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AP Biology
Survey of the Kingdoms
Name: ____________________________________________ Date: ________________ # _________
CHAPTER 27 – Bacteria and Archaea
1. Identify the three domains. _________________________________________________________________
2. Which of these domains include bacteria? _____________________________________________________
3. One of the ways bacteria are classified is based on their shape. List the scientific and common name for each
shape and make a sketch of what it looks like.
(1) _________________________________________________________________________________
(2) _________________________________________________________________________________
(3) _________________________________________________________________________________
4. Contrast the cellular structure of prokaryotes with eukaryotes.
Unicellular / Mulitcellular
Presence of membrane
bound organelle
Presence of internal
DNA contained in a
membrane bound nucleus
DNA is linear or circular
May contain small
independent pieces of DNA
called plasmids
5. Why do almost all prokaryotes have some type of cell wall? _______________________________________
6. One of the ways to distinguish between types of bacteria in the lab is be performing a Gram stain. Distinguish
between the cell wall structure of Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria.
Gram positive - __________________________________________________________________________
Gram negative - _________________________________________________________________________
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7. Gram stains are often performed in medical labs, generally what are the differences in the effects Gram positive
and Gram negative bacteria have on the human body? ___________________________________________
8. What is a capsule and what advantages are gained by bacteria that produce a capsule? ________________
9. Discuss the role of fimbriae (pilli) and flagella in the life of bacteria. ________________________________
10. How do almost all bacteria reproduce? _______________________________________________________
11. Discuss the advantages of bacteria being able to produce endospores. _____________________________
12. The downside to binary fission is the lack of genetic variation created. However, bacteria have three different
mechanisms they use to create genetic variation. Explain how each of the following mechanisms help bacteria
create genetic variation.
Transformation _________________________________________________________________________
Transduction ___________________________________________________________________________
Conjugation & Plasmids __________________________________________________________________
13. Identify the major source of variation in bacteria. ________________________________________________
14. Bacteria can be classified into one of four groups based on how they take in carbon and obtain energy.
Distinguish between these four groups:
Photoautotroph _________________________________________________________________________
Chemoautotroph ________________________________________________________________________
Photoheterotrophs ______________________________________________________________________
Chemoheterotroph ______________________________________________________________________
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15. Bacteria also vary in their use of oxygen to produce energy. Distinguish between the three types of bacteria
based on oxygen use:
Obligate aerobes ________________________________________________________________________
Obligate anaerobes ______________________________________________________________________
Facultative anaerobes ___________________________________________________________________
16. Some bacteria carry out a key metabolic pathway known as nitrogen fixation. Describe what happens during
nitrogen fixation. _________________________________________________________________________
17. Archae are known as extermophiles. Explain what this means. ___________________________________
18. Discuss the crucial roles bacteria play in the biosphere. __________________________________________
19. Some bacteria are pathogenic because they produce either exotoxins or endotoxins.
a. What does it mean to be pathogenic? _______________________________________________
b. Distinguish between exotoxins and endotoxins. _______________________________________
20. Describe at least THREE beneficial uses of bacteria in research and technology _______________________
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CHAPTER 28.1 & 28.7 – Protists
1. Why did the kingdom Protista fall apart? _______________________________________________________
2. Many biologists still use the term protist. What does the term protist refer to today? ____________________
3. Some protists are animal-like, some are plant-like, and some are fungi-like. Identify a few characteristics that
most all protists share. ____________________________________________________________________
4. Discuss how endosymbiosis has contributed to protist diversity. ____________________________________
5. Protists play several key roles in ecological relationships. Discuss their key roles as symbiont and producer.
Symbiont - ______________________________________________________________________________
Producers - _____________________________________________________________________________
6. Justify the claim that photosynthetic protists are among the most important organisms in the biosphere?
CHAPTER 31.1, 31.3, & 31.4 – Fungi
1. Fungi are eukaryotes that feed by absorption. Describe how fungi accomplish the absorption of their nutrients.
2. Distinguish between the various modes of nutrition fond in the Fungi kingdom
Decomposer ____________________________________________________________________________
Parasitic _______________________________________________________________________________
Mutualistic ______________________________________________________________________________
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3. How does the cell wall of fungi differ from the cell wall of bacteria? __________________________________
4. Use the following terms to explain the basic structure of fungi: hyphae, mycelium, and septa. ____________
5. Fungi reproduce using what type of cells that they produce either sexually or asexually? _________________
6. What are mycorrhizal fungi? What key ecological relationship do they participate in? __________________
7. Distinguish between the following phyla of Fungi:
Phyla of Fungi
Key Characteristics / Distinguishing Features
8. Discuss the role some fungi play as decomposers. ______________________________________________
9. Discuss the role some fungi play as mutualists. _________________________________________________
10. Discuss the role fungi play in the lichens. _____________________________________________________
11. What is the importance of lichens in the environment? ____________________________________________
12. Discuss the role some Fungi play as pathogens. Provide a few examples of fungi that negatively affect plants
and a few examples that negatively affect animals. ______________________________________________
13. Discuss at least THREE practical uses humans have found for fungi.
(1) ____________________________________________________________________________________
(2) ____________________________________________________________________________________
(3) ____________________________________________________________________________________
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CHAPTER 32.1, 32.3, & 32.4 – Introduction to Animal Diversity
1. Constructing a good definition of an animal is not straightforward. However, several characteristics of animals,
when taken together, may sufficiently define the group. Define animals in the following areas:
a. Nutritional Mode _______________________________________________________________
b. Cell Structure __________________________________________________________________
Cell Specialization ______________________________________________________________
d. Reproduction __________________________________________________________________
e. Developmental Stages __________________________________________________________
Hox genes ____________________________________________________________________
2. Animals can be characterized by “body plans”. What is a body plan?
3. Distinguish between radial and bilateral symmetry. _____________________________________________
4. Define the following anatomical terms:
a. Dorsal - ______________________________________________________________________
b. Ventral - ______________________________________________________________________
Anterior - _____________________________________________________________________
d. Posterior - ____________________________________________________________________
5. What is cephalization and which type of body symmetry is it associated with? ________________________
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6. Describe how an animal’s symmetry matches its life style (form follows function). ______________________
7. What is meant by true tissues? Which animal(s) groups lack true tissues? ___________________________
8. Distinguish between the three types of germ layers: endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm.
Endoderm - _____________________________________________________________________________
Mesoderm ______________________________________________________________________________
Ectoderm _______________________________________________________________________________
9. Distinguish between animals that are diploblastic and those that are triploblastic. ____________________
10. Define body cavity. ______________________________________________________________________
11. Distinguish between coelomates, pseudocoelomates, and acoelomates. __________________________
12. Identify a few functions of the body cavity.
Function #1 _____________________________________________________________________________
Function #2 _____________________________________________________________________________
Function #3 _____________________________________________________________________________
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13. Animals can be categorized based on developmental modes: protostome or deuterostome. Distinguish
between these two developmental modes in each of the following areas:
a. Cleavage patterns – ____________________________________________________________
b. Coelom formation – _____________________________________________________________
Fate of the blastopore – __________________________________________________________
14. If you compare the morphological and molecular trees for animal phylogeny there are a number of differences.
However there are also key points of agreement. Discuss FIVE key points of agreement that key be found
when comparing the morphological and molecular trees. Discuss TWO differences found between the two
Agreement #1 ___________________________________________________________________________
Agreement # 2 ___________________________________________________________________________
Agreement #3 ___________________________________________________________________________
Agreement # 4 ___________________________________________________________________________
Agreement #5 ___________________________________________________________________________
Disagreement # 1 ________________________________________________________________________
Disagreement #2 _________________________________________________________________________
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CHAPTER 33 – Invertebrates
Phyla - Calcarea and Silicea (formerly Porifera): Sponges
1. Sponges are sedentary. Define sedentary – _______________________________________________
2. Sponges are suspension feeders. Define suspension feeders – _______________________________
3. Sponges are considered basal animals. What does it mean to be a basal animal?
4. Sponges consist of how many layers of cells? _______________________________________________
5. Most sponges are hermaphrodites. Define hermaphrodites – _________________________________
6. Almost all sponges exhibit sequential hermaphroditism. Explain what this means. __________________
Phyla - Cnidarians: Jellyfish, Corals, Sea, Anemones, Hydra
7. Except sponges, all animals belong to the clade Eumetazoa. What is the
unifying characteristic of the clade Eumetazoa? _____________________________________________
8. Cnidarians have diversified into a wide range of sessile and motile forms.
Distinguish between sessile and motile. ____________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________
9. Are Cnidarians diploblastic or triploblastic? _________________________________________________
10. What type of symmetry do Cnidarians have? ________________________________________________
11. Cnidarians have a gastrovascular cavity. Explain what gastrovascular cavity is and describe how it
works. ______________________________________________________________________________
12. Some Cnidarians exist only as polyps or only as medusae, others have both a polyp stage and a medusa
stage in their life cycle. Distinguish between the polyp stage and the medusa stage. _______________
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13. Describe the structure and function of the stinging cells for which Cnidarians are named. _____________
14. Cnidarians have not brain, instead they have a nerve net. What capabilities does the nerve net give the
Cnidarians. __________________________________________________________________________
Clade - Lophotrochozoans:
15. The vast majority of animals belong to the clade Bilateria. What two characteristics do all members of
the clade Bilateria share? ____________________________________________________________
16. Identify the three major clades of Bilateria.
(1) ______________________________________________________________________________
(2) ______________________________________________________________________________
(3) ______________________________________________________________________________
17. What characteristics do members of the clade lophotrochozoans share? _______________________
Phyla - Platyhelminthes (flaworms, flukes, tapeworms)
18. What does platyhelminthes mean? ____________________________________________________
19. List three examples of organisms classified as platyhelminthes. ______________________________
20. Are platyhelminthes diploblastic or triploblastic? __________________________________________
21. Identify the type of coelom found in platyhelminthes? Explain how this type
of coelom benefits the phylum. _______________________________________________________
22. Discuss the role of protonephridia and flame bulbs in platyhelminthes. ________________________
23. Describe the digestive structures of most platyhelminthes __________________________________
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Phyla - Rotifers
24. Contrast rotifers with protists. _________________________________________________________
25. Contrast the rotifers digestive tract with cnidarians and platyhelminthes. _______________________
26. Identify the type of coelom found in rotifers. _____________________________________________
27. Rotifers use a type of reproduction known as parthenogenesis. Explain how parthenogenesis works.
Phyla - Ectoprocts
28. Organisms in the phyla ectoprocts and brachiopods are among those know as
lophophorates. Discuss two characteristics that lophophorate phyla share. _____________________
29. Describe organisms that make up the phyla ectoprocts. ____________________________________
Phyla - Brachiopods
30. Describe members of the phyla brachiopods. ____________________________________________
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Phyla - Molluscs  Gastropods, Bivalves, Cephalopods, Annelids
31. What is the unifying characteristic of molluscs? ___________________________________________
32. All molluscs also share a simple body plan.
a. Type of coelom is ___________________________________________________________
b. They share three common body parts. Explain the
role each plays.
i. Foot _________________________________________________________________
ii. Visceral mass _________________________________________________________
iii. Mantle _______________________________________________________________
Many molluscs have a mantle cavity. Identify what is typically found in the mantle cavity.
d. Most molluscs have a trocophore stage. What is a trochophore? _____________________
33. Distinguish between the four major classes of mollusca.
Mollusca Class
Key Characteristics (Distinguishes Class From the Others)
Examples (minimum of 3)
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Phyla - Annelids
34. What does Annelida mean? How does this name fit the organisms’ body plan?
35. Annelids have what type of body cavity? ________________________________________________
36. Describe the following characteristics found in Annelids:
a. Digestive system _______________________________________________________________
b. Nervous system ________________________________________________________________
Circulatory system ______________________________________________________________
Clade – Ecdysozoans
37. What is the unifying characteristic that all ecdysozoan organisms share? ______________________
Phyla - Nematodes (roundworms)
38. Contrast the body plan of nematodes with annelids. _______________________________________
39. Describe how most nematodes reproduce. ______________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________
40. Identify the two major ecological roles that nematodes play in our environment. _________________
Phyla - Arthropods  Cheliceriforms, Myriapods, Insects, Crustaceans
41. Arthropods must be regarded as the most successful of all animal phyla. All arthropods share a
number of common characteristics. Discuss SIX characteristics almost all arthropods share.
(1) ______________________________________________________________________________
(2) ______________________________________________________________________________
(3) ______________________________________________________________________________
(4) ______________________________________________________________________________
(5) ______________________________________________________________________________
(6) ______________________________________________________________________________
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42. Distinguish between the four major subphyla of arthropods.
Key Characteristics (Distinguishes Class From the Others)
Examples (minimum of 3)
43. Discuss the disadvantages arthropods face when they are molting. __________________________
44. Distinguish between incomplete metamorphosis and complete
metamorphosis. __________________________________________________________________
Clade - Deuterostomes
45. What characteristics are shared by echinoderms and chordates. _____________________________
46. What type of criteria is primarily used to define the clade deuterostomia? ______________________
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Phyla - Echinoderms (sea stars, sea cucumbers, & sea urchins)
47. Describe the outer covering of most echinoderms. ________________________________________
48. A unique feature to echinoderms is the water vascular system.
Explain what a water vascular system is and what it does.
49. Describe the reproductive mechanisms used by echinoderms. _______________________________
Phyla - Chordates (lancets, tunicates, & vertebrates)
50. Identify three characteristic shared by chordates. _________________________________________
51. Describe the evolutionary relationship between echinoderms and chordates. ___________________
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CHAPTER 34 – Vertebrates
1. All chordates share a set of derived characters, though some species possess some of these traits only
during embryonic development. Discuss each of the following shared characters and the role they play in
Notochord ___________________________________________________________________________
Dorsal, hollow nerve cord _______________________________________________________________
Pharyngeal slits or clefts ________________________________________________________________
Muscular, post-anal tail _________________________________________________________________
2. Lancets and tunicates are early chordates that contributed to the formation of another chordate group
known as the vertebrates. Discuss a few contributions lancets and tunicates may have made to the
Vertebrates (Vertebrates are craniates that have a backbone.)
3. Explain where the name vertebrate is derived from. ___________________________________
4. Vertebrate are craniates with vertebrate. What does craniate mean? ______________________
5. Indentify the oldest living lineage of vertebrates. _______________________________________
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Gnathostomes (Gnathostomes are vertebrates that have a jaw.)
6. What does gnathostome mean? __________________________________________________
7. Biologists think vertebrates evolved their jaws from what source? _________________________
8. Besides having a jaw, identify three other derived characteristics that members of the clade
gnathostomes share.
(1) __________________________________________________________________________
(2) __________________________________________________________________________
(3) __________________________________________________________________________
Class Chondrichthyes
9. What does chondrichthyes mean? __________________________________________
10. Identify three living examples that belong to the class chondrichthyes.
(1) ____________________________________________________________________
(2) ____________________________________________________________________
(3) ____________________________________________________________________
11. Members of this class have streamlined bodies. Explain
streamlined. ____________________________________________________________
12. Explain how sharks gain buoyancy. __________________________________________
13. What happens if sharks stop swimming? ______________________________________
14. Explain how and why the shark’s digestive tract has been modified. _________________
15. Distinguish between oviparous, ovoviviparous, and viviparous. __________________
Class Osteichthyes
16. What does osteichthyes mean? ____________________________________________
17. What is characteristic of the endoskeleton of members of osteichthyes. ______________
18. Explain the role of the operculum. ___________________________________________
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19. Explain the role of the swim bladder. Biologists
believe the swim bladder evolved from what other
structure? ______________________________________________________________
20. Describe their body coverings. ______________________________________________
21. Members of osteichthyes have a lateral line. What is the role of the lateral line? ______
Tetrapods (Tetrapods are gnathostomes that have limbs and feet.)
22. What does tetrapod mean? ______________________________________________________
23. Identify THREE other derived characters shared by most tetrapods.
(1) __________________________________________________________________________
(2) __________________________________________________________________________
(3) __________________________________________________________________________
Class Amphibia
24. List a few living examples of animals that are considered
amphibians. ____________________________________________________________
25. Explain how amphibians exchange gases. _____________________________________
26. Contrast the larval stage and adult stage found in most frogs. ______________________
27. Describe the type of fertilization and development used by most amphibians. _________
28. Describe the egg of the amphibians. What limitations does this egg present? _________
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Amniotes (Amniotes are tetrapods that have a terrestrially adapted egg.)
29. Indentify four extraembryonic membranes found in amniotic
eggs and explain their role.
(1) __________________________________________________________________________
(2) __________________________________________________________________________
(3) __________________________________________________________________________
(4) __________________________________________________________________________
30. Contrast the amniotic egg with the amphibians’ egg? Contrast the amniotic egg of the reptiles with
that of the birds. ________________________________________________________________
31. Explain why the amniotic egg is considered an important evolutionary development.
32. In addition to the amniotic egg, discuss other key adaptations amniotes made to life on land.
33. List a few living examples of animals classified as reptiles. ________________________
34. Describe the body covering of reptiles. Contrast it with the
body covering found in fish.
35. How does fertilization in reptiles differ from fertilization in amphibians? _______________
36. Reptiles are ectothermic. Explain what ectothermic means. ______________________
37. How do reptiles regulate their body temperature? _______________________________
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38. Compare the body covering of birds with the body covering
of reptiles. ______________________________________________________________
39. Most birds’ bodies are constructed for flight. Describe THREE modifications to the body of
birds that improve flight.
(1) ____________________________________________________________________
(2) ____________________________________________________________________
(3) ____________________________________________________________________
40. Birds are endothermic. Explain what endothermic means. ________________________
41. Compare the brain of a bird to that of a typical amphibian or reptile. _________________
Mammals (Mammals are amniotes that have hair and produce milk.)
42. Identify FIVE derived characters that are shared by most mammals.
(1) __________________________________________________________________________
(2) __________________________________________________________________________
(3) __________________________________________________________________________
(4) __________________________________________________________________________
(5) __________________________________________________________________________
43. Distinguish between the three groups of mammals.
Mollusca Class
Key Characteristics (Distinguishes Class From the Others)
Examples (minimum of 2)
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44. Humans belong to the order Primates. Identify FIVE derived characters that are shared by most
(1) __________________________________________________________________________
(2) __________________________________________________________________________
(3) __________________________________________________________________________
(4) __________________________________________________________________________
(5) __________________________________________________________________________
45. Identify FOUR derived characters shared by humans, but not all primates.
(1) __________________________________________________________________________
(2) __________________________________________________________________________
(3) __________________________________________________________________________
(4) __________________________________________________________________________
(5) __________________________________________________________________________
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