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TRANSFORMERS Transformers are devices that are able to change the size of the _______ and consequently the size of the ______ of __.C. electricity. They are able to do this by using the __________ Currents to create changing ______ fields in the iron core at the centre of a coil of wire that has a known number of coils. This, the first coil the electrical energy passes through, is called the ______ coil . These changing magnetic fields are carried through the ____ core, and these fields then spring in and out of the iron core to cut another ____ of ____ with a different number of coils than the first. This second coil that the electrical energy passes through is called the _________ coil. As the changing ________ field lines cut through the _________ coil they create changing ________. The more coils there are in the secondary, the more ________ that is created by the field lines cutting through them. ALTHOUGH THE VOLTAGE MAY INCREASE, _______ CANNOT BE CREATED NOR DESTROYED AND SO THE_______ MUST DECREASE TO KEEP THE POWER IN AND THE POWER OUT THE SAME. THIS MEANS TRANSFORMERS ARE (ALMOST) ____% EFFICIENT. iron core IP VP VS = NS = IP VP NP IS IS NP NS VS POWER OUT = POWER IN VS x IS = VP x IP Where VS is the ……………………………………………….. Vp is the ……………………………………………….. IS is the ……………………………………………….. IP is the ……………………………………………….. NS is the ……………………………………………….. NP is the ……………………………………………….. The ratio of coils is the same as the ratio of _________, and the inverse of the ratio of __________. If the voltage increases it is a STEP ____ transformer. If the voltage decreases it is a STEP ____. NP NS Vp IP 100 2500 1000 500 200V 3000V 6A 1A 200 2000 50 000V 10000 POWER IN x VS IS = 5A 5000W 250A 200mA 2MW Where would you find the step up transformers? Where would you find the step down transformers? POWER OUT x = 1000V 200V 4000V 10A 10 000W 30A Up/Down?