Download Bio Chapter 8 Study Guide 1. What did Griffith`s experiments discover?

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Bio Chapter 8 Study Guide
1. What did Griffith's experiments discover? How?
Transforming principle, non-deadly virus became deadly when paired with killed virus
that was deadly
2. What about Avery's?
Avery showed that DNA was the transforming principle, by stripping away the proteins
and running Griffiths experiment
3. What about Hershey and Chase?
Confirmed that DNA is the transforming principle by using radioactive dye on proteins
and DNA.
4. What is DNA made up of?
Deoxyribose sugar, phosphate, and nitrogenous bases aka nucleotides
5. Draw a nucleotide and label its parts:
Look at your book!!! Parts are listed in number 4
6. What did Chargaff's rule state?
A=T, G=C
7. What does the base pairing rule state?
A pairs with T and G pairs with C
8. What is the shape of DNA? Who discovered the shape?
Double Helix, Watson and Crick
9. If one strand of DNA is AATCCGGCA, then what nucleotides does the
complimentary strand have?
10.What are the roles of RNA polymerase in DNA replication?
Add new nucleotides to the new strand, proofreads the new strand.
11.What occurs during transcription?
MRNA is produced to make a copy of DNA
12.In what ways are DNA and RNA different?
DNA has a deoxyribose sugar, is double stranded, and Thymine, while RNA has a
Ribose sugar, is one stranded, and Uracil
13.What are the three types of RNA and describe their function?
–Messenger RNA (mRNA) carries the message that will be translated to form a protein.
–Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) forms part of ribosomes where proteins are made.
Transfer RNA (tRNA) brings amino acids from the cytoplasm to a ribosome
14.What is the base pairing rules in RNA?
A pairs with U and C pairs with G
15.What occurs during Translation?
MRNA is goes into a ribosome. TRNA carrying mRNA's anticodon (start codon is
always first) enter the ribosome and drop off their amino acid and leave, then the next
tRNA comes in and does the same thing, until a stop codon is reached then the protein is
16.What proteins are coded for the mRNA sequence UUCCGUAAU?
Phe, Pro, Asn
17.What would the anticodons be for the mRNA above?
18.What would the strand of DNA of been from the mRNA above?
19.What is the first step in translation?
Start codon is reached by a tRNA
20.What is the role of tRNA? (what does it carry with it)
Carry amino acids to correct place
21.What is the difference between exons and introns?
Exons code for a protein, introns are cut out of the mRNA
22.Label this beast.
1. amino acid, 2. tRNA 3. mRNA 4. codon 5. Ribosome
23.What is the central dogma of Biology?