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Volcanoes and the Earth System
 Explain the role of volcanoes in regulating climate.
 Describe and provide examples of how volcanoes of the geosphere influence Earth’s
atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere.
We have discussed how Earth is a system of interacting spheres: Geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and
biosphere. The video you are going to watch will investigate how volcanoes provide Earth with more than just
displays of lava. Volcanic activity on Earth is an expression of the heat trapped in the geosphere. Volcanism is an
important to keeping Earth’s atmosphere, climate, and living organisms in balance.
Procedure: Watch BBC’s Earth: The Biography
Episode: Volcanoes (Disc 2)
You Tube: Volcanoes Part 1:
You Tube: Volcanoes Part 2:
Erta Ali – Ethiopia, East Africa
What is the SOURCE of heat that drives volcanic activity?
2. Which choice represents a volcanic feature (other than volcanoes) that is common in Iceland?
a. trenches
b. hot springs c. black smoker vents d. glaciers
What is a PLUME? ( If needed, look up “deep mantle plume”).
Description of a PLUME
Sketch of a PLUME
Select the correct word choice to complete the sentence below.
Iceland is a hotspot that is located on a (convergent/divergent/transform) plate boundary
where the North American plate and Eurasian plates are moving (together/apart).
Mountain Building in New Zealand
What causes mountain building in New Zealand?
Are there a lot of earthquakes in New Zealand? Why?
7. What are mountains eroded by? What grinds them down?
If there were no plate tectonics on Earth, why would we be under water?
Volcanoes & Early Life
What role might volcanoes have played in the evolution of early life forms on Earth?
Volcanoes & Climate in Earth’s History
10. Circle the correct word: The sun was (stronger or weaker )in Earths’ early history.
11. How do volcanoes help keep temperatures on the planet warm? (Think: gas)
12. How could volcanoes be responsible for ending the “Snowball Earth” period?
13. Before the ice age (Snow Ball Earth) life forms like simple bacteria mounds that lived in shallow
water were common. These life forms were called __________________________. After the
Snow Ball Earth period life became more complex and required oxygen.
Directions: Use the diagrams below to help you answer the questions that follow.
Figure 1:
Figure 2:
Volcanoes and Life Partnerships
14. What marine life forms absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere? ____________________
15. What do these marine organisms use the carbon dioxide for? (Circle more than one)
a. For photosynthesis
b. For respiration
c. To make shells
d. To make volcanic gases
16. When these marine organisms die, what happens to the carbon in their bodies?
17. Marine organisms _____________________________ carbon dioxide from the atmosphere,
making it _______________.
a. Release; warmer
b. Release; cooler
c. Take in; warmer
d. Take in; cooler
18. Subduction volcanoes _______________________ carbon dioxide that was trapped as rock into
the atmosphere.
a. Release
b. Absorb
Volcanic Eruptions Change the ATMOSPHERE
19. Add words to the diagram to summarize how volcanoes are an important link between the
20. Explain in words summarize how volcanoes are an important link between the GEOSPHERE and
ATMOSPHERE. Be sure to give an example.
21. Select the correct word to complete the sentence.
The carbon dioxide released by volcanoes causes the climate to (cool down/ warm up/ stay the
23. What would happen to temperatures on the planet if volcanoes stop erupting? Provide the
reasoning behind your answer.
Volcanic Eruptions Change the BIOSPHERE
22. Add words to the diagram to show HOW volcanoes in the geosphere and plankton in the
biosphere work together in a cycle to regulate temperatures on the planet (keep the
temperatures in balance).
Plankton in ocean
23. Explain in words how volcanoes in the geosphere and plankton in the biosphere work together
in a cycle to regulate temperatures on the planet (keep the temperatures in balance). Be sure
to give a specific example.
24. Give an example (from the video) of an incidence where volcanoes HELPED maintain life in the
25. Give an example (from the video) of an incidence where volcanoes HARMED life in the
Volcanic Eruptions Change the HYDROSPHERE
Use the diagram below to remind yourself how carbon dioxide in the atmosphere affects the
= more acidic
26. How does increased carbon dioxide in the ocean affect the pH (acidity) of the ocean?
a. It makes it more acidic
b. It makes it less acidic
27. What happens to organisms with shells when there is too much carbon dioxide in the ocean
a. They grow faster.
b. Their shells dissolve or weaken
c. They stop photosynthesis