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Roman Republic
Indiana World History Standards
SS.WH.2.9 2007
Roman Civilization: Describe Roman Republican government and society and trace the changes that culminated in the end of the Republic and the beginning of
the Roman Empire.
SS.WH.2.10 2007
Roman Civilization: Describe Roman achievement in law and technology and explain their impact on various peoples and places in subsequent periods of world
SS.WH.2.11 2007
Roman Civilization: Explain the origins of Christianity, including the lives and teachings of Jesus and Paul, and the relationships of early Christians with officials of
the Roman Empire.
SS.WH.2.12 2007
Roman Civilization: Analyze the causes, conditions and consequences of the spread of Christianity throughout the Roman Empire, including the policies of
Emperor Constantine the Great.
SS.WH.2.13 2007
Roman Civilization: Explain the causes, conditions and consequences of the decline and fall of the western part of the Roman Empire.
Today’s Objectives
- To understand the founding of Rome
- To understand the structure and purpose of the Roman Republic
- To understand the values of Rome
• Founding the Eternal City
Rome: Republic of Rome “Land of the Seven Hills”
→ Aeneid (written by Virgil) tells the story of Aeneas and his
escape from Troy and settling in Italy
...Romulus & Remus: were descendants of Aeneas, believed
to be the sons of Mars (God of War), founded Rome
in 753 BC
…Rome will transform from a small city-state into a massive
empire that forms the foundation of the western world
• Monarchy to Republic
Rome: Republic of Rome “The Republic is Born”
→ In 509 BC, the Romans drive out the last king and establish
a republic that will last for 500 years
…hatred of absolute power leads to the creation of a republic
…based on people electing representatives to run the gov’t
…according to Polybius, “perfect blend of democracy,
aristocracy and monarchy”
The Senate and the People of Rome
• The Republic
Rome: Republic of Rome “Absolute Power”
→ Roman governmental structure that allowed Rome
to grow into a great power/civilization
…Basis for the structure of OUR gov’t today
…Introduced key aspects that are still seen today:
Senate | Veto | Checks & Balances
…Roman society was split between Patricians & Plebeians
…Patricians = Aristocracy | Plebeians = the People
…Provided stability, strong economy, strong military (legions),
…“Romanized” the
conquered to make
them loyal
Roman Senate
Essential Question
Identify and explain the motivation behind the Roman
Republic and two key aspects of the Republic?
Target Questions
• How did Romans believe their city was founded?
• What was the first government in Rome?
• Who were the Patricians & Plebeians?
Required Reading Question(s)
1) How did the membership of the senate change over time?