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Space Exploration
1. When you see the light from a star, it is light that left it many ______________ ago.
2. Light travels very fast, but the distances in space are so great that it takes
______________ for the light to reach Earth.-sometimes tens of thousands of years.
3. The light and other energy leaving a star are forms of _____________________.
4. Remember: radiation is energy transmitted through ___________________________.
5. Because of electric and __________________ properties of this energy, it is called
electromagnetic radiation.
6. Electromagnetic waves carry energy through both empty space and ______________.
7. Sound waves are __________________ waves; they can’t travel through space.
8. So, how do we hear astronauts in space? When they speak into a microphone, the
sound is converted into electromagnetic waves called _______________________.
9. The radio waves travel through space and back to Earth where they are converted back
into ____________________.
10. All electromagnetic waves have different _____________________, but they all
travel at the speed of ___________ in a vacuum- 300,000 km/s in a vacuum
11. There are 2 types of telescopes- _________________ and _____________________.
12. Optical telescopes produce magnified images of objects; they use the
______________________ portion of the electromagnetic spectrum
13. Most optical telescopes are housed in buildings called _______________________.
14. _______________________________ is an optical telescope that is in space. It was
put into space in ________ by the space shuttle ________________________.
15. The advantage of having a telescope in space is that we do not have to look through
Earth’s ___________________—pictures are much better because of this.
16. When Hubble was first put into space it did not work properly because of an error in
the shaping of the _______________; it was repaired by astronauts from the
____________________ in ____________.
17. Radio telescopes are used to study __________________________ that are in space.
18. A _________________ is any object that revolves around another object.
19. When an object enters space, it will travel in a straight line until the Earth’s
________________ pulls it back toward Earth.
20. Because the satellite is traveling forward and falling toward Earth at the same time,
the satellite will travel in a curved path around Earth known as an ______________.
21. There are both ________________ and artificial satellites.
22. The _____________ is a natural satellite.
23. ___________________ was the first artificial satellite which was launched by the
Soviets in 1957, marking the beginning of space exploration.
24. A ______________________ is an instrument that gathers information and sends it
back to Earth. Space probes travel far into space. Examples: Voyager I and II (didn’t
land on a planet), Viking (did land), Galileo(dropped probe onto Jupiter)
25. In 1961, __________________________ became the first human in space.
26. President ____________________ called for the US to put the first man on the moon
by the end of the decade.
27. Projects that led to man on the moon:
1) Project Mercury- orbit a crewed spacecraft around Earth and brought it back safely
1961- _________________________ became 1st US citizen in space
1962- John Glenn became the 1st US citizen to orbit the Earth
2) Project Gemini- two teams of astronauts met and connected
3) Project Apollo- July 20, 1969 ______________________ landed on the moon
28. ____________________________ was the first man to walk on the man; “That’s one
step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.”
29. _________________________ was the 2nd man to walk on the moon. He and
Armstrong explored for 2 hours.
30. __________________________ remained in the Command Module.
31. A total of _____ lunar landings brought back _________ samples of moon rock. The
program ended in ___________.
32. A _________________________ is a reusable spacecraft that transports astronauts,
satellites, and other materials to and from space.
33. At launch, the space shuttle orbiter stands on end and is connected to an external
liquid-fuel tank and two solid-fuel booster engines. When the shuttle reaches an
altitude of about ______ km., the emptied solid-fuel booster rockets drop off and
____________________ back to earth. They are recovered and ______________
again. The larger liquid fuel tank eventually separates and falls back to Earth. It is
_____________ recovered.
34. Once the space shuttle reaches space, it _____________ Earth.
35. At the end of a mission, the space shuttle orbiter glides back to Earth and lands like
an ____________________.
36. A _______________________ has living quarters, work and exercise space, and all
the equipment and support systems needed to live and work in space.
37. Skylab was a space station put up in 1973 by the United States.. In _________ it was
abandoned and fell back into earth’s atmosphere and _______________________
38. _____________ was a Soviet space station.
39. The ______________________________ is a research lab currently orbiting Earth
that is being used by various countries.