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Period: 4
My Greek mythology
By: Keaira Thompson
She had the power to
make people fall in love
with her, and other
symbols were the
girdle, the
seashell, and the
mirror. Her
animal was the
She was also connected with the
death and rebirth of animals and
•The Goddess of Love, Desire,
and Beauty
She is the daughter of Zeus
and Dione. She was always
searching for a new lover.
One of the most known,
Ares, the God or War. She
abused the fact that she
could have anyone she
wanted. Of all of her
affairs, and children, the
most known is Eros, also
known as Cupid.
Her symbol was
the bow and
her sacred
animals were
the snake and
the deer
She had all
control over
nature. Her
legend says she
would bring good
harvest to
wherever she was
Strangely, she
killed wild
animals, and their
• The goddess of
hunt and the moon.
She is the daughter of
Zeus and a mortal
Leto. Artemis twin is
Apollo, the god of the
sun. When she was
younger she asked
Zeus to be an eternal
virgin. She was one of
the three eternal
virgins in the Greek
Hera's symbol was
the pomegranate,
and her sacred
animal was the
•Goddesses of marriage.
•She was the wife of Zeus. She
was one of the three sisters of
Zeus. His sister, and wife.!
(Eww!!) They had four