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Chapter 8 The Giant Planets Hershel Uranus 1781 Galle Neptune 1846 1 2 Which two giant planets have a larger fraction of water than the other two? A. B. C. D. E. Jupiter and Saturn Uranus and Neptune Jupiter and Neptune Saturn and Neptune Uranus and Jupiter 3 You discover a giant planet around another star. It is as big as Jupiter, but much more dense. What does the density tell you? A. It has less hydrogen and helium than Jupiter. B. It has a lower mass than Jupiter. C. Like Jupiter, it is probably hot inside. 4 5 6 7 Why are Jupiter and Saturn not perfectly spherical? a. They formed from the collision of two large planetesimals. b. They rotate rapidly. c. They have storms that develop preferentially along their equators. d. They have very active aurorae that heat the atmospheres along the poles. 8 Uranus and Neptune do not have bands as distinct as those on Jupiter and Saturn, because Uranus and Neptune: a. don’t have winds that change direction as much between equator to the poles b. are composed entirely of hydrogen and helium and lack more complex molecules c. are much closer to the Sun and much colder d. rotate ten times slower 9 © 2013 by W. W. Norton & Company 10 11 12 Neptune and Uranus probably took longer to form than Jupiter and Saturn, because the solar nebula was __________ at the radius of Neptune and Uranus. a. rotating faster b. not as dense c. composed of rockier planetesimals d. hotter 13 Roche Limit Animation 14 15 16 Which of the giant planets does NOT have rings? a. Jupiter b. Neptune c. Saturn d. Uranus e. All of the giant planets have rings. Saturn’s bright rings are located within the Roche limit of Saturn. This supports the theory that these rings: a. Are formed of moons torn apart by tidal stresses b. Formed at the same time that Saturn formed. c. Are relatively recent. d. Are temporary. 17 Particles that make up the rings of Uranus and Neptune are composed of: a. rocky material from tidally disrupted moons b. organic material that has darkened due to bombardment by cosmic rays c. icy material from tidally disrupted comets d. all of the above 18