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Name ________________________________
Period _____
Part 1: From “Roman History” to “Julius Caesar”
____1. T F The extent of Roman imperial rule included what is now known as China and Mongolia.
____2. T F The Romans maintained a strong military presence in their subject countries.
____3. T F The Romans used their brilliance to develop an efficient government administration and develop an
impressive legal system, but, strangely, they devoted hardly any time to the development of military
strategy and technology.
4. Short Answer: Make three (3) factual statements about Graeco-Roman culture that were covered in the reading.
1. _________________________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________________________
5. Short Answer: Make two factual statements about the geography of Italy and Greece from the reading.
Italy: 1. ____________________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________________
Greece: 1. ____________________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________________
___6. Conflict resulted in the Romans and other peninsula peoples becoming _______.
W. withdrawn and philosophical
X. militaristic
Y. enslaved to the Persians
Z. peaceful
7. Short Answer: List five (5) facts that describe Italic peoples.
1. _________________________________________
4. ________________________________
2. _________________________________________
5. ________________________________
3. _________________________________________
8. Indicate whether each statement about the Etruscans written below is true or false.
a ____TF The Etruscans settled the peninsula about 10,000 BC.
b ____TF The Etruscans had virtually no impact on the Romans whatsoever.
c ____TF The Etruscans were largely an agrarian people.
d ____TF The Etruscans used a strong military to dominate surrounding peoples and forced them to do
agricultural labor.
e____ TF The Etruscans were brutes with no culture, religion, or writing.
9. When was Rome founded? _____________________________________
10. What does imperium mean? ____________________________________
11. For each description about the Roman Kingdom below, indicate whether the characteristic is describing the
monarchy by marking “M”, the Senate by marking “S”, or the assembly by marking “A”.
a____ Led the military
b____ Principle function was to grant imperium to the monarch.
c____ Had power to approve or veto the appointment of the king.
d____ Controlled by a constitution that he/they were powerless to change.
e____ Consisted of all male citizens of Rome.
f____ Ratified the grant of imperium.
g____ Was a council of elders.
12. Read the social class descriptions below and mark whether it is describing Patricians or Plebeians:
“Pat”=Patrician and “Pleb”=Plebeian.
a______ Wealthiest members of society
b______ Only these could serve as clan leaders
c______ Mainly small farmers
d______ Only this group could sit in the Senate
e______ Represented by the assembly
___13. ____________ was established to provide stability and security.
W. Senate
X. Assembly
Y. Monarchy
Z. Catapults
___14. T F Roman conquest seems to have been largely motivated by anxiety over the threat to their security
posed by surrounding populations.
___15. T F Roman conquest seems to have been largely motivated by greed for land and wealth.
Page 1= 38 points: Minus
16. Explain, using 3-5 sentences, how the Roman Republic developed from the Etruscan monarchs.
17. Check the boxes of the true statements below.
1a) The Roman Republic began in 753 BC
1b) The Roman Republic began in 509 BC
2a) During the Republic, Rome was ruled by the King.
2b) During the Republic, Rome was ruled by the Senate and Assembly.
3a) The Roman constitution was a series of unwritten traditions and laws.
3b) The Roman constitution was a formal, written document.
18. For each statement below, write “Con” for Consul; “Pro” for Proconsul; “Q” for Quaestors; “P” for praetor; and “C”
for censor depending on which office is being described.
a_____ These were Consuls whose terms were extended because of military campaigns.
b_____ These initiated legislation, served as head of the military, and served as chief priest to the nation.
c_____ They classified citizens according to wealth and tax status.
d_____ They drew up a roll of citizens similar to our modern census.
e_____ They functioned as financial officers.
f_____ They wore the purple robes of the monarchy and sat in the ivory chair.
g_____ They had a one year appointment and were essentially the central generals of Rome.
h_____ They had to serve in the Senate after their term.
19. For each item below, write either “Pat” for Patrician or “Pleb” for Plebeian depending on which order is being described.
a_____ They produced the food and supplied the labor that kept the Roman economy going.
b_____ They supplied the soldiers for the Roman military.
c_____ They were the only ones to serve in the Senate at this time.
d_____ Were largely interested in achieving social and political equality.
e_____ Were largely interested in holding onto political and social power.
f_____ Imperium was fully concentrated in their hands.
g_____ They had tremendous collective power because they could shut down the Roman military and economy
h_____ They formed the assembly.
20. List three (3) results of “the struggle of the orders.”
1) ________________________________________________________________________________________
2) ________________________________________________________________________________________
3) ________________________________________________________________________________________
21. Explain in what way the Roman Empire was an “accident”?
___22. Who conquered the Romans in 387 BC but returned home afterwards with the demand that the Romans pay tribute to them?
W. Persians
X. Etruscans
Y. Vandals
Z. Gauls
ZZ. Vikings
ZZZ. Goths
23. What were two primary ways the Romans were able to peacefully hold onto conquered territories?
A) ________________________________________________________________________________________
___24. The Punic Wars were fought between Rome and _______.
W. Persia
X. Britain
Y. the Goths
Z. Carthage
25. Using 3-5 sentences, support this statement: The 2nd Punic War had the most impact on the character development of Romans.
Page 2= 29 points: Minus
26. Explain why the so-called “accidental” Roman Empire turned into what might be termed a “purposeful” empire.
27. The Second Punic War created vast disparities in wealth, which created problems in Rome. Based upon this concept,
decide if each statement below is True or False. (Circle the correct answer.)
a. T F Hannibal destroyed Plebeian farms and towns.
b. T F Hannibal destroyed the city of Rome and took all of its wealth.
c. T F After the war, Rome’s wealthy got even wealthier off of the spoils of war and Roman agriculture became dominated by fabulously wealthy landowners.
d. T F Slavery actually decreased, which created more job and small farm opportunities for Plebeians.
e. T F Waves of unemployed, angry, poor, disaffected free Romans entered cities, like Rome, causing problems.
28. The _____________________ was a family who gained a lot of support in Rome by seeking reforms in land ownership,
grain price stabilization, and citizenship grants.
29. ____________________ were politicians who attempted to gain power by raising favor among the general population.
30. ____________________ were known as “the best,” who attempted political reform by appealing to traditional methods
and structures.
31. Sulla/Marius (circle the correct man) won the civil war that broke out in 88 BC.
___32. What “dangerous new ground” did Sulla “break” in the civil war?
W) He used volunteers (mostly poor) in his army.
X) He used his army to kill his opponents.
Y) He recruited Persians and Chinese into his army. Z) None of these answers is correct.
33. List the three men who formed the First Triumvirate.
________________________________ ______________________________ ___________________________
34. Using 3-5 sentences, explain how the First Triumvirate was the “beginning of the end for the Roman Republic.”
35. What are three ways military conquest gave one power in Rome?
A. __________________________________________________________________________________________
B. __________________________________________________________________________________________
C. __________________________________________________________________________________________
36. List two facts about Julius Caesar’s rise, fall, and legacy.
1) ___________________________________________________________________________________
2) ___________________________________________________________________________________
1) ___________________________________________________________________________________
2) ___________________________________________________________________________________
Legacy: 1)___________________________________________________________________________________
2) ___________________________________________________________________________________
Part 2: “The Age of Augustus” through “The Late Empire”
___37. T F
Augustus considered himself “first among equals,” but his successors named themselves after their power
and called themselves “imperator.”
38. Augustus was “on a mission to restore order and even equity to the Empire,” list three ways that he tried to accomplish
this task.
1. __________________________________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________________________________
___39. The greatest effect of the military presence throughout the Empire was that it. . .
W. oppressed many different nations of people.
X. kept the soldiers well trained.
Y. spread the Roman language and culture.
Z. kept arms makers busy in Rome.
40. List the three greatest poets of the Age of Augustus.
1. ______________________
2. _____________________
3. __________________________
41. The Romans saw _____________________________ as the “core set of values in their culture.”
Page 3= 33 points: Minus
20 pts
42. _____________________ authored the Aeneid.
43. List two (2) facts about Stoic values.
1. _________________________________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________________________________
44. Explain the “frightening discovery” that came after the assassination of Caligula in 41 AD and why it was “frightening.”
A) Frightening discover: _________________________________________________________________________
B) Why it was frightening: _______________________________________________________________________
___45. T F In the year 69 AD, no fewer than four emperors took the throne of Rome, each backed by a powerful army.
___46. T F The “five good emperors” were elected directly by the people of Rome.
47. ______________________ was “perhaps the most significant philosopher in Roman history.”
48. ______________________ was the first Stoic emperor.
49. List three (3) facts about the “Silver Age” of Latin literature.
1. ____________________________________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________________________________
50. _________________ science was usually practical and empirical wherein they made great strides in engineering, medicine, and other practical sciences. On the other hand, ____________________ science was rarely empirical but was usually
speculative in nature. Consequently, their “discoveries” were frequently wrong or immediately refuted.
51. The “Silver Age” came to an abrupt end in _______ AD when ___________________ succeeded to the throne.
52. List two ways that Septimius Severus “decimated” the economy.
1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
53. What “precedent” was set by Septimius Severus? __________________________________________________________
54. List at least three (3) of the four (4) characteristics from the reading that define 235—280 as the “most calamitous” period
in Roman history.
1. ____________________________________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________________________________
55. List four (4) facts about religion and/or philosophy during this time period.
1. ____________________________________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________________________________________
56. For each item described below, write “D” for Diocletian, “C” for Constantine, “J” for Julian, or “T” for Theodosius depending on which emperor or reign is being described.
_____a. He opposed the Christian religion and tried to undo its influence by dismissing all Christians from the
_____b. He divided the empire in half.
_____c. He restructured authority in the empire with “Augustus” being the senior officials and “Caesars” being subordinate officials in training to become “Augustus.”
_____d. He was the first emperor to convert to Christianity.
_____e. He declared Christianity to be the state religion of Rome.
_____f. He convened a council of Christian bishops at Nicea in 325 AD, which produced the Nicene Creed.
_____g. He no longer called himself “princeps” or even “imperator” but chose “dominus,” meaning Lord.
_____h. He made all Pagan religions illegal.
_____i. He declared the imperiate to be hereditary—which effectively returned Rome to a monarchy.
57. Answer these three questions:
A. Who was Odoacer? __________________________________________________________________________
B. What did he do in 476 AD? ____________________________________________________________________
C. Why is the above action significant? _____________________________________________________________
58. Who carried on the government structure, social structure, art and thought of classical Rome and Greece after the fall of
the Western Empire?
W. Persians
X. Germans
Y. Scandinavians
Z. Byzantines
ZZ. Americans ZZZ. Chinese
59. What I [that means you] liked most about the Romans was. . .________________________________________________
and the REASON I liked this was . . ._______________________________________________________________________
Page 4= 59 points: Minus