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Bell Ringer #6 Directions- Add this to the paper with the first bell ringer. Copy down the entire question and all of the options. Then circle the answer that you choose. In which of the following locations are asteroids not likely to be located? A. Kuiper belt B. Oort cloud C. in the orbits of Jupiter and Neptune D. crossing Earth’s orbit Bell ringer #7 The sun produces large amounts of energy. By what process does the sun produce energy? A. radiation B. convection C. nuclear fusion D. electromagnetic radiation Vocab Lesson 5 Gas giant Planetary ring Homework - Write this in your agenda Complete page 169 and read lesson 6 Lesson 5: The Gas Giant Planets Essential Question: What is known about the gas planets? What is a gas giant planet? Have deep, massive gas atmospheres mostly made of hydrogen and helium. Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus. What is known about Jupiter? Largest planet, its volume can hold more than 900 Earths. One rotation is just under 10 hours and its gravity is 253 times more than Earths. Fast winds at 540 km/h and clouds that stretch in bands from east to west. More than 60 moons, Europa has evidence of liquid water possibly beneath the surface. What is known about Saturn? Second largest gas planet mostly composed of hydrogen and helium. Planetary ring system is mostly composed of left over from the collisions of Saturn’s moons with comets and asteroids. Its moon Enceladus has liquid water that forms an icy surface or geysers. Its largest moon, Titan, has lakes and ponds filled with liquid methane. How is Uranus unique? Axis is tilted almost 98° meaning it is on its side as it rotates the sun which takes 84 years. For 21 years the North Pole faces the sun and the other 21 years the poles reverse as the South Pole faces the sun. Every place has winter (darkness) and summer periods (daylight). During spring and fall there are both daytime and nighttime periods. What is known about Neptune? Farthest from the sun with sunlight 900 times fainter than on Earth. Strongest winds, reaching up to 2,000 km/h. The energy that powers the strong winds comes from the warm interior. Triton is the largest moon which orbits Neptune in the opposite direction than the rest of the moons. Triton is slowly spiraling towards Neptune, if it gets to close the gravity will pull it apart. Write a 2-3 sentence summary on what you learned in this set of notes.