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Student Task Sheet for Electronic Poster Project –
Electronics Learning and Planning Your Design
Name: _________________________________ See Rubric for Marking Scheme.
Electronic Poster & Advertising
Consider your favourite commercial, whether it be for clothing, a drink, a car etc.. Some
of the best commercials have catch phrases or slogans that are short and simple for
example, Subway, ‘eat fresh’ or Tim Horton’s, ‘Always Fresh.’
Q1-2 Re-sketch the Nike and Tim Horton’s logos above with colour.
Can you think of another catch phrase that you like from a commercial and what
company it’s from. Slogan,’_____________________________________
Company :__________________________________________________
Exploring Technology Slogans
Over the past number of years students have designed slogans to promote the
Integrated Technology Course such as;
‘Tech Will Put You On The Right Track’, by Josh Valente and,
‘Nothing Beats Tech’, by Nick Sullivan.
Can you think of a slogan to promote the Integrated Technology course?
Once you have completed your catch phrase, you must now consider how to promote
your idea. For example, is your idea sport- related, car-related or other? The teacher
will share with the class past Electronic Poster projects. Discuss them and notice how
they have complimented their slogan with their poster.
Preliminary Sketches
Q6-11 Sketch your initial ideas below with colours, patterns LED locations.
Electronic Posters, Light Emitting Diodes and Electricity
LED’s or Light Emitting Diodes are very small bulbs that are more energy efficient
than incandescent light bulbs. They are used everywhere from traffic lights to flat
screen tv’s. Toronto Hydro is replacing their traffic lights with LED’s in hopes of
reducing electricity use by 84%. LED’s last longer which reduces labour costs and
since the failure of one LED does not cause the entire system to fail, it results in greater
safety for motorists and pedestrians. 1
What does the acronym LED stand for? L_______________
E__________________ D__________________.
Toronto Hydro is replacing their traffic lights to LED’s and by doing so it is
hoped that they will slash electricity use by up to________%.
Where would you find LED’s in your classroom? ____________________
Where would you find LED’s in your school? _______________________
Re-sketch the LED above and label it.
Q21 Sketch a lightning bolt above.
Man’s first attempt to understand electricity was over 2,000 years ago in ancient Greek
mythology. Zeus, or the king of the gods was the most feared and respected of the
Greek gods. When anything upset Zeus, the skies would turn black and the ruler of
Mount Olympus would use thunder and lightning to his advantage.
Sketch and label the Atom diagram above.
In ancient Greek philosophy, the word Atom was used to describe the smallest bit of
matter or is ‘not divisible.’ The atom is the smallest particle that makes up a chemical
element. It consists of an electron (E-) cloud that surrounds a nucleus containing
positively charged protons (P+) and electrically neutral neutrons (N).
A Proton is a positively charged particle.
An Electron is a negatively charged particle.And a Neutron is a neutrally charged particle.
Q23 Sketch the drop of water above.
In fact, an Atom is so small that a single drop of water contains more than a million
million billion atoms.
Sketch the water atom here.
Water (H2O) for instance, is made up of two kinds of atoms, Hydrogen and Oxygen. In
fact, there are two Hydrogen atoms and only one Oxygen atom as shown above.
When anything upset __________, the skies would turn black and the ruler of
Mount Olympus would use thunder and lightning to his advantage.
What is the Greek word for a non divisible bit of matter? ______________
A single drop of water contains more than a _______________________
__________________________ __________________________ atoms.
Water is made up of ________________ and ________________ atoms.
Electricity is concerned with positively charged particles, or protons that repel one
another, and negatively charged particles or electrons, that also repel one another.
Negative and Positive particles, however, attract each other, much like the North and
South ends of magnets. This behaviour may be summarized as follows; ‘Like charges
repel, and unlike charges attract.’
Rub two balloons on your clothes. If you place them besides each other, will
they attract or repel? What is your conclusion? __________________
Brief Battery History
The first Battery called the Voltaic pile was invented by the Italian physicist
Alessandro Volta in 1800. Although much larger than today’s batteries, it used
alternating copper and zinc discs with a wire through the middle.
Today, you can buy many different sizes of batteries to suit different functions.
From Disposable to Rechargeable, from Lithium and Alkaline batteries in sizes A
to AAAA, batteries have become a vital part of our life.
Active and Passive Components
There are two types of Electronic components; Active and Passive. Active
components supply more energy than they use, such as a battery. A Passive
component absorbs or uses more energy than they supply, such as a light or a
____________________ ____________________
Q 30-31
Label the diagrams above as Active or Passive.
There are two types of current. Direct Current (DC) and Alternating Current
(AC). Direct Current uses a continuous flow of electrons in the same direction,
such as that produced by Batteries. Alternating Current (AC) is the second type
of current which involves a periodic reversal in the direction of electron flow, such
as that provided in the outlets in your house.
___________________ _______________
Q 32-33 Label the diagrams above as AC or DC current.
Volts, Current and Resistance
Q 34 Sketch the VIR Pyramid above.
There are three basic units in electricity; Voltage (V), Current (I) and Resistance (R).
Voltage is measure in Volts, Current is measured in Amps and Resistance is measured
in Ohms. The basic formulae states that Voltage = Current x Resistance.
Q35 V = ______________ Q36 I = _____________ Q37 R=______________
If the Current is (I) = 0.02 amps and the Resistance (R) = 250 Ohms, what is the
Voltage (V)?
V = I x R = 0.02 x 250 = 5V
Q 38 If the Voltage is 200 V and the Resistance is 75 Ohms, what is the Current?
Q 39 If the Current (I) = 0.05 amps and the Voltage is 10V, what is the
Resistance (R)?
Electronic Posters and Circuits
To construct an Electronic Poster you will require circuit components such as; wires,
batteries and light bulbs. Circuits can be connected either in Parallel or in a Series.
Parallel Circuits
If two or more lights are connected like the rungs of a ladder then they are connected in
parallel. In a Parallel Circuit each component receives the battery voltage. if one bulb
burns out all the other bulbs will remain on.
Re-sketch the Parallel Circuit.
Redraw the Parallel LED Circuit above.
Re-sketch the Series Circuits above.
Series Circuit
In a Series Circuit, all components (lights) are connected in a line. The voltage is
divided among each component but the current stays the same. In a Series of
Christmas lights, if one bulb burns out all the other bulbs will not turn on.
Draw the Series LED Circuit above.