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• Forebrain:
• Cerebrum:
• Diencephalon
• Thalamus
• Hypothalamus
• Epithalamus
• Subthalamus
• Midbrain:
• Hindbrain:
• Pons
• Medulla oblingata
• Cerebellum
Brain Stem
Located between the
cerebrum and the SC
Provides a pathway for
tracts running between
higher and lower neural
Consists of the midbrain,
pons, and medulla
Each region is about an
inch in length.
Microscopically, it consists
of deep gray matter
surrounded by white matter
fiber tracts.
Produce automatic
behaviors necessary for
Medulla Oblongata
Most inferior region of the
brain stem.
Becomes the spinal cord at
the level of the foramen
Ventrally, 2 ridges (the
medullary pyramids) are
These are formed by the
large motor corticospinal
Right above the medulla-SC
junction, most of these fibers
cross-over (decussation)
each side of the brain
controls voluntary
movements on the opposite
side of the body.
Medulla Oblongata
Nuclei in the medulla are
associated w/ autonomic
control, cranial nerves,
and motor/sensory relay.
Autonomic nuclei:
Cardiovascular centers
Alter the rate and
force of cardiac
Alter the tone of
vascular smooth
Respiratory rhythmicity
Receive input from the
Additional Centers
Emesis, swallowing,
coughing, hiccupping,
and sneezing
Medulla Oblongata
Sensory & motor nuclei of 5 cranial
Vestibulocochlear (VIII),
Glossopharyngeal (IX), Vagus (X),
Accessory (XI), and Hypoglossal
Relay nuclei
Nucleus gracilis and nucleus
cuneatus (both in the dorsal aspect
of the medulla) pass somatic sensory
information to the thalamus
Most sensory impulses initiated in
one side crosses to the opposite side
either in the medulla or in the spinal
Olivary nuclei relay info from the
spinal cord, cerebral cortex, and the
brainstem to the cerebellar cortex via
(inferior cerebellar peduncles).
Wedged between the
midbrain & medulla (bridge).
Sensory and motor nuclei
for 4 cranial nerves
Trigeminal (V),
Abducens (VI), Facial
(VII), and
Vestibulocochlear (VIII)
(some of the branches)
Respiratory nuclei:
Apneustic &
pneumotaxic areas
Together with the
medullary rhythmicity
area, help control
breathing to maintain
respiratory rhythm.
Nuclei & tracts that process and
relay info to/from the cerebellum
Pontine nuclei: from motor
areas of cerebral cortex into the
cerebellum (Signals for
voluntary movements)
vestibular nuclei: that are
components of the equilibrium
pathway from the inner ear to
the brain
transverse tracts that
interconnect right and left side of
the cerebellum (middle
cerebellar peduncles)
Located between
diencephalon and
2 bulging cerebral
peduncles on the
Anterior aspect.
These contain:
fibers that go to
the cerebellum
via the pons
pyramidal tracts
(ex corticospinal)
Superior cerebellar
peduncle: connect
with cerebellum
The posterior aspect (the
tectum) contains the
corpora quadrigemina
2 superior colliculi that
control reflex movements of
the eyes, head and neck in
response to visual stimuli
2 inferior colliculi that
control reflex movements of
the head, neck, and trunk in
response to auditory stimuli
Cranial nerves
(oculomotor III and
trochlear IV) exit from the
On each side, the
midbrain contains a red
nucleus and a substantia
Red nucleus contains
numerous blood vessels
and receives info from
the cerebrum and
cerebellum and issues
subconscious motor
commands concerned w/
muscle tone & posture
Lateral to the red nucleus
is the melanin-containing
substantia nigra which
secretes dopamine to
inhibit the excitatory
neurons of the basal
Loss of these neurons
is associated with
Parkinson disease
Running through the midbrain is
the hollow cerebral aqueduct
which connects the 3rd and 4th
ventricles of the brain.