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Chapter 24 Vocabulary for ISN
Please glue the TERMS to the page! Match the term with the definition and use the
definition as a flap OVER the term.
He stated that
the planets had
circular orbits
around the Sun.
It was called the
Sun Centered
Model of the
solar system.
The name given to
small pieces of a
comet when they
move through
The largest volcano
in the solar system.
It was discovered
by Mariner 9 on
the surface of
Mars. It is
probably not an
active volcano.
U.S. probe that
used it’s radar in
1990 to make
very detailed
maps of Venus’s
surface. It
collected radar
images of 98% of
the surface of
the fifth planet
from the Sun, the
largest planet in the
solar system, has an
atmosphere that is
primarily hydrogen
and helium, may
have a solid rocky
core, has constant
high-pressure gas
storms like the
Great Red Spot, has
at least 61 moons.
The largest of
Neptune’s 13
moons. It has a
thin atmosphere
composed of
a rock similar to that This planet is usually
the eighth planet
which formed
from the Sun, it is
planets. Most of
large and gaseous, it
these lie between
has a bluish-green
Mars and Jupiter.
atmosphere, it has
Some planets’ moons
storms that reveal
may be one of these
that was pulled from an active and rapidly
the belt. Their sizes changing atmosphere,
range from very tiny it has 11 moons, and
pinkish Triton is the
to 940 km in
A large,
continuous, high
pressure, gas
storm on Jupiter.
This includes the
Sun, eight
planets, many
small objects, and
a huge volume of
space. The Sun is
the center and all
other objects
revolve around
the Sun.
This landform was
created about
50,000 years ago
when a large
meteorite struck
the Earth in
beyond the planets in
our Solar System,
starting from about
the orbit of Neptune,
30-50 AU from the
Sun. It is like the
asteroid belt, but it
is about 200 times as
massive. Like the
asteroid belt, it
consists of remnants
from the Solar
System's formation.
This was the first
American space
mission to Mercury
in 1974-5. It
about 45% of
Mercury’s surface
and sent pictures
back to Earth.
An area between
the orbits of
Mars and Jupiter
that is full of
pieces of rock
that are similar
to the material
that formed the
seventh from the
sixth planet from the
Sun, the second largest
Sun, this large
in the solar system, has
gaseous planet, has
thin, dark rings, has the lowest density, has
a thick outer
a hydrogen, helium,
atmosphere of
methane atmosphere.
hydrogen, helium,
The methane makes
ammonia, methane, and
the planet blue-green water vapor, has large
in color. The axis of
rings has at least 31
rotation is nearly
moons, largest moon is
parallel to the plane
larger than the planet
of orbit.
This is considered
one of the three
dwarf planets. It is
occasionally closer
to the Sun than
Neptune. It has a
solid, rocky surface
and a thin
atmosphere and it
has three moons.
The largest of the
two Martian moons.
It is about 25 KM
in length and
appears to have
grooves and chains
of smaller craters
that seem to
radiate out from a
large crater called
the ‘Stickney
a large dirty snowball
of dust, rock particles,
frozen water, methane,
and ammonia. The ice
and dust vaporize
forming a bright cloud
called a coma around
the nucleus. We have
a famous one that
orbits the Sun every
76 years.
The largest of
Saturn’s 47 moons.
It is larger than
the planet
Mercury and has a
thick atmosphere
of nitrogen, argon,
and methane.
One of the dwarf
planets. It was
discovered in
1801 and has an
average diameter
of 940 KM. It is
located within the
asteroid belt and
orbits the sun
about once every
4.6 years.
The name given
to a meteoroid
that gets
through the
atmosphere and
strikes Earth.
a cloud of gas and
dust in space. Some
are regions where
new planets or stars
are being formed,
while others are
the remains of dead
or dying planets or
stars. They are the
first and last stage
in the life of stars
and planets!
The name given
to small
meteoroids that
burn up in
fourth planet from the
Sun, called the red
planet because iron oxide
in rocks makes them has
polar ice caps reddishyellow, made mostly of
frozen CO2 and frozen
water, has the largest
volcano in the solar
system, has a thin
atmosphere of mostly
carbon dioxide, is tilted
on its axis, which causes
seasons, has two small
moons, Phobos and
This planet is second
from the Sun, similar
to Earth in size and
mass, has an
extremely dense
atmosphere of
clouds, it has high
levels of carbon
dioxide gas that
trap solar energy.
Discovered by
two amateur
astronomers in
1995. It was
the brightest
comet visible
from Earth in
20 years.
A large group of
comets surrounding
the solar system
beyond Pluto.
As a comet nears the
Sun its ices turn into
gases and plasma.
These gases form a
large glowing "head"
around the comet that
is called a "coma".
These gasses will trail
behind the comet
forming a tail. The
coma and tail make
comets look fuzzy as
they near the Sun.
the third planet
from the Sun, water
exists on this planet
surface as solid,
liquid, and gas, 70
percent of the
planet is covered
with water, has an
atmosphere that
protects the surface
from most meteors
and the Sun’s
This planet is closest
to the Sun, the 2ndsmallest planet, has
a weak magnetic
field that suggests
an iron core, has
many craters and
high cliffs, has no
true atmosphere, so
surface temperatures
range from very hot
to very cold.
a German
mathematician who
discovered that the
planet orbits were
elliptical and that
the Sun was not in
the center of the
orbits. He also
found that planets
don’t orbit the Sun
at the same speed.
Mariner 10
(in astronomy)
Great Red