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Chapter 16
Slavery Divides the Nation
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Opposing Slavery
Quakers taught that it was a sin for one to own
Anti-slavery reformers became known
as “Abolitionists”
Best known Abolitionists
Frederick Douglass
 He was born into slavery
William Lloyd Garrison
The Grimke’ Sisters
The Underground Railroad
A secret network of abolitionists that helped slaves escape
It had “conductors” and “stations”
Harriet Tubman was the most famous escapee
 She led 300 slaves to safety
 Considered the “Black Moses”
 Slave owners offered $40,000 for her capture
A North vs. South mentality was created
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Underground Railroad Network
 Three places that most slaves escaped to:
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Slavery Crosses the Nation
 In 1819, there were 11 free states & 11 slave states
 Missouri wanted to join the nation as a slave state
 Henry Clay proposed the Missouri Compromise
He proposed a line in the Louisiana Territory of where slavery
could exist & only Missouri could cross it
Missouri join as a slave state & Maine join as a free state
 What about the territories
Many felt that every place should have “Popular Sovereignty”
The freedom for every place to
chose for themselves
 In 1849 there were 15 free &
15 slave states
But what about California?
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Compromise of 1850
 Compromise of 1850 (5 parts to it)
Made a strict fugitive slave law to return slaves to owners
A fugitive is a runaway slave
Broke the Mexican Cession into two territories
California entered in as a free state
Ended slavery in
Washington D.C.
Settled a border dispute
between Texas & New
Utah & New Mexico with each deciding for themselves
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Response to the Fugitive Issue
 In 1850, they created the Fugitive Slave Act
 Anyone caught helping a slave escape would be fine $1000
 Everyone would be required to help catch runaway slaves
 Many Northerners felt that this made them part of the slavery
Judges would be given $10 for returning slaves & $5 for
setting them free
 Harriet Beecher Stowe writes book called “Uncle Tom’s
A sad story about a slave named Tom
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Kansas-Nebraska Act
 Senator Stephan A. Douglas did not want another free
He proposed the Nebraska Territory be broken into two
 Nebraska –Free
 Kansas –Slave
 This made the North mad
 It was already decided in the
Missouri Compromise that slavery
would not exist north of the
Missouri Compromise Line
 Ruling was to decide by Popular Sovereignty
 Everyone rushed into Kansas
 Set up two governments
 Became known as bleeding Kansas
 Guerrilla Warfare
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Dred Scott Case
 Dred Scott was a slave
 He and his owner moved to Wisconsin
Territory where slavery was not allowed
 Then they moved back to Missouri
 Later, Dred Scott’s owner died
 Abolitionist lawyers helped Dred Scott file a lawsuit
stating that he was free
This case became known as Dred Scott v. Sandford
Court ruled that Dred Scott could not file a lawsuit as a
slave because he was not a citizen, he was property
They also ruled that congress could not outlaw slavery in
territories, thus the Missouri Compromise was
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Creation of Today’s Republicans
 A group of anti-slavery people met in
Michigan to keep slavery out of the
 Called themselves Republicans
 The party grew quickly
 They selected John C. Fremont to
run for President
 James Buchanan won
 In 1858, Abraham Lincoln ran for the senate against
Stephen A. Douglas
 Lincoln Douglas Debates were over slavery
Lincoln gave very stirring arguments against slavery
Lincoln give the “House Divided” speech
Douglas won the election by a slim margin
 In 1860, Lincoln became the presidential candidate
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Part of Lincoln’s House Divided Speech
 A house divided against itself cannot stand. I
believe this government cannot endure,
permanently, half slave and half free. I do not
expect the Union to be dissolved — I do not
expect the house to fall — but I do expect it
will cease to be divided. It will become all one
thing or all the other. Either the opponents of
slavery will arrest the further spread of it, and
place it where the public mind shall rest in the
belief that it is in the course of ultimate
extinction; or its advocates will push it forward,
till it shall become alike lawful in all the States,
old as well as new — North as well as South
Slide 11
John Brown’s Raid
 John Brown took his anti-slavery
crusade from Kansas to Harper’s Ferry Virginia
(now W.Va.)
He raided a federal arsenal
of weapons to give to slaves
No slave uprising took place
Robert E. Lee captured Brown
He later got hung
 Was he a hero or Villain?
Many in the North thought of him as a hero for
standing up for his beliefs
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Election of 1860
 The Democrats in the north did not
want slavery in the territories
-chose Stephen Douglas
 The Democrats in the south did
-chose John Beckinridge
 Result: The party split in two
 Abraham Lincoln ran as a Republican
 He won easily
 10 states in the south would not even put his
name on the ballot
Southern votes didn’t even matter
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Election of 1860
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The Southern Secession
 South Carolina’s governor wrote all southern
governors that if Lincoln is elected, they must
 Congress made last efforts to save
the Union
Bill for unamendable amendment
allowing slavery in the south
 Bill to extend Missouri Compromise to the Pacific
 South believed that if you put an abolitionist in the
White House then it is time for them to go
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The Confederacy
 Dec. 20, 1860, South Carolina was the first to secede
 By late Feb., 1861, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana,
Mississippi & Texas seceded
 At a convention at Montgomery, Alabama the seven state
formed a new nation called the Confederate States of
Elected Jefferson Davis as President
Set up capital in Richmond, VA
 Lincoln said no state has the right to leave the
He said that no shot would be fired unless fired on
Many slave states had not seceded
 Eventually four did not secede
Slide 16
Attack on Fort Sumter
 Most Union soldiers left the federal posts in
the south & the south took possession of them
 Only a few forts remained
 The South wanted Fort Sumter, South Carolina
because it protected Charleston
 The commander refused to surrender it
 Many people watched as they attacked the fort not
realizing that this battle was
the start of the Civil War
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