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Unit 3 | Earth’s Internal Forces Study Guide Multiple Choice: Content & Concept Questions 1. What part of the earth’s structure make up tectonic plates? 2. Describe the geology and mechanisms that occur when an oceanic and a continental plate collide. 3. Describe the geology and mechanisms that occur when a continental and continental plate collide. 4. Explain why the three volcanos have distinctive shapes. 5. Explain the process of determining the distance a seismograph is from the epicenter. 6. Be able to identify a hanging wall and a footwall for a fault block diagram. 7. Be able to determine the fault type based on a fault block diagram 8. What stress causes each type of earthquake? What does each stress do to the rock? 9. Be able to interpret a travel time curve graphic. a. Be able to identify a P wave and S wave on a seismogram 10. Describe how seismic waves (P and S) travel through the earth’s interior structure. a. Consider velocity changes 11. What observations tend to signal a volcanic eruption? 12. Compare felsic and ma韑�c lava. 13. Describe the geology of a hot spot volcano and a subduction volcano. 14. Compare oceanic and continental crusts. 15. How does the age of rocks relate to the distance from the sea 韑�oor spreading? 16. Interpret a seismogram: what measurements must be made to 韑�nd the distance of the epicenter? 17. Interpret a seismogram: what measurements must be made to determine the magnitude of an earthquake? 18. Based on a series of seismograms can you determine the relative distances for each? a. Compared to each other… which is farthest… closest 19. Explain the concept of paleomagnetism and sea韑�oor spreading. 20. How does a volcanic eruption in韑�uence the global climate? 21. Be able to determine which faults are caused by which stress. 22. Be able to draw the mantle movement for a divergent boundary? Can you draw it for a convergent boundary? 23. Make an inference on a graphic table. 24. Describe mantle convection and where it is located? a. Where does the heat come from that powers convection? b. Where does this heat travel to? What happens? 25. Be able to determine the age of rocks in relation to the boundary 26. Explain the geology of the formation of the Rocky Mountains. 27.Very similar to #24… Be able to organize the processes of mantle convection. 28. Be able to align sea韑�oor spreading polarity between two di韣�erent sides of the mid ocean ridge. 29. Be able to interpret a graphic. 30. Explain how a hot spot functions in relation to the tectonic plate. a. Which one is moving? What is the e韣�ect of the movement? 31. Describe the geology of an oceanic plate colliding with another oceanic plate. 32. Be able to identify the layers of the earth a. Be able to determine the physical state of that layer b. Be able to identify the composition of that layer 33. Same as #32 34. Be able to identify a hot spot on a map of the world. 35. Based on a reading be able to answer a question about the Moon’s tectonics (or lack of) 36. Based on a reading be able to answer a content question from the reading a. Make an inference 37.Explain the geologic features and the tectonic forces that result in the San Andreas Fault. 38. Explain how the Richter Scale works? What it means? Compare a 3 to an 8. 39. Compare the focus of an earthquake to the epicenter of the earthquake. 40. Explain the geology you would expect from a collision of tectonic plates… one is continental and the other is oceanic. What if both were continental? What if both were oceanic? 41. Be able to describe and label the types of eruptions from each volcano type: cinder, composition and shield. Practical Problems: Skills 42. Be able to plot points on a graph paper (points will come from a data table. 43. Based on a graph showing the velocities of seismic waves traveling through the earth’s interior be able to explain why they change? 44. Be able to determine the distance of the epicenter based on seismograms and graphics. 45. Be able to determine the magnitude of an earthquake based on seismograms and graphics.