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Artist's view of the mid-Atlantic ridge (from World Ocean Floor by Bruce C. Heezen and
Marie Tharp, 1977) and the increasing age of rocks away from it.
Light and Atoms
The surface of the
Earth, or crust, is made
of less dense rock
floating on a layer of
denser material.
The crust has distinct
boundaries, indicating
that the continents are
separate bodies.
Shown here is an artist
conception of one such
boundary, a mountain
range in the middle of
the ocean floor called
the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
The Earth’s Magnetic Field
! Introduction
" The Earth acts like a magnetic as indicated by its
affect on a compass
" Magnetic forces are communicated by a magnetic
field – direct physical contact is not necessary to
transmit magnetic forces
" Magnetic field are depicted in diagrams by
magnetic lines of force
Each line represents the direction a compass would point
Density of lines indicate strength of field
Magnetic fields also have polarity – a direction
from a north magnetic pole to a south magnetic
Magnetic fields are generated either by large-scale
currents or currents on an atomic scale
Schematic view of Earth's magnetic field lines and photograph of iron filings sprinkled
on a toy magnet, revealing its magnetic field lines.
Light and Atoms
The Earth’s Magnetic Field
! Origin of the Earth’s Magnetic Field
" The magnetic field of the Earth is generated
by currents flowing in its molten iron core
" The currents are believed to be caused by
rotational motion and convection (magnetic
" The Earth’s geographic poles and magnetic
poles do not coincide
" Both the position and strength of the poles
change slightly from year to year, even
reversing their polarity every 10,000 years
or so
The Earth’s Magnetic Field
! Magnetic effects in the upper atmosphere
" Earth’s magnetic field screens the planet from
electrically charged particles emitted from the Sun,
which are often of an energy harmful to living cells
" The screening entails the Earth’s magnetic field
deflecting the charged particles into spiral
trajectories and slowing them down
" As the charged solar particles stream past Earth,
they generate electrical currents in the upper
" These currents collide with and excite molecules
" As the molecules de-excite, light photons are given
off resulting in Aurora
Electrically charged particles from the Sun spiral in the Earth's magnetic field.
Light and Atoms
Photographs of an aurora from (A) the ground (courtesy Eugene Lauria) and
(B) from space. (Courtesy NASA.)
Light and Atoms
The Earth’s Magnetic Field
! Magnetic effects in the upper
atmosphere (continued)
Region of the upper atmosphere where
the Earth’s magnetic field affects particle
motion is called the magnetosphere
" Within the magnetosphere charged
particles are trapped in two doughnut
shaped rings that encircle the Earth and
are called the Van Allen radiation belts
" Van Allen belt particles are energetic
enough to be a hazard to spacecraft and
space travelers
Artist's view of the Van Allen radiation belts (side view).
Light and Atoms
Earth is surrounded by a magnetic
field believed to be produced by
convection in its molten iron core.
The magnetic field produced is
similar to that of a bar magnet.
The axis of the Earth’s magnetic field
differs from the axis of rotation by 11°,
placing the north magnetic pole in a
different location than the geographic
(true) North Pole.
The Earth’
Earth’s Magnetic Field Protects us
from the Solar Wind