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Single chromosome consisting of a short, circular DNA molecule. Some cells
contain plasmids, smaller circular DNA molecules, in addition to the major
Prokaryotes reproduce through fission
There is no nucleus
Flagella when present are made of the globular protein flagellin
Their length falls between 1 to 10 nanometers. Typical size and shape tend to be
coccus, bacillus, or spirillum.
ProtistsProtists are eukaryotic organisms in which generally maintain a unicellular form. The classification of protozoa includes most
algae, and majority of the fungi. All protists have very little in common with one another, but they are all eukaryotic organisms
that are neither plant, nor animal, nor fungi.
PlantsPlants are multi celled, eukaryotic, photosynthetic autotrophs. Bryophytes are plants without transport vessels. Tracheophytes
have xylem and phloem for support, lignified transport vessels to support the plant, roots, leaves, and a life cycle with a
dominant sporophyte generation. They are divided into gymnosperms and angiosperms.
Plant Tissue:
Dermal: endodermis, epidermis, and cells that produce It covers and protects the plant.
Vascular: consists of xylem Vascular xylem and phloem. Xylem consists of tracheids and vessel elements, they are used for the
transport of water and minerals. Phloem consists of chains of sieve tube members connected to companion cells.
Ground: is ground tissue, which functions in support, storage, and photosynthesis. They consist of parenchyma cells,
parenchyma cells, collenchyma collenchyma cells, and sclerenchyma cells.
Plant Hormones:
Auxin: responsible for phototropisms, apical dominance apical dominance apical dominance, and stimulates stem elongation.
Cytokinins: stimulates cytokinesis and cell division. Gibberellins: promote stem and leaf elongation
Abscisic Acid: inhibits growth, enables plants to withstand drought, closes stomata in time of stress, promotes seed dormancy
Ethylene: promotes fruit ripening, facilitates apoptosis, promotes leaf abscission
Lab Work:
Parade of Kingdoms - This is a worksheet we
were given where we had to identify the
characteristics of the different domains
Taxonomy Domains of Life- A project where
we had to describe the conserved core
biological processes and features shared by all
domains and how these shared, conserved core
processes and features support the concept of
common ancestry for all organisms.
Fungi are classified according to their method of reproduction, and their structure. Majority of fungi are classified as
being a decomposer, and as a result. Have the characteristic of allowing for them to acquire their nutrients from
deceased or other dead organisms.
Classified as multicellular eukaryotic organisms in which respire aerobically. The scientific classification for the
animal kingdom is known as Animalia.
Big Ideas:
- The process of evolution drives the diversity of and unity of life.
The diversity of how organisms are classified, allow for all biologists worldwide to classify the organisms the same way. Allowing for unity to occur throughout the biological community.
2. Biological systems utilize free energy and molecular building blocks to grow, reproduce, and to maintain homeostasis.
The classification of organisms has evolved from classifying and observing simple organisms to that of complex originality. 3. Living systems store, retrieve, store, transmit, and respond
to information essential to the processes of life. The information within taxonomy builds and stacks on each other in order to allow for the proper classification to occur. Each different
biological system has different characteristics in which allow for the organism to be classified into their correct taxon. 3. Biological systems interact, and these systems and their biological
interactions possess chemical complex properties.
Sam, Carson, & Mabel