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Spanish Renaissance literature wikipedia , lookup

May 03, 2017
Terms you should know:
- hemisphere
- divisions of the globe: N, S, E, and W
- latitude
-imaginary horizontal parallel lines that divide the
- the equator: halfway between North and South Poles
-- 0 degrees lat.
- longitude
- imaginary vertical parallel lines
- Prime Meridian: divides eastern and western
hemispheres in half -- 0 degrees long.
(in Greenwich, England)
May 03, 2017
Why did people want to explore?
Remember the Silk Road?
- famous trade route
- much older than the Renaissance
- connected Europe and Asia by land
-- all the way to China
- thousands of miles long
Marco Polo
- Italian merchant
- traveled to China in 1200's
- lived with the Mongol leader Kublai Khan
- 20 years
- documented trip in famous book
- inspired European trade interest in Asia
Reasons for exploration
1) curiosity
2) trade
- Asian goods are too expensive -- spices, silk
- Silk Road controlled by ORoman Empire
3) new technology
- caravel: new light ship, invented by Portuguese
- compass
- accurate maps
May 03, 2017
(Portugal paves the way for the Age of Exploration)
Henry the Navigator
- Portuguese Prince
- opened a school for sailors
- encouraged trips along the west coast of Africa
- not an explorer
Bartolome Dias
- Portuguese sailor
- crossed the Cape of Good Hope
(southern tip of Africa)
- hugged the coast of Africa
- turned back after cross
- first European to cross Cape
Vasco da Gama
- portuguese sailor after Dias
- crossed Cape of Good Hope
- open ocean trip
- went to CalcuRa, India and back with spices
May 03, 2017
May 03, 2017
Age of Exploration after Portugal
- Italian
- plan: reach Asia going West
- meets King Ferdinand and Isabella
of Spain and receives $$ and ships
- landed in Caribbean
- thought he was in India
--> "Indians"
- claimed land for Spain
-established seRlements, made several trips
-Taíno (Arawak people)
May 03, 2017
Spain v. Portugal
-leaders in AoE (both want trade routes and land --> $$)
- both countries claimed land in South America
- agreed on a line of demarcation
- Spain = (non-Christian) land west of line
- Portugal = (non-Christian) land east of line
May 03, 2017
Exploration of the Americas
- Italian
- sailed for England
- reached Canada
- tried to sail through the Northwest Passage
- goal: find a new route from Europe to Asia going
west above or through N. America
- not successful
-many others tried
- Spanish
- explored Central America
- first European to see Pacific Ocean --> "South Sea"
- Portuguese
- Sailed for Spain
- Sailed from Spain west around Americas
- through the Strait in boRom tip of South America
- difficult and dangerous
- lost ships and men
- named the Strait of Magellan
- named the Pacific Ocean
after passing through Strait
- died in the Phillipines
- one ship returned to Spain
- Circumnavigation: travel all around the globe
- Magellan is first