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(College logo) Project synopsis on SOLAR PANEL STREET LIGHT AUTOMATIC BRIGHTNESS CONTROL SYSTEM Under taken by: Name 1 Roll no. 1 Name 2 Roll no. 2 Name 3 Roll no. 3 Name 4 Roll no. 4 ABSTRACT: Needs no manual operation for switching ON and OFF. When there is a need of light it automatically switches ON. When darkness rises to a certain level then sensor circuit gets activated and switches ON and when there is other source of light i.e. daytime, the street light gets OFF. The sensitiveness of the street light can also be adjusted. In this project we have used two L.E.D as a symbol of street lamp, but for high power switching one can connect Relay (electromagnetic switch) in between the high powered voltage and microcontroller. The microcontroller is used to control the relay as a switch on\off. WORKING PRINCIPLE: This circuit uses microcontroller and photo resistors to control the brightness of the street lights and also to switch on\off the street lights. Photo resistors are used along with series resistance to provide the variable amount of voltage to the microcontroller. Photo resistors are special type of resistance whose value depends on the brightness of the light which is falling on it. It has resistance of about 1 mega ohm in total darkness, but a resistance of only about 5k ohms when illuminated. It responds to a large part of light spectrum. In this project, we made a potential divider circuit with Photo resistors and resistance connected in series. We know that voltage is directly proportional to conductance so more voltage we will get from this divider when Photo resistors is getting light and low voltage in darkness. This divided voltage is given to the microcontroller. Sensitiveness can be adjusted using the microcontroller programming. BLOCK DIAGRAM: SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM: COMPONENTS REQUIRED HARDWARE 1. Breadboard 2. General purpose Board 3. Single Strand Wires (Black, Red, Blue) 4. DC Power Supply (Using 9V Battery) 5. Solar panel 6. Ceramic Capacitors 7. Resistors 8. Potentiometer 9. Diodes 10 Relay 11. Microcontroller 12. 9V Battery SOFTWARE 1. 2. Microcontroller Hex File Generator Microcontroller Hex file Uploader APPLICATIONS: By using this Automatic system for street light controlling, we can reduce energy consumption because the manually operated street lights are not switched off even under sunlight and are not switched on before sunset. In sunny and rainy days, ON and OFF time differ noticeably which is one of the major disadvantage of using timer circuits or manual operation for switching the street light system. REFERENCES: http://www.electricaltechnology.org/2013/04/automatic-street-lightcontrol.html http://www.electronicshub.org/automatic-street-light-controllercircuit-using-relays-and-ldr/http://circuiteasy.com/automatic-streetlight/ http://www.instructables.com/id/Dark-Sensor-light-sensor-automaticstreet-light-/ http://www.circuitsgallery.com/2012/11/street-light-circuit.html http://www.slideshare.net/devang25/automatic-control-of-street-lightusing-ldr