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In Greek mythology, Perseus was the heroic slayer of the Gorgonone of three ugly monsters who
had snakes for hair, staring eyes, and huge wings Medusain Greek mythology, a monster whose
hair was made of snakes and whose face turned humans to stone. His mother was Danaë,
daughter of King Acrisius of Argos. Before Perseus's birth, an oraclepriest or priestess or other
creature through whom a god is believed to speak; also the location (such as a shrine) where
such words are spoken predicted that Danaë would bear a child who would one day kill his
grandfather. Terrified by this prophecy,foretelling of what is to come; also something that is
predicted Acrisius imprisoned his daughter in a tower. However, Danaë received a visit in the
tower from Zeusin Greek mythology, king of the gods and husband of Hera (Roman god Jupiter),
who had taken the form of a shower of gold, and she became pregnant.
After Danaë gave birth to Perseus, Acrisius had his daughter and her child locked in a box, which
he threw into the sea. The box came ashore on the island of Seriphos and was found by Dictys, a
fisherman. Dictys sheltered Danaë and Perseus in his home, and they remained with him for
many years.
When Perseus had grown into a young man, King Polydectes of Seriphos fell in love with Danaë
and tried to persuade her to marry him. Danaë refused, and Perseus protected his mother from the
unwanted advances. Hoping to rid himself of Perseus, Polydectes set him a seemingly impossible
task. Perseus was to obtain the head of Medusain Greek mythology, a monster whose hair was
made of snakes and whose face turned humans to stone, a monster so hideous that anyone who
even glanced at her face turned to stone.
Perseus received gifts from the gods to help him in his task: a pair of winged sandals, a sword, a
helmet that made the wearer invisible, and a bronze shield from Athenain Greek mythology,
goddess of wisdom and war; the daughter of Zeus (Roman goddess Minerva) that was polished to
shine like a mirror. Perseus then visted the Graeae, three old hags who were sisters of the
Gorgons and who shared a single eye. Seizing their eye, he demanded to know where he could
find the Gorgons. When they told him, Perseus threw the eye into a lake so that the Graeae could
not warn their sisters.
With the winged sandals, Perseus flew to the home of the Gorgons. When he reached their cave,
he advanced toward Medusa using Athena's shield as a mirror to avoid looking directly at the
monster. Then he took the sword and cut off Medusa's head, which he placed in a bag. Drops of
Medusa's blood that touched the ground changed into the winged horse Pegasus. Wearing the
helmet that made him invisible, Perseus flew off on Pegasus.
On his way home, Perseus came upon the giant AtlasTitan in Greek mythology who held the
world on his shoulders, who held up the sky. Atlas tried to stop Perseus, but the hero took out the
head of Medusa and turned the giant to stone. Next Perseus saw a beautiful woman chained to a
rock. This was Andromeda, left as a sacrifice to a sea monster after her mother, Cassiopea, had
boasted of her beauty and offended the sea nymphsminor goddess of nature, usually represented
as young and beautiful known as the Nereids. Perseus killed the sea monster, rescued
Andromeda, and asked her to marry him..
Arriving back in Seriphos, Perseus found that his mother had taken refuge in the temple of
Athena to avoid the advances of Polydectes. Furious, Perseus used Medusa's head to turn
Polydectes and his soldiers to stone. Perseus returned the winged sandals, helmet, and shield to
the gods and gave the head of Medusa to Athena, who placed it on her shield. He then took
Andromeda to Argos, the kingdom of his grandfather Acrisius.
Hearing that Perseus had arrived, Acrisius fled to Thessaly, mindful of the prophecy
made years before. Later, however, Perseus took part in an athletic contest there and
threw a discusheavy, circular plate hurled over distance as a sport that accidentally
killed Acrisius. The prophecy was fulfilled
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