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2015 Heirloom Plant Descriptions
(numbers in parentheses = total number we expect to have for sale, but may be lower due to
germination rates)
Bell Peppers
CA Wonder
Heirloom California Wonder peppers are thick-walled and blocky, about 4 inches tall and
wide, with a crisp, mild flavor and terrific sweetness. One of the best tasting sweet bell
peppers.They mature from green to red on the plant. If kept picked they will continue
producing throughout the growing season. Big harvests on 30 inch high plants. 70 days
Beauty (72)
Deep chocolate color. Excellent sweet flavor when fully ripe, average flavor when green.
70-75 days from transplant.
Golden Cal 78 days. Colorful golden bells that are very sweet and tasty. The productive plants produce
Wonder (108) early and are good for northern climates.
King of the
North (216)
The best red bell pepper we know for northern gardeners where the seasons are cool and
short. 70 days
Orange Bell
Blocky bell peppers have thick walls and excellent flavor. Heavy yielding. Can also be
eaten green. 90 days
Beauty (72)
Absolutely stunning purple bell pepper. Large 4-lobed, thick-walled fruits borne on sturdy
compact plants. Tender crisp texture, mild sweet flavor. 70-75 days from transplant.
WI Lakes
Developed in the 1960s at the UW Madison by Professor O. B. Combs. Great choice for an
early maturing bell pepper. Reliable yields of thick-walled, 4-6 oz. fruits that ripen from
green to red. 75-85 days from transplant.
Yankee Bell
New open pollinated bell pepper for Northern growers. Blocky, 3 to 4-lobed, medium size,
green to red fruits. Strongly branched with good cover. 60 days
Sweet Peppers
Creamy-yellow 8" bell-shaped peppers hold for weeks before turning to orange and then
red, extended harvest period. Best used when yellow or orange. Highly productive 16"
Sunshine (72)
plants. Remarkably dependable sweet pepper. 80-100 days from transplant.
Italian heirloom variety, excellent for frying, roasting, and fresh eating. Nine-inch long
Healthy (72) fruits ripen from green to shiny yellow. Sweet medium thick flesh and tender skin. 80 days
from transplant.
Long, avg. 2 1/2 inches, fruits are thick-walled and and ripen early to a dark crimson red.
Italia (31)
Sweet, full pepper flavor that expresses itself well in pasta sauces and stir-fries. 55-75 days.
A tomato shaped Ohio heirloom from the family of Nick Rini. Keeps for an extended period
pimento (72) when refrigerated. 70-80 days from transplant.
Medium Hot Peppers
Highly productive plants are loaded with thick walled cherry-type peppers. One of the best
Alma Paprika
varieties for drying and grinding for paprika, or for fresh eating. Ripens from cream-white
to orange to red. 70-80 days from transplant.
The standard Mexican variety for sauces and stuffing, excellent for chiles rellenos. GreenAncho
black heart-shaped fruits measure 4" long. Referred to as poblanos when fresh and anchos
Gigantea (52)
when ripened to red and dried. Distinctive rich flavor. 90 days from transplant.
Hungarian heirloom brought to Beaver Dam, Wisconsin in 1912. Fruits are mildly hot
Beaver Dam
when seeded. 80 days from transplant.
Nineteenth century African American heirloom first offered by William Woys Weaver
Plants have beautiful variegated foliage; 3" long fruits are striped and colorful.
Fish (36)
Traditionally used in oyster and crab houses around Chesapeake Bay. 80 days from
NUMEX Suave New variety from the Chile Pepper Institute, this pepper has all the wonderful flavor of a
habanero but with very little heat, only about 800 Scoville Units. 95 days.
Orange (36)
Pasillo Bajio 78 days. Mild-sweet-hot, fruit is dark green, turning brown as it ripens. This pepper is used
in Mexican "mole" sauces
TAM Jalapeno 70 days A very tasty mild Jalapeno type, with the same delicious flavor, developed at
Texas A&M University (TAM).
Very nice flavor, used extensively in the local cuisine as a seasoning pepper. Fruits are
Seasoning (16) slightly variable, a good variety for pots. 90 days from transplant.
Hot Peppers
(Capsicum baccatum) Originally from Curico, Chile. Very heavy set of 3½" long fruits on
Aji Crystal (36) large 3' plants. Waxy fruits ripen light green to yellow to reddish-orange. Excellent spicy
citrus flavor is best when immature, great for salsa. 90 days from transplant.
Highly ornamental in the field and on the plate! Green foliage is highlighted by purple
veins and beautiful purple flowers. Sturdy plants grow 30- 36" tall. Produces 3-4" fruits
Hungarian (36)
similar in shape to a jalapeno, but black in color ripening to red. Mild heat. 60-80 days
TEighteen-inch plants produce abundant crops of 3" long fruits that ripen to yellowBulgarian
orange, quite hot yet fruity. Crunchy flesh adds color and sizzle to chutneys and salsas.
Carrot (36)
Excellent when roasted. 70-80 days from transplant.
Caribbean Red An extremely spicy version of the habanero pepper, clocks in at up to 445,000 Scoville
units. Plants start small, but grow into big bushes.70-110 days.
Early jalapeno Large sausage-shaped, blunt fruits mature early; dark green changing to red. Earlier, but
lower yielding. 60 days from transplant
from the Central African Republic. Habanero-type peppers with delicious citrus flavor and
Fatali (36)
few seeds. Three inch long golden-orange fruits. 90 days from transplant. Sizzling hot!
Cultivated by the Pennsylvania Dutch since the 1880s; name translates as chicken heart.
Hinkelhatz (36) Traditionally used for pickling and making pepper vinegar. Small fruits (¾" wide by 1-2"
long) ripen from green to glossy red. 80-90 days from transplant.
Productive plants have clusters of ¾" round fruits that ripen from deep green to bright red.
Joe's round (36)
Great for pickling or for fresh salsa. Very Hot!
Peruvian seasoning pepper. Bright yellow, conical, crinkly fruits are ½" wide by 2½" long,
Lemon drop
very few seeds, 15 or less per pepper. Intensely hot, citrus flavor. 90-100 days from
(Capsicum chinense) This uniquely colored habanero showed up as an off-type in the
garden of SSE member James Weaver of Kutztown, Pennsylvania. Productive 32" plants
Habanero (36) produce fruits that ripen from light green with a tinge of purple to mustard orange to
bright orange. Not for the timid! 95-100 days from transplant.
Loaded with Orange cayenne-type peppers. Great for container growing. Can dry and use
Orange Thai
for seasoning. 80-90 days from transplant.
78 days from transplanting. There is a reason you see so many recipes for Mexican or hot
food using Serrano Tampiqueño peppers; they have a distinctive hot flavor excellent for
many dishes. Plants are big — 2' to 3' wide and tall and will be dripping with hot
Serrano (72)
peppers.6,000-23,000 Scoville Heat Units (medium-hot to hot).
The traditional pepper of Tunisia. Large red, tapering pods have a wonderful hot flavor,
but tend to get more mild with cooking. Delicious flavor that is perfect with couscous and
Baklouti (36)
other north African dishes.Heat lower than a jalapeno and nice sweetness!
Large Tomatoes (8 ounce or larger)
Plant produces good yields of extra large 1 lb meaty tomatoes. Tomatoes turn dark red
when mature. Delicious, rich, slightly acidic tomato flavors. 87 days.
70 days. blemish free, large, and very tasty, pink oxheart tomatoes.These tomatoes are just
Anna's Russian
gorgeous, and will make you feel like a pro. Fruits are up to a pound each and are crack
Large beefsteak fruits weigh one pound or more. Sweet juicy flesh with a hint of spiciness.
Aunt Ruby's
Ready to harvest when soft to the touch and yellow-green in color. Indeterminate, 80-95
German (36)
days from transplant.
Russian heirloom imported by SSE and offered to members in 1996. Described by one
SSE member as “the ugliest, most delicious tomato I’ve ever grown.” Good yields of
Black from
brownish-red slightly flattened globes weighing up to 14 ounces. Rich full flavor, great for
Tula (36)
slicing and canning. Indeterminate, 75-85 days from transplant.
Beefsteak fruits are a unique combination of violetbrown and purple-red—they turn
Black Krim (72) almost black with sufficient sunlight and heat. Excellent full flavor. Indeterminate, 70-90
days from transplant.
Not the original, but the most commonly available of the brandywines. Large potato leaf
vines produce large pink beefsteak fruits up to 2 pounds. Incredibly rich, delightfully
Pink (72)
intense tomato flavor. Indeterminate, 90-95 days from transplant.
The original Brandywine introduced by Johnson and Stokes in 1889 from seeds they
received from a customer in Ohio. Named after Brandywine Creek in Chester County,
Pennsylvania. Large vines produce deep red 8-12 ounce fruits. Excellent flavor. Very
Red (72)
productive. Indeterminate, 80 days from transplant.
This is an open pollinated variety developed from the hybrid of the same name. ExtraCarolina Gold
large, smooth fruit brings sunny glow to salads and dishes. Firm, meaty flesh; sweet mild
OP (72)
flavor! Determinate plant.
Cuoro de Toro 89 days. good yields of large 2 lb pinkish-red Oxheart type tomatoes. Very meaty.
Excellent for making paste, sauce, puree, and canning.
85 days. Lycopersicon esculentum. Plant produces good yields of huge 2 lb to 5 lb dark
Giant Belgium pink beefsteak tomatoes. Tomatoes are very sweet, are meaty, and turn dark pink when
mature. A low acidity tomato that is excellent for salads, sandwiches, and canning. So
huge you only need one slice per sandwich. A heirloom variety from Ohio, USA.
This well-named giant produces large, 12 oz. to 2 lbs., firm, meaty, heart-shaped fruits
Giant Oxheart
with thick walls, few seeds and a mild flavor. The vigorous vines produce high yields of
fruits that mature late but are well worth the wait!
Lincoln (72)
85 days. Plant produces good yields of large 2 lb orange-yellow beefsteak tomatoes with
red and pink streaks. Very flavorful. Excellent for salads and sandwiches. A heirloom
from West Virginia, USA
(AKA Korol Gigantov) Big yield, big taste, and large fruits. Round red fruits up to 2 lbs,
King of Giants
sweet, keep well, good for salads and canning. Up to 17 lbs per plant. Russian commercial
variety introduced by Andrey Baranovski of Minsk, Belarus
Anoother famous Heirloom, said to have paid off the mortgage on the farm. Exceptionally
Mortgage lifter
meaty and typically crack-free. Great old-fashioned tomato flavor. Indeterminate, 80-90
days from transplant.
85 days. Perfect for making white tomato sauces. Routinely weighing in at over a pound
Old German
and a half, delicious and beautiful with succulent, meaty fruit and golden streaked, reddish
skin. Indeterminate.
70 days. Lovely deep-pink fruits weigh up to 1 lb. They are early for such large fruit.
Prudens Purple
Similar to Brandywine in size and having the same sweet, rich taste. Vivid dark pink skin
with crimson flesh that resist cracking. Potato-leaved plants.
This heirloom tomato dates back 100 years. HUGE, 1-2 lb., pink, beefsteak tomatoes that
are lightly scalloped and loaded with deliciously rich and complex, old-time tomato
Beefsteak (72)
flavors. Indeterminate. 75 days.
Hillbilly (36)
Medium Tomatoes (5-7 ounces)
Green fruits with deep green zebra stripes. Sweet zingy flavor. Very productive plants.
Indeterminate, 75-80 days from transplant.
90 days. This short potato leaf plant yields prolific quantities of 6 oz. fruit that looks like a
beautiful mahogany-colored Bartlett pear with greenish shoulders. Very tasty flesh with a
meaty core that produces luscious fruit all summer long. 67 days
Uniform bright orange globes with solid flesh, few seeds, and mild sweetness. Excellent
keeper. Indeterminate, 85 days from transplant.
A prolific, rare, Russian tomato variety. Beautiful, smooth, round, "black" tomatoes that are
dark mohagany with dark grey-green shoulders. Nyagous is a wonderfully firm and
Nyagous (36)
blemish-free, 6 oz. tomato with lots of sweet, complex fruit flavors and a clean acidic finish.
Up to 6 fruits to a cluster. 76 days.
85 days. Fruits are shaped like bell peppers and completely hollow - as easy to stuff as your
favorite bell! 5 to 7 oz. red fruits have conspicuous golden- orange stripes, and classic
Stuffer (36)
tomato taste.
Variety preferred bymany Farmer's Market growers. Dependable production. Flattened red
Sunrise (72)
globes.Verticillium Wilt, Fusarium Wilt resistant. 6-12 oz. Determinate.
Originally bred by J.C. Walker of the Univ. of Wisconsin in the 1940's. 4-8 oz, red, round
WI 55 (108) fruit, highly productive, uniform size, strong skin and wonderful flavor makes this ideal for
cooking, canning, salads and shipping.
Green Zebra
Black Trifele
Early Tomatoes (mature in less than 65 days, all are red and most are small)
Excellent for those short-season summers. Pear-shaped, bright red plums produce abundant
Alaska Fancy
yields to satisfy your salad and canning needs for the season. Fruits are 2" x 1-1/2" and weigh
about 2 oz. each.
62 days. A wonderful, compact and prolific, short bushy plant that grows to 3 feet, yields
huge amounts of very early producing 8 oz. beefsteak tomatoes in clusters. A very popular
variety for shorter growing regions.
60 days. Fruits are early, deep red, and cold tolerant. Rich flavor. Smooth and globe-shaped,
4-6 oz.
60 days. Sought after for its ability to set fruit in cool weather and produce firm, deep red,
Scotia (19)
globe shaped tomatoes with good flavor. The 4 ounce fruit bear on a determinate vine.
Dwarf sprawling plants with very early fruit set. Eggshaped 2-3" fruits with good strong
Siberian (36)
flavor. Determinate, 57-60 days from transplant.
Traditional Russian variety with distinctive carrotlike silvery-gray foliage on compact 24"
Silvery fir
plants. Heavy crops of round, slightly flattened 3-3½" red fruits.58 days
Tree (16)
Paste Tomatoes (meaty flesh, with few seeds, usually more acidic)
Bright red 8-12 ounce fruits vary in shape from oxheart to rounded plum. 85 days from
This fun and tasty tomato is similar in shape and color to a small banana. Banana Legs is
very prolific, low acid taste, meaty and is averaging 1½ inches in diameter by 3-4 inches in
Banana Legs
Produces over a long season. Sun bright yellow, meaty, banana-shaped fruits that are great
for slicing into salads. Makes an excellent paste or ketchup.
Plant produces good yields of 6 oz red tomatoes. TFor making ketchup, puree, and sauces.
Heinz 1439
Crack resistant. Determinate. VFA resistance. 70 days from transplant.
VFA (72)
2 1/2 to 3-inch long red fruit, shape varies from a banana shape to a heart-shape. Excellent
Hog Heart
sweet flavors with moderately juicy flesh. A top paste tomato for sauces. 86 days
This New Jersey canning variety is on the verge of extinction! Large, 6-inch long, pepperJersey Giant
shaped fruit are packed with great tomato flavor. Delicious fresh from the garden. Their
large size makes them a snap to can.
Italian heirloom with pretty rugose (puckered) foliage. Very heavy set of mild 2-3 ounce
fruits perfectly suited for making sauce, salsa, and paste.75 days from transplant
Roma (72)
Rio Grande Large plant produces high yields of large size red tomatoes. Great for salads and
sandwiches, or making sauces and puree. determinate. 75 days
It's rare to find a pure-yellow, banana-shaped tomato, and even more difficult to find one
with superior flavor. Roman Candle satisfies on both counts. Paste-type fruits, 4 to 6" long,
Candle (36) are very meaty and flavorful with brilliant yellow skin and white flesh. An excellent choice
for salsas and sauces. 80 days.
AKA as San Marzano Bush, early and produces all its fruit over a 1 to 2 week period on
San Marzano
average. Especially favored by those looking to can all their tomatoes at once or for market
Nano (72)
growers looking for a short easy picking period. 75 days.
85 days. Plant produces heavy yields of red plum shaped tomatoes. This variety has the real
tomato favor that makes excellent sauces and salsas. The tomatoes can be easily shaken
from the plants when mature.
Grown since the early 1900s by Lithuanian immigrants in Sheboygan, Wisconsin. Pink
pastetype 4-6 ounce fruits. great for canning. Indeterminate, 80 days from transplant.
Amish paste
Small Tomatoes (1-4 ounce tomatoes)
80 days tomato heavy producer of 1 1/2 to 2-inch, delicate, fuzzy-like-a-peach, pale-yellow
juicy, tomatoes with wonderful, slightly-spicy, very fruity-sweet flavors. Harvest is good all
the way to frost.
Indigo Rose 75 days. Indigo Rose develops a dark purple pigment in its skin where exposed to direct
sunlight. 1-2 oz., cocktail-sized tomatoes have good flavor with 'plummy' overtones.
Peach (36)
Cherry Tomatoes (1-3 ounce tomatoes in clusters)
Small, pink, 2 oz. oval cherries seem to last forever on the vine without rotting or losing
flavor. Flesh is very firm, mild and sweet, perfect for sauces, salads and for drying. Up to 6
Amish Salad
blemish-free fruits per cluster, with many clusters on large plants that have heavy, regular(72)
leaf foliage cover not typical of cherry varieties. Well-suited to both fresh market and home
Brown Berry The first brownish-red cherry tomato available to gardeners. A great color addition to salads.
Excellent sweet juicy flavor, very heavy producer. Indeterminate, 75 days from transplant.
Dancing with Stunning purple/blue tomatoes that turn purple/black/red when completely ripe. Small blue
Smurfs (48) cherry tomato borne in clusters of 6-8. Very heavy producer.True tomato flavor.78-85 days.
An different species than other tomatoes. This Solanum pimpinellifolium variety produces
literally thousands of flavorful, pea-sized golden fruit for month after month, that do not
Currant (36)
drop. Loved by children and adults alike. 76 days.
Green Grape Unique olive yellow 1" cherry tomatoes on very productive plants. Addictive spicy sweet
flavor. Determinate, 80-90 days.
Elongated green-when-ripe cherry. Darker green striping creates a distinctive appearance.
Green Tiger
Green Tiger has the greenish-yellow flesh color and bold, sweet and acidic flavor typical of
green-when-ripe varieties.
Isis Candy Rich, sweet, fruity flavor. Plants are loaded with 1½" fruits in clusters of 6-8. 70-80 days
from transplant.
Hundreds of dark red cherry tomatoes on each plant. Huge tomato flavor for such small
fruits. Great for salads or selling in pints. Plants produce throughout the entire growing
Midget (72)
season. Indeterminate, 60-70 days.
Purple, round cherry tomato with metallic green striping. Excellent sweet flavor. Purple
Bumble bee is an eyecatching combination of the dusky purple seen in heirloom tomatoes
Bumble Bee
with metallic green striping. Great mixed with the other Artisan varieties. 20-25 gm. fruits.
Sunrise Bumble Bee is a gorgeous combinations of yellows and reds, inside and out.
Bumble Bee Excellent sweet and tangy flavor. Great in mixes with the other Artisan varieties. 20-25 gm.
fruits. Indeterminate.
Deliciously sweet. Perfect for salads. Bite-sized tomatoes, deliciously sweet, are produced on
Sweetie (72) vigorous plants. Fruits are good size for eating out of hand, or for salads. 65-70 days from
Early and high yielding, with masses upon masses of miniature yellow fruits, up to 75 per
cluster. Plants naturally stop growing at 5 to 6 ft. and have three or four trusses per plant.
Yellow Pear
Grape-shaped with the occasional pear, and always firm and sweet with a tiny bit of tartness.
Yummy in salads or as a garnish on summer plates-you'll be inspired to think of many uses
for this fantastic garden performer.
Vigorous plant with dense spikes of light purple flowers enclosed in showy deep purple bracts,
making for an especially fine appearance in pots or in the garden. Heavy fragrance with spicy
vanilla overtones that makes a pleasant contribution to both fruit salads and savory dishes.
Beautiful blue star-shaped flowers hang in clusters. The leaves are covered with stiff white
hairs that give the plant a wooly appearance. Bees love the abundant bright flowers, which are
Borage (36)
great for floating in cool drinks at summer parties. Plants grow 2-3' tall and self-sow readily.
No Mexican meal is complete without this multi-purpose herb. The fresh leaves are called
cilantro, and the seeds are used as a spice called coriander. We like to make successive
Cilantro (72)
sowings to ensure a continuous supply. Slow bolting strain. 50-55 days to first leaf harvest, 90120 days for seed. Annual, 1-2' tall.
A basil masquerading as a celosia, with tightly packed blooms glowing in cardinal red. Strong,
Cardinal Basil
deep burgundy stems hold the flowers above the smooth, bright green leaves, ensuring a
vibrant show throughout the summer even as you continue harvesting fresh leaves.
Graceful plants are 12–20" tall with endless masses of 1" attractive daisy-like flowers that can
be used to make a relaxing tea with a sweet fruity fragrance.
Zesty lime flavor and aroma. Delicious in salads, salsa, and fish and chicken dishes. Compact,
Lime Basil (72)
mounding plants average 20" in height. More heat tolerant than sweet basil.
A traditional Genovese-type basil, it will provide you with months of large, flavorful leaves for
Nufar Basil
cooking. This variety boasts large flavorful leaves and is a fusarium wilt resistant variety of
Sweet Basil!
Good for garnishes or as an ornamental garden plant. Small percentage of plants are green. 3"
Red Rubin
long leaves. Ht. 16-20".
Basil (72)
Suberbo Basil When you picture Genovese-type basil, this is it. Superbo is very uniform, has excellent color,
and the leaves are thick and downturned. 68 days.
Sweet Thai
Green, 2 inch long leaves have a spicy anise-clove flavor. Ht. 12-18 inches.
Basil (72)
Blue Spice
Basil (72)
Amaranthus tricolor AKA known as Tandaljo or Tandalja bhaji in India, callaloo in the
Caribbean and Joseph's coat in the US and Europe. Mix of different colors: green with
creamy top leaves, rose-red to chocolate brown, and brilliant red-orange to yellow.
Poinsettia Mix (36) Superb in the border, where it reaches about 2 feet in height. The leaves may be eaten
as a salad vegetable as well as the stems. In Africa, it is usually cooked as a leafy
vegetable. It is usually steamed as a side dish in both China and Japan.
Great ornamental grass for children and adults alike. It is hard to resist touching the
fluffy flower head, as soft as a bunny’s tail! Easy to grow, very drought tolerant once
Bunny tails (72)
established. Dwarf habit. Annual, 6-12" tall.
(Anthemis tinctoria) (aka Dyer's Chamomile) Easy-to-grow bushy plants covered with
bright golden-yellow 2" daisies above fern-like foliage. Long-lasting cut flower. Plants
grow 18-24" and can be divided in the spring. Perennial in zones 3-7.
Kelway's (108)
Eyecatching mats of succulent chartreuse foliage. Attractive sprays of pink flowers
followed by ruby-orange seedpods. Great filler for any border or container. Tolerates
Jewels of Opar
dry conditions. Self-sows readily. Tender perennial grown as an annual in the North,
24" tall.
Beautiful silvery-grey felt-like foliage with spikes of tiny purplish flowers. A favorite
in Heritage Farm's perennial border. Absorbent leaves were used by settlers to bandage
Lambs Ears (72)
wounds. Cut off stalks when blossoms fade for a second bloom in late summer. Grows
18-24" tall. Perennial in zones 4-9.
Spilanthes sp. Bright, solid-yellow flower heads the shape of gum drops.Commonly
known as toothache plant. Contains a natural analgesic which numbs the tongue and
Lemon Drops
gums, relieving toothache pain. The full, mounding habit is perfect for containers and
bed plantings. Heat tolerant.
Love Lies Bleeding Long red ropelike seed-bearing trusses give plants an ornamental and graceful
appearance. Great for long-lasting displays. Tender annual, 3-4' tall.
(Zaluzianskya capensis) (aka Midnight Candy) Easy-to-grow annual from South
Night Phlox (36) Africa. Blooms open in the evening releasing their sweet, honey-like fragrance. Plant
close to your patio to enjoy fully. Does well in pots. Annual, 12-14" tall.
AKA Spanish Tarragon or Mexican Mint Marigold. Beautiful glossy leaves with small
Sweet Mace (108) anise-scented orange flowers that look like tiny marigolds. Substitute for tarragon.
Plants grow 12-24" tall.
(Tithonia rotundifolia) (aka Mexican Sunflower) Fiery orange 2-3" flowers attract lots
of butterflies all summer long until frost. A favorite because of its extended bloom
Torch (72)
period. Nice for fresh arrangements. Branching plants grow 4-6' tall. Annual, 60 days.
Dwarf plants loaded with multiple blooms that have pointed golden petals and green
Sunflower, Irish
centers. One of the best for container gardening and cutting. Plants grow 4' tall.
Eyes (36)
Annual, 60 days.
Sunflower, Lemon Produces an abundance of multiple blooms with large lemonyellow petals and dark
chocolate centers. Sturdy plants grow up to 10' tall. Annual, 75 days.
Queen (36)
Japanese heirloom. Plants grow 5-6' tall with large 10-12" heads and short goldenSunflower, Taiyo
yellow petals. Huge centers are covered with chocolate-colored velvet reminiscent of
fur. Always a favorite. 70 days.
Beautiful double 4-6" golden-yellow blooms are great for cut flowers. Makes an
Sunflower, Teddy
excellent border in front of larger sunflowers. A favorite with children. Dwarf plants
Bear (36)
grow only 18-24" tall. Annual, 75 days.
Exciting chartreuse-green blooms. They are very unique and the beautiful flowers are 3
Zinnia, Envy (72)
inches across.
A gift to Seed Savers Exchange from breeders at the Moscow branch of the Vavilov
Zinnia, Gift (72) InstituteUpright 3' plants, 3-4" flowers (both singles and doubles) are brilliant red with
an occasional orange blossom. Annual.
A&C Pickling
Cucumber (72)
Cucumber (20)
Blonde (16)
Early Fortune
Cucumber (52)
high yields of 8" to 10" long dark green cucumbers. They hold their dark color for a long
time. A heirloom variety introduced in 1928 by Abbott & Cobb of Philadelphia. Excellent
pickling variety. 55 days.
Heavily ribbed, light green cukes with mild, sweet taste. The fruit grows very long and is
best eaten when 24" long and less than 2½" across.70 days.
Heirloom from the Boothby family of Livermore, Maine. Heavy producer of oval,
creamy yellow, warty fruits with black spines. Excellent crisp sweet flavor, no need to
peel. Best when eaten at 4" long. Very good for bread and butter pickles. 55-60 days.
a very productive and disease resistant cucumber. This cucumber was introduced in 1910
This is a very productive and reliable garden cucumber with rich, dark green spiny skin
and firm, pure white flesh. The flesh has very few seeds and a clean taste. 60 days.
Japanese in origin; listed by Thorburn in 1892. A distinct climbing sort with strong
grasping tendrils, ideal for growing on a trellis or fence but can also be grown on the
ground. Tender, crisp, and slightly tart fruit up to 9" long. Excellent for both slicing and
pickling. 58-65 days.
This rightly popular variety is a consistent producer of delicious, mildly sweet cucumbers
Marketmore (36) with dark green, protective skin. The plants are highly disease-resistant and produce over
a long season in hot or cool weather. A selection from Marketmore 76.
60 days. An early, very productive pickling cucumber, Wautoma is a consistent standout
in our trials. Developed by the USDA, it produces huge crops of wonderful 4-5 inch
Wautoma (36) picklers, often of better quality than the hybrids. Four to five foot plants resist nearly all
cucumber diseases! Delightfully bitter-free and burpless, Wautoma has been tested for
brining quality to ensure your pickling success.
Black Beauty
Pandora Striped
Rose (72)
Ping Tung Long
74 days Large bell-shaped fruits range from 1-3 lbs and have a slight signature ribbing.
Medium to thick skin is deep purple, and glossy when mature.
teardrop-shaped fruit are a lovely lilac-rose color with thin white stripes. Strong,
thornless plants give heavy yields; tender and delicious. 80 days.
Beautiful heirloom from Pingtung, Taiwan. Slender fruits up to 12" long with shiny dark
lavender skin. Hardy, vigorous, disease resistant plants. 65-75 days from transplant.
An old heirloom. Brought to Saskatchewan by Russian immigrants. Does well in cool
northern climates. Round fruits up to 10" in diameter, 4-10 pounds. A rare treat with
sweet white flesh, exceptional flavor. Pale green skin with dark stripes. Very thin rind,
must be handled with care—strictly garden to table. 80-85 days.
This very small, very early heirloom was introduced in Minnesota in 1948. Measuring
just 4inches across, they have sweet, orange flesh and are perfect miniature versions of
Minnesota Midget
the "Classic Muskmelon". Compact, 3-4-foot vines produce good yields. I fondly
Muskmelon (36)
remember these as the only melons our family could get to ripen in Charlo, Montana,
about 20 years ago.
An original from Seed Savers. The 15 inch dark green oval fruits are covered with peaMoon & Stars
sized bright yellow "stars" and usually one larger "moon." Foliage is also spotted. The
Watermelon (36)
fruits have sweet pink flesh and brown seeds. 88–90 days.
A fabulous Midwest heirloom introduced in 1937 by the Robert Buist Company.
Heavy yields of football-shaped 4-8 pound muskmelons. Hardshelled with firm sweet
Pride of Wisconsin
flesh. Great old-fashioned flavor associated with roadside stand melons. If you can
Muskmelon (36)
only grow one melon and do not want to be disappointed, this is the variety to grow.
90-100 days.
Watermelon (36)
Squash and Gourds
Birdhouse gourds are easiest to grow and require the least amount of growing season
Birdhouse Gourd
(95 days). They need light and well drained soil. Light-green fruits with rounded necks
and bowls grow 14" tall and 12" in diameter. Dried gourds make excellent birdhouses.
Striking green and white striped fruits avg. 7-25 lb. Great for cooking. Big white fruit
Green Striped
Cushaw Pumpkin with small green stripes. Oblong shape with crooked necks and bulbous bottoms. A
Native American squash that has an ancient history. 95 days.
95 days One of the sweetest squash varieties in existence. Oblong, Delicata-shaped
Honey Boat
squash have tan skin with green stripes. Excellent quality and produces early.
Delicata (36)
Developed by Dr. James Baggett, Oregon State University.
An heirloom French “summer pumpkin” or round summer squash from Provence,
Ronde de Nice
traditionally eaten when very small and tender. Can be grown as a “fall pumpkin” but
Squash (36)
the rind is not intensely orange. Beautiful large leaves mottled with silver. 50-55 days.
50 days. An old favorite heirloom summer squash, this is one of the oldest types of
squash dating back to pre-Columbus times and has been popular ever since. Easy to
Crookneck (36)
grow and good tasting.
In the province of Herrera in Panama this variety of squash is commonly grown around
Zapallo de Tula
the town of Tula. The necks of this squash are long and meaty and the flesh is of good
Squash (15)
baking or cooking quality. A favorite in Panama. A real beauty! 105 days.
Other Vegetables and Fruits
Improved Dutch strain of domesticated rocket. Very large, rounded leaves are high in
Arugula, Apollo
vitamin C. Excellent taste and rarely bitter. Will produce 3-5 cuttings per sowing if kept
well picked. 40-45 days.
Arugula, Sylvetta (aka Wild Rocket) A wild variety, smaller and slower to bolt than most cultivated sorts,
with tasty and more deeply serrated leaves. 45 days.
Italian heirloom introduced to U.S. gardeners in 1890. Compact 2-3' plants produce a 4"
Broccoli, DeCicco
central head. After the central head is cut, many side shoots will form. Very early, great
for freezing. 48-85 days from transplant.
With beautiful, apple-green whorled heads, this variety has been a culinary delight since
the 16th century. Romanesco is the preeminent Italian heirloom variety and was first
documented in Italy in the 16th century. Its crisp, beautiful apple-green whorled heads
Romanesco (36)
impart an altogether pleasing, nutty taste. Most often enjoyed raw, the broccoli, if lightly
cooked, will retain its flavor and unique texture.
70 days. Gorgeously crinkled, savoy-type leaves are produced within dense heads. These
are round to slightly flattened, and often weigh 3 pounds or more. This European
heirloom variety is seldom available in the US. Mainly grown for fresh use, and has been
Aubervilliers (36)
since the turn of the 20th century, when it was a favorite at Paris markets. Early, mild
flavor and tolerance to cold.
Introduced to the U.S. by German immigrants around 1840; listed in the 1924 catalog of
Cabbage, Late
D. M. Ferry & Co. Solid blue-green flat heads with white interior weigh 10-15 pounds.
Dutch (36)
Excellent for late fall or winter use. 100 days from transplant.
Beautiful, brilliant purple heads weigh 2-3 lbs and are of a fine, sweet flavor. The heads
Purple of Sicily cook to bright green. Insect-resistant variety that is easier to grow than many white
varieties; rich in minerals. A colorful heirloom.
Introduced to American gardeners in 1888 by Peter Henderson & Company. Smooth 6Cauliflower,
7" heads of tightly formed white curds are solid, crisp, and tender, excellent quality. Can
Snowball (36)
be over-wintered for early crops in warmer regions. 60-85 days from transplant.
Broad, dark green heads with creamy-white, blanched hearts that are heavenly in salads;
Endive, Frisée De
Large-headed, triple cut frisée. Good for summer & autumn crops. Big, self-blanching
Meaux (36)
hearts are more frost tolerant than lettuce. Pre-1885 French heirloom. Hard to find.
Not a blueberry, this is a plant in the tomato family (Solanum melanocerasum) Upright 3
foot branched plants produce hundreds of 3/4 inch purple-black berries in clusters. Best
when picked after berries turn from glossy to dull black. Tasteless when raw and
Huckleberry (36)
unsweetened, but can be made into delicious mock blueberry pies and preserves. Good
for freezing and canning. 75-80 days from transplant.
Native to eastern and central North America. Easy to grow, prolific, and super sweet.
Ground Cherry, Can be used for preserves, pies, over ice cream, or in fresh fruit salads. The ½-¾" fruits
Aunt Molly's (72) are encased in a papery husk that turns brown when the fruits ripen. Stores 3-4 weeks in
the husk. Productive plants have a sprawling habit. 70 days from transplant.
Stems are purple; leaves are flat, toothed, and dark green with purple veins. The plants
Kale, Red
mature medium-tall and leaves are tender compared to other kales. For salads and light
Russian (36)
Remarkably attractive dark green kale with red veined, frilly, tightly curled leaves.
Vigorous performer with good cold tolerance. Begin harvesting leaves when young, and
Kale, Scarlet (36)
allow plant to grow well into the early winter. 24-36" tall by 24" wide, 60 days from
This tasty Russian variety produces leaves that are only slightly frilled and of top
Kale, Siberian
quality. 16-inch plants are very hardy and productive.
Dwarf (36)
Purple-skinned above ground bulbs with crisp white flesh. Sweet turnip-like flavor.
Kohlrabi, Purple
Excellent raw or steamed. Best harvested at 2 ½" diameter. Slightly larger and later than
Vienna (72)
White Vienna. 55-70 days.
Pre-1860 variety. Pale green above ground globes with crisp white flesh. Sweet and mild
Kohlrabi, White
with a flavor reminiscent of turnips. Best harvested at 2 ½" diameter. Excellent raw or
Vienna (72)
steamed. 50-65 days.
Scottish variety from early 1800s. Enormous leeks that are 9-15" long by 2-3" in
Leeks, Giant
Musselburgh (21) diameter. Tender white stalks, dark bluegreen fan-shaped leaves. 80-150 days
Lettuce, mixed
A colorful mix of leafy heirloom varieties.
Light green medium-large plants that have wavy, frilled, deeply cut, light green
Lettuce, Seafresh
leaves. Nice uniformity. Perfect for cold-frames, greenhouse growing or in the garden
of course. Crisp, tend and tasty. Resistant to heat and slow to bolt, tipburn resistant.
This beautiful plant is not a true spinach but a different species (Basella rubra). This
heat-loving Vigorous climbing vines grow through summer into fall. Glossy, thick,
Spinach, Red
savoyed leaves resemble spinach. Dark green leaves and deep red/purple stems. Mild
Malabar (36)
Swiss chard taste. Use leaves and young stems sparingly in salads or stir-fries.
Hot pink stalks and ribs. Mild taste. Vivacious addition to the rainbow of Swiss Chard
Swiss Chard,
colors flaunts hot pink stalks and ribs in contrast with big bright green leaves. Easy to
Flamingo Pink
grow, mild-tasting, and has a crinkly texture.
A member of the beet family grown for its edible leaves and stalks. Deep crimson stalks
Swiss Chard
and leaf veins contrast beautifully with dark green heavily crumpled leaves. Ornamental
Rhubarb Red
and delicious, excellent in soups and stews. 50-60 days. Young Ruby Red plants may
bolt to seed if exposed to frosts; time sowings to avoid frost on seedlings.
Tomatillo, Dr.
Unique yellow tomatillo with contrasting purple blush (1½" diameter), delicious sweet
Wyche's Yellow
flavor. Very prolific and easy to grow. 90-100 days from transplant .
Tomatillo, Purple 70 days. This unusual deep purple tomatillo makes an ideal salsa with its sweet tart
flavor. The plant has striking purple veins in the leaves.
Caring for your transplants
Hardening off refers to the process of acclimating plants from indoor temperatures to the outdoors. Plants
grown in greenhouses or as seedlings in our kitchen window have been pampered. They need to be introduced
slowly to the elements of wind and intense sun.
Initially, put plants outdoors only for short periods of time, perhaps for a couple of hours. You'll want to set
them in a semi-shaded area of the yard. Gradually, increase the time plants are kept outdoors and increase their
exposure to sun. After 6 to 8 days, these plants will be ready for the outdoor life.
It's a good idea to transplant on a cloudy day, when the plants won't get full exposure to the hot sun on their first
day in the ground. When you transplant, arrange soil to provide support for stems. Let the water do most of the
work of settling soil around the roots. Tomatoes can be planted deep so that just the top leaves show, but most
other plants should be planted so the soil level does not cover the stem.
In this area, the average last day of frost is about May 10-16. That can vary considerably, however, so be aware
of the possibility of frost and be prepared to protect tender transplants. The use of floating row covers, watercontaining "walls 'o water," or similar other barriers can help with this problem.