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Choose the right answer:1 A byproduct of the coal among the following is
a Nitrogen
b coke
c graphite
d Diamond
2 An extinct animal among the following is
aA tiger
C Woolly mammoth
b Bison
d Mongoose
3 In contour farming the field is ploughed __________ to the slope of the field
a Parallel
b Right angle
c Diagonal
d None of the above
4 Chipkomovement was started by
b Sunderlalbahuguna
d Suresh Heblikar
II Answer the following questions
1 List out the main byproducts of coal and their uses.
Ans) 1) By products coal are: 1) Coke 2) coal tar 3) Coal gas 4) Carbolic acid 5)
insecticides 6) Disinfectants7) Carbon dioxide 8) Fuel 9) Soda water
10)Synthetic rubber 11) Food preservatives 12) Perfumes
2) How do you conserve soil?
Ans2) Soil conservation can be done by checking soil erosion and improving soil
fertility by adopting various methods. They are :1. Maintenance of soil fertility by using manure, fertilizers and rotation crops.
2. Reforestation.
3. Contour ploughing or contour farming.
4. Terracing.
3) How are the wild animals protected?
Ans3) We can conserve and protect wild life by adopting various means like :1. Establishing biosphere reserves like national parks and sanctuaries.
2. Afforestation, reforestation, social forestry, community forestry.
3. Special schemes for preservation of endangered species.
4. Improvement of natural habitats of wild life.
4) Give suggestions to conserve fossil fuels.
Ans4) In order to conserve fossil fuels, following steps can be taken.
a) Use public transport, try cycling or walking to the destination.
b) Use solar panels.
c) Avoid much use of plastics.
d) Reduce, recycling , reuse of things (3R’S).
e) Switch off lights when not in use.
f) Influence others to follow eco-friendly life styles.
5) What is ‘Vanamahotsava’?
5) Vanamahotsava is a festival to be celebrated by planting trees to increase
vegetation and forests.
6) Differentiate between Afforestation and Reforestation?
6) Afforestation means methods of growing new forests.
Reforestation means method of restoring forest area.
7. a) If we go on cutting trees, the land will be desertificated ( converted into
b) If the habitat of an animal is disturbed, the animal is disturbed, the animal
will be extinct.
c) If top layer of soil is exposed then it leads to a soil erosion.
III) Match the following:Column A
Column B
1) Rain water harvesting
a) conservation of water
2) Contour ploughing
b) Prevent soil erosion
3) Solar panels
c) prevent fossil fuels
4) Vanamahotsava
d) Plant more trees
IV) Fill up the blanks:1) Soil loses its fertility mainly due to soil erosion.
2) An organic material consisting of decayed vegetable or animal matter which
provides nutrients to plants is called vermicompost.
3) Expansion of WWF World wide fund.
4) Biodiversity is essential for maintenance of Wild life.
I) Choose the correct answer:1) The sunshine vitamin is vitamin D.
2) The internal factor that spoils the food among the following is enzymatic
3) Destroying the microbes by heat treatment is pasteurization.
4) Nutritional marasmus is caused due to the deficiency of proteins.
II) Fill in the blanks:1) The explanation of AGMARK isagricultural marketing .
2) The adulterant present in honey is jaggery syrup and sugar syrup .
3) The major vitamin in citrus fruits is vitamin c.
4) The adulterant responsible for dropsy isargemoneoil .
5) The deficiency of iodine in food leads to a disorder called simple goiter .
III) Match the following:A
1) Turmeric powder
a) Metanil yellow
2) Red chilli powder
b) Coloured saw
3) Pepper seeds
C) Dried papaya
4) mustard
d) Ragi seeds
IV) Answer the following questions:1) What is malnutrition?
1) Malnutrition is a condition that results from taking an unbalanced diet in
which certain nutrients are lacking, or present in excess or in wrong
2) An apple kept in a moist place gets spoiled in a few days. Why?
2) External moisture increases the microbial activity which spoils the apple
3) Explain the role of salt and vinegar in preserving food.
3) Salt minimizes the moisture content in food and inhibit microbial activity
and thus protect the food. Eg.: pickle.
4) What is food adulteration?
A) The process of lowering the nutritive value of food is called food
adulteration. It may be by adding a lower quality material or by removing some
vital component of the substance.
5) Explain a simple test to identify adulteration in
a) Turmeric powder:- The common adulterant is the coal tar dye called metanil
Test :- Take a small quantity of turmeric powder in a test tube and mix with
water. Add a few drops of concentrated hydrochloric acid. If the solution turns
purple then we can conclude that the turmeric powder is adulterated with
metanil yellow.
b) Salt:- The common adulterants will be sand and grit.
Test :- Add a tea spoon of common salt into a glass tumbler containing water.
Salt dissolves and sand or grit if present settles at the bottom.
c) Coffee powder:- Common adulterant is tamarind seed powder.
Test:- Take clean water in a container. Sprinkle one or two pinches of coffee
powder over water in a container. Coffee powder floats. If it is adulterated
with tamarind seed powder, the adulterant will sink.
d) Ghee:- Common adulterant is vanaspathi(Dalda)
Test:-Take 5ml of molten ghee in a test tube. Add equal quantity of
concentrated hydrochloric acid and stir with a glass rod. After five minutes if
crimson red colour appears in the lower layer having ghee then it indicates the
presence of vanaspati.
6) Name the quality control agencies. Explain their role in preventing food
A) The important quality controlling agencies in India are ISI, AGMARK and
a) ISI, Indian Standard Institution:- It mainly deals with the development of
technical standards, product quality and management system certifications
and consumer affairs. It is now known as Bureau of Indian standards, BIS.
b)AGMARK , Agricultural Marketing:- It is used to certify the food products for
quality control. It is commonly deals with adulteration – prone commodities
such as butter, ghee, vegetable oils, honey.
c) FPO , Fruit products order:- This helps quality production, packaging,
inspection as well as monitoring of production and exports of processed fruits
and vegetables.
7) List the specific symptoms of the following deficiency disorders:a) Kwashiorkor:- Caused by deficiency of proteins in small children.
i) Retarded growth
ii) Swelling of abdomen, legs and feet, muscle wasting.
iii) Discolouration of skin and hair
iv)Mental retardation
v) May lead to death
b) Night blindness:- Caused due to deficiency of vitamin A.
I) unable to see in dim light.
II) Dryness of eyes.
c) Rickets:- Caused due to deficiency of vitamin D in children.
I) Poor growth
II) Bow legs and defective ribs, teeth and skull
d) Simple goiter:- Caused by deficiency of iodine.
I) Enlarged throat due swelling of thyroid glands
II) Affected metabolism.
Choose the correct answer:1) Bacteria belong to monera .
2) Which of the following kingdoms exclusively included animalsmetazoa.
3) Name an animal phylum whose members are exclusively marine in habitat
4) Chitinous cuticle is an exoskeleton inArthropoda .
5) Which of the following worms does not live as a parasite earthworm .
6) In which animal group is the body diploblastic coelentrata.
Fill in the blanks with suitable words:-
The body cavity in roundworms is pseudocoelom.
The only group of invertebrates which fly is Arthropoda .
The exoskeleton in members of the phylum Mollusca is calcerous shell.
If the body of an animal can be cut into two equal parts in only one
plane passing through the centre, it is bilateral .
Mushroom belongs to the kingdom Mycota.
The nucleus is not bound by a membrane in the members of the
kingdom Monera.
Earthworms are called farmer’s friends because they turn the deep soil
and bring it to the surface.
The protozoan parasite plasmodiumvivax causes malaria .
The body wall of sponges contain needle like calcareous exoskeleton
called spicules .
10) The body cavity of arthropods is filled with blood and is known as
II) Match the following:Animal
Locomotion structure
1) Parapodia
a) Nereis
2) Tube feet
b) Starfish
3) Flagellum
c) Euglena
4) Pseudopodia
d) Amoeba
1) Plantae
a) Moss
2) Protista
b) Paramecium
3) Mycota
c) Yeast
4) Animalia
d) Sponge
5) Monera
e) Bacteria
III) Answer the following:1) Of the Five kingdoms , Which is the most primitive one ?
A) KingdomMonera is the most primitive among the five kingdoms.
Reasons:-The cell is incomplete because genetic material is not enclosed to
form nucleus.
Cytoplasmic organelles like mitochondria, golgi complex etc. are present.
2) Name the three primary germ layers of a triploblastic animal ?
A) Triploblastic animal means the body wall of the animal consists of three y
germ layers outer ectoderm , inner endoderm, middle mesoderm.
3) What is radial symmetry?
A) If the body of an animal can be cut into two equal parts in any plane
passing through the centre it is reffered as radial symmetry.
4) What are gemmules?
A) The internal buds formed in the sponge body for asexual reproduction
are called gemmules.
5) What is metameric segmentation ?
A)When the body of an animal is divided into segments both externally and
internally, it is known as metameric segmentation.
6) Name the kingdom whose members cannot manufacture food by
A) Members of the kingdom Animaliaand kingdom Mycota cannot
manufacture food by photosynthesis because they do not have chloroplast.
7) Name two insects which are useful to us by their products.
A) Many insects are useful to us.
a) Silk worms produce silk fibres used in preparing silk textile.
b) Honey bee prepares honey.
c) Lac insects produce lac.
8) Name two animal phyla which posses open type of circulatory system.
A) Arthropoda and Mollusca are the two phylum in which the open type of
circulatory system is seen.
9) Name the two animal phyla which exhibit radial symmetry.
A) Echinodermata and Coelentrata are the two animal phyla which exhibit
radial symmetry.
10) Name the two disease causing bacteria and the disease they cause.
A) Bacteria cause some disease to human being - example.
a) Mycobacterium tuberculosis causes Tuberculosis.
b) Salmonella typhi causes typhoid .
c) Clostridium tetani- causes tetanus.
d) Vibrio cholera- causes cholera.
I) Choose the correct answer:1) These are decomposersbacteria and fungi.
2) One of the statements is false all the above.
3) Mangoes as big as pumpkin can be obtained by genetic engineering.
4) Charcoal is used in purifying water as charcoal is porous.
5) Rearing of earthworms is known as vermiculture.
II) Answer the following Questions:-
1) Explain the role of microbes in maintaining ecological balance.
1) Microbes are involved in maintaining ecological balance. The dead bodies of plants, animals or
micro-organisms and their products are decomposed by micro-organisms, thus restoring the
nutrients back to the environment. Microbes are also involved in bio geo chemical cycles such A
nitrogen cycle and carbon cycles, replenishing their concentration in this reservoir pool.
2) Microbes are our friends too. Explain.
2) Some microbes are harmful to us as they cause many diseases. But some microbes are beneficial
to us.
Example:1. Bacterium Lactobacillus converts milk to curds.
2. Bacterium Acetobactoraceti is used for production of acetic acid from alcohol.
3. Antibiotic medicines are manufactured from the products of specific micro-organisms.
4. Yeast is used in production of alcohol and different bakery products.
5. Bacteria present in the root nodules of leguminous plants help in nitrogen fixation, helping to
increase soil fertility.
6. Some microbes decompose the organic wastes, dead plants and animals thus clean up the
environment as well as enrich the soil fertility.
3) Explain genetic engineering.
3) Genetic engineering is a modern advancement in the field of science. Desired gene can be
separated from the donor cell and mounted on the circular DNA of bacterium cell. Such bacterium is
cultured and introduced into the desired organism where desired changes are expected.
4) Environmentalists argue that genetic engineering is not only a boon but also
a bane. Explain.
4) Genetic engineering is a modern scientific technique which is a boon to mankind in certain
respect. Desired quality of plant can be obtained for agricultural purposes. The size and quality of
plant products can be altered to obtain required type.
I) The right answer:1 The of nutrients from the exchange pool to the reservoir pool in an
ecosystem is calledfixation.
2Fixation of carbon dioxide occurs by photosynthesis.
3 The algae bringing about nitrogen fixation is nostoc .
4 The conversion of ammonia into nitrates is nitrification .
II) Fill in the blanks
1 Oxygen fixation in an ecosystem occurs by respiration .
2 A cyclic movement of nutrients in an ecosystem is biogeochemical cycle .
3 A bacterium that converts ammonium salts into nitrites is nitrosomonas .
4 A major component of smoke emitted from vehicle is carbon monoxide .
III) Answer the following question
1 What are biogeochemical cycles? Mention the two types.
A) Cyclic movement of nutrients between earth’s resources and living beings is
called bio-geochemical cycles. There are two types of cycles namely Gaseous
cycle and Sedimentary cycles.
2 Explain the role of Rhizobium in nitrogen fixation.
A) Rhizobium is a type of symbiotic bacteria that lives in the root nodules of
leguminous plants. They absorb atmospheric nitrogen and convert into
nitrates. This nitrate is used by plants for the synthesis of proteins.
3 Narrate two examples for interaction and interdependence of plants and
A) In any ecosystem plants and animals are interdependent.
I) In a garden the butterflies dependon plants for food.i.e, they get food in the
form of nector from flowers. In return the plant gets the advantage of
Pollination of flowers.
II) Animals release co2 during respiration. The co2 is very much needed for
plants for photosynthesis. Plants release oxygen during photosynthesis and
oxygen is required for respiration.
4 Explain the role of oxygen cycle in an ecosystem?
A Oxygen is an essential nutrient for all living beings. It is required foroxidation
of sugars to release energy. Oxygen is an essential component of all acids too.
5 Schematically represent water cycle.
Referee page no 108 of science text book.
Iv ) Write differences between the following:1 Fixation and recycling
A Fixation :- The movement or entry of a nutrient from reservoir pool to the
exchange pool is called fixation .
Recycling:- The return of the nutrients from exchange pool to the reservoir
pool is called recycling .
2 Reservoir pool and exchange pool
A Reservoir pool:- i) Comprises earths non living components- atmosphere,
lithosphere, and hydrosphere.
ii) Movement of nutrient is slow.
Exchange pool :-Comprises the living components of the ecosystem.
ii) Movement of nutrient is rapid.
3 Nitrification and Denitrification
A Nitrification :- The process of conversion of ammonia and its salts into
nitrates and nitrites is called nitrification .
Denitrification:- The process of conversion of nitrates in the soil into free
gaseous nitrogen is denitrification.
4) Natural fixation and artificial fixation in nitrogen
A) Natural fixation :- I)Takes place in nature by natural process.
II) Occurs by biologically and electrochemically.
Artificial fixation :- I) Takes by human activities like industrial process.
II) Made by combiningatmospheric nitrogen with gaseous hydrogen to form
ammonia which will be oxidized to nitrates or ammonium soil.
5 Biological fixation and electrochemical fixation of nitrogen
A Biological fixation :-I)Brought about by bacteria.
II) Rhizobium present in rootnodules of leguminous plants and Anabaena,
Nostoc present in the soil fix nitrogen.
Electrochemical fixation :- I) Brought about during natural electric
II) During lightning very high temperature created makes atmospheric
atmospheric nitrogen to combines with oxygen this oxides dissolve in rain
water- reaches the earth, form nitates.
Excretion in animals
Choose the correct answer:1) Excretion means removal of nitrogenous wastes generated in the body.
2) The excretory organs of cockroach are called malpighiantubules .
3) The structural and functional units of excretion in humans are
Fill up the blanks
1) The excretory products of human beings are in the form of urea.
2) Uric acid is a nitrogenous waste product which is non- toxic and
insoluble in water.
3) Excretion in amoeba occurs by diffusion .
4) Patients whose kidneys have become non- functional undergo dialysis
Match the following
Carbon dioxide
Undigested food
IV) Answer the following
1) What is meant by gout?
A) When excessive amount of uric acid is accumulated in the blood, kidneys
do not process it.Such waste accumulates in the toe joints etc. resulting
in joint pain and kidney stones. Such a condition is called gout.
2) Name the organ where urine is temporarily stored in humans.
A) Urinary bladder is the organ where the urine is temporarily stored in
3) Mention the three steps of urine formation in human beings.
A) The three steps of urine formation in human beings are
Glomerular filtration
Selective reabsorption
Tubular secretion.
4) Name the duct which transports urine from the kidney to urinary bladder.
A) Urine passes from the kidneys to the urinary bladder through urethra.
5) Why does cockroach excrete nitrogenous wastes in the form of uric acid?
A) Excretion of urea needs lot of waterbecause it is soluble in water. Excretion
of uric acid does not need water because it is insoluble in water. To excrete
urea the animal will have to maintain good stock of water which will make the
body heavy. Insects excrete in the form of uric acid so that their body weight
can be maintained low.
6) Draw a labeled Diagram of human excretory system.
A) Refer to the diagram of page no 119 of science text book.
Choose the answer:1) Chamber of the human heart which receives oxygen rich blood is left
auricle .
2) Blood component which provides immunity is WBC .
3) Plant tissue which transports water is xylem .
4) Transport of materials in amoeba is by diffusion and osmosis .
II) Answer the following:1) What is the need for transport system?
A) Transport system is needed to transport materials to all the cells of the
body. so, that the cells can function properly.
2) Explain transport system of cockroach.
A) Transport system of cockroach:Cockroach is an invertebrate .cockroach has a chambered heart. Its
blood is colourless as it does not contain haemoglobin. There are no blood
vessels to circulate blood. Exchange of gases takes place through diffusion.
3) Differentiate between open and closed type of circulatory systems.
A) Open circulation:- In open type of circulation body does not have blood
vessels for the flow of blood .Blood flows in the body itself.
Closed circulation:- In closed circulation , the flow of the blood takes place
through the blood vessels.
4) Explain the circulation in human beings.
o In human, Oxygen rich blood enters into the left auricle from the
lungs through pulmonary vein.
o This oxygen rich blood enters the left ventricle through bicuspid
o Left ventricle constricts as a result oxygen rich blood is pumped
out of the heart.
o The oxygen rich blood reaches the cells through aorta and its
o On reaching the cells, blood exchanges oxygen with that auricle
through superior and inferior venacavas.
o Carbon dioxide rich blood reaches the right ventricle through
tricuspid valve.
o Right ventricle constricts as a result carbon dioxide rich blood is
pumped out of the heart.
o This carbon dioxide blood reaches the lungs where exchange of
gases takes place.
o Thus the circulatory cycle repeats itself.
5) Draw a well labeled diagram of VS of human heart .
A) Refer to the page no 158 of science text book.
Choose the answer:1) The preparatory stage of cell division is_Interphase.
2) The stage of cell division in which centromere divides is Anaphase-II
3) Meiosis plays an important role in Reproduction.
4) The stage immediately after prophase-II is Metaphase-II.
5) A cell has 46 chromosomes in it. It undergoes meiosis division. The number
of chromosomes present in daughter cell is 46.
II) Answer the following:1) What is cell division?
A) The process in which a mother cell divides itself into two or more daughter
cell is called cell division.
2) Explain prophase of meiosis –I.
A) The changes that take place during prophase -I are
Centrioles have changed to star shaped structures called asters.
In between the asters spindle fibers are formed.
Chromatin network has changed to chromosomes.
Paternal and maternal chromosomes have paired with each other.
The inner chromatids have exchanged their segments with each other.
Nucleolus has disappeared.
Nuclear membrane has disappeared.
3) Explain the importance of metaphase in meiosis.
 In meiosis the chromosomes are arranged at the centre of
the cell.
 Asters have moved to both the poles of the cell.
 Spindle fibers are attached to the centromere of the
4) Differentiate between mitosis and meiosis.
A) Mitosis :- I) It occurs in both somatic cells and reproductive cells.
II) It occurs almost through out life in some cells.
III) Nucleus divides once.
IV) Two daughter cells are formed from each parent cell.
V) Homologous chromosomes do not pair .
Meiosis:-I) It occurs only in reproductive cells.
II) It occurs only during formation of gametes.
III) Nucleus divides twice.
IV) Four daughter cells are formed from each parent cell.
V) Homologous chromosomes undego pairing and almost always there is
crossing over.
5) Differentiate between anaphase-I and anaphase-II.
Anaphase-I :- I) Homologous chromosomes are pulled to opposite
poles of the cell.
II) In between the two sets of chromosomes interzonal fibers are
Anaphase-II:- I) Centromere of the chromosomes divides.
II) Daughter chromosomes are pulled equally to all four corners of
the cell.
I) Choose the correct answer:1)
Reproduction in amoeba takes place by binary fission.
The male sexual cell is sperm.
The young one of a cockroach is called nymph.
The process of the union of an egg and a sperm is known as Fertilization.
Test tube baby meansEgg is fertilized in a petri dish but development
takes place in the uterus.
6) During the development of cockroach the young nymph sheds its body
skin several times to grow. This process is known as Moulting.
II) Fill in the blanks:1) India’s first test tube baby was created by Dr. SubhashMukhyopadhyay.
2) If a couple are unable to deliver a baby even one year after normal married
life, this condition is known as infertility.
3)When an egg is fertilized outside the body of a woman, this technique is
known as In-vitro fertilization.
4) When twins are conjoined at the time of birth they are called Siamese twins.
5 )When an egg is fertilized in a woman, it develops into a child in the Uterus.
III) Match the following
Column A
Column B
1) cyst
2) Sperm sac
3) Fallopian tube
4) Scrotum
IV) Answer the following:-
1) Expand IVF.
A) In vitro fertilization.
2) When does amoeba reproduce by multiple fission?
A) During unfavourable or drought conditions amoeba reproduces by another
method known as multiple fission.
3) What is the function of sperm sac in cockroach?
Sperm sac is a part of female reproductive system. During sexual reproduction
the male cockroach transfers the sperm into the sperm sacs of the female
where it is stored and used in fertilization.
4) What is metamorphosis?
A) If the larva has to grow into an adult it has to undergo a series of changers
all over the body. All such changes that occur in the so as to resemble the adult
are collectively known as metamorphosis.
5) What is ovulation?
A) The release of an egg from the ovary is known as ovulation.
6) On which day of the menstrual cycle is the ovum released?
A) Ovum is released on the 14th day of the menstrual cycle.
7) How are monozygotic twins produced?
A) Monozygotic twins develop from one ovum. To begin with, an ovum is
released from one of the ovaries in the normal process it is fertilized by a
sperm. The zygote starts dividing. When the zygote is in the 2- cell stage, due
to some unknown reasons, the two cells separate and become independent.
Each cell develops into a separate baby. In this case both the babies have
identical genetic components and hence have common features including sex.
They are said to be identical or maternal twins.
8) What is implantation?
A) After in vitro fertilization the zygote is inserted into the uterus of the
woman for development which is implantation.
9) What is the function of follicle stimulating hormone?
A) Follicle stimulating hormone helps in the growth of ovarian follicles in the
ovary. It stimulates the ovary to secrete the hormone estrogen.
10) What is gestation?
A) Gestation is the duration of pregnancy or it is the period of growth of the
foetus from conception to birth.
I) Choose the correct answer:1) Organs which are structurally different but perform similar functions
analogous organs.
2) The remains of the hard parts of organisms found buried in the earth’s crust
3) A living fossil among the following is Peripatus.
4) A transitional fossil connecting reptiles and birds is Archaeopteryx.
5) An egg laying mammal among the following is platypus.
6) The era in which man originatedcoenozoic era.
II) Fill in the blanks with suitable answers:1) Organs with common origin but performing different functions are called
Homologous organs.
2) The absolute time of the fossil can be accurately determined by radioactive
3) The process by which fossils turn into a stone is petrifaction.
4) A fully mummified wolly mammoth was found in Russia.
5) A species of well –established organisms which disappeared are known as
Fossil fuels.
6) Era known as the golden age of reptiles is Mesozoic era.
III) Match the following:Column AColumn B
1) Archaeopteryx
a) connecting link between reptiles and birds.
2 Peripatus
b) connecting link between annelids and arthropods.
3) Lung fish
c) connecting link between fishes and amphibians.
4) platypus
d) connecting link between reptiles and mammals.
IV) Answer the following:-
1) Write the differences between homologous and analogous organs with two
examples for each.
A) Homologous organs:- I) Organs with common origin but performing
different functions are called homologous organs.
II) Eg:- The flippers of a whale, the forelimb of a horse.
Analogous organs:- I) Organs which are structurally different but perform
similar functions are called analogous organs.
II) Eg:- The limbs of a cockroach and the limbs of a dog.
2) What are vestigial organs? Name any two vestigial organs in man.
A) A vestigial organ is a remnant part of an organism that historically was
useful but evolutionarily is no longer needed. Vermiform appendix and the
tonsils are the two vestigial organs in man.
3) What are fossils? How are they formed?
A) Fossil:- Fossils are the remains of plants and animals that existed millions of
years ago.
An entire organism or a part of its body may have become buried in the deeper
sediments of the earth resulting in the formation of fossils.
4) Mention the three basic types of fossils.
A) The three types of fossils are :I) Actual fossil
II) Petrified fossil and
III) moulds and casts.
5) Describe the structure of archaeopteryx.
A) The oldest fossil Archaeopteryx (Archaeo=primitive, pteryx=wings).It was as
big as a crow. It possessed characters of both reptiles and birds. It possessed
characters of lizards such as jaws with sharp teeth and a long bony tail and
characters of birds such as wings and feathers.
6) Give two examples for living fossils.
A) Peripatus and platypus are the two living fossils.
7) Name the animal that is the connecting link between annelids and
A) Peripatus is the connecting link between annelids and arthropods.
8) Name the four eras and list a few plant and animal species that existed in
that era.
A) Era –a) Coenozoic era (Age of mammals)
I) Plant species : - Flowering plants, forests.
II) Animal species :- Man like apes, elephants
b) Mesozoic era (golden age of reptiles)
I) Plant species :- Gymnosperms, first oak and maple forests.
II) Animal species:-Dinosours, toothed birds.
c) Paleozoic era(age of ancient life)
I) Plant life:-Lycopods, horsepods.
II) Animal species:- mammal like reptiles, modern insects, amphibians.
d) Proterozoic era
I)plant species:- primitive aquatic plants, algae.
II) Animal species:- Marine protozoa, molluscs.
) Explain a simple test to identify adulteration in
a) Turmeric powder:- Take a small quantity of turmeric powder in a test tube
and mix with water. Add a few drops of concentrated hydrochloric acid. If the
solution turns purple then we can conclude that the turmeric powder is
adulterated with metanil yellow.
b) Salt:- Add a tea spoon of common salt into a glass tumbler containing water.
Salt dissolves and sand or grit if present settles at the bottom of the tumbler.
c) Coffee powder:- Sprinkle one or two pinches of coffee powder over water in
a container. Coffee powder floats. If it is adulterated with tamarind seed
powder, the adulterant will sink.
d) Ghee:- Take 5ml of molten ghee in a test tube. Add equal quantity of
concentrated hydrochloric acid and stir with a glass rod. After five minutes if
crimson red colour appears in the lower layer having ghee then it indicates the
presence of vanaspati.
6) Name the quality control agencies. Explain their role in preventing food
A) ISI, Indian Standard Institution:- It mainly deals with the development of
technical standards, product quality and management system certifications
and consumer affairs.
AGMARK , Agricultural Marketing:- It is used to certify the food products for
quality control. It is commonly deals with adulteration – prone commodities
such as butter, ghee, vegetable oils, honey.
FPO , Fruit products order:- This helps quality production, packaging,
inspection as well as monitoring of production and exports of processed fruits
and vegetables.
7) List the specific symptoms of the following deficiency disorders:a) Kwashiorkor:- i) Retarded growth
ii) Swelling of abdomen, legs and feet.
iii) Discolouration of skin and hair
iv)Mental retardation
v) May lead to death
b) Night blindness:-I) unable to see in dim light.
II) Dryness of eyes.
c) Rickets:- I) Poor growth
II) Bow legs and defective ribs, teeth and skull
d) Simple goiter:- I) Enlarged throat due swelling of thyroid glands
II) Affected metabolism.
Choose the correct answer:7) Bacteria belong to monera .
8) Which of the following kingdoms exclusively included animalsmetazoa.
9) Name an animal phylum whose members are exclusively marine in habitat
10) Chitinous cuticle is an exoskeleton inmolluscs .
11) Which of the following worms does not live as a parasite earthworm .
12) In which animal group is the body diploblastic coelentrata.
IV) Fill in the blanks with suitable words:10)
The body cavity in roundworms is unsegmented .
The only group of invertebrates which fly is Arthropoda .
The exoskeleton in members of the phylum Mollusca is calcerous
If the body of an animal can be cut into two equal parts in only
one plane passing through the centre, it is bilateral .
Mushroom belongs to the kingdom Mycota.
The nucleus is not bound by a membrane in the members of the
kingdom Monera.
Earthworms are called farmer’s friends because they turn the
deep soil and bring it to the surface.
The protozoan parasite plasmodium causes malaria .
The body wall of sponges contain needle like calcareous
exoskeleton called spicules .
10) The body cavity of arthropods is filled with blood and is known as
II) Match the following:Animal
Locomotion structure
1) Parapodia
a) Nereis
2) Tube feet
b) Starfish
3) Flagellum
c) Euglena
4) Pseudopodia
d) Amoeba
1) Plantae
a) Moss
2) Protista
b) Paramecium
c) Yeast
4) Animalia
d) Sponge
5) Monera
e) Bacteria
III) Answer the following:2) Of the Five kingdoms , Which is the most primitive one ?
A) Of the five kingdoms ,Monera is the most primitive one.
2) Name the three primary germ layers of a triploblastic animal ?
A) The primary germ layers of a triploblastic animal are outer ectoderm ,
inner endoderm, middle mesoderm.
3) What is radial symmetry?
A) Radial symmetry means that the body of an animal can be cut into two
equal parts in any plane passing through the centre.
4) What are gemmules?
A) In sponges reproduction takes place by both sexual and asexual
reproduction .asexual reproduction takes place by external buds or by
internal buds called gemmules.
5) What is metameric segmentation ?
A) The internal segments of the body in Annelids is known as metameric
6) Name the kingdom whose members cannot manufacture food by
A) Members of the kingdom Animalia cannot manufacture food by
7) Name two insects which are useful to us by their products.
A) Honey bee prepares honey and silk moth produces silk is useful to us by
their products.
8) Name two animal phyla which posses open type of circulatory system.
A) Arthropoda and Mollusca are the two phylum in which the open type of
circulatory system is seen.
9) Name the two animal phyla which exhibit radial symmetry.
A) Echinodermata and Coelentrata are the two animal phyla which exhibit
radial symmetry.
10) Name the two disease causing bacteria and the disease they cause.
A) Mycobacterium tuberculosis causes Tuberculosis and Salmonella typhi
causes typhoid .
I) Choose the correct answer:1) These are decomposersbacteria and fungi.
2) One of the statements is false all the above.
3) Mangoes as big as pumpkin can be obtained by genetic engineering.
4) Charcoal is used in purifying water as charcoal is porous.
5) Rearing of earthworms is known as vermiculture.
II) Answer the following Questions:1) Explain the role of microbes in maintaining ecological balance.
A) Microbes help in recycling of nutrients like carbon and nitrogen and other
elements in nature which maintains ecological balance.
2) Microbes are our friends too. Explain.
A) I) Microbes are our friend they help us in decomposing organic matter.
II) Maintains the fertility of the soil.
III) Helps in pharmaceutical industry.
IV) Helps in water treatment.
V) Helps in sewage treatment.
VI) Used in leather industry.
3) Explain genetic engineering.
A) The technique of effecting desirable changes in the genetic material (DNA)
of an organism is known as genetic engineering. By this technique, it is possible
to separate the desirable or useful gene from a cell and introduce it into
another cell where the gene can undergo further replication.
4) Environmentalists argue that genetic engineering is not only a boon but also
a bane. Explain.
A) Environmentalists argue that genetic engineering is not only a boon but also
a bane because as genetic engineering involves recombinant DNA technology
which means the changes occur in genes, the hereditary units which mean the
changes are permanent.
I) The right answer:-
1 The of nutrients from the exchange pool to the reservoir pool in an
ecosystem is calledfixation.
2Fixation of carbon dioxide occurs by photosynthesis.
3 The algae bringing about nitrogen fixation is nostoc .
4 The conversion of ammonia into nitrates is nitrification .
II) Fill in the blanks
1 Oxygen fixation in an ecosystem occurs by respiration .
2 A cyclic movement of nutrients in an ecosystem is biogeochemical cycle .
3 A bacterium that converts ammonium salts into nitrites is nitrosomonas .
4 A major component of smoke emitted from vehicle is carbon monoxide .
III) Answer the following question
1 What are biogeochemical cycles ?Menton the two types .
2 Explain the role of Rhizobium in nitrogen fixation .
A Rhizobium takes shelter in root nodules of leguminous plants . They absorb
atmospheric nitrogen and convert into nitrates , which is used by plants for
biosynthesis of plants .
3 Narrate two examples for interaction and interdependence of plants and
I Animals through respiration supply a part of carbon dioxide required for
Iii Pollination and dispersal of fruits and seeds are carried out by insects , birds
and animals.
Iii Herbivorous animals directly consume plants from which they obtain all
nutrients .
4 Explain the role of oxygen cycle in an ecosystem?
A Oxygen is an essential nutrient for all living beings . It is required for bringing
about oxidation of sugars to release energy . Oxygen is available in a free
molecular form as gaseous oxygen . It is present in the dissolved state in water
bodies and in combined form like carbon dioxide and water .
5 Schematically represent water cycle .
Referee page no 108 of science text book.
Iv ) Write differences between the following:1 Fixation and recycling
A Fixation :- The movement or entry of a nutrient from reservoir pool to the
exchange pool is called fixation .
Recycling:- The return of the nutrients from exchange pool to the reservoir
pool is called recycling .
2 Reservoir pool and exchange pool
A Reservoir pool:- i) It is that part of the cycle where the movement of
chemical is very slow .
Ii) It involves non living components like atmosphere , hydrosphere and the
Exchange pool :- It is that part of cycle where the movement of material is
Ii) It involves the living organisms of the biosphere like microbes plants and
3 Nitrification and Denitrification
A Nitrification :- The process of conversion of ammonia and its salts into
nitrates and nitrites is called nitrification .
Denitrification:- The process of conversion of nitrates in the soil into free
gaseous nitrogen is denitrification.
4 Natural fixation and artificial fixation in nitrogen
A Natural fixation :- Conversion of free gaseous nitrogen is the atmosphere
into useful compounds of nitrogen is nitrogen fixation.
Artificial fixation :- Artificial fixation is the combining of atmospheric nitrogen
with gaseous hydrogen to form ammonia.
5 Biological fixation and electrochemical fixation of nitrogen
A Biological fixation :- This is brought about by cyanobacteria like rhizobium.
II) These absorb atmospheric nitrogen and convert into nitrates which is used
by the plants.
Electrochemical fixation :- During lightning atmospheric nitrogen combines
with oxygen to form oxides of nitrogen which dissolve in rain to form dilute
nitric acid which comes down with rain water , reacts with metal ions forming
nitrates which are absorbed by plants
Excretion in animals
Choose the correct answer:4) Excretion means removal of nitrogenous wastes generated in the body.
5) The excretory organs of cockroach are called malpighiantubules .
6) The structural and functional units of excretion in humans are
VI) Fill up the blanks
5) The excretory products of human beings are in the form of urea.
6) Uric acid is a nitrogenous waste product which is non- toxic and
insoluble in water.
7) Excretion in amoeba occurs by diffusion .
8) Patients whose kidneys have become non- functional undergo dialysis
VII) Match the following
Carbon dioxide
Undigested food
VIII) Answer the following
3) What is meant by gout?
B) It is the condition where blood builds up excessive amounts of uric acid
which the kidney is unable to process properly. It is insoluble in water
and it settles in the body particularly at the toe joints, resulting in joint
pain and kidney stones .
4) Name the organ where urine is temporarily stored in humans.
B) Urinary bladder is the organ where the urine is temporarily stored in
3) Mention the three steps of urine formation in human beings.
B) The three steps of urine formation in human beings are
IV) Glomerular filtration
Selective reabsorption
VI) Tubular secretion.
4) Name the duct which transports urine from the kidney to urinary bladder.
A) Ureters transports urine from the kidney to urinary bladder.
5) Why does cockroach excrete nitrogenous wastes in the form of uric acid?
A) Water is not easily available for cockroach. Hence the wastes are
eliminated in the form of uric acid which is non poisonous and insoluble in
6) Draw a labeled Diagram of human excretory system.
A) Refer to the diagram of page no 119 of science text book.
Choose the answer:1) Chamber of the human heart which receives oxygen rich blood is left
auricle .
2) Blood component which provides immunity is WBC .
3) Plant tissue which transports water is xylem .
4) Transport of materials in amoeba is by diffusion and osmosis .
II) Answer the following:1) What is the need for transport system?
A) Transport system is needed to transport materials to all the cells of the
body. so, that the cells can function properly.
2) Explain transport system of cockroach.
A) Transport system of cockroach:Cockroach is an invertebrate .cockroach has a chambered heart. Its
blood is colourless as it does not contain haemoglobin. There are no blood
vessels to circulate blood. Exchange of gases takes place through diffusion.
3) Differentiate between open and closed type of circulatory systems.
A) Open circulation:- In open type of circulation body does not have blood
vessels for the flow of blood .Blood flows in the body itself.
Closed circulation:- In closed circulation , the flow of the blood takes place
through the blood vessels.
4) Explain the circulation in human beings.
o In human, Oxygen rich blood enters into the left auricle from the
lungs through pulmonary vein.
o This oxygen rich blood enters the left ventricle through bicuspid
o Left ventricle constricts as a result oxygen rich blood is pumped
out of the heart.
o The oxygen rich blood reaches the cells through aorta and its
o On reaching the cells, blood exchanges oxygen with that auricle
through superior and inferior venacavas.
o Carbon dioxide rich blood reaches the right ventricle through
tricuspid valve.
o Right ventricle constricts as a result carbon dioxide rich blood is
pumped out of the heart.
o This carbon dioxide blood reaches the lungs where exchange of
gases takes place.
o Thus the circulatory cycle repeats itself.
5) Draw a well labeled diagram of VS of human heart .
A) Refer to the page no 158 of science text book.
Choose the answer:-
1) The preparatory stage of cell division is_Interphase.
2) The stage of cell division in which centromere divides is Anaphase-II
3) Meiosis plays an important role in Reproduction.
4) The stage immediately after prophase-II is Metaphase-II.
5) A cell has 46 chromosomes in it. It undergoes meiosis division. The number
of chromosomes present in daughter cell is 46.
II) Answer the following:1) What is cell division?
A) The process in which a mother cell divides itself into two or more daughter
cell is called cell division.
2) Explain prophase of meiosis –I.
A) The changes that take place during prophase -I are
Centrioles have changed to star shaped structures called asters.
In between the asters spindle fibers are formed.
Chromatin network has changed to chromosomes.
Paternal and maternal chromosomes have paired with each other.
The inner chromatids have exchanged their segments with each other.
Nucleolus has disappeared.
Nuclear membrane has disappeared.
3) Explain the importance of metaphase in meiosis.
 In meiosis the chromosomes are arranged at the centre of
the cell.
 Asters have moved to both the poles of the cell.
 Spindle fibers are attached to the centromere of the
4) Differentiate between mitosis and meiosis.
A) Mitosis :- I) It occurs in both somatic cells and reproductive cells.
II) It occurs almost through out life in some cells.
III) Nucleus divides once.
IV) Two daughter cells are formed from each parent cell.
V) Homologous chromosomes do not pair .
Meiosis:-I) It occurs only in reproductive cells.
II) It occurs only during formation of gametes.
III) Nucleus divides twice.
IV) Four daughter cells are formed from each parent cell.
V) Homologous chromosomes undego pairing and almost always there is
crossing over.
5) Differentiate between anaphase-I and anaphase-II.
Anaphase-I :- I) Homologous chromosomes are pulled to opposite
poles of the cell.
II) In between the two sets of chromosomes interzonal fibers are
Anaphase-II:- I) Centromere of the chromosomes divides.
II) Daughter chromosomes are pulled equally to all four corners of
the cell.
I) Choose the correct answer:7) Reproduction in amoeba takes place by binary fission.
8) The male sexual cell is sperm.
9) The young one of a cockroach is called nymph.
The process of the union of an egg and a sperm is known as
Test tube baby meansEgg is fertilized in a petri dish but
development takes place in the uterus.
During the development of cockroach the young nymph sheds its
body skin several times to grow. This process is known as Moulting.
II) Fill in the blanks:1) India’s first test tube baby was created by Dr. SubhashMukhyopadhyay.
2) If a couple are unable to deliver a baby even one year after normal married
life, this condition is known as infertility.
3)When an egg is fertilized outside the body of a woman, this technique is
known as In-vitro fertilization.
4) When twins are conjoined at the time of birth they are called Siamese twins.
5 )When an egg is fertilized in a woman, it develops into a child in the Uterus.
III) Match the following
Column A
Column B
1) cyst
2) Sperm sac
3) Fallopian tube
4) Scrotum
IV) Answer the following:1) Expand IVF.
A) In vitro fertilization.
2) When does amoeba reproduce by multiple fission?
A) During unfavourable or drought conditions amoeba reproduces by another
method known as multiple fission.
3) What is the function of sperm sac in cockroach?
Sperm sac is a part of female reproductive system. During sexual reproduction
the male cockroach transfers the sperm into the sperm sacs of the female
where it is stored and used in fertilization.
4) What is metamorphosis?
A) If the larva has to grow into an adult it has to undergo a series of changers
all over the body. All such changes that occur in the so as to resemble the adult
are collectively known as metamorphosis.
5) What is ovulation?
A) The release of an egg from the ovary is known as ovulation.
6) On which day of the menstrual cycle is the ovum released?
A) Ovum is released on the 14th day of the menstrual cycle.
7) How are monozygotic twins produced?
A) Monozygotic twins develop from one ovum. To begin with, an ovum is
released from one of the ovaries in the normal process it is fertilized by a
sperm. The zygote starts dividing. When the zygote is in the 2- cell stage, due
to some unknown reasons, the two cells separate and become independent.
Each cell develops into a separate baby. In this case both the babies have
identical genetic components and hence have common features including sex.
They are said to be identical or maternal twins.
8) What is implantation?
A) After in vitro fertilization the zygote is inserted into the uterus of the
woman for development which is implantation.
9) What is the function of follicle stimulating hormone?
A) Follicle stimulating hormone helps in the growth of ovarian follicles in the
ovary. It stimulates the ovary to secrete the hormone estrogen.
10) What is gestation?
A) Gestation is the duration of pregnancy or it is the period of growth of the
foetus from conception to birth.
I) Choose the correct answer:1) Organs which are structurally different but perform similar functions
analogous organs.
2) The remains of the hard parts of organisms found buried in the earth’s crust
3) A living fossil among the following is Peripatus.
4) A transitional fossil connecting reptiles and birds is Archaeopteryx.
5) An egg laying mammal among the following is platypus.
6) The era in which man originatedcoenozoic era.
II) Fill in the blanks with suitable answers:1) Organs with common origin but performing different functions are called
Homologous organs.
2) The absolute time of the fossil can be accurately determined by radioactive
3) The process by which fossils turn into a stone is petrifaction.
4) A fully mummified wolly mammoth was found in Russia.
5) A species of well –established organisms which disappeared are known as
Fossil fuels.
6) Era known as the golden age of reptiles is Mesozoic era.
III) Match the following:Column AColumn B
1) Archaeopteryx
a) connecting link between reptiles and birds.
2 Peripatus
b) connecting link between annelids and arthropods.
3) Lung fish
c) connecting link between fishes and amphibians.
4) platypus
d) connecting link between reptiles and mammals.
IV) Answer the following:-
1) Write the differences between homologous and analogous organs with two
examples for each.
A) Homologous organs:- I) Organs with common origin but performing
different functions are called homologous organs.
II) Eg:- The flippers of a whale, the forelimb of a horse.
Analogous organs:- I) Organs which are structurally different but perform
similar functions are called analogous organs.
II) Eg:- The limbs of a cockroach and the limbs of a dog.
2) What are vestigial organs? Name any two vestigial organs in man.
A) A vestigial organ is a remnant part of an organism that historically was
useful but evolutionarily is no longer needed. Vermiform appendix and the
tonsils are the two vestigial organs in man.
3) What are fossils? How are they formed?
A) Fossil:- Fossils are the remains of plants and animals that existed millions of
years ago.
An entire organism or a part of its body may have become buried in the deeper
sediments of the earth resulting in the formation of fossils.
4) Mention the three basic types of fossils.
A) The three types of fossils are :I) Actual fossil
II) Petrified fossil and
III) moulds and casts.
5) Describe the structure of archaeopteryx.
A) The oldest fossil Archaeopteryx (Archaeo=primitive, pteryx=wings).It was as
big as a crow. It possessed characters of both reptiles and birds. It possessed
characters of lizards such as jaws with sharp teeth and a long bony tail and
characters of birds such as wings and feathers.
6) Give two examples for living fossils.
A) Peripatus and platypus are the two living fossils.
7) Name the animal that is the connecting link between annelids and
A) Peripatus is the connecting link between annelids and arthropods.
8) Name the four eras and list a few plant and animal species that existed in
that era.
A) Era –a) Coenozoic era (Age of mammals)
I) Plant species : - Flowering plants, forests.
II) Animal species :- Man like apes, elephants
b) Mesozoic era (golden age of reptiles)
I) Plant species :- Gymnosperms, first oak and maple forests.
II) Animal species:-Dinosours, toothed birds.
c) Paleozoic era(age of ancient life)
I) Plant life:-Lycopods, horsepods.
II) Animal species:- mammal like reptiles, modern insects, amphibians.
d) Proterozoic era
I)plant species:- primitive aquatic plants, algae.
II) Animal species:- Marine protozoa, molluscs.
Biogeochemical cycles
1) Microbes are involved in maintaining ecological balance. The dead bodies of plants, animals or
micro-organisms and their products are decomposed by micro-organisms, thus restoring the
nutrients back to the environment. Microbes are also involved in bio geo chemical cycles such A
nitrogen cycle and carbon cycles, replenishing their concentration in this reservoir pool.
2) Some microbes are harmful to us as they cause many diseases. But some microbes are beneficial
to us.
Example:1. Bacterium Lactobacillus converts milk to curds.
2. Bacterium Acetobactoraceti is used for production of acetic acid from alcohol.
3. Antibiotic medicines are manufactured from the products of specific micro-organisms.
4. Yeast is used in production of alcohol and different bakery products.
5. Bacteria present in the root nodules of leguminous plants help in nitrogen fixation, helping to
increase soil fertility.
6. Some microbes decompose the organic wastes, dead plants and animals thus clean up the
environment as well as enrich the soil fertility.
3) Genetic engineering is a modern advancement in the field of science. Desired gene can be
separated from the donor cell and mounted on the circular DNA of bacterium cell. Such bacterium is
cultured and introduced into the desired organism where desired changes are expected.
4) Genetic engineering is a modern scientific technique which is a boon to mankind in certain
respect. Desired quality of plant can be obtained for agricultural purposes. The size and quality of
plant products can be altered to obtain required type.