* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
AMER. ZOOL., 19:669-681 (1979). Contrast Between Solitary and Clonal Lifestyles in the Sea Anemone Anthopleura elegantissima LISBETH FRANCIS Biology Department, Bates College, Lewiston, Maine 04240 SYNOPSIS. The common intertidal sea anemone Anthopleura elegantissima (Brandt) occurs in two forms, the clonal aggregating form and the solitary form. The obvious differences between the two apparently result from the presence of asexual reproduction in the clonal aggregating form and its absence in the solitary form; resulting differences in growth form suit the two anemones to different lifestyles. The clonal form is well suited to life higher in the mid-intertidal. Asexual reproduction, resulting in moderately small individual size and close association with clonemates, improves its resistance to physical stress (drag and desiccation), and makes it a superior competitor in exposed habitats higher in the intertidal where species diversity and predator pressure are low. The larger solitary animals live in more protected microhabitats lower in the intertidal and subtidal, and are probably more resistant to predation and less able to withstand physical stress or intense intraspecific competition. The two forms also have different biogeographic ranges. While the clonal aggregations are quite common at rocky sites at least as far north as Vancouver Island in British Columbia, populations of solitaries have not been found north of Point Reyes, California. Apparently the two forms are re productively isolated; phenotype frequencies are very different for clonals and solitaries living at the same locations, while the between-sample variation within each form is relatively small. These differences in phenotype frequencies, biogeographic range and microhabitat suggest that the clonal anemones and the solitary anemones known as Anthopleura elegantissima are actually a sibling species pair. Some anemones that reproduce asexually live in clonal aggregations. Among the The sea anemones are solitary polypoid most conspicuous of these are clonal agCnidarians in a phylum of colonial animals gregations of Anthopleura elegantissima that often have complex life histories. The (Brandt), which cover substantial areas of typical hydroid adult (class Hydrozoa) is intertidal rocky substratum from British first an asexual colony of bottom-dwelling Columbia to Northern Mexico. polyps, and finally a pelagic fleet of sexual A. elegantissima and several other clonal medusae. The typical jellyfish (class Scyph- anemones also occur as larger, solitary indiozoa) may or may not spend time as a polyp viduals. I consider here the relationship bebefore becoming free-floating and sexual. tween the clonal and the solitary forms of A. Even within the entirely polypoid class An- elegantissima, and possible diversifying thozoa (anemones, sea pens, hard and soft selection favoring each of the two forms. corals, etc.), all but three of the eleven orders are colonial. The Actiniaria (true CLONAL AND SOLITARY ANEMONES anemones) are an order of solitary sexual polyps that may also reproduce asexually Several intertidal anemones that repro(Chia, 1976). duce asexually show marked variation in size correlated with microhabitat. In Central and Southern California, the common actiniid Anthopleura elegantissima is deI thank T. H. Bullock of Scripps Institution of Oceanography, and A. O. D. Willows, Director of the scribed as occurring in two forms, the clonal Friday Harbor Marine Laboratory for providing space aggregating form and the solitary form and equipment; V. B. Pearse, G. S. Lewbel and others (Hand, 1955a; Fig. 1). Individuals of the for hospitality and assistance in the field; and A. E. clonal form are usually less than 3.5 cm Balber and R. Strathmann for critically reading the across the oral disc (Hand, 1955a); and they manuscript. The work was supported in part by a live in clusters segregated by genotype, Bates College faculty grant to the author. INTRODUCTION 669 670 LISBETH FRANCIS FIG. 1. Clonal (A) and solitary (B) forms of the submerged (ripple marks on the water's surface, anemone known as Anthopleura elegantissima in the lowupper left) clones separated by an anemone-free mid-intertidal of the Scripps preserve, La Jolla, space. Eight submerged solitary individuals are visible California. On the boulder (upper right) are two half- in the pools and crevices at the boulder bases. the products of longitudinal binary fission They live out of contact with other indi(Francis, 1973a). Solitary animals are viduals, and are commonly found in more larger, averaging 6.5 cm across the oral disc. sheltered situations, often living with 2/3 to CLONAL AND SOLITARY ANEMONES 3/4 of the column buried in sand (Hand, 1955a). Individuals of both forms attack and damage genetically different anemones of either form (Francis, 19736). In Chile, small adults of the actiniid anemone Phymactis clematis live in dense clonal aggregations below the mussel beds, while larger solitary specimens live slightly lower in the intertidal (Stotz, 1979). Hand (19556) and Purcell (1977) report a similar situation for the acontiate anemone Metridium senile fimbriatum in California. Clus- ters of small individuals are common inshore, while larger, less densely settled individuals are restricted to deeper waters offshore. Uchida (1936) reports the opposite pattern for the very small acontiate anemone Haliplanella luciae in Japan. Individuals higher in the intertidal are larger and apparently are not reproducing asexually. It is not clear what the relationship is between large and small individuals of these anemones. Differences in growth form, individual size, sociability and microhabitat might be genetically determined, or they might result from developmental responses to different environments. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE TWO FORMS KNOWN AS ANTHOPLEURA ELEGANT1SSIMA Occurrence of asexual reproduction The solitary nature of the large anemones suggests that they are not reproducing asexually. If they were, one would expect to see some large individuals in contact with each other in the field. Like individuals of the clonal form (Francis, 19736), the solitary anemones respond aggressively to contact only with genetically different individuals; contact with one of their own excised tentacles does not elicit aggression. However, I always find very large individuals to be dispersed, even in high density populations. After dividing asexually by longitudinal binary fission, anemones of the aggregating form have a scarred area the length of the column that is discernible for six weeks or more. For the clonal form of Anthopleura elegantissima, individual size varies both within and between clones (Francis, 671 1973a, 1976). Fission occurs seasonally (Hand, 1955a; Sebens, 1977), and is influenced by light level (Pearse, 1974). Sebens (1977) finds that starvation increases fission rates, at least temporarily; and he develops a generalized model based on feeding and energy considerations to account for differences in polyp size (Sebens, 1979). Division scars were present on 17 of 42 individuals (45%) collected from the middle of several clonal aggregations in the Scripps preserve area, La Jolla, California, during June and July of 1976. None of the 52 solitaries of various sizes (0.34 to 104.7g wet weight) collected nearby had fission scars, and none underwent fission in the laboratory where they were kept for up to three years. The solitary anemones do not appear to be reproducing asexually. Size, microhabitat and relative success Although the solitaries and the clonals may be found living side-by-side, they occur in somewhat different microhabitats. To document these microhabitat differences and to provide information concerning the relative success of the two forms at different tidal heights, I examined two systematic samples in a mixed population of clonals and solitaries at the Scripps preserve (Fig. 1). Each individual and each clone encountered was counted and measured until each sample included 100 genotypes: 100 genotypes at greater than two feet above MLLW (mean lower low water), and 100 at between MLLW and plus two feet. An assistant with SCUBA gear examined 74 solitary individuals on a shallow subtidal rock in La Jolla Cove. For animals that reproduce asexually, it is difficult to be certain that no genotypes are sampled more than once. However, in the San Diego area, tightly packed clonal aggregations are isolated on ledges and boulders that are surrounded by sand. The boulders are convex and retain little water at low tide; and in response to desiccation, the clonal individuals reduce evaporation by remaining in close contact with adjacent clonemates (Roberts, 1941; Francis, 1976). As a result of intraspecific aggression, adja- 672 LISBETH FRANCIS cent clones remain separated by noticeable anemone-free zones (Fig. 1). Although detachment and resettlement of adults is possible, successful resettlement must be quite unusual in areas of sand, large rounded boulders and fairly heavy surf. Therefore, in this and all subsequent sampling procedures, each separate, contiguous group of clonals is assumed to be a separate genotype. Since the solitaries apparently do not reproduce asexually, each separate individual is assumed to possess a unique genotype. For each solitary individual, I measured the maximum contracted column diameter. Since the size of clonal individuals varies both within and between aggregations (Francis, 1976), I measured what seemed average-sized specimens from each clone and recorded either the number of individuals or the area covered by each aggregation. Microhabitat information for the two intertidal samples is shown in Table 1. These data demonstrate that where the two forms co-occur, they occupy somewhat different microhabitats. The solitary form is more often found in the lower mid-intertidal in protected areas at the bases of boulders or in pockets and crevices, and it may extend into the subtidal. The clonal form, which is apparently more tolerant of wave buffeting, desiccation and temperature extremes, is common in very exposed positions on open rock surfaces higher in the mid-intertidal. For organisms that reproduce asexually, relative success is very hard to assess. Without deciding whether the individual anemone or the clone, as the genetic entity, should be the basis for evaluation, I compare the individual size, number of genotypes, number of individuals, amount of substratum occupied and biomass of each form at each tidal height (Table 2). These were roughly calculated using the field data, and laboratory data on the relationship between column diameter in centimeters and wet weight in grams for the solitary individuals: log wet weight = 3.27 (log column diameter) - 0 . 5 , (R = 0.92). Solitary genotypes outnumber clonal genotypes at all three tidal heights; but in the higher intertidal sample, the clonal population is more successful according to any other measure used. In the lower intertidal sample, the solitary population is more successful in terms of biomass. Biogeographic distributions During April, 1975, V. B. Pearse and I conducted a survey of mid-intertidal Anthopleura species in exposed rocky areas between Punta Banda in Baja, Mexico, and Point Conception, California. During June, 1978, I checked for the presence of these anemones at exposed rocky sites along the northern Pacific coast between San Juan Island in Washington and Bodega Head in California. I worked for extended periods near Pacific Grove, Santa Barbara, and La Jolla, California. Figure 2 shows sample sites where observations were made and projected ranges for the three forms of Anthopleura commonly found. Sebens (1977) reports similar ranges for these animals. The giant green anemone, Anthopleura xanthogrammica is common on exposed outer coast north of Government Point, California (which lies on the dividing line between northern and southern coastal waters). It is a large anemone (average column diameter 12 cm; Hand, 1955a) that does not reproduce asexually and is not known to attack conspecifics (Francis, 19736). Like the solitary form of A. elegantissima, it is found just below and overlapping the zone dominated by beds of the mussel Mytilus californianus and clonal aggregations of A. elegantissima. Aggregations of the clonal anemone Anthopleura elegantissima are common at rocky locations all along the coast. Populations of large solitary individuals are common as far north as Santa Cruz, California, but are not found at Bodgea Head or sites farther north. The ranges of Anthopleura xanthogrammica and the solitary form of A. elegantissima are almost complementary, overlapping only in the Monterey Bay area, a region known for anomalous hydrographic conditions. Many warm water animals end their ranges in the relatively isolated area of warm water near Monterey Bay (cf., Mur- 673 CLONAL AND SOLITARY ANEMONES TABLE 1. Microhabitat differences between clonal and solitary anemones (Anthopleura elegantissima)af too tidal heights. Higher sample (N=100) Micro habitats (mid-intertidal) Open rock surfaces Pockets and crevices Base of boulders Lower sample (N=100) Clones (N = 26) Solitaries (N = 74) Clones (N=12) Solitaries (N = 88) 42% 5% 67% 7% 42% 32% 33% 61% 15% 62% 0% 32% phy, 1978). Populations of A. xanthogram- tissima belong to the same breeding populamica occur south of Point Conception at tions, I examined phenotype frequencies at Point Dume and Bass Rock in Ventura seven sites in California during July and County, and at Punta Banda, Mexico. August of 1978. Samples of 100 clonals and These three exceptional areas are at the 100 solitaries were examined at each of five heads of nearshore submarine canyons, sites along 30 miles of coast in the San Diego probably in upwelling areas where some- area, at one site 200 miles north at Arroyo what more northern organisms are com- Hondo, and at one site another 200 miles mon. north at Pacific Grove (Fig. 4). Possible hybrids, with gross morphologiThe characters used are color markings cal characteristics intermediate between on the tentacles, oral disc and columns of those of Anthopleura xanthogrammica and the anemones. The following nine marking those described for A. elegantissima, have patterns are assumed to be genetically debeen found where the two large anemones termined because their occurrence is conco-occur at Bass Rock (personal observa- sistent among individuals within a clonal tion), and just north of their common range • group, and because they change only in near Bodega (Michael Wang, personal intensity when the anemones are starved, communication). fed variable or unusual diets, or kept in the The solitary form of Anthopleura elegantis- dark, causing them to lose their symbiotic sima is probably prevented from extending algae: 1) tentacles with pink tips, 2) tentaits range northward because of increased cles with blue tips, 3) tentacles with opaque predator pressure or competitive exclusion white or gold cross-bands, 4) pairs of tentacles with opaque, white or gold adoral surby A. xanthogrammica. faces, 5) oral disc with radiating opaque, white or gold sunburst pattern between the Differences in phenotype frequencies mesenterial insertions, 6) oral disc with purple color overlying the mesenterial inTo determine whether the clonal form and the solitary form of Anthopleura elegan- sertions, 7) oral disc with reddish-brown TABLE 2. Comparative success of clonal and solitary anemones (Anthopleura elegantissima) at three tidal heights. Individual size column diameters (cm) Clonal Solitary (means ±sd) Mid-intertidal High sample Low sample Subtidal 1.7 ±0.2 1.6 ±0.1 - 3.4 ±1.2 3.6 ±1.4 3.4 ±1.5 Approximate ratios (clonals/solitaries) Number of genotypes Number of individuals Surface occupied Bio mass 0.3/1 0.1/1 55/1 13/1 14/1 2.4/1 6/1 0.8/1 674 LISBETH FRANCIS A.e. (clonal) Botanical Bay Cape Flattery San Juan Island Yaquina Head Trinidad Head A.e. (solitary) Bodega Head Santa Cruz Pacific Grove Government Pt. Arroyo Hondo Goleta Pt. Point Dume Corona >—San Diego Punta Panda FIG. 2. The Pacific coast of North America showing clonal aggregating anemone known as A. elegantissurvey sample sites and proposed ranges for the giant sima, and the solitary anemone, also called A. elegangreen anemone, Anthopleura xanthogrammica, the tissima. color overlying the mesenterial insertions, in pools at low tide and were examined in 8) oral disc translucent, fluorescent green situ at night, when they tend to be exand 9) column blue or blue-green. General panded. Using a bright flashlight and bebackground color is not used, because it is ginning at an aribitrary spot, I examined all not a consistent, stable character for these the anemones I encountered and recorded anemones (Buchsbaum, 1968). presence or absence of all nine color markSolitary individuals are often submerged ings for each. Clonal individuals, which are CLONAL AND SOLITARY ANEMONES usually exposed and contracted during low tides, were similarly sampled, collected and returned to the laboratory for inspection. Care was taken to avoid multiple samples from any single clone. The bar graphs in Figure 3 show the percent frequencies of the color marking characters for clonals and solitaries at each of the seven sample sites. Differences of approximately ten percent are significant at the .05 level for samples of 100 using the G-test with two-by-two contingency tables (Sokal and Rohlf, 1969). Figure 4 shows polygonal graphs of the same data. By graphing each character on one of a set of converging axes, one can examine and compare an array of characters simultaneously. The frequencies for seven of the nine color markings are significantly different for the two forms at all sample sites south of Point Conception. North of Point Conception the otherwise consistent differences for three of these patterns is reversed (pink, tentacle tips, purple lines on the oral disc, and cross-banded tentacles); however, large differences between the forms are still apparent. Within each form, there are more significant frequency differences between samples than would be expected by chance. If the frequencies for all nine characters for the five San Diego area samples are compared with San Diego averages, 11 out of 45 clonal frequencies are significantly different at the .05 level; and 10 of 45 are significantly different for the solitary form. Choosing a significance level of .05 allows an average of 2.25 chance differences in 45 comparisons. High phenotype frequency variation among samples of clonals, and among samples of solitaries in the San Diego area may be artifact, perhaps the result of inaccurate scoring of the characters; or it may reflect something real about the populations, such as a tendency for infrequent reproductive success and patchy settlement of larvae having common parentage. Between-sample differences for a given color pattern are not obviously clinal. However, there is obviously more total difference between San Diego, and Arroyo 675 Hondo or Pacific Grove populations than between samples in the San Diego area (Fig. 4). Therefore, to measure such differences, San Diego average frequencies for each form are compared with the sample frequencies for that form at each sample site. The difference between each character frequency is summed for all nine characters and divided by nine to give, for each location, an average percent deviation of the characters from the San Diego area mean. The average character deviation for clonals in the San Diego area ranges from 4.3 to 8.2 percent. The average deviation for Arroyo Hondo clonals from the San Diego norm is 13.5 percent, while that for Pacific Grove clonals (north of Point Conception) is 23.3 percent. For solitaries in the San Diego area, average deviations range from 4.0 to 8.3 percent. The average deviation for Arroyo Hondo solitaries is 12.7 percent, and that for the Pacific Grove population is 19.7 percent. For comparison, the mean difference between clonal and solitary averages in the San Diego area is 32.1 percent per character. There is apparently more genetic exchange between clonal populations living in different water masses and separated by 500 miles of coastline than between clonal and solitary populations living meters away from each other in the same intertidal. A sibling species pair It is not obvious to what extent random mating and panmixis can be expected within a sessile intertidal species that has epidemic spawning and long-lived planktonic larvae (Siebert, 1974). Increased differences in phenotype frequencies over hundreds of miles, and some discontinuity between populations in different major current systems are patterns one might predict. Color marking patterns on anemones are probably selectively neutral, if any character is; and between-population differences are probably the result of genetic drift. However, I cannot rule out the possibility that selection, acting either directly or through linkage, accounts for some of the observed variation. 676 LISBETH FRANCIS 1001 100. Green oral di*c Pink tentacle tip* so I BR 50 AH SIO .£> S BR SIO C E AH PG PG 100 100-1 \l A Purple lines on the o r a l dlac Rad linea on the o r a l diac 50 soS BR BR AH SIO SIO C E AH PG AH PG H PG Blue tentacle tlpa 50 100-1 Blue column S BR SIO C E 50 lOO-i Croaa-banded tentacle* 03 UJ _T7I o BR 111 Z> SIO AH PG 50 fl o White tentacle palra S BR SIO C E AH 100 100-. LU Sunburn pattern on the oral disc 50 Q. BR SIO SAMPLING C E SITES AH BR SIO FIG. 3. Percent frequencies of nine color markings Rock (BR), Scripps preserve (SIO), Cardiff State for samples of 100 clonal individuals (diagonally Beach (C), and Encinitas (E) are within 30 miles of San hatched bars) and 100 solitary individuals (white bars) Diego. Arroyo Hondp (AH) is south of Point Concepof the anemone Anthopleura elegantissima at each of tion, near Santa Barbara; and Pacific Grove (PG) is seven sample sites in California. Sunset Cliffs (S), Bird north of Point Conception, on Monterey Bay. 677 CLONAL AND SOLITARY ANEMONES Sunaat Cliff* San Dlago ar«a, ( Avaragaa) 100 GR 70 Bird Rock RD \ • Scripps Arroyo Hondo 90 FIG. 4. Polygonal graphs showing percent frequen- average frequencies for the San Diego area (lower left) cies for nine color markings in samples of 100 clonal gives the arrangement of color characters on the nine individuals (diagonally hatched polygons) and 100 sol- axes: pink tentacle tips (PK), purple lines on the oral itary individuals (vertically hatched polygons) of the disc (PP), blue column (BC), white tentacle pairs (WT), anemone Anthopleura elegantissima at seven sample sites green oral disc (GR), red lines on the oral disc (RD), in California, (central map). Map symbols are keyed to blue tentacle tips (BT), crossbanded tentacles (XB), the polygons, which are arranged south to north going and sunburst pattern on the oral disc (SB). left to right from the upper left. The polygon showing 678 LISBETH FRANCIS Phenotype frequency differences be- a suitable substratum, a conservative intween the two forms living at the same loca- vestment compared with the production of tions seem too large and too consistent to be planktonic larvae by sexual reproduction. explained except by lack of interbreeding Sebens (1977) points out that since division between the forms. Since their intertidal tends to occur only once a year during the distributions overlap, and since tidal height plankton-poor winter period, the increase varies between samples, I do not believe in feeding surface area created by dividing that these differences can be due to en- an animal two for one should make the vironmental effects correlated with tidal clones more effective at catching plankton height. Nor do I believe that gross differ- the following spring. ences in food availability cause these differPurely in terms of sexual reproduction, a ences in phenotype frequencies. Sebens successful, long-lived clonal genotype (1977) finds that larger individuals of the should have the advantage over an equally clonal form in Washington State feed on successful solitary individual that does not mussels torn loose from upslope beds. multiply asexually. Assuming similar reHowever, between-sample variation should productive anatomy and physiology, a large again eliminate consistent differences in clone of anemones with individuals numfood availability between the forms, since bering in the tens of thousands can certhe sample areas have extensive (Pacific tainly produce more gametes than can the Grove), moderate (Arroyo Hondo, Encin- largest of the solitaries (column diameter itas, Cardiff, and Scripps), poor (Sunset up to 20 cm). Cliffs) or no (Bird Rock) mussel bed develGroup living may be advantageous in reopment near the sample sites. ducing costs related to high surface to volTogether with the differences in growth ume ratios. The streamlined profile of a by asexual reproduction, microhabitat and tight clonal group can reduce the air and biogeography, the phenotype frequency water velocities to which the individuals are data suggest that the clonal and solitary exposed thereby reducing air drying and forms known as Anthopleura elegantissima hydrodynamic drag. At the same time, the are different species, perhaps a sibling pair. individuals maintain many benefits of small size such as large tentacle area for food capture (Sebens, 1977) and large pedal disc SELECTIVE FACTORS FAVORING CLONAL OR area for attachment relative to their volSOLITARY LIFESTYLES ume. Advantages of asexual reproduction and clonal Individually these moderately small clonal anemones prevent extreme drying aggregation during low tide exposure in several ways. For a long-lived animal capable of regen- Like Phymactis clematis (Stotz, 1979), they eration, like Anthopleura elegantissima, sim-can retract and enclose the tentacles and the ple asexual reproduction by fragmentation oral surface by contracting the sphincter at has some clear advantages. Growth by the top of the column, which also traps and asexual multiplication allows the genotype holds water in the coelenteron. Shells and (the clone) to increase in size indefinitely pebbles attached to the tubercles of the colwithout the mechanical problems inherent umn may serve as sun shades and also keep in unlimited increase in individual size. the surface of the animal moist by capillary Asexual reproduction may also be advanta- action. By living in groups, these anemones geous in marginal situations where so few assure themselves a damp microhabitat, clones are present that sexual reproduction one that can be extended as the clone exis impossible (Shick and Lamb, 1977). Fur- pands beyond the original crevice or edge thermore, a genotype dispersed as a num- of a mussel clump onto formerly uninber of separate individuals is less likely to habitable, dry, open rock. be exterminated. The clonal form of Anthopleura elegantisDividing in half longitudinally produces sima is quite unusual in its ability to live in large offspring that are already attached to exposed situations high in the mid-inter- CLONAL AND SOLITARY ANEMONES tidal over a wide latitudinal range. This may be due in part to their ability to live in tight aggregations while retaining at least weak individual mobility. Pearse (1974) and Fredericks (1976) find that individuals within clones move in response to differences in internal and external oxygen levels, and Roberts (1941) has shown that they move in response to desiccation stress. This mobility could be important since the conditions to which they are exposed at low tide vary seasonally. The tendency to live in close contact with members of the same species, while limiting their mobility, allows these anemones to blanket areas and exclude potential space competitors such as barnacles, tube worms and macroscopic algae. Association with clonemates allows them to exclude intraspecific as well as interspecific competitors. Asexual reproduction, which is the foundation of colonial sociality, may also provide a basis for true sociality (cooperative association between physically separate individuals). Since altruism toward a genetically identical individual is evolutionarily equivalent to conventional selfishness, cooperative associations between clonemates should be stabilized against disruption by "cheaters" (i.e., individuals that reap the benefits of association without paying a fair share of the costs). Even slight cooperative advantage should therefore lead to association between individuals produced asexually. Within clones of Anthopleura elegantissima there exists a very simple form of social organization. These animals show intraspecific aggression related to competition for space; individuals at the borders between neighboring clones bear more of the costs of clonal defense and are specialized as sterile warriors (Francis, 1976). The ability to distinguish clone members from all other individuals allows these anemones to cooperate with clonemates while at the same time interfering with all other competitors. The isolation of a possible alarm pheromone (Howe and Sheikh, 1975) hints at the possibility for communication between neighboring individuals. This probably represents the pinnacle of social organization for animals without direct connections to each other and without brains. 679 The clonal form of Anthopleura elegantissima is clearly well suited to exposed situations in the upper mid-intertidal. Physical factors there probably select against individuals on either end of an optimal size range. Asexual reproduction allows continued growth for the genotype while individual size fluctuates both up and down, presumably within an optimal range. Because of the physical rigor of the upper mid-intertidal, there are fewer species in competition for space and reduced predator pressure by comparison with the lower intertidal and subtidal. This may favor long-lived species with highly developed competitive ability, such as the clonal anemone. Advantages of the solitary lifestyle Some disadvantages of large individual size and solitary living have been emphasized in the discussion above. Large individuals may be unable to live on exposed, sloping surfaces because they cannot support their own weight and the weight of contained fluids during low tides, or because they cannot endure the necessarily increased hydrodynamic forces to which they would be exposed in the surf (Koehl, 1976). Solitary individuals must deal individually with predators and competitors, foregoing the advantages of clonal sociality. What, then, are the advantages of the solitary lifestyle? For anemones living lower in the intertidal or in the subtidal, the disadvantages of large size are reduced, and large individuals may actually be at an advantage. By attaching to rock in lower, protected microhabitats (in cracks and pockets, among dense stands of macroscopic algae, or beneath several centimeters of sand), large anemones can retract in times of stress and extend under favorable conditions to catch plankton and debris and to sun their symbiotic algae (Muscatine, 1974). Larger individuals may be able to reach over obstacles to feed, and may take food items too large for smaller anemones to ingest (Sebens, 1977). Their solitary habit may allow them to move away from encroaching competitors. Large size may also offer protection from 680 LISBETH FRANCIS predators such as the nudibranch Aeolidia (the two halves of the animal move in oppopapillosa (Rosin, 1970; Waters, 1973), the site directions and eventually tear apart), snails Epitoneum indianorum and Opalia might well rule out this kind of asexual mulcrenimarginata or the seaspider Pycnogonum tiplication for large individuals as well. stearnsi (Rickets et al., 1968). Sebens (1977) finds that the predatory seastar Dermasterias Diversifying selection imbricata prefers to feed on smaller specimens of the clonal form of Anthopleura Jackson (1977) notes that aggregation elegantissima; and I find that larger clonals may allow otherwise solitary forms to can survive attacks by Aeolidia papillosa that exclude space competitors, just as colonial are fatal to smaller specimens (unpublished forms monopolize space by asexual colony data). Temporary reduction in size during extension. He also suggests that by virtue of asexual division would be hazardous in the size, larger solitary animals may be at adpresence of such predators. vantage in the face of competition or predaThe actual life history of the solitary tion. The sibling species presently known as anemone is not yet known. However, for Anthopleura elegantissima probably diverged the clonal form of A. elegantissima, individu- as each maximally exploited one of these als below a certain critical size are sterile possibilities. (Francis, 1976). Above that size, gonad volume is a function of body size (Sebens, 1977). Large individuals with low surfaceREFERENCES to-volume ratios will probably have a higher potential gonad volume per unit V. M. 1968. Behavioral and physiological weight than a genotype composed of small Buchsbaum, responses to light by the sea anemone Anthopleura individuals with the same total biomass. If elegantissima as related to its algal endosymbionts. 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