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Classifying Lines
Objective: Identify type of lines and line relationships
Language Objective: Classify and then justify your classification
line- continues in both directions for ever
segment- has two endpoints
endpoint- where a segment or a ray ends
ray- continues in one direction and stops on the other
intersect- where two lines meet
perpendicular- an intersection of two lines that make right angles
parallel- where two lines never meet they stay the exact same distance apart a lot
like straight railroad tracks.
Vocabulary Activities and Practice
Materials: Sheets of paper.
Goal: To practice using the vocabulary words.
Procedure: Students fold paper into rectangles. Right on one side the words, and a drawing on the other.
The students will then quiz each other. Show the words and have the other explain, then show the
drawing and have the other say the word.
Activity 3
Materials: Chart from journal.
Goal: To identify real life examples of intersecting, perpendicular and parallel lines and to validate these
Procedure: Students explore the room looking for examples of the above words. The identify the
example, make a quick sketch, then explain why they identified it that way.
Classifying Angles
Objective: Identify different types of angles
Language Objective:
Explain how to determine the type of angle.
Right angle- the lines meet up to be perpendicular
Acute angle- the angle is smaller or more sharp than perpendicular
Obtuse angle- the angle is larger or more dull than perpendicular
straight angle- the angle makes a flat line
Activity 1: (groups of three)
Materials: 10 foot string for each group.
Goal: To visualize the different angles. To make a kinesthetic connection to the vocabulary.
Process: One person holds the center of the string segment and acts as the vertex and director. The other
two take an end and act as end points. The teacher calls out a type of angle, the vertex directs the
endpoints to make the correct angle. After three angles the vertex switches out.
Activity 2: (alone)
Materials: Blank sheets of paper. Yellow, green, black and red colored pencils.
Goal: To practice classifying angles.
Process: The students write MATH in capital letters. The students then shade in the inside of the angle to
show what type of angle is represented. Then the students count the angles and list them on their journal
Activity 3: (groups of three)
Material: String from activity 1. Four index cards (4 x 6). Glue.
Goal: Practice classifying and creating angles. Create a visual reminder of the lesson.
Process: Each group will glue segments of string to the separate pieces of cardstock to show the different
types of angles. Then the group will identify and describe each angle on the cardstock.
Measuring Angles
(p. 402-405)
Objective: Measure the degree of angles
Language Objective: Explain using written steps how to use a protractor to measure angle degrees.
degree- unit of measurement for angles
protractor- a device to measure angles
complementary angles- two angles whose measurement adds up to 90 degrees
supplementary angles- two angles whose measurement adds up to 180 degrees
Activity 1: (single)
Material: 8-3 Reference sheet
Goal: To estimate using angles. To identify common angles such as 45, 60, and 30
Process: Use the common angles given to estimate the measurement of the new angles.
Activity 2: (single)
Material: Reference sheet, protractor.
Goal: To practice using the protractor.
Process: Draw a house using all straight line segments. Use the steps from the lesson to measure 10
angles. Write the measurement inside of each angle.
Exploring Angles in a Triangle
(p. 416-419)
Find missing angles of triangles.
Classify triangles by their angles.
Language Objective:
Describe the relationship between angles in a triangle.
Justify triangle classification.
acute triangle- a triangle with 3 acute angles
right triangle- a triangle with one right angle
obtuse triangle- a triangles with one obtuse angle
The sum of the angles in a triangle is always 180 degrees
Another name for an 180˚ angle is a straight angle.
Activity: (partners or single)- note: this activity comes out of the text.
Materials: One sheet of colored construction paper, protractor.
Goal: To identify the sum of angles in any triangle.
Process: Draw a triangle on a sheet of construction paper. Cut out the triangle. Measure all the angles
and write the measurement on the inside of each angle. Rip off the angles of the triangle, then line them
up with the straight sides touching. The students should focus on what the angles become when they are
all combined.
Sides of a Triangle
(p. 420-423
Exploration activity: (two or three)
Materials: 4 equal-length strips of cardstock, table from the journal, ruler.
Goal: To identify rules of the length of sides of a triangle.
Process: Fold the strips into different length pieces. Label the longest section “a”, the second “b” and
the third “c”. Measure each section to the closest centimeter and complete the row of the chart. Then
decide if the three sections could form a triangle without bending any of the sides.
Classify triangles by their sides.
Language Objective:
Explain how some side combinations cannot make a triangle.
Explain how to classify triangles because of their sides.
equilateral triangle- a triangle in which all sides are equal Also known as a regular triangle
isosceles triangle- a triangle with two equal sides
scalene triangle- a triangle in which all sides are different
Activity 1: (two)
Materials: Triangle sample cards, scissors
Goal: Practice classifying triangles by sides.
Process: Cut out the triangle sample cards. Categorize them by their sides.
Activity 2: (two)
Materials: 1-20 number cards.
Goal: Identifying which side length combinations can form a triangle
Process: Cut out the 1-20 cards. Place them face down. Choose three cards and decide if they form a
(p. 424-427)
Classify polygons and identify these as regular or irregular
Language Objective:
Explain why a polygon is regular or irregular.
Explain the characteristics of each type of polygon.
polygon- a closed figure made of all straight lines
quadrilateral- a polygon with four sides
pentagon- a polygon with five sides
hexagon- a polygon with six sides
octagon- a polygon with eight sides
regular polygon- a closed figure with all straight lines, in which all angles and sides are equal
Activity 1: (two)
Materials: Polygon memory cards, scissors
Goal: Practice classifying polygons, practice distinguishing between regular and irregular polygons.
Process: Cut out the polygon cards. Sort them into regular or irregular. Quiz a partner by showing a card
and having him identify the type of polygon and whether it is regular or not. Play memory trying to
match up the words and the pictures.
(p. 428-431)
Activity 1:
Materials: 8-7 Shapes
Goal: To identify characteristics of different quadrilaterals
Process: Select a figure and write its number below each category it fits into. Continue for the remainder
of the figures.
Classify quadrilaterals.
Language Objective:
Explain how to identify the type of quadrilateral.
Describe the characteristics of quadrilaterals.
quadrilateral- a polygon with four sides
trapezoid- a quadrilateral with one set of parallel lines.
parallelogram- a quadrilateral with two sets of parallel lines.
rhombus- a quadrilateral with two sets of parallel lines, and all sides are the same length
square- a quadrilateral with all right angles and all the sides are the same
rectangle- a quadrilateral with all right angles.
Activity 2:
Materials: 8-7 Shapes, chart from journal page
Goal: Practice sorting quadrilaterals, practice describing quadrilaterals
Process: Sort the quadrilaterals into the best of the 6 vocabulary categories. Then write a description of
each of the quadrilaterals in the numbered squares, use as much math vocabulary as possible.
Flips and Line Symmetry
(p. 438-441)
Identify line symmetry in polygons.
Identify a reflection of polygons
Language Objective:
Explain the line symmetry in polygons.
Describe the reflection of polygons.
congruent- a shape of the same size and shape
line symmetry- an imaginary line where an object can be folded into two congruent halves
reflection- the mirror image of a polygon.
Find the missing angle for each of the triangles.
C omputing
Define each concept in your own words.
obtuse triangleacute triangleright angle-
Explain how you might use what you have learned about
triangles in this section in a career.
Teacher √ ----------
b. As the sun is more directly overhead the temperature rises
c. The suns angle doesn’t affect the temperature
d. The suns angle affect the temperature, but we don’t have
18 + 117 + _____ = 180
Create a CRT with 1 correct and 3 wrong answers, explain the
validity of the correct, and the error of each incorrect.
P erforming
A pplying
a. As the sun is more directly overhead the temperature drops
45 + 35 + ______ = 180
Why can a triangle not have two obtuse angles?
Juan is experimenting to discover how the angle of the sun
affects the temperature. When the sun is at 45˚ it is 72˚ F,
when the sun is at 90˚ it is 103˚ F, and when the sun is 80˚ it is
87˚ F. Which statement is true for this data?
enough data to expliain how.
Name: _______________________
R easoning
E ngaging
U nderstanding
U-CARE about Math: Assessment
8-3 Reference Sheet
Directions: Estimate these angles by using the figure to the right.
Direction s: Use a protractor to measure these angles.
Directions: Draw these angles using a protractor
45 °,120°, 135°, 180°, 190°
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