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Shakeology® FAQs
Is Shakeology vegetarian?
The only non-vegetarian ingredient is whey protein, which comes from milk.
With what kind of protein is it made?
The primary source of protein is from whey, which comes from milk. Whey is
one of the most bioavailable protein sources. Translation: it rapidly gets to
work on repairing your muscles and the amino acids are easily absorbed and
used by your body.
Is the whey protein antibiotic free?
Yes, the whey protein in Shakeology has been certified free of antibiotics
Does it contain caffeine?
Shakeology contains no caffeine. It does contain green tea extract, but the
caffeine has been removed.
There is no food coloring. How is one green and the other brown?
The ingredients (herbal powders, grass powders, vegetable powders,
spirulina, chlorella, plus some of the fruit and berry powders) make the color
green. The base of chocolate blend is also green, but the chocolate and cocoa
powders turn the color "chocolate."
Is Shakeology organic?
We have put every effort into making sure that these ingredients do not
contain pesticides, are not destroyed in processing, are produced using the
best of fair trade practices, and have many of the benefits of what is
considered "organic." So you might ask, "Why isn't it 'certified organic'?" The
experience of our development team has shown that sometimes certified
organic does not necessarily translate to higher quality. Certifying something
can simply jack up the price, especially with ingredients of this quality and
quantity. So we decided to focus on making sure the quality and integrity of
the product lives up to the promise, without asking you to pay the premium
it would cost for us to say it with a stamp of approval from a certification lab.
Shakeology mentions “whole-food ingredients”—what does this
mean? How can it be possible when it’s ground to a powder?
Shakeology uses several whole-food sources of nutrients, rather than using
only synthetic extracts or isolates (like some multivitamin pills). The benefit
of whole-food derived ingredients is that the nutrients are preserved as close
to their natural state as possible and are therefore delivered to your body in
the most holistic way possible. Your body will better absorb and more
efficiently use the nutrients from whole-food sources. The process of
converting a food from its natural state to a powder, if done incorrectly, can
destroy the nutrients in that food. With Shakeology, we ensure the highest
levels of nutrients are preserved through strict temperature-controlled drying
and processing.
Why is there fructose in Shakeology?
To give Shakeology its great taste and for a balanced, well-rounded
macronutrient profile we've used fructose. Fructose is a natural sugar found
in fruit and some vegetables. The good thing about fructose--as opposed to
glucose (table sugar) or high-fructose corn syrup (chemically altered sugar)-is that it is very low on the glycemic index (GI). This means that your body
sends it directly to the liver for absorption, which minimizes its impact on
insulin and blood sugar levels. The fructose in Shakeology is from non-GMO
(not genetically-modified) sources and is processed cleanly in GMP-certified
(Good Manufacturing Practice) facilities.
Is it OK to drink more than one shake per day? Or to replace more
than one meal per day?
Yes, but it is not recommended to replace more than 2 meals per day.
Can I drink this right before a workout?
Shakeology would be a better option than a full meal prior to working out.
However, if it’s immediately before a workout, you’d be better served by
something with more sugar and less fiber for rapid absorption, such as
Results and Recovery Formula or Meal Replacement.
Can I drink this right after a workout?
Again, it’s better than many other options available but less perfect than
something designed primarily for this purpose, such as Results and Recovery
Can I mix this in with food I'm cooking/baking?
Cooking or heating Shakeology would destroy many of the nutrients in
Shakeology and upset the nutrient balance. It’s highly recommended that
you drink it at room temperature or cooler.
Do I use a full scoop or just up to the line?
Use a full scoop to get the recommended serving (40 grams for Greenberry
and 48 grams for Chocolate).
Does this mean I don’t have to eat any more veggies?
Unfortunately, no. Fresh fruits and vegetables will always be important for a
healthy, balanced diet. Shakeology can help you fill in the nutritional gaps
that occur when you’re too busy to eat the right balance of fruits and
veggies. Plus, it’s much easier to tuck into a purse or backpack than a head
of lettuce!
Why does the chocolate have more protein?
The serving size for chocolate is 8 grams higher than for greenberry. The
extra ingredients added for the chocolate blend (mostly chocolate powder
and cocoa powder) add an additional 2 grams of protein for the serving size.
Is it safe for people with diabetes?
Since needs vary for each person with diabetes, it is recommended to check
with your doctor first. However, since Shakeology is a low-caloric meal
replacement, with a lower glycemic index than most meals, it should be
acceptable for most people with diabetes.
Can I give it to my kids? Is it safe for kids?
Since the needs of every child may vary, please check with your pediatrician.
However, since Shakeology is a healthy drink with low sugar and a wide
variety of nutrients, it is a much healthier option than many other drinks or
snacks on the market and should be appropriate for most children over the
age of 6. You may want to start out with a smaller serving size until you are
sure of the child’s tolerance. It is not recommended to give as a meal
replacement for children younger than six years old without first checking
with your pediatrician.
What about pregnant women and nursing mothers?
Shakeology should only be taken by pregnant women and nursing mothers
under the direction of their physicians.
Is it safe for celiacs or people with gluten allergies? It says glutenfree on the package, but the label lists wheatgrass and kamut grass
as ingredients.
After extensive testing, Shakeology has been found to be 100% gluten-free.
As such, Shakeology should be an appropriate snack or meal for people
suffering from gluten allergies or celiac disease. However, since individual
allergies and conditions vary, it is recommended to test a small dose first
before proceeding with a full serving.
Does Shakeology interfere with any medication?
While Shakeology has been tested as safe for most people, you should
always consult with your physician if you are on any medication (especially
heart medication, since Shakeology contains Vitamin K1) or if you have any
other unique health conditions.
Can someone with lactose-intolerance drink Shakeology even though
it has 15g of whey protein (which is derived from milk)?
Because needs vary for each person with lactose-intolerance, it is
recommended you check with your doctor first. However, the whey protein in
Shakeology is whey protein isolate , which is over 90% pure protein leaving
only 10% of the ingredient, or 1.5g, where some lactose can be found. In
addition, Shakeology is loaded with digestive enzymes—and Lactase is one of
them. Lactase is the enzyme that breaks down lactose and is found in overthe-counter products like Lactaid ®. So, given that Shakeology is made with
whey protein isolate and includes Lactase means that it may have a higher
likelihood of being acceptable for most people with lactose-intolerance. It’s
recommended that someone with lactose-intolerance start with a small dose
of Shakeology, monitor their body’s reaction and, if tolerant, slowly build up
to a full dose or take a half-dose at two separate times during the day.
I’ve tried Shakeology and seem to be experiencing digestive
discomfort. Does this mean Shakeology doesn’t work for me?
Not at all! For some people, experiencing digestive sensitivities is a normal
part of the cleansing process. It just means that your body is working hard to
eliminate the toxins built up in your system over several years. It will not get
flushed out in one day! Help your body to clean itself out more gently by
reducing your dosage to a ½ scoop once a day. Slowly build up to a ½ scoop
twice per day as your tolerance increases. You may then work up to one full
scoop per day. (Although it is perfectly fine to continue to use Shakeology as
2 small snacks (at a ½ scoop each) throughout your day.) For some people,
this process could take as long as three months.
Since every body reacts differently, if you continue to experience digestive
problems at lower dosages, please consult your doctor.
Should I continue to take ActiVit® or other multivitamins along with
Because of the way Shakeology is formulated, one shake pretty much covers
your body’s normal daily requirement for vitamins and minerals. However, if
you’re following a recommended exercise routine, your body is likely using
up those nutrients at a faster rate. For example, if you’re doing P90X® or
ChaLEAN Extreme®—hard-charging routines that burn more calories along
with vitamins and minerals—you may need some additional supplementation,
like ActiVit. Due to the digestive enzymes in Shakeology, taking ActiVit at the
same time you drink Shakeology will help your body to better absorb all the
Can I take Shakeology and P90X Peak Health Formula Vitamins?
If you are using P90X Peak Health Formula vitamins, then only 1
serving/scoop of Shakeology is recommended per day. If you are taking any
other supplements in addition to Shakeology and P90X Peak Health Formula
vitamins, then watch your total intake to ensure you do not exceed Tolerable
Upper Intake Levels for copper, magnesium, manganese, and zinc. The
Tolerable Upper Intake Level for copper is 10mg/day, for magnesium 350
mg/day, for manganese 11 mg/day, and for zinc 40mg/day.
I already have some Meal Replacement. Should I throw it out and
switch to Shakeology?
You don’t have to throw it out. Meal Replacement is a high-quality protein
shake. Shakeology offers a wide array of nutrients on top of protein.
Because Meal Replacement has higher sugar content and less fiber, a good
time to use it is around the time you are exercising (Results and Recovery is
also good for this purpose). Shakeology is a better option for a meal that’s at
least 2 hours before a workout or 1 hour afterwards.
Can I take this and Results and Recovery Formula?
Yes, but not together! Results and Recovery Formula should only be taken
during or after exercise, when you’ve been exhausting your body’s blood
sugar. At any other time, Shakeology would be your preferred option.
Should I still take an omega supplement?
While the flax seed, chia seeds and sacha inchi in Shakeology provide some
omega-3 fatty acids, it is still recommended to take the Core Omega-3™
supplement to meet your daily requirement.
How about Core Cal-Mag™?
The recommended daily allowance of calcium is 1,200mg/day for women and
1,500mg/day for post-menopausal women. Shakeology provides 500mg of
calcium, so it is recommended to supplement with Core Cal-Mag to meet the
daily recommended allowance. Due to the digestive enzymes in Shakeology,
taking Core Cal-Mag at the same time you drink Shakeology will help your
body to better absorb the nutrients.