecture, because
this is used to design mosques as well as other buildings.
3. Geometric Designs.
Third and finally are either the
geometric designs, or the fascinating
interweaving of leaves in a floral
pattern, known as ‘arabesque’.
These too are used to decorate
mosques, among other things.
The harmony of these intricate designs
speaks to believers of the order and balance in Allah’s universe and of the unity
intended for humanity.
Of least importance in Islam is figurative art.
There are a number of reasons for this:
Muhammad denounced the makers of images and pictures, although
they are not forbidden in the Qur’an.
Idolatry is considered the worst sin in Islam, so anything that could lead to
it is avoided. There is a strict prohibition against any representation of the
human form in mosques and many Muslims have taken this more generally.
Muslims are taught that they should not challenge Allah’s creative role.
Therefore, if they depict any parts of nature, such as a plant, they must
make it two-dimensional and highly stylised, rather than trying to make it
look like the real thing that Allah created.
1. Why is calligraphy the first and highest art form in Islam?
2. Why are geometric designs important to Muslims?
3. Why is figurative art least important to Muslims?
Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies
World Religions
Unit 3 – Islam
Muslims have religious leaders, called imams.
The word ‘Imam’ means ‘at the front’.
This is the person who leads the
worshippers in prayers. A woman can do this if there are no men
present, but usually the imams are men. These people are chosen
by the congregation because they are educated, they have a
great deal of religious knowledge and because people know them
to be good Muslims. An imam has no special training, and he is
not ordained as a holy man. There are no priests or monks in
Islam, all Muslims being regarded as equal in the sight of Allah.
Imams are not usually paid for doing the job. They do the work
in their spare time. They earn their money by doing another
full-time job. However, in a larger mosque, an imam may get paid
for being a secretary or caretaker.
The imam’s day begins with Morning Prayer, which can be as early as 3.00 am.
Afterwards, he will read the Qur’an. After breakfast and a short rest, the
imam’s day of work begins. The imam is responsible for showing school groups and
other visitors around the mosque. He will prepare talks and answer letters from
those enquiring about Islam. In the evening there are more prayers to lead.
Some imams also work as school, hospital or prison chaplains.
Many mosques run schools where Muslim children learn about their religion.
They are taught to read Arabic so they can learn the Qur’an. Some mosques run
these lessons daily. Children go to them after their day’s work at school.
Fridays are special. The Arabic word for Friday (jumu’ah) means Day of Assembly.
Instead of the usual mid-day prayers, a special act of worship takes place.
All adult men must take part. Women are allowed to join in too. One part of
Friday prayer is a KHUTBAH (sermon) given by the imam. It has two parts.
In the first part, he will recite from the Qur’an, then explain what it means.
In the second part, he will pray for all Muslims everywhere. But the sermon
goes beyond this. The Friday prayer brings all Muslims in a community together.
So the imam may use the occasion to talk about any current events that affect
Muslims. Afterwards, the congregation may discuss local problems.
Then everyone goes back to work. Friday is not a day of rest for Muslims,
as Saturday is for Jews and Sunday is for Christians.
1. What is an imam? Who can become an imam?
2. Describe a typical day in the imam’s life.
3. Explain in detail why Friday is an important day for Muslims.
Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies
World Religions
Unit 3 – Islam
The Five Pillars of Islam
Muslims often think of the practice of
their faith as a kind of temple for God
held up by five pillars, called ARKAN.
These are the five basic duties that all
Muslims must perform. The Five Pillars
are: -
1. Shahadah
Shahadah is the first pillar of Islam, without which the rest is meaningless.
It comes from the word ‘Ash-hadu’ which means ‘I declare’ or ‘I bear witness’.
It is the declaration of faith, that there is truly one Supreme Being and that
Muhammad was his genuine messenger.
I believe there is no God but Allah,
and Muhammad is the messenger of God
When Muslims make the declaration and truly believe in their
hearts, they have entered Islam. But being a good witness
involves far more than words – your whole life must back up
what has been declared. Muslims lay down their lives as
sacrifices to God. Your life is your most precious possession;
but if you are SHAHID (ready to die for your faith) you recognise that your life
does not belong to you, but to God. Muslims repeat the Shahadah first thing on
waking and last thing before sleeping. They are the first words whispered into
the ears of a newborn baby, and if possible, the last words uttered to the dying.
The second pillar of Islam is prayer.
Muslims must pray five times a day. Each
time takes about ten minutes.
These five compulsory prayers are known as SALAH. They help Muslims to
remember God and keep them from doing bad deeds. Salah is a duty that must be
performed at work, at home, on a journey or even at war.
It is not a burden to do this, but a great comfort.
Muslim children begin to practice salah around the age
of seven; by the age of ten it is expected of them as a duty.
2. Prayer (salah)
Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies
World Religions
Unit 3 – Islam
Many Muslims liken the prayer times to tea breaks. They look forward to the
breaks in their daily routine and the chance for refreshment and relaxation.
In the same way, prayer times clear the mind of immediate concerns and worries.
By washing for prayer, Muslims are refreshed; through the physical actions of
prayer, they are relaxed. Most important of all, they can bring their minds back
to focus on Allah who is, for them, the reason and purpose of their existence.
Times of Salah
Proclaim thy Lord’ s praise
Before the rising of the
sun, and before its setting,
and proclaim thy Lord’s
praise in the watches of
the night, and at the ends
of the day.
So glory to God
both in the evening hour
and in your morning hour.
His is the praise
in the heavens and earth,
alike at the setting sun
and in your noontide hour.
The five daily prayers are not laid
down in any one passage of the
Qur’an, although they can be
reached by putting the two passages above together. It was left to Muhammad
to give more precise details as to their times, and these are found in the
HADITH, which record what Muhammad said and did.
Fajr – the morning prayer, between dawn and sunrise.
Zuhr – after midday, during the early afternoon.
Asr – the late afternoon prayer.
Maghrib – just after sunset.
Isha - the night prayer.
Notice that the times are not set exactly at sunrise, non or sunset, to avoid
any suggestion of sun worship. However they are related to the sun, which
changes with the seasons, so they are not always at the same time each day
throughout the year. It is important, therefore, for Muslims to know the
times of sunrise and sunset each day.
What is the first Pillar of Islam? What does it mean?
Why is the first pillar so important to Muslims?
What is the second Pillar of Islam?
How many times a day is the second pillar performed?
Why must Muslims know the times of sunrise and sunset each day?
Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies
World Religions
Unit 3 – Islam
Friday Prayer
Mosques have to decide on the times when they will hold
the prayers, for people who are able to come and say them
rather than at home or at work. The times of prayer are
displayed on six clock faces.
The sixth one shows the time of the special
Friday service, when the JUM’AH prayer
takes the place of the ZUHR prayer. Jum’ah
is Arabic for ‘assembly’ or ‘congregation’ and
Friday, the holy day for Muslims, is called
YAUM UL-JUM’AH, the Day of Assembly.
All Muslim men should attend mosque on that
day, around noon, to join in the congregational
prayer and listen to the sermon (the khutbah).
Women are not obliged to attend because of
their domestic duties.
Call to Prayer
The Muezzin, who stands facing the Ka’bah,
calls Muslims to prayer five times a day.
In Muslim countries this call goes out from
the top of the minarets, and is broadcast on radio and television. In non-Muslim
countries it is usual for the call only to be given inside the mosque, warning those
who have gathered there that prayer is about to begin. The ADHAN is the first
call to prayer. It is announced in plenty of time for
people to prepare themselves for prayer at the
mosque, if they are going to attend. Then the
muezzin gives a second call as he stands in the front
row of worshippers inside the prayer hall. This is
called the ‘IQAMAH and it warns people that prayer
is about to start. It has the same words as the
adhan, with the addition of ‘Prayer is about to begin’.
This is said twice after ‘Come to what is good for
you’. All other lines are said only once this time,
apart from ‘Allah is the Greatest’, which is repeated.
For those who cannot go to the mosque,
prayers can be said equally well at home.
In Muslim countries it is not uncommon to see
people praying in the street, or wherever they happen to be when the call to
prayer is sounded. When Muslims pray together, they stand before God in a real
sense of brotherhood, shoulder to shoulder, facing the Ka’bah in Makkah.
Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies
World Religions
Unit 3 – Islam
Men are asked to pray at mosques. However if that is not
possible, they may pray anywhere that is clean.
 The mind should be attentive.
The body and clothes should be clean.
A man’s clothes should cover his body from the navel to the knees.
A woman’s entire body should be covered, except for her face and hands.
A woman should not be wearing make-up or perfume.
Prayer begins with the ritual wash, or WUDU.
Wudu is part of the discipline. This wash is not because the
Muslim is dirty. It is part of the preparation for the prayer
that follows. They may take a complete bath (called GHUSL)
or go through the procedure outlined below. If no water is available, as in the
desert, then a wash with clean sand will do. The wudu follows a set pattern:
1. The Declaration. The Muslim says, “In the name of Allah the most merciful, the most kind”.
2. Hands washed to the
wrists 3 times
3. Mouth is rinsed
3 times
4. Nostrils and tip of nose
washed 3 times
5. Face is washed 3 times
6. Arms washed to the
elbows 3 times
7. Head, ears and back of
neck washed
8. Feet washed up to the
ankles 3 times
This washing will do for more than one prayer,
providing there has been no ‘breaking’ action in
between. Wudu is ‘broken’ if anything has come
out of the body (e.g. blood, wind or urine) or if
the mind has lost conscious control (e.g. in sleep).
After a sexual act, or after a period, a complete
bath is required.
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Unit 3 – Islam
After performing wudu, Muslims face the direction
of Makkah, standing on a prayer mat, shoulder
to shoulder with other Muslims in orderly
fashion at the mosque. The direction of Makkah is called
QIBLAH. If Muslims are in a mosque, there is a special
alcove in the qiblah wall called a MIHRAB that locates
the direction. Outside a mosque, many Muslims use a small
compass in order to be accurate.
Salah consists of set words that are recited from
memory, led by the imam. These are mostly
expressions of praise for Allah and quotations from
the Qur’an. These words are accompanied by set actions; this cycle of ritual
prayers and postures is called a RAK’AH. The Muslim begins prayer by saying to
himself that he intends to offer this salah. This intention, called NIYYAH, is a
conscious effort to focus the mind on Allah and to do the prayer for him. The
opening chapter of the Qur’an is then recited (sometimes silently), followed by
another passage from the Qur’an during the first two rak’ahs.
Prayer Positions
He raises his hands briefly to his
ears, with the words ‘Allahu
Akbar’ (Allah is the Greatest).
He recites the opening chapter of
the Qur’an and any one other
O Allah, Glorified, praiseworthy and
blessed is your name and exalted your
majesty; there is no God but you.
I seek shelter in Allah from the
rejected Satan
Bowing as a sign of respect, he says ‘Allahu Akbar’ and
then, three times, ‘Glory to my Lord the great’.
He will then stand upright again, which is also a sign of
respect. He will say:
‘Allah has heard all who praise him.
Our Lord: Praise be to you’.
Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies
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Unit 3 – Islam
With the words ‘Allahu Akbar’, he prostrates
himself on the ground and says three times
‘Glory to my Lord, the most high’. After sitting
back on his heels for a moment, he repeats this.
This position is called SAJDAH, and shows the
Muslim’s complete submission before Allah.
The first rak’ah is now complete. It takes only about a minute to do.
Note the three basic positions: standing (QIYAM), bowing (RUKU), and
prostrating (SAJDAH). Each of these goes further than the one before it in
showing submission to Allah.
After the second rak’ah, he sits back with the left
foot bent towards the right one with his hands on
his knees. In this position, he silently recites
further prayers, particularly asking Allah’s blessing
on Muhammad’ and Ibrahim.
When the correct
number of rak’ahs are
completed, he turns
his head to the right
and then to the left, blessing his fellow Muslims
each time with the words,
‘Peace be upon you and Allah’s blessings’.
Personal Prayer – Du’a
Du’a prayers are not part of the formal
or set prayers. They are personal
prayers that may be offered at any time and are of any length. Du’a prayers
are used when Muslims have special concerns to bring before Allah.
The prayers are used to ask for help and guidance in times of suffering or
anxiety or panic. Du’a prayers may be private thanksgivings for some blessing
received, cries for help or pleas for forgiveness.
1. What do Muslims call the ritualistic washing before prayer?
2. Explain the significance of all Muslims in the world turning to face the
Ka’ba when they pray.
3. Why is niyyah (intention) important before prayer?
4. Why are du’a prayers important for Muslims?
Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies
World Religions
Unit 3 – Islam
Muslims believe that God has given
everything people have. More than that,
everything we have belongs to God. And
that includes our money and possessions. Strictly speaking, these things are not
ours, they are God’s. So we should use them as he wishes them to be used. We
should spend our money in ways he will approve
of. This means giving things to those who need
them, not keeping all our money for ourselves.
3. Zakah (charity)
He is not a believer who eats his
fill while his neighbour remains
hungry by his side
Muslims believe that poor people have a right to
share in the wealth of the rich people. Zakah is a kind of tax that makes sure this
happens. It is the third pillar of Islam. The word zakah means ‘to purify’ or
‘cleanse’. Muslims believe that giving some of their wealth helps to purify them of
greed and selfishness.
Every Muslim has a duty to pay Zakah. Each year, well-off Muslims must give
some of their wealth away. It will be used for good causes or to help the poor.
Muslims believe it is a sin to let people suffer from hunger or disease.
They also think that hanging on to all your wealth is greedy. That too is a sin.
The amount to be paid varies. Every Muslim who has money left at the end of the
year has to give at least 2.5% (one fortieth) of it away. Farmers must give at least
5% of their crops and a number of animals.
Traders give 2.5% of the value of their goods.
Those who have no surplus wealth are not
required to pay Zakah, but will be the
recipients of it.
In some Islamic countries, zakah is collected by
the government and shared among the needy.
If a Muslim lives in a country which isn’t
Islamic (such as Britain) then Islamic
organisations collect and distribute it.
Muslims in the West often send money to
those in Third World countries like Bangladesh,
showing the sense of brotherhood between
Muslims throughout the world.
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Unit 3 – Islam
A Muslim can give zakah direct to another person if he or she wishes.
But Muslims believe it is better to give secretly.
Muhammad himself said:
The best charity is that which the
right hand gives and the left
hand does not know of it
Zakah is an act of worship. It is not charity, like giving money on a flag day.
It is a duty. It gives to others the wealth that should be theirs. Nor should
people who pay it feel proud. If they feel proud of giving the money, they would
feel superior to those who receive it. Muslims believe that everyone is equal.
Zakah helps to make a fairer society. Zakah aims to purify society of the evil
divisions between rich and poor.
Many Muslims will want to give away more than the required amount, and their
religion encourages them to do so. Voluntary charity is called SADAQAH.
Who benefits from zakah?
Zakah money may be used for certain set
purposes. It is used to help:
The poor and needy
People who have recently become Muslim
People in debt
Muslim tax collectors (for wages)
Muslims studying Islam
 Travellers who need help
 Hospitals, schools, libraries and mosques
What is zakah?
Why must Muslims pay zakah?
How is zakah organised in a Muslim country?
What is ‘sadaqah?’
Zakah money may be used for certain set purposes.
Who benefits from the money?
6. Why, in your opinion, is it a good idea to be told to help the poor?
7. Would YOU be willing to pay zakah? Give reasons for your answer.
Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies
World Religions
Unit 3 – Islam
Sawm is the fourth pillar of Islam.
It lays down that, at certain times,
Muslims must fast – in other words, not eat.
Just like zakah, sawm is an act of worship. Muslims accept
that they may have to suffer in order to obey God.
They know they must accept God’s commands at all
times. Sawm helps them to remember this. Fasting
helps a Muslim to appreciate how the poor suffer.
It is a kind of training that makes it easier for
Muslims to be obedient. It also brings Muslims
together because they all fast at the same time.
4. Sawm (fasting)
The fasting takes place during the ninth month of the
Islamic calendar. The month is called RAMADAN.
It is regarded as a very special month because it was
during this time that the Prophet Muhammad
received his first revelation of the Qur’an.
Islamic months are based on the moon and
move forward by ten or eleven days each
year. The fast lasts for 29 or 30 days
(depending on when the new moon is first
seen). Muslims also pay extra attention to
the Qur’an during this month; many read it
right through from beginning to end.
Who must fast?
Any Muslim who is capable of fasting should do so; but no one should endanger life
or health because of it. All adult Muslims go without food from just before dawn
until just after sunset. Nothing must pass the lips (not even chewing-gum, a
cigarette, or the smoke of someone else’s cigarette!); they do not drink or make
love, either. Women who are menstruating,
pregnant or breast-feeding should not fast.
Nor should people who are ill and could make
themselves worse by fasting.
Muslim soldiers, or people on long journeys,
will have to keep up their strength and so
they are also excused from fasting. These
people should try to make up the fast-days
they have missed, at another time.
Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies
World Religions
Unit 3 – Islam
If they cannot do this, then they should give the cost of two meals to the poor,
for each fast day they miss, if they can afford to do so. Elderly people are not
expected to fast, but they too are asked to feed the poor instead, if they can
afford it. Young children will gradually be introduced to fasting, perhaps just half
a day at first. Once they reach the age of puberty, they will have to do the same
fasts as the adults. This is often taken to apply from 12 years old. Lastly, the
insane are not required to fast. They would not understand what was going on, and
would not be able to gain any spiritual benefit from this religious duty, but would
simply be given unnecessary suffering.
Muslims usually have a meal just before dawn during
the month of Ramadan. Even so, going without food
all day is not easy, no matter what age a person is.
It is possible to cheat, but Muslims believe that
God sees everything. They know that this cheating
may fool other people, but it won’t fool God.
The fast is a matter between the individual and God
alone. Muslims are also very careful not to do any
bad actions during their fast. No Muslim should tell
a lie or break a promise during the whole month.
Each night during Ramadan, Muslims say special
prayers. If they can do this in a mosque, they
should do so. These prayers involve speaking and listening to as much of the
Qur’an as possible. Ideally, Muslims should finish the whole book during Ramadan.
One night is especially important during the month. This is LAYLAT UL QADR
(The Night of Power). The Qur’an was revealed to Muhammad on this night.
By tradition, it is celebrated on an odd-numbered day during the last ten nights of
Ramadan. On this night, Muslims should try to stay awake and offer special
prayers when God sends down his commandments.
The food that breaks the fast after sunset is called IFTAR. It is sensible not to
eat too much otherwise you can feel sick. More substantial, wholesome meals
follow later in the evening when many friends and relatives come to visit.
If the day’s fast starts very early an extra meal called SUHUR can be squeezed in
before first light. Ramadan ends with the great feast of ID-UL-FITR.
Why do Muslims fast during Ramadan?
Why is Ramadan an important time for Muslims?
Who must fast during Ramadan?
Which groups of people are not required to fast?
What ‘feast’ marks the end of Ramadan?
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World Religions
Unit 3 – Islam
Each day all Muslims turn during prayer
towards the Ka’bah in Makkah. Once in a
lifetime, each physically fit Muslim is
expected to travel to Makkah as long as he or she can afford to go. To fail to do
so, when they are able, is regarded as a grave sin. This pilgrimage is called the
Hajj. It is the fifth and final pillar of Islam.
5. Hajj (pilgrimage)
Makkah is the most important place of
pilgrimage for Muslims because
Muhammad was born there and lived
there for most of his life.
He performed religious rituals there
and reclaimed it as a holy city for
Allah. He encouraged the continuation
of many of the old holy practices, but
purified them by restoring what he
believed to be their true meaning, in
the worship of the One God.
So pilgrims to Makkah are walking in the footsteps of Muhammad, performing the
same rituals that he did on pilgrimage all those years ago. Even more important
than following the Prophet’s example, is the fact that pilgrimage is commanded in
the Qur’an:
“Perform the pilgrimage and the visit (to Makkah) for Allah”
(Qur’an 2:196)
For Muslims who live near Makkah the journey can be made many times, but most
live so far away and are so poor that it is virtually impossible. Some people save
for a lifetime in order to be able to go. Sometimes a family or community will club
together in order to be able to send one representative.
There are certain rules for pilgrims.
 They must be Muslim. Non-Muslims are not allowed.
 They must have reached the age of responsibility and be of sound mind, so
that they know what they are doing.
 They must be physically fit and able to take the strain and rigours of
the journey.
 They must be able to afford it. They should have no debts; and they should
have gained the money to pay for the pilgrimage through honest means.
Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies
World Religions
Unit 3 – Islam
The true Hajj has to be made during the twelfth
Islamic month. If a Muslim goes at any other
time it is known as UMRAH, or the lesser
pilgrimage, and the significance is not the same.
Before modern transport it sometimes took
months, perhaps years, of hard travel to get to
Makkah and back. Nowadays many pilgrims fly
to the Hajj Terminal at Jeddah airport.
Pilgrims of every race and social class meet in
equality before God. It is the climax of a
Muslim’s life. Rich, poor, employer or servant,
all are united before God. If a Muslim cannot
go on Hajj because of ill health, lack of funds
or unavoidable circumstances they can join the
pilgrimage in spirit and in prayer. They can,
if they wish, pay for a substitute to go on their behalf or they can give their Hajj
savings to charity.
The Hajj lasts for five days. In that time, each Muslim is expected to think of
God constantly. Those who manage to complete it are honoured with the titles
HAJJI (for a man) and HAJJA (for a woman). The word Hajj literally means ‘to
set out for a definite purpose’.
The Qur’an calls Makkah ‘the mother town’
because it is the spiritual centre of Islam.
As the pilgrims approach Makkah, there are signs
warning that only Muslims are allowed into the holy city. The area of the Hajj is
HARAM. This word means both ‘forbidden’ and ‘sacred’, i.e. it is so special that it
is set apart for a holy purpose, and those who are not Muslim are therefore
forbidden. The mosque in which the Ka’ba stands is called the MASJID
AL-HARAM, the Sacred Mosque. The boundary lies between about 5 and 30
kilometres from the Ka’ba; and everyone is stopped on the approaches to the city,
to have their passes checked. Pilgrims are organised into groups under the
leadership of people who know what to do and where to take them.
Arriving at Makkah
Why is Makkah the most important place of pilgrimage for Muslims?
Describe the rules for pilgrims.
When is the ‘true Hajj’ made?
What can Muslims do if they are unable to go on the Hajj?
How long does the Hajj last?
Why does the Qur’an refer to Makkah as ‘the mother town?’
Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies
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Unit 3 – Islam
Before reaching the sacred city of
Makkah, pilgrims must purify their
bodies (preferably with a full bath,
or else by performing wudu) and enter into a state of
holiness called IHRAM. This word literally means
‘consecration’ and the pilgrims must make a conscious
effort to dedicate themselves to worship, prayer and
denial of vanity. All normal clothing must be put away.
Male pilgrims put on just two sheets of unsewn white
cloth, one wrapped round the waist, the other over the
left shoulder. Women wear a plain undecorated anklelength, long-sleeved garment, leaving only their hands
and faces bare. For once, women can uncover their faces
– even if they normally cover them because no man
should look at them with lust at this time. Pilgrims have
nothing on their heads (that is why many carry
umbrellas, for protection against the sun), and are only
permitted to wear sandals on their feet.
The special garments worn by pilgrims are also called ihram.
These clothes symbolise three things:
There are rules attached to ihram. These include:
 Do not do anything dishonest or arrogant, but behave like servants of Allah.
 Flirtatious thoughts of the opposite sex are forbidden. Muslims cannot get
engaged to marry on Hajj. Normal marital relations are set aside (any sexual act on Hajj would nullify it).
 Men must not wear jewellery or rings.
 No one may use perfume or scented soap – unscented soap is on sale
for pilgrims.
 To express humility – men must not cover their heads.
 To express non-interference with nature, no one must cut hair or
finger nails.
 To express simplicity, everyone must go barefoot or in sandals that leave
the toes and heels bare.
 To curb aggression and feel unity with God’s creatures, no blood must be
shed by killing animals except fleas, bedbugs, snakes and scorpions.
 To feel love for nature, no plants may be uprooted or trees cut down.
 Muslims must strive to keep their minds at peace, and not lose their
tempers, quarrel or get exasperated by difficulties.
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World Religions
Unit 3 – Islam
The first thing that
any Muslim pilgrim will
want to see is the
building towards which he or she turns in
prayer five times a day: the holy Ka’ba.
Set in the courtyard of the Sacred Mosque
in Makkah, it is 15.25 metres high, made of
large stone blocks, and cube shaped (ka’ba
means ‘cube’). It is covered with a beautiful
black silk cloth, called the KISWAH. This is
made in Makkah and has words of the Qur’an
embroidered on it in gold thread. The edges
of the Kiswah are hoisted up during the Hajj;
and towards the end of Hajj, on 10 Dhul
Hijjah, it is replaced each year with a new one.
For a Muslim, the Ka’ba has layer upon layer of tradition and meaning attached to
it. It is said to be the first house of prayer on earth. Legend has it that Adam
was sent down from heaven and wandered the earth until he reached Arabia.
There he wanted to build a house of prayer like the one in heaven. One story says
that Allah let down a replica out of heaven; others that Adam built it himself.
Later, Ibrahim (Abraham) is said to have rebuilt the Ka’ba with the help of his son
Isma’il (Ishmael).
The Ka’ba
The Circling
The first thing the pilgrims do on arrival in Makkah, no
matter what time of day or night, is to hurry to the Ka’ba
and encircle it seven times. Pilgrims move around the Ka’ba
in an anti-clockwise direction, preferably running the first three, and walking the
last four. This is called the TAWAF. They start and finish counting the circuits
from the corner where the Black Stone is. If at all possible, they should kiss or
touch this stone, since Muhammad used to do this, or at least salute it as they go
by. The Circling demonstrates the unity of the believers in the worship of the One
God, as they move in harmony together around their central shrine, each reciting
an individual verse of the Qur’an. At the end of the Circling, they go to the
Station of Ibrahim to pray two rak’ahs.
Explain what is meant by ‘Ihram’.
Pilgrims wear special garments. What three things do they symbolise?
Describe the Ka’ba.
Why is the Ka’ba important to the pilgrims?
What are the first thing pilgrims do on arrival at Makkah?
Why do pilgrims kiss or touch the Black Stone?
Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies
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Unit 3 – Islam
The second event of the Hajj is the SA’Y.
There is a covered way that extends out from the
Sacred Mosque, and is built between two hills,
called As-Safa and Al-Marwa. Pilgrims must hurry along this passage, seven times,
beginning at As-Safa, which is nearest to
the Sacred Mosque, and finishing at AlMarwa. There is a corridor down the middle
for those who cannot move so fast, or may
be in wheelchairs; the other pilgrims pass on
either side, in one direction only. In
performing this ritual, pilgrims remember
the story of how God ordered Abraham to
leave his wife Hagar and son Ishmael in the
desert. When their water supply ran out,
Hagar ran up and down the hills in a
desperate search for more. The story tells
how they were saved from dying of thirst.
Ishmael dug his heels into the sand, where
Hagar had left him, and a spring of water
gushed up. Pilgrims can still visit this spring, at the Zamzam well. There are steps
leading down to it, in a chamber under the courtyard of the Sacred Mosque.
Many pilgrims bathe the edge of their ihram in it, and take some of the water
home with them.
Sa’y – the Running
The Stand Before God
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The pilgrims spend the night at Mina.
At sunrise on the following day, they go to
the valley of Arafat. On the plain of Arafat,
at the Mount of Mercy, the pilgrims make their
stand before God, the WUQUF.
They stand from noon to sunset in the blistering
heat meditating and praying, and concentrating on
God alone. Latecomers rush to be on time,
for if the stand is missed, the Hajj is not valid.
Standing before Allah at Arafat, pilgrims beg
forgiveness for their sins. Pilgrims perform the
noon and afternoon prayers at Arafat, then move
off at sunset to spend the night at Muzdalifah,
where they perform the sunset and night prayers.
Part of the evening is spent hunting for fortynine small stones for the next part of the Hajj the Stoning of the Devil. Just before dawn
breaks, the pilgrims depart for Mina.
Unit 3 – Islam
Returning to Mina, the pilgrims set off for three
stone pillars where the ‘Stoning of the Devil takes
place. The pilgrims throw seven pebbles at each of
the three pillars to symbolise their rejection of the Devil and all his works.
The action also reminds the pilgrims of the story of Ibrahim (Abraham) and his
son Isma’il (Ishmael), in which Allah tested their faith by asking Ibrahim to
sacrifice his son to him. Three times the Devil tempted Ibrahim not to do it, and
tempted Isma’il to run away. But both father and son withstood the temptations,
and drove away the Devil by throwing stones at him.
Stoning the Devil
The pilgrimage ends with the festival known
as EID-UL-ADHA (the feast of sacrifice).
The pilgrims all camp at Mina for two to three
days of the feast. Every pilgrim who can afford it must sacrifice an animal.
Abraham had been willing to sacrifice his son on God’s command. When God
spared Isma’il, Abraham sacrificed a ram
instead. So modern pilgrims sacrifice a sheep,
goat, cow or camel. This is a symbol of how
willing they are to give up their lives and
possessions for God. Pilgrims eat some of the
meat; much of it (about a third) is given to the
poor. After the sacrifice, the men have their
heads shaved and the women cut off at least
2.5cm of their hair.
At this point the ihram ends.
The pilgrims then return to Makkah for
another encircling of the Ka’ba. The final
events are enjoyed in the holiday spirit.
Many go back to Mina for a rest period of rest and recovery. Finally they return
to Makkah for the farewell. Some take water from the Zamzam, and dip their
white cloths in it to be used later as shrouds. They drink as much water as
possible, believing it cures diseases, and they take as much as they can carry home
to their families. Some are given pieces of the Black Cloth as souvenirs.
They are at last entitles to take the name Hajji or Hajjah.
The Animal Sacrifice
What do pilgrims remember when performing the ritual of Sa’y?
Why must pilgrims not miss the ‘Stand before God?’
Why do pilgrims gather forty-nine small stones at Muzdalifah?
Why do pilgrims ‘stone the Devil?’
What festival ends the pilgrimage?
Why must all pilgrims sacrifice an animal?
Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies
World Religions
Unit 3 – Islam
If a child has Muslim parents, he or she is considered
to be a Muslim at birth. Muslims believe every child is
a gift from God; no babies should be born illegitimate
(outside of marriage) or unwanted. Babies should not be regarded as ‘accidents’ or
‘mistakes’ and a large number of children is often regarded as a great blessing.
For a woman it is an honour to become a mother. Prophet Muhammad explained
how important a mother was in a person’s life when he said:
“Paradise lies at the feet of your mother”.
So Muslims believe there are few things more important in life than having
children and bringing them up correctly.
Birth in Islam
The Call to Prayer
The new baby is welcomed into the UMMAH – the
one big family of Islam – as soon as it is born.
The head of the family takes the baby into his arms
and whispers the call to prayer (the ADHAN) in the right ear and the command to
rise and worship (the IQAMAH) in the left ear. This ensures that the first word
a baby ever hears is ‘God’.
At the same time or soon after the ‘Call to Prayer’, an older,
respected member of the family places something sweet like a
tiny piece of sugar, honey or chewed date, on the baby’s gum.
This is called TAHNIK and symbolises the hope that the baby’s life will be
sweet and obedient to Allah. A blessing is then said over the child.
Seven days after the birth comes AQIQAH, when relatives and
friends come to a feast and the baby is named.
Passages from the Qur’an are recited and there are a number of
special rituals performed.
a. Shaving the Head
This takes place at the aqiqah to symbolise the
purity of the baby. Traditionally, the hair is
weighed and its equivalent weight in gold or
silver is given to the poor. Today the family
often donate a sum of money to charity as their
way of thanking Allah for the gift of their child.
The baby’s hair is treated with great respect
because it is part of a human being, and after
the ceremony, the father carefully buries it in
the ground.
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Unit 3 – Islam
b. Naming
At the aqiqah, the baby is given its name in public. The choice of name is
important, and it is usually a family name or one of the names from the Prophet’s
family. A boy’s name may be chosen from one of the 99 names of Allah. If this is
the case, respect must be shown for this name and the word Abd is put in front
because it means ‘servant of’. So the name Abdullah would mean ‘servant of Allah’.
A popular girl’s name might be one of Muhammad’s wives or daughters like Ayesha,
Khadijah or Fatimah. Names declaring that the baby possesses certain excellent
moral qualities are avoided, and names suggesting slavery to anyone
other than God are forbidden.
c. Animal Sacrifices
Some Muslims offer a sacrifice, the pre-Islamic
practice of thanksgiving. Traditionally, one sheep or
goat is sacrificed to celebrate the birth of a girl and
two sacrificed for a baby boy. This is because the birth of a boy is considered a
particular blessing. The meat is first cooked in a special way to make it sweet,
then divided into three portions. A third is given to the poor, a third to friends
and relatives, and the rest eaten at the aqiqah.
If the baby is a boy, he must then be circumcised.
KHITAN, or circumcision, is the practice of
cutting the foreskin from the penis. This is
sometimes done at the same time as aqiqah if the baby is well and there is no need
for delay. If the baby is not healthy circumcision can be left for a few months.
Muslims, like Jews, believe that God commanded the prophet Ibrahim (Abraham)
to circumcise all the males in his household. Since then it has been the sign and
practice of all the Prophet’s of Allah. Prophet Muhammad said that all Muslim
boys should be circumcised before the age of ten.
Khitan (circumcision)
Around the fourth birthday some Muslims have a ceremony
known as BISMILLAH, the occasion when the child learns the
first lesson from the Qur’an by heart – ‘In the name of God,
the Compassionate, the Merciful’. The child has to repeat each word carefully and
is taught how to pray. The education as a Muslim has begun.
1. Why are children very important in Islam?
2. What is the first word a Muslim baby hears?
3. What is the tahnik?
4. What happens at aqiqah?
5. Why are all baby boys circumcised?
Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies
World Religions
Unit 3 – Islam
Muslims believe life is temporary and death comes
to everyone. Allah already knows the time of a
person’s birth and death long before they are
born. Although people are naturally upset when someone dies, Muslims think big
displays of grief show that a person has no faith in God. Large sums of money
should not be spent on funerals. It is thought the money would be better spent
helping those in need. Muslims, if they have lived their lives constantly according
to Shari’ah, have been preparing for this day from the moment of birth, and hope
to face the passing with calmness and acceptance.
All Muslims believe in life after death; they are certain that all humans belong to
God and will return to Him. They do not see death as the end of life, but the time
when a person withdraws from the earthly family before going to be close to God.
They believe that on the Day of Judgement, loved ones will meet again.
Death and Burial
When a Muslim knows death is approaching,
friends and relatives are sent for and gather
around the bed. Muhammad left detailed advice
about caring for a dying person. He said that no Muslim must be left to die alone
because Satan will try to confuse their mind. It is a great kindness to sit with
someone who is dying and read him or her verses from the Qur’an.
“There is no God but Allah,
and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah”
Just as the first word heard by a Muslim is ‘God’, so it should also be the last
word heard or uttered. Where possible the dying person should be helped to
recite the Shahadah, the declaration of faith. Otherwise, it can be said for them.
The blessing of Allah is asked for the dying person along with forgiveness for
their sins.
The Last Word
As soon as possible after death the body
is given the final ritual washing and prayers.
The body is washed at least three times by
close members of the family, the same sex as the
deceased. The washing can take place at the mosque, in a
community facility, or at home. Particular care is paid to
those parts of the body, which touch the ground during
prayer: the forehead, nose, palms of the hands, knees and
feet. Afterwards, the body is anointed with scents or
spices and wrapped in a shroud made of unsewn sheets of
white cloth, three for a man and five for a woman.
If the Muslim has been on Hajj, the white clothing they
wore on that sacred pilgrimage will be used.
The face of the deceased is left uncovered.
Preparation of the body
Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies
World Religions
Unit 3 – Islam
Muhammad said funerals and burials should take place
as soon as possible. Because Muslims believe that Allah
will resurrect the whole body on the Day of Judgement
they are against the destruction of the
body by cremation. Post mortems are only
accepted if there is a legal necessity.
Both are seen as violation of the body
Allah created. Funerals should be simple
and inexpensive. Muslims prefer that
coffins should not be used, except to
comply with special regulations for health
reasons. The body should be buried simply
in the earth, not wasting precious wood, and
should be carried to the cemetery rather than taken in a vehicle.
Walking is considered more respectful than riding comfortably.
Muslims request burial with the face turned to the right, facing Makkah.
It is therefore preferable if they can have their own cemeteries. Also, Muslims
only allow one body per grave; they demand therefore, that money should not be
spent on elaborate tombstones or memorials. Instead, donations should be given
to the poor. As the body is lowered, they say:
The Funeral
“In the name of God we commit you to the earth,
according to the Way of the Prophet of God”.
A little earth is then thrown down with the words:
“We created you from it, and We return you into it,
and from it We will raise you a second time”.
Official mourning usually lasts seven days but some
communities have special Qur’an readings for 40 days.
During this time the family remain at home, visited by
friends and relatives who offer comfort, recite parts of the Qur’an with the
family and pray for God’s mercy on the person who has died. The deceased is
never forgotten. It is the duty of children to pray for their parents and to visit
their graves, if possible.
Describe in detail the Muslim view of death.
Read ‘The Last Word’. Describe what happens when a Muslim is dying.
How do Muslims prepare a body for burial?
Describe the rules and rituals for a Muslim funeral.
Describe the Muslim procedures for mourning.
Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies
World Religions
Unit 3 – Islam
Marriage is very important to Muslims.
Most of the prophets, including Muhammad, were married.
Muslims believe that the Qur’an encourages them to get
married; Allah expects all Muslims to marry and have children. Marriage is seen
as the natural bringing together of a man and a woman to have children.
Islam believes marriage is a partnership
between men and women where both
have rights and responsibilities.
Their rights and responsibilities are
equal but different. The man’s duty is
to provide for his wife and children.
He must provide her with whatever help
she was used to having before marriage.
The woman’s duty is to care for her
husband and children.
Muslims believe that marriage
is for life and therefore should
be very carefully planned.
Some think romance sweeps people off their feet and leads them to make a
decision they may regret later. When a young Muslim reaches an age at which
their parents think they are ready to
start their own family, the search begins
for a suitable partner. If a likely partner
is found, a meeting is arranged between
the young people in the presence of both
families. This will be the first of several
meetings. If the young couple are
interested in each other, they are allowed
as much time as they want to decide
whether they wish to marry.
Arranged, or assisted, marriage
Islam is very clear that both the girl and
the boy have complete freedom to say no
to the marriage. Both must consent
because a forced marriage is forbidden in
Islam, and usually doomed to failure.
Most youngsters seem to trust their
parents to make the choice for them.
Muslims believe that married people know
best what is needed for a good marriage.
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Unit 3 – Islam
One of the first things that must be decided is the
MAHR, or dowry. This is a sum of money, which the
groom pays to his intended wife to show that he
respects her as a person in her own right. It also demonstrates that he can
afford to keep a wife and children. The mahr is usually paid in two parts:
The Mahr (Dowry)
1. The first part can be a sum of money paid directly to
the woman, although nowadays this money goes
towards paying for the wedding or may be given to the
wife in the form of jewellery.
2. The other part of the mahr is a fixed sum of
money specified in the NIKAH, or marriage
The mahr does not have to be a large sum but
it is carefully negotiated for it is the wife’s
right to keep it should she later be divorced. In other words, it gives her
financial security if the couple split up. If, however, the wife seeks
to divorce her husband against his will, she may do so only if the mahr is returned.
Muhammad said that a bride’s family should not demand a huge sum of money as
the mahr, nor should they accept nothing. It is not seen as compensation to the
bride’s father for the loss of his daughter’s services in the household.
The nikah is essentially a business agreement because it sets
out the amount of the mahr and any conditions a wife
requests, such as that the husband will not have more than
one wife. Signing the nikah can take place at home, in the mosque, or anywhere
provided it is correctly witnessed. When the nikah is handed over the girl does
not have to be present. Her father can represent her. The couple are now
married under Islamic law. Civil registration of the marriage is also necessary by
law. This can be at the Registry Office if the mosque is not licensed for
marriage. Although married the couple do not, however, live together until after
the WALIMAH, the family reception, which may be a few weeks later.
The Nikah
Why is marriage very important to Muslims?
Why must a Muslim marriage be carefully planned?
Why must the boy and girl consent to the marriage?
Why do youngsters trust their parents to make the choice of partner?
What is the ‘mahr?’ Why is it given?
Why is the nikah similar to a business agreement?
Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies
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Unit 3 – Islam
Muslims believe that family life is essential for a healthy
society. It is the basis for the human race, culture and
civilisation. Anything, which weakens or disrupts it, is
regarded as a serious matter. The home is considered to be far more important,
sacred, creative and rewarding than any place ‘outside’. The Qur’an lays down very
clear guidelines for family life. No child, it says, should cause harm to his or her
parents. They should be loved and cared for.
This conversation took place between a man and Muhammad.
Family Life
Who deserves the best care from me?
Your mother
Who else after that?
Your mother
Who else?
Your mother
Then who else?
Your father
As they grow older, parents may need to be supported by their children.
This may mean having the parents living with them or helping them out with money.
This duty continues until the parents’ deaths. Above all, parents may expect their
children to obey them. So family ties in Muslim families are often stronger than
those in non-Muslim families. Obedience
is a duty, partly in return for what parents
have done for the children in the past.
However, parents are not always right.
The Qur’an gives a number of examples
of parents making mistakes. So children
should also be aware of what God wishes.
If there was a conflict, the child should
do, as God would wish. Muslim girls and
boys are expected to work hard at school
and do well. Muslims believe that
education makes good human beings.
As a result, Muslims tend to be very
Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies
World Religions
Unit 3 – Islam
But parents, too, have duties. Muhammad said that people who are kindest to
their families show the most perfect faith. He himself was fond of children; he
believed that Muslims would become known for their kindness to children.
The Qur’an makes it clear that every child has a right to be treated equally.
No parent should ever harm his or her own child. If the parents are dead, the
nearest relatives must care for the orphan. If there are no relatives, then other
Muslims should take on this task.
The family is a complex interwoven unit
consisting of many people. It is not just a
husband and wife plus their parents and children.
It includes brothers and sisters, uncles, aunts and cousins. There are pros and
cons to living in an extended family. There is more help and support, but there
are also more people to please and likes and dislikes to deal with.
The extended family
Muslim parents tend to be strict with their children.
They are not encouraged to go to parties; mixed dancing is
not allowed. Muslim parents will not approve of boyfriends
and girlfriends. Sex outside marriage is
forbidden. These rules can cause problems for
Muslims living in a non-Muslim country, such as
Britain. Muslim teenagers see other teenagers
going to nightclubs and wearing Western
clothes. They might want to copy this.
This can start arguments between parents and
children. Muslim parents want to protect their
children from trouble and the temptation of
sex before marriage. Traditional dress for a
Muslim woman covers her body. This is also
to keep Muslim culture and traditions alive in
a country where they are in the minority.
Attitudes vary though, and some Muslim
parents become more westernised and accept
current fashions.
1. How do Muslims regard family life?
2. What reason might Muslim children give for being obedient to their
3. Why are Muslims children expected to work hard at school?
4. Explain why a Muslim would find it difficult to remain obedient to their
faith in a non- Muslim country.
Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies
World Religions
Unit 3 – Islam
An essential part of everyday life is food.
We have already seen that Muslims fast during
Ramadan. So it is not surprising that Islam has
rules about eating too. After all, food affects our health. And Islam tries to
create a healthy society. So Muslims can eat and drink anything that is pure and
good – but not too much of it. The things they can eat and drink are called
HALAL. These are the lawful things. There is, however, a list of banned foods
and drinks. These are known as HARAM.
Muslim Food Laws
Forbidden Foods
The unlawful foods include:
 any product made from a pig (pork)
 meat containing blood
 meat from an animal which dies due to disease or
other natural causes.
 any flesh-eating animal
 any animal that has been strangled, beaten to death, killed by a fall,
gored by another animal, or partially eaten by another animal.
 any animal sacrificed to idols
If Muslims cannot
get access to halal meat,
they are obliged to follow a vegetarian
diet, although they may not wish to be
vegetarians. Non-vegetarians may not
realise that if Muslims are carrying out
the ban on pork products and non-halal
meat, it not only means that they cannot
eat bacon, pork sausages, ham, tinned
luncheon meat,
or salami, but a whole range of other
products is forbidden – certain breads,
biscuits, soups, chocolate, ice-cream, fried breakfasts – in fact anything that
contains animal fat as opposed to vegetable fat. Muslims have to examine every
packet! Many Muslim children do not eat school dinners because of the food
Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies
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Unit 3 – Islam
No committed Muslim drinks alcohol or takes drugs. Muslims believe that wines
and beer lead to all kinds of social problems. Alcohol can lead to drunkenness – and
that can create trouble.
No alcohol at all is allowed in Saudi Arabia.
Muslims are allowed only to eat meat that has been
killed in the name of God. That is why many Muslims
buy meat only from Muslim butchers. The butcher will
have said ‘God is great’ three times over the animal before killing it. If there
were no Muslim butcher locally, many Muslims would buy from a Jewish butcher.
Their meat is also prepared in a special way.
Halal Killing
An animal slaughtered by halal methods
is thought to be killed more humanely.
Not only is its life offered up to God in
Halal Meat
thanksgiving, but it is approached from
behind so as not to startle it, after it has
been separated from other animals (so as
not to cause them distress). The knife is
extra sharp so that the cut is swift and
death comes quickly. This also lets the
blood flow out, as Muslims are not allowed to eat the blood of an animal.
The principle is of kindness to the animal. If one creature has to die to provide
food for another, it should be killed as swiftly and painlessly as possible.
It should not have to die in the terror of a slaughterhouse atmosphere, but be
gently led away, not knowing its fate, and killed with compassion.
Muslims are allowed to eat fish, poultry, and all the
of sheep, goats and camels, and game caught by hunting
animals which are trained not to kill out of savagery or their own appetite, but for
their trainer’s needs. In this case, the name of God can be pronounced when the
hawk or dog releases the quarry. Chicken is one of the most frequently eaten. All
fruit, grains and vegetables are permitted. In an emergency, if
nothing else is available, anything edible becomes permitted.
Permitted Foods
Muslims say thanks to God, and wash, before and after each
meal. The eldest member of the family eats first, unless there is
a guest. No one leaves the table until the last person has finished.
1. What name is given to the foods that Muslims can eat?
2. List some of the foods that Muslims can eat.
3. What name is given to the foods that Muslims are forbidden to eat?
Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies
4. List
some of the foods that Muslims are not allowed to eat.
5. What must Muslims do if they cannot get access to permitted meat?
Unit 3 – Islam
The Muslim word for a festival is ‘id’ or ‘eid’, taken
from an Arabic word meaning ‘returning at regular
intervals’. Id times are events of great joy for
Muslims all over the world. But they are not held purely for fun and enjoyment.
They are duties and an opportunity to:
Muslim Festivals
 praise and thank God for his blessings
 remember loved ones (including those in distant parts of the world, and
those who have died)
 forgive enemies
 resume contact with people not seen for a long time
The festivals are times for reducing tensions and establishing new and renewed
relationships. The poor must be remembered, the rich must share, the lonely and
the stranger must be made to feel at home, the orphan must feel loved and cared
for, the lazy and forgetful must make an effort to make up for things they have
not done, and the quarrelsome must make peace.
In Islam there are two main festivals:
Id-ul-Fitr was begun by Muhammad himself.
It is the feast that marks the end of the month-long
Ramadan fast. On the last evening of the fast, as the
time draws near, most Muslims go out into the open to catch the moment the new
moon appears in the sky. Muslims thank God for helping them to fast throughout
the month. In Muslim countries, Id-ul-Fitr is a national three-day holiday.
There is no work or school. Muslims visit friends and relations, wearing their best
clothes. Decorations may be bought and hung up; cards are bought or made, and
sent to relatives and friends.
The well off gives to the poor so that
they, too, may enjoy the day.
Everyone eats special food and children
are given presents. Above all, Id is a
time for prayer. The festival begins with
prayers at the mosque. Unlike festivals
in other religions, Muslims do not dance
or go to nightclubs; they do not go to
parties. It is more a time for the family
to get together; a chance to meet your
Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies
World Religions
Unit 3 – Islam
Muhammad started the festival Id-ul-Adha. It means
festival of sacrifice. The feast of Id-ul-Adha is not
only the climax of the Hajj pilgrimage, but is the major
festival in the Islamic year and takes place in the Hajj month, two months after
the close of Ramadan. This festival
remembers the time when Abraham was
ready to sacrifice Ishmael because God
commanded it.
By taking part, modern Muslims are showing
that they, too, are ready to sacrifice their
lives for God.
Every Muslim takes part in this feast,
not just those on Hajj. It is a family
occasion, bearing in mind the whole family of
Islam and not just your own relations.
It is a serious occasion, and concentrates the
mind on self-sacrifice, symbolised by the
sacrificing of an animal. In Muslim countries schools, businesses and shops are
closed for four days. Town streets are deserted and family homes packed with
visitors. Muslims sacrifice an animal, just as God eventually told Abraham to
sacrifice a sheep. So the event is symbolic. God does not want the animal (or its
meat); God wants Muslims to show him their devotion. The meat itself is shared
with friends and relatives and, of course, the poor.
MAWLID AN-NABI is the birthday of the Prophet,
probably originally 20th August, 570 CE. Some Muslims
with joyful processions and accounts of Muhammad’s
life, mission, character, sufferings and successes celebrate this day. LAYLAT-ULQADR is the Night of Power, when the Prophet received his first revelation of
the Qur’an. Because the date is not certain, it is remembered throughout the last
ten days of the Ramadan fast. Many Muslims stay up all night in prayer, or
reciting the Qur’an. ASHURA, on the 10th Muharram, reminds Muslims of the day
when Noah left his ark and Moses saved the Israelites from the Egyptians.
Fasting is not obligatory, but many Muslims fast anyway, and enjoy special meals
at night.
Special Occasions
What duties must Muslims perform during festivals or ‘Id times?’
Describe what happens when Muslims celebrate Id-ul-Fitr.
When does the feast of Id-ul-Adha take place?
What do Muslims remember during this festival?
What are Muslims showing by taking part?
Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies
World Religions
Unit 3 – Islam
There are many Muslim countries in the world today.
They all follow Islam. If they acted together, they
would be a powerful force in the world. Yet, on some
matters, they disagree. Indeed, one dispute within Islam goes back to its very
earliest days.
During the first 30 years after Muhammad’s
death, Khalifahs were chosen to lead the
Muslim people. These were outstanding men
chosen by the community for their closeness
to the Prophet and their good characters.
They were unselfish, tolerant and well versed
in the Qur’an, and had been the Prophet’s
dearest friends. The word ‘khalifah’ means
‘successor’. Instead of living like princes (they
had access to enormous wealth), they lived
very simple lives as the Prophet had done; in
close touch with the people. They were just
and kind, and totally dedicated to serving their
people. They were the most important people in the Muslim state, but were
horrified if anyone thought of them as kings – they were simply servants.
Only God was King.
Muslim Groups
Twenty- four years after the Prophet’s death, Ali, Muhammad’s
son-in-law became the fourth khalifah. He had been the first male
convert to Islam, and was famous for his extreme piety and faithful
transmission of the prophet’s sayings. His supporters thought of him as the
‘Conscience of Islam’. An assassin mortally wounded Ali when he was visiting the
mosque at Kufa. He did not die for three days, during which time he protected
and fed his assassin. Ali’s last words, before entering Paradise, were: ‘O God,
most fortunate am I!’ He had been killed in a struggle for power.
The Sunni and Shi’ah split
Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies
World Religions
One group of Muslims believe that, after
Ali’s death, his sons should have taken over
as khalifah. They believe that Ali’s
descendants are the true leaders of Islam.
This group is called Shi’ah; its members are
Shi’ites. The word Shi’ah means group. They
refused to accept the first three khalifahs
and claimed Ali was really the first.
They did not accept the later khalifahs either
and chose their own imams instead.
Unit 3 – Islam
The main Muslim group is the Sunni Muslims. Around 90 per cent of all
Muslims are Sunni. The word ‘sunni’ means ‘orthodox’ or ‘authority’. They regard
themselves as the true followers of the Sunnah or Way of the Prophet.
They insist that the Prophet had intended elections so that the best man would
succeed, and not to start a family line of rulers, like kings. Sunnis base the
standards of their faith on the Qur’an plus the Hadiths of the Prophet and the
laws based upon them. They tend to regard
the Shi’ite claim that leadership should be
exclusive to the family of the Prophet and
not a democratic election based on a majority
vote with distaste and impatience.
Because there have always been fewer
Shi’ites, they have never enjoyed the same
power as the Sunni Muslims. Major Arab
nations, such as Saudi Arabia, are still ruled
by Sunni Muslims today. In the past, Sunni
Muslims in the Lebanon shared power with
the Christians. The Shi’ites were poor; they
had little influence.
All this changed in recent years.
Iran is the main home of the Shi’ah Muslims,
and a revolution there in 1979 restored many Islamic laws and customs. Other
Shi’ite groups have taken courage from this and have campaigned for their rights.
Some accuse Sunni Muslims of being in need of drastic reform. The number of
Shi’ite Muslims is increasing as people in many developing countries are reacting
against the decadence of the modern world.
After the revolution, Iran was taken over by its religious leaders, called
ayatollahs. The word means ‘sign of God’. The leading ayatollah was Ayatollah
Khomeini. He made Iran an Islamic state once more. Islamic laws, based on the
Qur’an, were introduced. Alcohol was banned. Women could only appear in public
with their heads and bodies fully covered. A true Islamic state is run in the same
way that the Prophet Muhammad organised the Muslim community in Madinah.
In an Islamic state, the head of state (or a deputy) is supposed to lead the daily
prayers at a central mosque. This was how Muhammad led his state.
Many Muslims would like to see the practice brought back.
1. Name the main Muslim group. What is the other group called?
2. What is an ayatollah?
3. How did Islamic laws change life in Iran?
Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies
World Religions
Unit 3 – Islam
Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies
World Religions