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Heart Flow and Circulation
•Systemic Circulation
– delivers blood to all
body cells and carries
away waste
Circulation –
eliminates carbon
dioxide and
oxygenates blood
(lung pathway)
Pulmonary Circulation
• Your heart is a double pump. Circulation is a double circuit:
Pulmonary (lungs only) and systemic (rest of the body)
• The right side works as the pulmonary circuit pump. It
receives oxygen-poor blood from the veins through the
superior and inferior vena cava and pumps it through the
pulmonary trunk.
• The pulmonary trunk splits into the right and left pulmonary
arteries (only arteries without oxygenated blood), which carry
blood to the lungs.
• Oxygen is picked up in lungs and carbon dioxide is unloaded.
• Oxygen-rich blood drains from the lungs and is returned to
the left side of the heart through the four pulmonary veins
(only veins with oxygenated blood).
Systemic Circulation
• Blood returned to the left side of the heart is
pumped out of the heart into the aorta
• Systemic arteries branch to supply all essential
body tissues.
• Oxygen-poor blood circulates from the tissues
back to the right atrium via the systemic veins
into the superior or inferior vena cava.
• This systemic circulation supplies the body with
oxygen and nutrient rich blood.
• Left ventricle pumps blood all over body and is
thicker and more powerful pump than right.
Check your labels!
Name the
(#5 is not a
1 Pulmonary Valve
2 Tricuspid Valve
3 Mitral (Bicuspid)
4 Aortic Valve
5 Heart Apex
Heart Actions
• Cardiac Cycle: One complete heartbeat.
• The contraction of a heart chamber is called
• The relaxation of a chamber is called diastole.
•The cusps (flaps) of the bicuspid and tricuspid valves are
anchored to the ventricle walls by fibrous “cords” called
chordae tendineae.
•These attach to the wall by papillary muscles.
•This prevents the valves from being pushed up into the
atria during ventricular systole.
Can you identify
these parts?
• Right Atrium
• Right Atrioventricular Valve
(Tricuspid Valve)
• Right Ventricle
• Left Atrium
• Left Atrioventricular Valve (Mitral
• Left Ventricle
• Papillary Muscle
• Chordae Tendinae
• Mitral Valve cusps