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Mythology Jeopardy GH
100- Perseus beheads this terrible creature, whose looks turn men to stone. Medusa
200- Perseus defeats this awful sea monster with just his sword and shield. The Kraken
300- Perseus is son to this Great Olympian. Zeus
400- After his quest, Perseus marries this beautiful princess. Andromeda
500- Perseus is son to this unfortunate damsel, who is locked in a tower by her own father. Danae
The Twelve Great Olympians
100- This God created horses, and is also Lord of the Sea. Poseidon
200- This brother of Zeus is Lord of the Underworld. Hades
300- This jealous wife of Zeus is always either trying to catch her husband or punish his mistresses. Hera
400- This craftsman is the only ugly god. Hephaestus
500- This beloved daughter of Zeus is Lady of the Wild Things. Artemis
Who Said It?
100- “Tell me why you refuse to give man the gift of fire.” Prometheus
200- “I want a bow and arrow too—but silver, not gold. I want an embroidered deerskin tunic short enough
to run in. I need fifty ocean nymphs to sing for me, and twenty wood nymphs to hunt with me… May I have
all these things? May I?” Artemis
300- “One favor, though: let me sing a last song before I die.” Arion
400- “I would make a good husband for a girl like you. I work late.” Hephaestus
500- “Your grandfather, Acricius, was one of the guests, attending the nuptials of a fellow-king. He did not
know that I was the bride.” Danae
Gods and Goddesses
100- This grieving goddess is responsible for our winter. Demeter
200- This goddess of love is the most beautiful of all the goddesses. Aphrodite
300- This messenger of Zeus is known for his winged sandals. Hermes
400- This Great Olympian steals Persephone away and makes her his bride. Hades
500- This goddess was not born to a woman, but sprung from Zeus’ head. Athene
Men Among Gods
100- This greedy king foolishly asks Apollo for a golden touch. Midas
200- This curious girl cannot help but open an intriguing gift from Hermes. Pandora
300- This happy bachelor ends up falling in love with and marrying a statue. Pygmalion
400- This conceded young man vows to love no woman less beautiful than himself. Narcissus
500- This poor damsel is cursed by Hera that she can only repeat things that are said to her.” Echo
Final Jeopardy—Who Said It?
“I have promised the mothers of Cyprus that you shall wed, and I must not break my promise.” Aphrodite
Overarching Themes
• Fate and Fortune in Greek Mythology: Discuss how fortunes and prophecies always come true in
Mythology, despite great efforts to overcome them. This can be seen in the myths of Zeus, Perseus, and
Arion, to name a few. In Mythology, destiny is a very real thing.
• “God Made in Man’s Image”: In Christianity, we believe that man is made in God’s image. In
Mythology, however, Greek authors have designed Gods that are distinctly human in their behavior and
flaws. Even the highest gods like Zeus, Hera, Apollo, and Aphrodite are guilty of adultery, pride, jealousy,
or rage. Describe how in Mythology gods are “human”, citing specific examples.
Myths Covered
Narcissus and Echo