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Bio 216 Chapter 13 Quiz
Name: ________________________________________
Date: __________________________
1. Arteries usually carry blood high in oxygen toward the heart.
A. True
*B. False
2. The lymphatic system is part of the circulatory system.
*A. True
B. False
3. The capillaries' function is exchange of gases, nutrients, and wastes with the tissues.
*A. True
B. False
4. How much blood does the average-sized adult have?
A. 2 liters
B. 4 liters
*C. 5 liters
D. 7 liters
5. Having no nucleus, a biconcave shape, and the function of gas transport would describe a
*A. red blood cell.
B. platelet.
C. white blood cell.
D. albumin.
6. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of white blood cells?
A. have nuclei and mitochondria
B. have amoeboid movement
C. can leave blood vessels
*D. makes up the major formed element
7. The most abundant leukocytes in the blood are the
A. eosinophils.
B. basophils.
*C. neutrophils.
D. monocytes.
8. Blood would clot more slowly in an individual with 100,000 platelets/mm3.
*A. True
B. False
9. The process of blood cell formation is
A. leukocytosis.
B. polycythemia.
*C. hematopoiesis.
D. hemogenesis.
10. When the wrong blood type is given to a patient, the antibodies in the patient's blood react with the antigens on the
surface of the transfused blood causing a reaction called
A. neutralization.
B. precipitation.
*C. agglutination.
D. coagulation.
11. John has blood type B. In an emergency, John could receive which of the following blood types?
A. B only
B. AB only
C. O only
*D. B or O
12. The pathway of blood from the heart to the lungs and back to the heart is the
A. cardiac circulation.
B. systemic circulation.
*C. pulmonary circulation.
D. pleural circulation.
13. What valve keeps blood from flowing back into the right atrium from the right ventricle?
*A. tricuspid valve
B. bicuspid valve
C. mitral valve
D. pulmonary semilunar valve
14. The amount of blood ejected by the ventricles per beat is termed the
A. cardiac output.
B. end diastolic volume.
C. blood pressure.
*D. stroke volume.
15. Systole refers to the ______ of the heart.
A. relaxation
B. filling
*C. contraction
D. blood flow
16. What part of the heart's conduction system acts as the primary pacemaker?
*A. SA node
B. AV node
C. Bundle of His
D. Purkinje fibers
17. The pressure of arterial blood is lower than the pressure of venous blood.
A. True
*B. False
18. Which of the following is NOT one of the three coats that comprise the walls of arteries and veins?
*A. tunica superficial
B. tunica externa
C. tunica media
D. tunica intima
19. Within the blood vessels, valves are found in the
A. arteries.
B. capillaries.
C. arterioles.
*D. veins.
20. Excessive protein and fluid in interstitial tissue is called lymphedema.
*A. True
B. False