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Lecture Outlines
Chapter 6
Astronomy Today,
6th edition
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Chapter 6
The Solar System
Units of Chapter 6
6.1 An Inventory of the Solar System
6.2 Measuring the Planets
6.3 The Overall Layout of the Solar System
Computing Planetary Properties
6.4 Terrestrial and Jovian Planets
6.5 Interplanetary Matter
Units of Chapter 6 (cont.)
6.6 Spacecraft Exploration of the Solar System
Gravitational “Slingshots”
6.7 How did the Solar System Form?
Angular Momentum
6.1 An Inventory of the Solar System
Early astronomers knew
Moon, stars, Mercury,
Venus, Mars, Jupiter,
Saturn, comets, and
19th century telescope: 72 inch diameter
reflector (largest on Earth for 75 years)
Telescope advances: objects
invisible to unaided human eye
Saturn’s rings: 1659
Uranus: 1781
Neptune: 1846
Ceres (largest asteroid)
1801 ~ 600 mi across
20th century advances
Better telescopes
Thousands more asteroids discovered
(asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter)
More planetary rings
More moons
Kuiper belt (objects beyond Neptune)
Rise of non optical telescopes (radio and
Space flight
Man missions: Moon
Unmanned missions (probes):
all other planets
Spirit robot Mars 2005
6.1 An Inventory of the Solar
Now known: The solar system has 169 moons,
one star, eight planets (added Uranus and
Neptune), eight asteroids, more than 100
Kuiper belt objects more than 300 km in
diameter, and many smaller asteroids, comets,
and meteoroids.
Comparative Planetology
Comparing and contrasting the properties
of the diverse worlds we encounter
To better understand the conditions under
which planets form and evolve
Develop a comprehensive theory of the
origin and evolution of our planetary
Try to answer questions about the
differences we observe between planets
6.1 An Inventory of the Solar System
Since the mid 1990s, More than 800
extrasolar planets have been found
Extrasolar planets: planets orbiting stars
Other than our own
Understanding planetary formation in our
own solar system helps understand its
formation as well as formation of other
6.2 Measuring the Planets
•  Distance from Sun known by Kepler’s laws
•  Orbital period can be observed
•  Radius known from angular size
•  Masses from Newton’s laws
•  Rotation period from observations
•  Density can be calculated knowing radius and
6.2 Measuring the Planets
•  Distance from Sun known by Kepler’s laws
• Kepler’s 3rd law of planetary motion:
• P2 = a3
• We can observe the orbital period and
• Calculate the distance (semimajor axis)
6.2 Measuring the Planets
•  Orbital period can be observed
• Repeated observations of planets
location in the sky relative to the
background stars
• Must take Earth’s orbital motion
into account
6.2 Measuring the Planets
•  Radius known from
angular size
•  geometry
6.2 Measuring the Planets
•  Masses from Newton’s laws
• Planets with moons:
• Can observe the moons’ orbits around
the planet (size of orbit determined by
geometry –like the planet’s radius)
More Precisely 6-1: Computing
Planetary Properties
Diameter: Convert angular diameter to radians
and multiply by distance.
Mass: Measure distance and orbital speed of a
planet’s moon. Then M = rv2/G.
Density: Divide mass by volume.
Mass of planets
• Planets with no moons:
• More difficult
• Can observe gravitational influence
on other planets
- Now we have accurate measurements
based on interactions with space probes
6.2 Measuring the Planets
•  Rotation period from observations
• Watch surface features move as planet rotates
• Difficult for most planets
• Spectroscopy – doppler shift
6.2 Measuring the Planets
Density can be calculated knowing radius
and mass
Density = Mass/Volume
Volume of sphere = 4/3πR3
Earth’s average density:
= (6.0 x 1024 kg)/(1.1 x 1021 m3)
= 5500 kg/m3
= 5.5 g/cm3
6.2 Measuring the Planets
6.3 The Overall Layout of the Solar
By Earthly standards, the solar system is
Distance from Sun to Kuiper belt (outside
Neptune’s orbit) is about 50 AU
= more than a million times Earth’s radius
= about 20,000 times the distance from
Earth to the Moon
6.3 The Overall Layout of the Solar
Astronomically speaking, all of the planets
lie pretty close to the Sun
(Distance from Sun to Kuiper belt is only
1/2000 of a light year – distance to nearest
Star is 4 light years)
6.3 The Overall Layout of the Solar
All orbits but
Mercury’s are
close to same
All orbits but Mercury’s are close to same plane
As we move outward from the Sun, the distance
Between adjacent planets increases
Entire solar system spans nearly 100 AU
(diameter of Kuiper belt)
6.3 The Overall Layout of the Solar
Because the planet’s
orbits are close to
being in a plane, it is
possible for them to
appear in a straight
line as viewed from
Earth. This
photograph was taken
in April 2002.
Layout of Solar System
Asteroid Belt
Kuiper Belt
Distances between
Increase the further
Out you go
Mercury has most
Eccentric orbit
Other planets orbits
Have low eccentricity
All planets orbit sun in
Counterclockwise direction
6.4 Terrestrial and Jovian
In this picture of the eight planets and the Sun,
the differences between the four terrestrial and
four jovian planets are clear.
6.4 Terrestrial and Jovian
Terrestrial planets:
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars
Jovian planets:
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
Terrestrial planets are small and rocky, close to
the Sun, rotate slowly, have weak magnetic
fields, few moons, and no rings
Jovian planets are large and gaseous, far from
the Sun, rotate quickly, have strong magnetic
fields, many moons, and rings
6.4 Terrestrial and Jovian Planets
Differences among the terrestrial planets:
•  All have atmospheres, but they are very
different; surface conditions vary as well
•  Only Earth has oxygen in its atmosphere and
liquid water on its surface
•  Earth and Mars spin at about the same rate;
Mercury is much slower, Venus is slow and
•  Only Earth and Mars have moons
•  Only Earth and Mercury have magnetic fields
6.5 Interplanetary Matter
Asteroids and meteoroids have rocky
composition; asteroids are bigger
Asteroid Vesta is 500 km across
6.5 Interplanetary Matter
Comets are icy, with some rocky parts
Comet Hale-Bopp:
6.5 Interplanetary Matter
Pluto, once classified as one of the major
planets, is the closest large Kuiper Belt object
to the Sun
6.6 Spacecraft Exploration of the
Solar System
Mariner 10: Flew by
Mercury, 1974–1975
6.6 Spacecraft Exploration of the
Solar System
Soviet Venera probes landed on Venus from
1970 to 1978
Discovery 6-2 Spacecraft
Exploration of the Solar System
The most recent
Venus expedition
from the United
States was the
Magellan orbiter,
6.6 Spacecraft Exploration of the
Solar System
Viking landers arrived at Mars in 1976
6.6 Spacecraft Exploration of the
Solar System
Typical orbital path to Mars:
6.6 Spacecraft Exploration of the
Solar System
Sojourner was deployed on Mars in 1997
Discovery 6-2 Spacecraft
Exploration of the Solar System
Spirit took this image on Mars in 2005
6.6 Spacecraft Exploration of the
Solar System
Pioneer and Voyager flew through outer solar
system. This is Voyager:
Launch 1977
Jupiter 1979
saturn 1980
edgeSS 1990
Edge of SS
km –
Discovery 6-1: Gravitational
Gravitational “slingshots” can change
direction of spacecraft, and also accelerate it
Discovery 6-2 Spacecraft
Exploration of the Solar System
Cassini mission arrived at Saturn in 2004, has
returned many spectacular images
6.6 How Did the Solar System
Nebular contraction:
Cloud of gas and dust contracts due to gravity;
conservation of angular momentum means it spins
faster and faster as it contracts
“Nebular Hypothesis”
= the bodies of our Solar System
condensed from an enormous
galactic cloud
Mostly H and He
5 billion years ago
1. Gaseous Nebula
2. Nebula Rotates
More Precisely 6-2: Angular
Conservation of angular momentum says that
product of radius and rotation rate must be
Conservation of
Angular Momentum
Pulled the cloud into a disk
Great concentration of material pulled inward (gravity)
= Protosun
Adds to Nebular theory:
Conditions in the disk while planets
were forming
Sun’s formation at center released lots of heat,
Heating the solar nebula in the process
Planets could form only out of the material that
Could condense to form solids at that particular
Distance from the Sun.
6.7 Jovian Planets and Planetary Debris
Terrestrial (rocky) planets formed near Sun, due to high
temperature—nothing else could condense there.
Denser Metallic
Elements (Iron and
Nickel) stayed
toward center
Lighter Gases (H/He)
migrated toward the
Close to Sun: only rocky and metallic material
could condense at that temperature
= terrestrial planets
Farthest from Sun: lower temperatures so
icy material could form (outer planets’
moons and comets)
Far greater abundance of lighter elements
(H and He) led to Jovian planets = giant
Accretion = Protoplanets
Dense =
Less Dense =
Space began to clear
Sunlight reach planetary surfaces
Heating determined atmosphere
Similar disks have been observed around
Other stars
After Protosun formed =
Disk temp dropped significantly (expansion)
Cooling allowed molecules to condense = particles
Beta Pictoris
6.7 How Did the Solar System Form?
The observation of disks surrounding newly
formed stars supports this theory
60 ly from sun; 1000 AU across!; only 20my
6.7 Jovian Planets and Planetary Debris
General timeline of solar system formation
6.7 Jovian Planets and Planetary Debris
Icy planetesimals far from the Sun were ejected into
distant orbits by gravitational interaction with the jovian
planets, into the Kuiper belt and the Oort cloud.
Some were left with extremely eccentric orbits and
appear in the inner solar system as comets.
6.7 Jovian Planets and Planetary Debris
Kuiper belt objects have been detected from Earth; a
few are as large as, or larger than, Pluto, and their
composition appears similar.
Our solar system formation theory must
Hold up to all of those peculiar properties
Of planets and exoplanets.
In following chapters we will come back
To formation theory and discuss how details
Of each planet fit into it.
According to our formation theory,
The early solar system was a very violent
Place, dominated by collisions and mergers
Between growing planets and smaller bodies
Summary of Chapter 6
•  Solar system consists of Sun and everything
orbiting it
•  Asteroids are rocky, and most orbit between
orbits of Mars and Jupiter
•  Comets are icy and are believed to have
formed early in the solar system’s life
•  Major planets orbit Sun in same sense, and all
but Venus rotate in that sense as well
•  Planetary orbits lie almost in the same plane
Summary of Chapter 6 (cont.)
•  Four inner planets—terrestrial planets—are
rocky, small, and dense
•  Four outer planets—jovian planets—are
gaseous and large
•  Nebular theory of solar system formation:
cloud of gas and dust gradually collapsed under
its own gravity, spinning faster as it shrank
•  Condensation theory says dust grains acted as
condensation nuclei, beginning formation of
larger objects
Summary of Chapter 6 (cont.)
•  The solar system is orderly, not random; need
formation theory that explains this
•  Condensation theory is the current favorite—large
cloud of interstellar gas and dust starts to collapse,
the Sun forms at the center, and dust particles act
as accretion nuclei to form the planets
•  Rocky planets would form close to the Sun; outer
planets contain materials that would vaporize or
escape at higher temperatures
•  Jovian planets may have formed directly from
instabilities in the cloud
•  Asteroids never condensed into a larger object