Download Botany 6/16/2014 Kingdom Plantae

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Botany 6/16/2014 Kingdom Plantae 1) Plants are a) Photoautotrophic (make own energy) b) Multicellular c) Eukaryotic 2) All plants have: a) Cell walls, composed of cellulose b) Store their surplus carbohydrates in the form of starch c) Chloroplasts with chlorophyll 3) Plants share most of the characteristics with their ancestor green algae a) How are plants different from green algae? i. Plants are terrestrial ii. Structurally, biochemically, and reproductive adaptations to living on land 4) Living on Land A) The Cuticle i. Land plants are subject to dehydration ii. The cuticle is a waxy coating which prevents evaporation to aerials parts of plants. B) Stomata i. If water cannot evaporate across the cuticle, then oxygen and carbon dioxide cannot diffuse either ii. Stomata are small pores on the underside of leaves, which open and close to control movements of water, carbon dioxide, and oxygen. C) Gametangia (container for gametes) i. In algae gametes are developed and released into the water, embryo develops there ii. On land, all of these cells are in danger of drying out Plant Taxonomy a) botanists use the term division in place of the word phylum b) We will look at one division from each representative group. The groups reflect the order in which plants have had evolutionary “improvements” Groups: 1) Nonvascular Plants Division: Bryophyta Phyta=plants “mosses” 2) Vascular Plant (seedless) Division: Pterophyta “ferns” 3) Vascular Plants (seeds) Division: Coniferphyta (gymnosperms) 4) Flowering Plants Division: Anthophyta (angiosperms)